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/lit/ - Literature

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3105038 No.3105038 [Reply] [Original]

whats wrong with people these days? calling someone who thinks 1984 is a "long" book a bookworm??? fuck

>> No.3105044

also facebook illiteracy general

>> No.3105047

And you weren't flattered?

>> No.3105048


>> No.3105052

How do you take 3 weeks overdue to read a 300 page book? I mean I can understand two weeks if you're going through a particularly busy time but three?

>> No.3105053
File: 105 KB, 500x280, Charlie Brown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>268 pages.

>> No.3105059

I don't understand. How can they possibly think that 1984 is long? What sort of books do they normally read?

Even by total normalfag standards 1984 is pretty brief.

>> No.3105062


it fucking astounds me as well. at this rate Catcher in the Rye will be a monumental epic by 2013

>> No.3105063

For comparison, Stephanie Meyer's first Twilight bowel-movement was 498 pages.

Granted, most of that length was pointless and a result of formatting, but the point still stands.

People are more willing to read clumsy 500 page books than they are well-written 250 page ones.

>> No.3105067


She probably didn't even read it.

>> No.3105068

Lmao I read 1984 when I was 12.

But still, this kind of ableism is uncalled for.

>> No.3105076

I sometimes take 2 or 3 weeks to read, say, 500 pages because of work or something but this is just on a whole new level.

>> No.3105081

Will you students stop posting your myface tweets. This is a place to discuss literature, not point out the idiocy of your friends.

>> No.3105085
File: 3.00 MB, 3264x2448, 20121101_011616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell, just got Infinite Jest in the mail a few days ago and it's about as big as my dictionary. How the fuck am I going to read this on the bus?

>> No.3105090

I'm sorry Professor Nofun I'll get right back to my schoolwork.

>> No.3105092

Infinite Jest is hardly a book to read on a bus.

>> No.3105101

At least they are reading.

>> No.3105105

This reminds me of that time I gave up reading Animal Farm because it was to long.

>> No.3105110


I'm assuming you were 10.

>> No.3105111


No they're not. If they were reading, they wouldn't be on Facebook rambling about the length of Nineteen-Eighty-Fucking-Four. Or how expensive it is; I ordered my copy (overseas, mind you) from Amazon for 10 €.

>> No.3105119
File: 12 KB, 385x335, you missed the joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3105121

If Nineteen Eighty-Four was long, any "booklist of novels" is bound to be impossible to "tackle".

>> No.3105140

The length doesn't matter, what matters is the plot, the content of the book.
Anyway, WTF? in what world is 1984 long?

>> No.3105170



>> No.3105178

How does it feel that they just completely ignored your comment OP?

>> No.3105193

>reading for plot
>not reading huge ass door stoppers for the image it gives you

i read every single word of finnegan's wake. Couldn't tell you what it was about but people are impressed when i say it.

>> No.3105195

don't mind it one bit. i think my point got across.

a dystopian one perhaps

>> No.3105223

300 words is a one sitting book, Jesus.

>> No.3105240

Is Infinite Jest so good?Worth reading?

>> No.3105301

>no time to read
>plenty of time to post inane shit on facebook
>plenty of time to pose for instagram pictures

Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.3106049

It is the greatest experience I've ever had. Twice-over.

It is worth the work. Trust DFW. It all comes together and makes sense. Just plow through the trying parts. Read the footnotes. I felt like a king both times I finished it.

>> No.3106057



>> No.3106062


True IJ fans bypass the size issue by ripping the book in half with the footnotes paper-clipped to the back of whatever half you're reading.

>> No.3106066


>300 words

Hardy har har


My copy was free because I stole it from the school library.

Bitchez n hoez

>> No.3106069


>not xeroxing the entire book to slip the footnotes mechanically in at your leisure, while keeping an original copy at your side for posterity or reading during travel
>thinking you're an IJ fan

>> No.3106072

i've been reading anna karenina for 4 years

>> No.3106083


I've been reading Brideshead Revisited for 7

>> No.3106091


I've been reading Ulysses for 3

>> No.3106123 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 797x1140, 1348591624712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an English speaker exclusively.

What language should I learn to better appreciate world literature?

In other words, what non-English language has the best literature?

>> No.3106138


It depends. I learnt Mandarin and then Japanese so I could read modern eastern literature. For me that sort of literature is the most enriching of all the languages (I've read some French in the past) in terms of how I find it relates to literature in English.

However, if you just want a grounding in literary and philosophical ideals probably German is the best language to read in.

On the other hand spanish and latin american literature has really come into its own in the last fifty years and is really worth a try in its native language.

Despite being fluent in French. I've never got into the literature. I can't personally recommend it.

>> No.3106140

More or less tedious. I couldn't stand reading Ulysses.

>> No.3106196

what....it took me a week. what have you been doing all these years?

>> No.3106205

Suddenly I feel proud of myself for reading 1984 in one day.
It was for school and since I did (and still do) procrastinate a lot I started reading late in the afternoon and was done about 2 in the morning.

>> No.3106213


ITT: The functionally literate.

inb4 I have aspergers adhd ptsd autism social disorders a busy life and a side of fries[/spoilers]

>> No.3107192

I've been reading Suicide Note since Mitchell Killed himself.

>> No.3107227

Those are the kind of people who think that wearing glasses and having pop-culture reference graphic tees means that they are "lolnerd". I hate them with all of my hard.

>> No.3107285

She didn't read it. She didn't even get it out of the library. She's a little liar. Without even opening the book, you would see that 1984 is a thin volume. She's assuming that 1984 is long without having seen it. I hate her very being.

>> No.3107920

>mfw I've read almost 200 pages of The Brothers Karamazov already today and I've only just got home

>> No.3107949

what a badass, guys he only just got home.

how the fuck do you read 200 pages in one sitting of that book, i quit after jesus was in the inqusition

>> No.3107953

It's taken me 10 days to read half of Les Miserables and I was ashamed I was keeping a slow pace for what I normally read.

This thread makes me feel better about myself.

>> No.3107955

it's easy when the only alternative is facewatching the jaded poor people sitting on the bus with me. it's also a really compelling book.

>> No.3107999

>Didn't enjoy the grand inquisitor

Are you actually a /lit/izen or just visiting?