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/lit/ - Literature

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3099002 No.3099002[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I have a problem. It's not strictly lit related but I figured I'd find the most sympathizers here.

In short, my girlfriend is basically one of those drooling zombies from Infinite Jest.

We've been together a few years, and at first we were really well matched intellectually.....we used to talk about heavy 'existential' type of things, and she was definitely the smartest person I'd ever met.

In terms of like raw IQ I'd say she still is.

But lately I've found her to be incredibly boring. She has no interests....at all. Outside of work all she does is watch tv or browse the internet or play video games, anything that's upper case e Entertainment. The catch is, though, she realizes those things are bad for her and does them...not ironically, per se, but without any illusions.

As for me, I've taken a big interest in lit stuff, especially after reading camus and realizing that all the stuff I was thinking of in my own crude terms was shit people had already been writing about. If I had to sum up what takes up the vast majority of my head-space I'd probably say "Culture"--how it manifests, what things mean, etc etc, big picture stuff. Dialectical materialism is a term I'm familiar with.

I have friends I shoot the shit with about this stuff but it's increasingly becoming something I think more and more about and as a result it's creating a gulf between my girlfriend and I, who, while being super intelligent and really freakin intuitive, has zero motivation to learn any more than she already knows.

>> No.3099005

I feel like I'm 'surpassing' her on some level and it sucks. I find that when I'm with her I'm no longer in my natural state that I am with other friends, as in, I can't just speak my mind because I'm sure she won't be interested at all in what I'm talking about. I really don't want to wind up as one of those couples who stick together out of complacency and have nothing in common.

I've tried turning her onto some of my interests, like, I showed her a few zizek clips on youtube, she made an effort to read a few books along with me (after a lot of cajoling), etc. at first she liked zizek but then I showed her a few more and she said he was 'boring' and other generally stupid things, which kinda bummed me because she doesn't say stupid things often at all. She dropped out of every book we tried to read along all about 50 pages in.

Look, I'm not one of those elitists who thinks readers are some superior class of being. I know plenty of people who read weighty literature or are into 'high culture' yet manage to be totally vapid and dumb...most neoliberals, for example. or hell, how about half the people on this board, lol. Or I've met a lot of girls who read similar stuff I do and they're really lame... But at least there's a motivation to learn....I can't stand that my girlfriend has literally no interests. Nothing, she cares about absolutely nothing!

>> No.3099009

Worst of all, whenever I try to subtly approach how it bothers me that we don't have good conversations anymore, she gets all defensive about how I think I'm so much smarter than her or whatever, which alienates the hell out of me. I KNOW that if she had the motivation to think about things more in-depth she'd have a lot of great insights and we'd have really stimulating talks, but she simply doesn't have the motivation. She's content to say "Whatever it's all bullshit anyway and nothing matters, let's just get high, play a video game, and fantasize about not having miserable work-a-day lives."

I'm at a loss. I won't stay with a girl who isn't interesting, but it's not so simple...like I keep saying, she is really smart, just, I don't know, nihilistic or something, and it's really unattractive.


>> No.3099013

fuck off

>> No.3099016

/lit/ - Your therapist

>> No.3099020 [DELETED] 

>But lately I've found her to be incredibly boring. She has no interests....at all.

this is what happens when you're a selfish existential pseudo intellectual suffering with severe autism, trying to find gaps and negative traits in other human beings. read up some eastern philosophy to get an idea what it is to be a loving person.

>reading Camus
>thinking you're any good yourself

jesus fucking christ kid, take your head out of your ass

>> No.3099030


not at all. I just miss the closeness we used to have...she's still the person I identify with most but when I feel like our range of conversation is limited because she doesn't know or care about anything I care about, well, it makes for a lonely relationship sometimes. I resent her a bit for this but I don't look down on her, not in so many words.

but what do you mean about the eastern philosophy thing and being a 'loving person'? i'm still sifting through continental stuff that deals more with highfalutin Theory, I'd always got the impression most eastern stuff was kinda shallow or misguided/simplistic

>> No.3099040
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>I showed her a few zizek clips on youtube
9/10 OP. Not sure if real or not.

If so, just try talking to her, dummy! You seem to be setting criteria she needs to meet without letting her know what these criteria are.

Maybe you should evaluate just how important these criteria are to you. You say you've read Camus, well how absurd are relationships, man? If there's an emotional connection there, do you want to sacrifice that because she doesn't talk existentialist to you?

>> No.3099042

>this is what happens when you're a selfish existential pseudo intellectual suffering with severe autism, trying to find gaps and negative traits in other human beings

oh God. This sentence. My eyes.

>> No.3099049

does that sentence resemble you? :)

>> No.3099060


it reads like some freshman who just got a B- in PSY 122, drank too much coffee, and started sputtering a bunch of buzzwords.

>> No.3099068
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>> No.3099076


"just try talking to her"

you know, this is like...a good answer almost all the time and it amazes me that I hadn't really consciously thought of it, especially when my answer to other people's problems often is "just communicate, dude..."

I just had the realization that my 'subtly' probably comes off as condescension....I have this thing where I'm the most inarticulate fucker imaginable face to face so whenever I'm talking to her about something we're not already on the same page on I kinda lapse into involuntary, like, obscurantism or something out of impatience, and it makes it that much harder to meaningfully talk.

thanks, 4chan, for the measured advice. wasn't sure I could count on you but holy shit lol.

>> No.3099081

No, I think it's an accurate representation of your grammar as well.

>> No.3099087
File: 248 KB, 500x375, You Better Be Joking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gf studies theology

>> No.3099090

says the 16 year old elitist with a PhD in Psychology that hasn't seen the daylight since birth and is forced to dwell in his mother's basement

>> No.3099106


>> No.3099108
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>> No.3099118

Join her OP. Give in to the bright allure of full time TV. It's not that hard, you just need the motivation to start. There are enough TV shows to get hooked on to never turn the TV off. Start with The Kardashians, Big Bang theory and My Name is Earl. You can both stare into the black mirror together.

>> No.3099167

It's obvious OP, your GF is a nihilist

>> No.3099212
File: 39 KB, 540x500, bread_onwoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro u cant do shit to change ur gf's habits or interests. if it bothers you that much break up with the bitch.