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File: 92 KB, 309x475, The Casual Vacancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3114607 No.3114607 [Reply] [Original]

My god. This was fucking horrible. I tried. I really tried. Made it nearly 150 pages in before giving up. It is just so boring, disjointed and dry.

>> No.3114609

So, do you recommend it?

>> No.3114627

Does Voldemort come back in this one?

>> No.3114646


>> No.3114639

My mother loved it, but she also loved Eragon, so what the fuck does she know?

I'm glad it sucked. JK Rowling is a 1 hit wonder who got lucky with Harry Potter.

>> No.3114658


It does get better. Not a good book by any stretch of the imagination. It is still overcrowded with just too many characters and plots, sure they interconnect but some of the plots are just fucking boring (such as anything not involving the teenagers or that fucked up meth addict).

>> No.3114954

So is it like a sequel or what?

>> No.3114990

>>It is still overcrowded with just too many characters and plots, sure they interconnect but some of the plots are just fucking boring

Much like the Harry Potter books.

>> No.3115003 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 220x293, gross maaaannn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lev Grossman from Time called it:
>a big, ambitious, brilliant, profane, funny, deeply upsetting and magnificently eloquent novel of contemporary England, rich with literary intelligence and entirely bereft of bullshit.

>mfw I saw Lev Grossman's wikipedia page

>> No.3115033

The review pretty much sums up the book. Too many big words for no reason. She'll use 7 adjectives to describe each and every object in the room, for no fucking reason. Really slows the book down.

>> No.3115039

>reading anything by an author who made her name with fantasy novels

>> No.3115083

It was really boring.

>> No.3115091

It took a long time for it to really take off, but in the end I enjoyed it.

>> No.3115116

>reading anything by an author who made their name with fantasy novels but fantasy novels


>> No.3115119

A book shouldn't take 300 pages just to get interesting.

>> No.3115125

I know, that did put me off, but I read it anyway.

>> No.3115135

I wish I had your fortitude but I'd rather not read a book that is 3/4 struggle, 1/4 happiness

>> No.3115139

I hope you haven't tried to read Joyce

>> No.3115143

No, I have not.

>> No.3115146

The main reason I pulled through was because I was assigned to review it.

>> No.3115154

I work on a monthly student paper, yes.

>> No.3115152

>assigned to review it

Please tell me more, do you work for a newspaper or something?

>> No.3115182

It shouldn't be a surprise. JKR hasn't written a good book since The Goblet of Fire.

>> No.3115225
File: 430 KB, 398x400, 1343365708753.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Half Blood Prince isn't the best book

>> No.3115302

> best book
> not Order of the Pheonix

> dat Luna
> dat Hermione
> dat Neville
> dat climax
> dat motherfucking Umbridge

Harry Potter is a decent series but the one thing that stands out for me is how incredible Umbridge is as a villain

>> No.3115313
File: 316 KB, 656x656, abatab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, haven't had a villain like that since the last James Cameron movie

>> No.3115325

I chang my mind on whether HBP or OotP is th best in the series very other week.

>implying Goblet of fire wasn't the 2nd worst of the series, second only to Chamber of secrts

>> No.3115333
File: 66 KB, 679x427, 1288190568714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3115338

6 > 5 > 7 > 4 > 3 > 1 > 2

You know it to be true

>> No.3115362

I really don't want to pay for this book, but I'm number 204 out of 400 in line for requesting it at my library.

>"She'll use 7 adjectives to describe each and every object in the room, for no fucking reason."
>implying she didn't do that in every single one of the Harry Potter books

>> No.3115411

It is worse here. Oh my god so much worse. You have no idea.

>> No.3115420

why the FUCK would you want to read a book written by j.k. rowling that wasn't harry potter? why the fuck have so many of you actually read this?

>> No.3115426

Curiosity. Hopes that it would be good.

It really wasn't. I didn't even make it is far as OP. Only made it about 60 pages.

>> No.3115430

well basically now that she's a billionaire, she can write whatever she wants and don't give a fuck.

she's pretty much my role model

>> No.3115525

HBP was crap. Before that you got the feeling that Harry was an exceptional wizard (learning the patronus at 13, winning an international tournament, breaking out of Voldemort's imperio, training other wizards). Then in Half-Blood Prince you realize how crap he is when it turns out Snape was inventing spells at his age while he struggles to even cast spells without shouting. Voldemort meanwhile would have been becoming immortal while killing people and Harry's father would have been one of the few people in the country to be an animagus. All while Harry farts around playing quidditch and fawning after some ginger whore.

My god HBP ruined the series I dunno how you guys loved it. I made.

>> No.3116207

Harry was never that great. For fucks sake Book 1 established that. He was good at a few things but overall he is pretty average. Book 4 had that pretty heavy too and Book 5 had like an entire chapter dedicated to his angst of sucking.