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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 362 KB, 400x328, 82604224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3110174 No.3110174 [Reply] [Original]

>Woke up at 3pm on Wednesday
>Decided I wasn't going to sleep until I finished 3 poems
>Finish them at 8 am on Thursday
>Poems are phenomenal
>Still went to afternoon class on thursday
>Nearly collapsed asleep in class
>When I got home at 3:20pm I collapsed on my bed and slept until 2am
>Had the best sleep of my life

So this is what it feels like...to be a writer and a poet.

I wish I could avoid developing massive eye bags, but I honestly see no way around it.

>> No.3110175

post them or bullshit

>> No.3110179

yea prove it

>> No.3110181

I'd love to but I can't guys, if I ever want to submit them to a reputable Submission Review, I have to make sure never to have posted it anywhere before hand. Especially an open-source copyright free-for-all that is 4chan.

>> No.3110182

I don't think they're going to be amazing but I'm glad OP feels like she's made progress and committed herself in some way. Nonetheless, post poems.

>> No.3110186
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I'm a guy.

>> No.3110190

I think the fact that you're transgendered will increase your chances of publication. Assuming you're in any way good.

>> No.3110191


just post part of one. the whole thing will still be able to be submitted.

>> No.3110192

we're going to have another de corizon on out hands here...

>> No.3110196
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I don't know...

>> No.3110197


I don't know what that means.

>> No.3110198


Besides if you are writing solely for recognition, they probably aren't that good.

And if you are as talented as you say, Im sure they won't be the last phenomenal poems you write.

>> No.3110209

It's my artwork dammit! I'm not going to post it up in this shit-hole to a bunch of ass-clowns who will pretend to hate it, then rip it off in less than a week. It's happened before, won't happen again.

>> No.3110212


roachguy or that one paranoid shitty poet from a long thread ago detected

>> No.3110218

i dunno, i can sympathize with OP
i do a different, non-lit related creative work and i seriously stress the fuck out about showing anyone what i've done. i don't even complete most of what i start, too painful. i'm a neurotic mess while i'm working

>> No.3110222

> rip it off in less than a week.

No one here is that motivated, nor can I imagine anyone could have published it and got it out to a point where you could be made aware of it in that amount of time. If you can write 3 amazing poems in a day then I don't think your going to be struggling for new material anyway, just stare at your wallpaper for a few seconds and blow us away with a cleverly subtle metaphorical deconstruction on societies desire to put false faces over things founded around your imagery of said wallpaper.

>> No.3110239


But seriously, I think my poetry is special. It's fun to read, it's not ambiguous for the sake of ambiguity, layered meanings, and quite simply fun.

You don't have to strain your brain to understand it, but it certainly isn't shallow in the least. It's intentionally made it so that if you wanted to do close reading, you would notice that it's an intricately woven clothe, rather than a simple base fabric.

>> No.3110241
File: 28 KB, 250x224, rushhour2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3110242
File: 109 KB, 635x544, tumblr_m824xflYsw1rzs89so1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks /lit/ policeman. You are the dark night we deserve.

>> No.3110244

My favorite gif.

>> No.3110245
File: 491 KB, 350x272, 82014492.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How 'bout this one?

>> No.3110248 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.3110254

I love the yellow wallpaper. one of my favorite short stories.

>> No.3110252
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>> No.3110256
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>> No.3110258
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>> No.3110262
File: 1.90 MB, 316x213, 89l;.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3110266

so post fucking juvenalia

>> No.3110271
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>> No.3110292

That wasn't OP, just someone responding to her

>> No.3110295
File: 164 KB, 887x901, i__ve_lost_control_of_my_life_by_lolikips-d3aqep6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a girl.

>> No.3110306


not yet a woman

>> No.3110308

It's probably really bad OP. Go ahead and keep it to yourself.

>> No.3110311


>le epic new meme

>> No.3110314
File: 56 KB, 499x586, MfuOv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reverse psychogy eh?

It is effective...

>> No.3110317

no no no no, you are reading way too deeply into this. I was serious. It probably is really bad and we'll all laugh at it and make you feel bad. Don't post it.

>> No.3110318


This guy is right. Your description of your own work made me puke a little

>> No.3110320

It's probably really bad OP, but publish them here, you might actually get useful commentary.

>> No.3110323

I've posted poetry here before, and it's been ridiculed then terribly ripped off.

I have however gotten good feedback a bunch of times from our more moderate anons.

>> No.3110326


You honestly believe someone cared enough about you work to rip it off? You truly believe this?

>> No.3110329

When I say ripped off, I mean that I posted my poetry in my own thread, then 3-4 days later there was a "OC poetry" thread, and some anon wrote something like a watered down version of my poem.

It pissed me off greatly.

>> No.3110333

I'd like to know how you found out how someone ripped you off on an anonymous imageboard.

Spoiler Alert: His idea was so unoriginal that millions before him wrote it and wrote it better

>> No.3110336


I don't believe you. You probably mistook a coincidence for intention

>> No.3110339

You don't have to pal, I've got my reasons. Perhaps one day, if I'm ever published or start making a name for myself, I'll like be like Towl Lin and covertly advertise myself on /lit/ so that I can bring myself to your attention.

>> No.3110343


Every young writer here has the same dreadfully hopeless ambition

>> No.3110348

Most young writers become failed writers. But some don't.

Know which ones don't? The lucky ones.

>> No.3110349


That depends on your definition of success.

If it's money, you're half right.
If it's merit, you're dead wrong.

>> No.3110357

Sir, I was very careful of my words. A lot of the time, you find that writers of the greatest merit don't get "found out" or appreciated until after they're dead.

There are plenty of NY best sellers that deserve to be homeless.

But sometimes, there are lucky authors, who are both talented and earn warranted sucess.

Cormac "the Dawg" McCarthy.

Everything about that fucken man gives me hope.

>> No.3110368


Why mention McCarthy out of any number of more worthy examples that fit what you're describing?

>> No.3110369

You have to stop.

>> No.3110372


Such as?

>> No.3110375


>talented and earn warranted sucess.

Dickens, Pynchon, Faulkner, T.S. Eliot, on and on and on and on

>> No.3110377
File: 22 KB, 265x265, 1351743310201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me.

>> No.3110381

Why is it that when someone uses a Patrick Bateman reaction pic I feel like I can't take anything they say/have said seriously?

>> No.3110382

Because you're probably right in assuming that.

>> No.3110383

threads over guys. This kid is actually autistic.

>> No.3110384

Pathetic same-fag troll loser desperate for attension.

>> No.3110386
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>> No.3110387



>> No.3110433


past your bedtime

>> No.3110440
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Drat, I've been foiled once again.

>> No.3110461

this entire thread is terrible

>> No.3110463

I love you /lit/