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/lit/ - Literature

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3095058 No.3095058[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If women find intelligence attractive then why are you single?

>> No.3095060

If you read books, why aren't you smart?

>> No.3095061

the people on this board aren't what you would consider to be truly intelligent.

>> No.3095062

>Cause I'm not that smart
>Cause I've never met a woman who wasn't a fictional character who I was attracted to
But who knows, maybe that will change someday.

>> No.3095063

this, ignore their misogynistic rants

they are just stupid at heart and brain

>> No.3095065
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>> No.3095066

Because they're looking for women with big tits and no brains. Women like that aren't looking adorable nerdy guys, they're looking for jocks.

>> No.3095069

Women also say they like "nice" guys. It's because that's the rational choice, but when those vagina juices get pumping they go straight for the alpha male.

People weren't made to be rational, empiricism is anti-humanity.

>> No.3095071

post other pic

>> No.3095072

It looks like a doll.

>> No.3095073

>alpha male
>implying such a thing exists in humans
take your pua alpha/beat pseudo-science bullshit somewhere else

you don't know what anti-humanity is or what humanity is

>> No.3095077

you look like dogshit

>> No.3095079
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>> No.3095080

Wait, when was it proven that women find intelligence attractive?

>> No.3095081
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Assdevasted female detected. Denying reality is a common trait among the inferior gender.

>> No.3095084

Do you think it's possible that women really do find intelligence attractive but that it's not the most important factor? It plays a role, but after confidence and charisma and physical good looks. Obviously I'm generalizing, but if you have two Brad Pitt clones that only differ in intelligence then the woman is probably going to chose the more intelligent one, unless she has some crippling inferiority complex that makes her hate intelligent people because she is threatened by them. People are fucking complicated.

Yeah, I know it's a troll thread.

>> No.3095089

>look at me!

>> No.3095091

>no true scotsman

>> No.3095097
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I'd like to see you say that to my face, queer.

>> No.3095100

>conservative detected

>> No.3095101


Women like funny men
>Women like Dane Cook, loud boisterous confident guys telling jokes without punchlines

Women like intelligence
>Women like a shallow hipster to condescend to them

Women are deep
>Women are shallow


>> No.3095104

>implying conservative is a dirty word

>> No.3095110
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Women are considered deep – why? Because one can never discover any bottom to them. Women are not even shallow.

>> No.3095116

Because 'intelligent' seems to mean 'having alot of money'

>> No.3095121

>not a misandrist

must of been gay

>> No.3095122
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because ugly

but i like myself : - )

>> No.3095130

is that u plank

>> No.3095133

my name is alex actually

>> No.3095137


Im looking for a nerdy flat-chested girl. The problems are
1 all women are hyper critical of even the slightest social awkwardness
2. most nerdy girls are fat - not chubby, not out of shape, *fat*, i could even cut slack for that if it wasnt for the fact that they also usually put no effort into their appearance and/or have poor hygiene
3: most even remotely nerdy girls are afraid of people, places and things, and are even bigger shutins and nolives than neckbeard males, so I cant run into them in the kinds of place i go.

honestly, what i want in a gf at this point in life is that she be sane and not physically repulsive, which i dont think is asking a lot.

>> No.3095147


That's all you need, anon!

>> No.3095144

>People weren't made to be rational, empiricism is anti-humanity.

*Women* weren't made to be rational. Empiricism doesnt have much to do with it

>> No.3095149

>*Women* weren't made to be rational. Empiricism doesnt have much to do with it

*Men* weren't made to be rational. Empiricism doesnt have much to do with it

>> No.3095151


too much truth in one post

>> No.3095153

History disagrees.


>> No.3095155


too much assumptions and hypocrisy in one post

>> No.3095157


case in point, a woman being irrational

go read your Joanna Russ novels quietly in the corner please

>> No.3095158

>great men exist
>but you aren't great

deal with it, you inferior

>> No.3095159

>too much assumptions

Typical female grammar.

