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[ERROR] No.29405[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The true ideology of those who are fit and lit is Fascism. Discuss

>> No.29414


>> No.29427

>not independent
Stay beta

>> No.29460

Sure I guess
A free market is more productive and allowed for more leisure time for its citizens

But whatever

>> No.29489


>> No.29517

Fascism is espoused by broken and insecure people who need or at least desperately want support and reinforcement from society. They're thirsty for approbation; what they think and how they live must get the thumbs-up from others.

This mentality is neither lit nor fit. Both are small sects of the population who improve themselves without giving a shit at all about the hoi polloi.

>> No.29536

>Fascism is espoused by broken and insecure people who need or at least desperately want support and reinforcement from society. They're thirsty for approbation; what they think and how they live must get the thumbs-up from others.

kind of like fit lit

>> No.29601

implying fitizens don't achieve a level of self sufficiency and confidence from training in the gym, and lit, well i suppose they're well read and knowledgeable. the marriage of the two would lead to the true ideology which is democracy and capitalism. both put the emphasis on the individual to strive for success and go out and vote for what they care for, or hop on a platform and espouse what they care for, succeed in their career and spread their wealth to suppliers of their desires or create appealing goods and services that others will desire.

>> No.29620

Cultural Fascism (leaving out economics) promotes the active and intentional betterment of the society and nation through the betterment of the individuals. A healthy and strong populus makes for a healthier progeny, and therefore a stronger future for the state.

>> No.29635

So why Soviets were considered the most reading nation in the world?

>> No.29636

Mussolini's Fascism that appreciated the ancient greek form yes.

>> No.29643
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itt: people who dont know what fascism is
totalitarianism is never good, stop being contrarian

>> No.29666

are you actually autistic enough to conflate fascism and totalitarianism?

>> No.29746

>most reading
It seems like you were """""""educated""""""""" there as well.

>> No.29750
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>reading books

>who is Giovanni Gentile

>> No.29756

How bout we just decide it with our fists?

>> No.29763
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Cause what else do you have to do in the bread line?

>> No.29766

I was talking about productivity and leisure time, not simply reading.

USSR was such a massive shithole and countless other capitalist counties industrialized far faster and better than they did.

>> No.29786
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>> No.29788

name one fascist govt that wasn't totalitarian

>> No.29796
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>> No.29818

True fitness and litness transcends ideological boundaries

>> No.29822

This isn't even true. It's probably Japan or some shit

It also helps that Soviets had shitty TV that wasn't worth watching.

>> No.29851
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What an embarrassing, obviously-orchastrated/preprepared "epic" takedown moment.

>Find random guy who will inevitably say something stupid among the billion or so people in the internet
>Copy paste your epic "and thene veryone clapped" monologue
>Reap in e-penis points by embarrassing idiots that don't immediately roll their eyes at stuff like this.

>> No.29859

>countless other capitalist counties industrialized far faster and better than they did
Name one

>> No.29883
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Nazi germany created the fitness culture, copied by the soviets and the from the soviets by the americucks and the rest of the world.

>> No.29884

>not Greek democracy

idiotic barbarian, you do not truly know that which your body is capable of nor do you appreciate the finer parts of politics.

>> No.29896

jewish lies

>> No.29910

We are all fashy goys in here

>> No.29972

Russia has always been very literate

>> No.30047
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>Implying ((( democracy ))) (Tyranny of the majority) is a good system.


>> No.30049
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Being fit, self educated and self-thinking, as well as understanding that not everyones opinion matters is a very fashy thing.

Democracy is for small dealings that matter little, not for government.

>> No.30070

A greek styled democracy is a fantasy in todays world. The only condition in which the system would work is a small homogenous community of white people.

>> No.30099


>> No.30131

russians are inherently comic for that reason, you can never know if they are refined old world europeans or funny steppe barbarians.

>> No.30144
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>The only condition in which the system would work is a small homogenous community of white people.
Then why is the only current Greek style Democratic Confederation a small group of Kurds, Arabs, and Assyrians?

>> No.30252

So the United States government?

>> No.30263
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just racially and culturally homogeneous.

>tfw live in meskinville, Texas and actually like hispanic people and culture but you start to feel isolated and just wish you could see white people again and that feeling is starting to make you resent hispanics.

I didnt ask for these feels

>> No.30275

Kurds? Kucks more like it, haha. Just wait till they stop being useful to their NATO handlers and then we'll see. Building socialist utopia is damn near impossible, specially when your population has an average IQ of 80, they all want to genocide each other and half of them are literall bloodthirsty islamists

>> No.30280

Go back to ironycel twitter.

>> No.30343

is there anything more basic/numale/reddit than supporting muh kurds?

>> No.30402

>strong man worship

literal cuck

>> No.30439

Every country in the world except communist countries.

>> No.30445

There's nothing gay about appreciating the beauty of the male form

>> No.30463


>> No.30508
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there's beauty in male brotherhood too. There is no bond more precious than that which exists between two Warriors

>> No.30544

but what does that have to do with fascism

>> No.30611

>emphasis on the individual
nigga u dum

>> No.30624
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>leftists hate this

>> No.30635

you're included in the majority you nit. tyranny of the majority by votes and chosen partitioning of earned currency therefore uplifting valued agenda's of the whole. people who want fascism don't live in an oppressive regime and have too much time on their hands or are too lazy and lack dedication to see their own goals through. in the US, you can achieve nearly anything if you work to the bone for a few decades. if that sounds awful to you then i can't save you.

