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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.29218[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fit/ = aesthetically beautiful
/lit/ = intellectually gifted

will the mods ever create a hybrid this perfect again? If this board had stayed on for a month we could have ruled the world!

>> No.30134

Thanks, i needed to nut really bad

>> No.30273

i'm going to miss you guys

>> No.30704

I want this to continue. The fusion of self improvement boards is amazing.

>> No.30717

well its april 2nd and the mods seem to have not done their jobs yet

>> No.30763

>/fit/ = aesthetically beautiful
insecure 18 year olds with shit physiques and even shittier lifts

>/lit/ = intellectually gifted
pseudo intellectual tryhards

you're all retarded

>> No.30792
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Well aren't you a bundle of fun

>> No.30797

I think everyone is aware that none of this is important

We're just having a laff m8

>> No.30805

>/lit/=intellectually gifted
Just because you read doesnt make you smart, gaytard. It means you like to waste your time reading fiction.

>> No.30840
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>> No.30903
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