>> No.3095161

lol wat?
I find intelligence attractive. Women find being a simplistic narcissistic extroverted manipulative asshole attractive.
The most intelligent people in all History have been rejected by most of the society because they couldn't understand them thus having sex a few times on their lives (thanks to desperate ugly chicks and whores).

>> No.3095162

Why should I be a misogynist when I rarely interact with women and the majority of men I've interacted with have turned out to be worse than me?

>> No.3095164


Huttburt Feminazi detected.

>> No.3095165


>> No.3095166


>> No.3095170


1) because history, science and religion all state that you should
2) because people who *have* had experience with women universal become misogynist
3) because the "fact" that you are "superior" to every male you've ever met doesn't mean that any of them were inferior to women, with whom you admit you have no experience.

>> No.3095172


Women really are pathetic creatures.

>> No.3095173

what's a book that has a female central character that's relatable and likable?

>> No.3095174

Oh look, another creature that is inferior to me.

>1. blindly follow authority
>2. more authority
>3. implying the opinion of an inferior means anything to me

>> No.3095176

A fallacious and loaded personal attack on an anonymous and public forum.

And it's currently the most active thread. Yay.

>> No.3095179

this is the most active thread on /lit/ right now

it is not /lit/ related

cmon guys

pic related

>> No.3095183
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>> No.3095186

If you think history states that you should be a misogynist then you are an eisegetic reader.

>> No.3095193
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Goody I get to post this again


>> No.3095198
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Assdevasted, I like it

>> No.3095222

how exactly are you defining intelligence?
i would say that a man that possesses a high degree of competency in attracting and mating with women is more intelligent than one who does not

>> No.3095223


I have been asking myself that question for many years.

Why, OP? Do you have an idea as to why this is?

>> No.3095228
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1. many but not all.
2. I think that's true of most people in general, the weight issue. But you can still be overweight without putting less effort into your appearance and having poor hygiene. I am disappointed in my fellow femanerds for this if it is truly the case.
3. Maybe you need to change the places you frequent. You don't go duck hunting in the city, anon. If you want to find something, you look in places it is most likely to be. I suggest college classes, libraries, book clubs, creative writing clubs, whatever.

I don't think wanting a gf that is sane and relatively appealing is too much to ask! They're definitely out there.

>> No.3095229

women are attracted to intelligence
if you were truly intelligent than you would know how to attract them
you don't, therefore you are not

>> No.3095230


If you read history in any way other than one which promotes misogyny - or at least "sexism", which leftist faggots *call* "misogyny" - then *you*, sir or madam, are the eisegetic reader.

>> No.3095232

>i would say that a man that possesses a high degree of competency in attracting and mating with women is more intelligent than one who does not


>> No.3095235

>Women really are pathetic creatures.
Aren't we all, though?

>> No.3095239



>> No.3095240


if women are attracted to intelligence then why do they watch the E network? check and mate

>> No.3095242

I watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians ironically.

>> No.3095244

that dude successfully marketed his personality to become a rich and famous celebrity
sound like a pretty smart guy to me

>> No.3095248


i agree with most of what he says. i would rather it wasn't true, but it is.

>> No.3095250

Please stop trolling. Acting like retards for cash does not equal intelligence.

>> No.3095251
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>> No.3095252

>1. i have a god-complex
>2. i have a god-complex
>3. i have a god-complex

fixed it for you. protip: you are autistic and not superior to anyone.

>> No.3095262

those guys are successful because they put on an act that makes people like you feel intelligent, they are selling you self-confidence while letting you live vicariously
i wish i was smart enough to market my talents like that

>> No.3095269


>Women also say they like "nice" guys.

Women do like nice guys, but what they really want is confidence. Some nice guys lack confidence, and instead of working on being more confident these "nice guys" take to the internet and complain like limp-dicked bitches.

The irony here is that being resentful no longer makes them nice guys. So they're left with no confidence and no little title of "nice guy" to cling to for self-affirmation.

