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/lit/ - Literature

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3088224 No.3088224[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post some patrician literature

>> No.3088230
File: 27 KB, 195x300, Plum_in_a_Golden_Vase.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3088231

Anything by Saki. Extra points for 'La donna leopardo', which as far as I know has never been translated into English.

>> No.3088232

Seems like i'm going to have to filter patrician too. See you, oh wait -- we never will.

>> No.3088234
File: 16 KB, 209x300, the_Melancholy_of_Resistance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3088235
File: 27 KB, 340x297, 1350527047812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Back to /mu/ with you, middlebrow.

>> No.3088236

By Alberto Moravia.

>> No.3088238
File: 42 KB, 600x600, banqueiro_anarquista.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Anarchist Banker - Pessoa

>> No.3088240
File: 12 KB, 198x300, a_Tomb_for_Boris_Davidovich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3088243
File: 23 KB, 281x450, Amsterdam_Stories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3088244
File: 34 KB, 307x475, Zeno's_Conscience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3088252
File: 39 KB, 300x465, the_Man_Without_Qualities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3088256
File: 17 KB, 175x300, Death_and_the_Dervish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3088258
File: 234 KB, 416x680, Froth_of_the_Daydream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3088260
File: 23 KB, 221x300, Hebdomeros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3088261

Please consult the rules regarding spamming.

>> No.3088267

Okay? I didn't think recommendations would count as spamming. I'll stop.

>> No.3088270

>am prepared to judge from cover

>> No.3088278


Disregard him. All spergs try to police the board. It's in their nature.

Keep posting, some of these look interesting.

>> No.3088275

Jesus fuck.
Time for me to leave forever. I'm sure I won't be missed.

>> No.3088279

If you're making a recommendation, then it behooves you to provide a reasonable basis for that recommendation. A penguin cover is not such a basis.

You'll notice how in the other threads people primarily post _text_ on this board. Something to do with the natural form to discuss literature being textual.

Finally, and at the core, your concept of "patrician literature" has been attacked through the use of Virginia Woolf's criticism of the middle brow—you ought to defend your ordering of literature into your category when assailed.

>> No.3088284

Virginia Woolf distinguishes middlebrows as petty purveyors of highbrow cultures for their own shallow benefit. Rather than selecting books for their intrinsic value, middlebrows select and read what they are told is best. Middlebrows are concerned with how what they do makes them appear, unlike highbrows, the avant-garde men and women who act according to their indelible commitment to beauty, value, art, form, and integrity. Woolf said, “We highbrows read what we like and do what we like and praise what we like”. Likewise, a lowbrow is devoted to a singular interest, a person “of thoroughbred vitality who rides his body in pursuit of a living at a gallop across life”; and, therefore, are equally worthy of reverence, as they, too, are living for what they intrinsically know as valuable.
Middlebrows, instead, are “betwixt and between”, which Woolf classifies as “in pursuit of no single object, neither Art itself nor life itself, but both mixed indistinguishably, and rather nastily, with money, fame, power, or prestige”. Their value system rewards quick gains through literature already designated as ‘Classic’ and ‘Great’, never of their own choosing, because “to buy living art requires living taste”. The middlebrow are meretricious — which is much less demanding than authenticity.

>> No.3088290

Bye Anon. I wish I had the resolve.

>> No.3088293

my god, it's you again. I do post text pretty much all of the time. I didn't want to put much effort into this, because I figured the thread would be ignored and sagedbombed soon.

I was just posting some neat books that the OP might like, if he did check on the thread. I don't necessarily consider them patrician or not.

>> No.3088296

>tfw reading a bit in this translation as a Dutchman

It feels like nearly all the beauty is lost in translation. Such a shame. Not that I think I would've been able to do it better. It's just one of those untranslatable works. Quite a shame, since it's probably the greatest piece of Dutch literature ever.

>> No.3088303


He thinks if he intellectualizes his angst it doesn't seem it as overt.

It's amusing how transparent it is.

Post books worth reading and some kid freaks out, hilarious.

>> No.3088308

Definitely a shame, as I'm sure Dutch is very, very low on most people's list of languages to learn too.

>> No.3088309


Virginia Woolf's theory of the middlebrow has already been demonstrated as idiotic in this thread:


>> No.3088311

It looks almost exactly like /mu/ shitting up the board with their PBR.

Any posting sufficiently indistinguishable from shitposting is…?

>> No.3088323

If you had actually looked at any titles, I'm not sure how you would have thought it was /mu/ or beer.

>> No.3088324

This is the same Woolf who criticized Joyce for not being bourgeois enough for her.

>> No.3088326

And what was the summary conclusion of that thread?—
>Delineating things as high/middle/lowbrow basically a function of the bourgeois tendency to affect an appearance of the old Feudal order in order to lay claim to some kind of natural aristocracy in an arbitrarily inegalitarian economic system. Except no one except them and the academic/technician class actually cares.

That's right, Virginia, all tier lists are shit. Could it be that accepting /mu/ shitting this board with a Roman class distinction is a negative, and that the ruthless Zizekian critique of attempts to do so is worthwhile?

No, lets just let them post lyric threads.

>> No.3088330

I did look at the titles, and it looks precisely like /mu/'s asinine conduct.

>> No.3088331

That quote makes her come across as a typical Randrone.

>> No.3088335

Keep 'em coming. I'm looking them up as they come.

>> No.3088336
File: 60 KB, 400x649, 151425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3088341

I think his point is that what you posted were just covers of books with nothing in common with each other.

>> No.3088347

ha ha you're the fucking worst

>> No.3088349

here ya go, I got rid of them so you can have a thread entirely dedicated to you bitching

>> No.3088356

What's OP's image supposed to mean?

>> No.3088365

It is supposed to mark him as a possessor of a refined taste in motion pictures.

>> No.3088379


coincidentally, that was the same conclusion someone came to in the thread here


>> No.3088389

Which is why the Woolf quote is perfect to attack this /mu/ 2d4u tiers shit.

>> No.3088841

No-one suggested any Roman works? I'm disappointed in /lit/.