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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 360x360, on the road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3107462 No.3107462 [Reply] [Original]

itt: if book covers were faithful to the content

>> No.3107466

>inb4 50 shades of sasha grey

>> No.3107467
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Eeeee eee Eeeee
by Tao Lin

>> No.3107474

I don't get it.

Tao Lin is a pretty great writer in my opinion

>> No.3107482

He is not.

>> No.3107485

of course you would think that, tao

>> No.3107488
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>> No.3107494


I was disappointed. I thought the title would be Infinite Jest.

>> No.3107495

source on that photographer. I went to an exebition of their work and it was the creepiest experiance of my life

>> No.3107499
File: 87 KB, 568x868, highbrow quality comedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy it

>> No.3107512

Quick, throw the towel in!

>> No.3107515
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>Dat file name.

>> No.3107527

I don't get how narcissus = anders breveik?

>> No.3107540


It's narcissistic not to want your homeland culturally enriched.

>> No.3107571

Post-modern works deal a lot with footnotes, aren't they?

>> No.3107621
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>hating On the Road

Wow so edgy OP. Cool story incoming: for some strange coincidence, every person I've met IRL who hated On the Road were bitter, boring cunts who read books in order to appear "sophisticated" as opposed as, you know, enjoying a book for its flaws. Oh and they couldn't understand jazz music

tl;dr: Nobody likes you OP. When you go to parties and start talking about Joyce, everyone just wants you to STFU

>> No.3107629

How many times have you seen the movie already bud?

>> No.3107633

>enjoying a book for its flaws
more flaws = better book?

>> No.3107662




not necessarily, but when the "flaws" add to something (narrators' character, pacing of the story) then I don't see what the problem is.

Listen, I am not calling OTR "DA BOOKS EVAR" but its surprising to me the amount of hate this books gets on /lit/ and on circlejerking "literary circles". Even if you absolutely hate the prose (which IMO is one of the best I've see) you have to admit the book it is an important period piece that influence many important writers from that era. To write off as the drunken rambling of some womanizer is completely moronic

>> No.3107664


*da best book evar

>> No.3107707
File: 80 KB, 568x868, because i didn't have a picture with enough gay sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What jazz do you listen to?
>inb4 The Birth of Cool, Bitch's Brew, the list can go on

I've suggested Art Van Damme in jest before but he's bretty good

>> No.3107738


Art Ensemble of Chicago, Mingus, Gillespie, Moondog, P. Sanders, Leon Thomas, Monk.....

>> No.3107743

Oh, it is so fucking cool to shit on a book that is getting into mainstream because of a movie or whatever. I am not saying that I am a big fan of the novel, but it was more than descent. Once again OP is a huge faggot.

>> No.3107763

I despise the general resurgence of the whole beatnick ideology. I will become homicidal if I have to listen to many more drunken conversations about finding a dream, a talent, a purpose, an exhalation that can feed the world (or any such similar shit)

On the road falls on its ass about half way through and was painful to finish reading. Kerouac should have done us all a favor and died of pneumonia as he recalled sleeping on a bench in some no-name town.

>> No.3107770


but Kerouac hated "beatniks".....

>> No.3107846

>talking about literature at parties at all

>> No.3107877


the last trip/chapters were the best of the books, and you're a dense motherfucker for not realizing it

>> No.3107907

Stay boring, bourgeois scum.

>> No.3107946

you shouldnt draw generalizations from your highschool or college experience and offer them like some deep insight about humans, even if your favorite authors do it. makes you look stupid and provincial.

>> No.3107956
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roger ballen

>> No.3108000

every one on /lit/ are so smart and original. I have never read a cliche from any of you. This anti plebeian, philosopher community is just incredible. All of you are bright and sophisticated human beings that stand out in the crowd of billions of idiots. I congratulate you. I am enjoying my stay here for about a month now. Yes. I am a newfag. And never have I ever felt so at home, you fucking faggots.You have to get on the floor. Everybody walk the dinosaur.

>> No.3108010
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And you shouldn't make assumptions about my past education and experiences. And even worse, you shouldn't be assuming I was heralding Kerouac about "muh human condition", when I clearly stated here >>3107662 why

Makes you look retarded

>> No.3108073

ok, then tell me who has been influenced by kerouac. what makes him important?