I see this shit all the time on this site.

It's fucking pathetic.

>> No.3095270

People watch Honey Boo Boo because she's a freakshow. That doesn't make her intelligent.

>> No.3095271
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When a women says intelligence, she means social intelligence, not being good at maths.

>> No.3095278


>itemizing points in a rant

Virginity reaching critical levels.

>> No.3095283

honey boo boo is a little kid, but her mother certainly has a diabolical intelligence for exploiting the poor kid so successfully
also if you actually listen to honey boo boo you can tell that she is much more articulate and observant than the average 6 year old

>> No.3095289
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Let me just drop my thoughts and experiences here for a second.

While it's true that women seem to go after the hard-ass type that will always hurt them (>>3095069), it's also true that they tend to go for these guys not because of their aggression or personality, but their confidence (>>3095269). Many women just seem to prefer confidence over kindness. If they really like a guy who they talk to, but he never asks her out, then some asshole she doesn't really like asks her out, she'll go after that guy more because he has confidence and he knows what he wants, while she'll feel turned off by a guy who doesn't seem like he knows what he wants, even if it is simply just a lack of confidence.

It has to be taken into account, though, that some people weren't meant to be together. Me, I'm a massive pussy, I never talk to girls. One girl I instantly "fell for" and asked out for the first time in my life. I was confident in my speech, manner, whatever, and didn't come across as an asshole (I think). But after a couple [what I called dates to myself, but she clearly did not] her manner and actions proved she was not interested in me the way I was interested in her. I was confident, I was kind, but she wasn't interested. Some people are interested in some people, and some people simply aren't, for one reason or another. There's nothing I can blame for her not "falling for me" in the way I did her; it was just not something that was meant to happen, she didn't want it. So I stopped pushing. I didn't loose my confidence, I just reacted the way it seemed she wanted me to react.

just a thought.

>> No.3095296



>> No.3095302

they just wanted to have fun, asshole

>> No.3095304


you don't have to be smart to get on a reality tv show. as a matter of fact, you are more likely to succeed if you are stupid. case in point: every reality tv "star" you've said is smart itt.

>> No.3095316


It is a little annoying that I wasted my attention on you for as long as it took to say this.

>> No.3095317
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>It is a little annoying that I wasted my attention on you for as long as it took to say this.

>> No.3095319

i believe in the old Forrest Gump adage "stupid is as stupid does"
thus "smart is as smart does"
i see people who have become financially, socially, and romantically successful through their own efforts and i consider them intelligent

>> No.3095328


most reality stars end up penniless once their fifteen minutes of fame is up.
because they are stupid.

>> No.3095345

Ask yourself, do you even find intelligence attractive? Guess what an intelligent girl that's butt ugly looks like to you? Butt fucking ugly. Women only say, they want nice, intelligent, creative guys because women are socially programmed to be nice.

>> No.3095347

Men are much more visually oriented. Apples and oranges.

>> No.3095350

>muh genetic determinism

>> No.3095352

>socially programmed

just like to pull terms out of your ass?

>> No.3095357


>> No.3095359

because I am a deeply closeted homosexual

>> No.3095360
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>guy A) nice, average looks, smart, somewhat awkward
>guy B) dumb but either 1: money, 2: looks, 3: charm

9/10 women will choose guy B. because.... drumroll please... they are shallow as fuck.

>> No.3095363

Looks take a backseat to power, fame, or other forms of social value(money).

>> No.3095372

i try to be nice and start a real conversation and it's just more back and forth name calling and buzzword dropping.

i thought lit had a good base, but now I'm seeing that it's no different than most other boards.

consider me unimpressed, guys.

>> No.3095375
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>Translation: I just came here from the feminism board on le reddit and now I'm EXTREMELY rectalravaged that you guys don't give me special treatment for having a hole between my legs.

>> No.3095409

One of the reasons I read exclusively male-authored works is to piss people like you off

>> No.3095414

kill yrself, thx

>> No.3095416

So much for males being the most rational, heh.