>> No.30643

Fascism is pleb-tier

>> No.30754

>what is present progressive
Maybe you should reading more

>> No.30757

what does appreciation for the male form have to do with wanting to give up all power to the state (more specifically to one person or small group of people)

>> No.30861

A strong daddy state is for women and girly boys who can't take care of themselves. We admire true power and drive. Gods among men.

>> No.30952

Needing someone else to guide your life is for the weak.

>> No.30972


>> No.30982

fuck you. kill yourself. etc.

>> No.31001

That's why we reject SJW and Marxism, which are literally the establishment now. What can be less edgy than obeying the fag establishment

>> No.31007


also /lit/ should just have it's own general thread and not make 20 threads with single questions.

>> No.31033

So what happens if you become the establishment?

Did you just admit that your neo-fascism fantasy is all just edgy contrarianism?

>> No.31063

>The establishment is Marxist

I'll give you that it is SJW but wtf man

>> No.31088
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no, because unlike the leftist, who believes only in worshipping weakeness, I believe in Honor, Discipline, Power and Brutality- the values of our noble warrior ancestors. I shall never kneel before the Weak

>> No.31089
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I hail from /pol/ and I can say yes this is true.
>I lift 6 days a week
>I read in my freetime

School makes it hard to read things I want to read.
>I am currently reading The Bell Curve
>On page 76

>> No.31093

except most '''fascists''' are only internet denizens who are neither fit or well-read

>> No.31095

a fascist state is a strong daddy state. you're a homo who wants to get dicked by a strong man.

>> No.31191

>i lift and read and i consider myself a fascist
>must be universal

>> No.31210

>tfw leftists have spent centuries writing thousands of ponderous philosophical tomes arguing their ideas
>tfw us fashy goys can just BTFO them all with a single infographic about negro cranial metrics

>> No.31288
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>not being a futurist/anarcho-fascist

>> No.31310
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It is pretty handy.

I also recommend
>The Culture of Critique - Dr. Kevin McDonald
>Hitler's War - Respected Historian David Irving

Also some fun reading
>The Clansman

>> No.31331

>Nazi germany created the fitness culture
the Greeks did
in the West at least
Orientals were too busy jerking each other off while eating gold

>> No.31335

>Fascism is espoused by broken and insecure people who need or at least desperately want support and reinforcement from society.
Then why do trannies and other insecure folk always seek reassurement from today's liberal society??

>> No.31352
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The true ideology of those who are fit and lit is Objectivism.

a socialist with dreams of racial purity is still a socialist

>> No.31448

scratch any AnCap and you will find a fascist underneath yearning to break free

>> No.31466
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For the Fascist either Anarchy nor Totalitarianism are our end goals, but they are means to an end. Futurism, the path to a Fascist society though Anarchy, demands the annihilation of the existing temporal social order and its institutions in order to start from scratch so that a more organic rebirth can occur straight though all the natural organic processes.

the other path to a Fascist society, though totalitarianism, means utilizing the mechanical state Leviathan in order to create a protective outer shell that would fall away once a new generation has been grown that would by default act according to what was previously enforced by mechanical means of total control

Fascism though totalitarianism allows for the weak average commoner to be a part of fascist society, but he is constantly constrained by the system to make sure he does not cause any damage to the restoration process or "incubation" of the future generation. this ensures that the new generation recives the proper education and understanding required to no longer need the strict control of totalitarianism, thus once the old weak generation dies off the system can be safely dismantled by the newer generation.

Fascism through Anarchy requires much higher standards, it demands everyone who wishes to become part of the natural restoration to be capable of self-discipline, of having their order originate form within, otherwise they are worthless and need to be babysat all the time. thus fascism though Anarchy is more radical and does not tolerate weakness and thus the weak have no place. it also places less emphasis on the "nation" as nationalism merely serves as a vehicle of the weak in many cases.
the Totalitarian on the other hand requires nationalism as it represents the widest extension of deeper "tribal" kinship bonds, and since humans have yet to bridge the gap where we can have intense feelings of care for non-kin the "nation" becomes a necessary fiction for the sake of unity.

>> No.31479
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the Leninist-Communist Totalitarians attempted a similar idea, a "rebirth" of man as Homo-Sovieticus
but their rejection of hierarchy and unwillingness to sacrifice the weak and keep them on the narrow path lead to the breakdown of that dream.
they spread the net too wide and lost their fish.
beyond this they (like capitalists) only embrace the physical and material which is only one aspect of the True Self, thus the resulting "New Soviet Man" is a stunted diminutive slave instead of a full higher being.
Himmler's SS was the Totalitarian fascist equivalent to this project, a small elite core "incubated" by the larger mother state, like a delicate kangaroo pup.

for the Anarch you only have singular men cultivating themselves and seeking to bring down society, while the harder path history seems to point to this as being the most sustainable.

Fascism though Anarchy is both the most difficult, and yet the most attainable for any single man.

>> No.31648

He looks just as retarded as they do

>> No.31665

Totalitarianism is sometimes necessary
the state is like the egg which protects the embryonic Overman

>> No.31714
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>> No.31760

This is pretty confusing because fascism is a hardcore daddy state. It's literally yielding to a dictator daddy government that rules all.

>> No.31793

Peron's Argentina

>> No.31845

I'd prefer libertarianism, but agreed