>> No.3108099

wow it's not often I see /lit/ actually have fun

>> No.3108100


Richard Brautigan, Lester Bangs, Ken Kesey, Hunter Thompson, Tom Wolfe, all I can remember off the top of my head. Not to mention a shit load of musicians were inspired by it (Bob Dylan, the Beatles, Tom Waits)

>what makes him important?

I don't know, how about being one the main driving forces of a movement that helped change our society during the 1960s, not only literally but regarding spirituality, race, and sexual orientations?

>> No.3108107

I like you.

>> No.3108109

>I don't know, how about being one the main driving forces of a movement that helped change our society during the 1960s, not only literally but regarding spirituality, race, and sexual orientations?

so he helped promote mass degeneracy, what a swell guy.

>> No.3108110


I know eh? the fucking nerve of sum ppl

>> No.3108115

>what makes him important?

Average intelligence of your On The Road hater

>but but...its only a randum book bout some hobosexual travellin' around. Shits boring bro

>> No.3108132

the world would be a much better place if the beatniks had never existed. or had been locked up in corrective facilities for their sodomite antics.

>> No.3108141

No you're the humorless boring cunt.

>> No.3108143

so basically his friends were influenced by him, inside a social bubble that tends to happen. writers of other generations? not so much. he will be forgotten like every pop persona.
and HST didnt like on the road or kerouac... "fear and loathing" could have easily been made without kerouac's influence, it's not like he invented driving around in cars.

>> No.3108147

>I will become homicidal if I have to listen to many more drunken conversations about finding a dream, a talent, a purpose, an exhalation that can feed the world (or any such similar shit)

Serious question: are you some kind of Republican?

>> No.3108148
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say that to my face fucker not onrine

>> No.3108150


I am assuming you haven't read HST's letters

In which case I won't even bother talking to scum like yourself who've read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and now are "experts" on the matter

>> No.3108151

/lit/ favourite Thomas Pynchon owes a great deal to Kerouac. I don't like the Beats myself, but to deny their cultural and literary influence is absurd. For better or for worse, "On the Road" has influenced virtually everything that came after it.

>> No.3108154

them Japs are crazy
you gotta love 'em

>> No.3108155

Not to diminish the influence of Kerouac or anything, but it's a pretty crafty take on the template established by the somewhat superior The Air-Conditioned Nightmare by Henry Miller.

>> No.3108160

Yeah typical moral coward. GJ backpedaling away from a po-faced response to a book cover parody that was clearly meant irreverently.

>> No.3108161



>his friends

None of the guys I've mentioned were "his friends". See how I clearly didn't mention any writers of his circle of friends?

Go to the fucking "influence" section of On the Road's wiki and knock yourself, I'm sure there are more I forgot to mention over there

>> No.3108163


but your own post before the image was irrelevant.....

>> No.3108164

>"On the Road" has influenced virtually everything that came after it.
hahaha oh wow

no, what did he write about kerouac? no need to obfuscate.

>> No.3108165
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>> No.3108170

- the most influential beat was Burroughs

- the most insufferable beat was ginsberg in his later years

- the most drunkest beat was Kerouac, who did not view himself as a counter-cultural figure

>> No.3108178

But at the end of the day, they're all dead beats.

>> No.3108180
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>> No.3108286
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hey, /lit/. i need a great poem on equality or friendship. about how all the world should be living in peace and shit. help me out please.

>> No.3108333

Harry Potter series.

>> No.3108342


>> No.3108345

>ok, then tell me who has been influenced by kerouac
/lit/'s lord and savior Thomas Pynchon. He also calls "On the Road" one of the greatest American novels.

>> No.3108347

>postmodern Irony

>> No.3108353

yeah, it must be like when dfw said "the stand" is his favourite book.

>> No.3108360

Or like how James Joyce and Ayn Rand have the same birthday.

>> No.3108642

>the most insufferable beat was ginsberg in his later years


>> No.3108656

>, every person I've met IRL who hated On the Road were bitter, boring cunts who read books in order to appear "sophisticated" as opposed as, you know, enjoying a book for its flaws.
Funny all the people I know who rave about Kerouac come across as twats, they're also usually really poorly read.

>> No.3108697


>more than descent

>> No.3108748
File: 48 KB, 1024x868, Panzer Dragoon Saga Atolm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh shit I'm glad I wandered into this thread on accident. This is wonderful. Thanks