>> No.3095419

Pride and Prejudice

>> No.3095420

A whole thread dedicated to beta young men being angry about being lumbered with a sexuality they have idea how to deal with, yet strangely full of attempts to tease any female reader viewers in other to form at least some form of connection with them.


It's like being 12 again and flicking a girl whose in your class bra strap because you got no idea what to say to her, but now with added literally references, cool.

>> No.3095421

91 posts and 16 image replies omitted.

Fucking autists

>> No.3095422
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Careful gentlemen, this hambeasts anger is reaching critical mass.

>> No.3095424

ITT generalizations. And bullshit from both genders.
Motherfuckers, listen. Pointing your finger at someone because of their gender/race/nationality/religion is pure bullshit. Don't say, "All men are chauvinistic pig bastards who are mentally inferior to women" because that just simply isn't true. Also, don't say, "All women are gold-digging bimbos. I can't understand what they're saying because they always have cocks in their mouths" cause guess what - this isn't true either.

So everyone, please, shut the hell up. This isn't what this board is for.

>> No.3095426
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>> No.3095429

I haven't read this thread but eveyrone who's posted in it including me is what is wrong with this board

>> No.3095438
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And yet you don't leave.

>> No.3095440

Why you comin' home

Five in the mown

>> No.3095453


Stop that beta flirting. I'm male, straight and probably too old for you anyway.

Connection with female has between unsuccessful.

Funny to read though in a tragic way, please carry on in general.

>> No.3095469
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>> No.3095484


I almost exclusively read male-authored works because women-authors are usually incapable of getting over the fact that they are women-authors. They tend to be women first and authors second, this glares through in the work, and I find it insufferable.

Some female authors are tolerable, however.

>> No.3095487
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>> No.3095489


English as a second language, I take it.

And the sad thing is that I've noticed what women want a man to do in the "courtship ritual" is, in fact, just a glorified version of pulling her hair on the playground or, as you put it, flicking her bra-strap. This is true well into their 30s, embarrassingly enough...

>> No.3095491
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>this thread

>> No.3095492


Dont say "there's one exception out there, therefore no generalizations can ever be made" because that just simply isn't true. If a generalization is true 51% of the time, it is worthwhile, the more likely it is to be true the more valid it is.

>> No.3095501

She means rich you morons

>> No.3095510

Those guys are kind of ugly. Definitely no higher than 7

>> No.3095513

>the "courtship ritual" is, in fact, just a glorified version of pulling her hair on the playground or, as you put it, flicking her bra-strap

Richard Mourdock, is that you??????????

>> No.3095517

>implying I'm intelligent
Well, thanks, OP.

>Intelligence is not the sole factor in calculating attractiveness.
>Intelligence is difficult to demonstrate.

>> No.3095519

Why would I marry? It ties me down to one woman, and is a waste of my resources.

I wouldn't want to live with a woman. They're only good for sex.

>> No.3095541

That's sad. You should try to form a deep emotional bond with someone. It makes you feel content with yourself, and even the sex is a lot better.

>> No.3095544

I've been in many long term relationships and I have yet to find a girl who can keep their shit on point even half the time. I hooked up with a girl 2 weeks ago who lost her job, decided it was a good idea to MOVE after losing said job, and now had to sell her car to make ends meet. I have been able to hold my shit down on lock since I was 17

>> No.3095564

That's unfortunate. You should try to find a woman who is financially stable.

>> No.3095568
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Cuz I read books and have good taste and do drugs. Chicks think I'm gay.

>> No.3095569

Hohoho love the Schop (or Schoop, if I may...)

>> No.3095574

I have a girlfriend but it's because I'm funny, not intelligent. She says I'm a bit pretentious actually

>> No.3095576

that just means she doesn't get your funniest jokes

>> No.3095599

shit website why do i even come here

>> No.3095657
File: 37 KB, 600x273, 163701_1639633388290_1160442515_31470649_7747773_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off.