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3073971 No.3073971[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We're the first society in history that has had men so weak and feeble that they need an instruction manual to tell them how to get laid.

You might score a few pity fucks with your "negging," but everyone is secretly laughing at you.

>> No.3073982

>nobody disputes this

So much for "alpha as fuck."

>> No.3073986

you're on /lit/ you stupid newfag you do not need to bump in 4 fucking minutes

>> No.3073999
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>> No.3074000

It's the first time society is really commercialize it to the extreme. In the long past, people married the person they first fell in love with or knocked up. The woman stayed with them normally because of religion and what with divorce being seen as extremely bad. After women start to get rights, we see more matchmakers and books. As birth control takes over, we see large amounts of (pretty) safe promiscuity for women and their chance to hit and quit. So this is more "this is the first society where women can bang a different guy a week, and you want to be one of those guys." rather then "Men are so weak and feeble."

I have a feeling you might be a feminist, so I hope you read all that and I hope you got mad.

>> No.3074070

There's nothing "alpha" or "manly" about you if you're just the next guy in a long chain of one night stands.

Pickup artists... more like sloppy seconds artists.

>> No.3074077

Something tells me you didn't read the post you're quoting.

>> No.3074080

Have any feminist/gender theory commentators latched on to the whole Pick Up Artist thing? It's not exactly my theoretical position, but it strikes me as being ripe for exposure.

>> No.3074082

Ever heard of Ovid's the Art of Love? Same fucking thing.

>> No.3074083

"The sexual revolution completed the sexualisation of women. Both married and unmarried women were expected now to become experts in sexually servicing men, and to get over their own tastes and interests in order to become efficient at this task. Where once a large group of single women might have escaped the destiny of servicing men and concentrated upon their own life work, they were now conscripted into compulsory heterosexuality. That group of women who retain primary ties with women and refused their new role were labelled lesbians. The spinster, whether she had sexualised her relationships with other women or not, had been able to live a reasonably independent life, free from scrutiny and management of the sex regulators. Now there were no spinsters. Single women were divided into lesbians and active heterosexuals. Sexual activity was mandatory and backsliding was unforgivable." — Sheila Jeffreys, "The Sexual Revolution Was for Men," from Anticlimax: A Feminist Perspective on the Sexual Revolution

plz no slut shaming on /lit/

There have been "love potions" for thousands of years, and Plato's Lysis is sort of just Socrates giving dating advice. I'm sure there's stuff to be found in courtier's manuals and Victorian handbooks but I can't be bothered to search.

>> No.3074084


>saging with a picture


>> No.3074089

It is pretty fucked up that society is quick to judge women for not having boyfriends, but
>"the sexual revolution was for men"
>implying sex is something men do "to" women, instead of something fun that should be enjoyed by everyone

I scooby dooby.

>> No.3074103

Seriously, "the destiny of servicing men"? I hate the "all sex is rape" camp as much as I hate the "I'm being empowered when I stuff fifteen niggers up my sluthole, woo woo" camp.

Sex is neither about liberation OR domination, it's about expressions affection toward another. Why does something as natural and basic as sex need to be a political statement?

>> No.3074105

Does anyone ever feel like there's a constant undercurrent of revisionism in Feminism? I sincerely wonder if, in the next ten or twenty years, I hear that the Feminine Mystique was created in service of the "patriarchy".

>> No.3074116
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The passage later argues that manuals like The Joy of Sex attributed any problems to frigid women and tried to make them joyously malleable to male sexuality (which I suppose they assumed didn't need any help), but the gaseous desire of the 60's has phased into liquid capitalism so I'm not sure if it matters anyway.

I thought they changed how saging with an image works :?

>> No.3074145

The point isn't that sex is terrible, but that the sexual revolution created the idea that every woman should be always available for sex with men or be branded a lesbian.

>> No.3074163

God, there was some James Bond novel, I think it was Goldfinger, where Bond is with some woman and he "shockingly" manages to be alone in a room with her for five minutes without having sex with her. Then later on, it's revealed that she's a lesbian, and he's like "well I guess THAT explains it!"

I know he's a fictional character, but I kind of wish he was real so I could tell him he's a loathsome, egotistical person, and that there's a very good chance he wouldn't have had a chance with her anyway.

>> No.3074166

...Is it that much different from the past? Before it was either that you're a married woman, a whore, or a spinster. At least being a lesbian is now a viable option.

>> No.3074195

Yeah, and I don't like how that writer is implying a lesbian is a bad thing to be, she's just playing into the patriarchy's hand with that one.

And Society has ALWAYS shamed unmarried women. Though not unreasonably; have you ever met an unmarried woman who wasn't an ugly, irritating, prickly bitch? We don't pressure women into marriage, women WANT to get married. There really is something usually wrong with women who don't.

>> No.3074203

Since the 90s, you needn't be a whore, a mother or a maid, you can be sporty, scary, baby, posh or ginger. Girl power.

>> No.3074204

And Society has ALWAYS shamed unmarried men. Though not unreasonably; have you ever met an unmarried man who wasn't an ugly, irritating, prickly douche? We don't pressure men into marriage, men WANT to get married. There really is something usually wrong with men who don't.

If only the douche men and the bitch women could find some way to get together...

>> No.3074210

>Society has ALWAYS shamed unmarried men.

>> No.3074217

>men WANT to get married. There really is something usually wrong with men who don't.

If you are a man, please head to the nearest man store and hand over your man card.

>> No.3074220

She's not implying it's a bad thing to be a lesbian, just that women who weren't looking would now be branded lesbians, which was not desirable in the sixties.

The author argues it was at least possible to be a spinster as a relatively positive figure. Also note that someone looking for a husband was not expected to have sex with every viable male. I haven't read the article so I don't know her full argument.

Isn't Goldfinger the one where he cures the lesbian with his mighty British prick?

>> No.3074222

>why can't I get a girlfriend and why am I such a loser threads 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 369 days a year

Yeah, I can hardly count all the people who just want to stay bachelors their entire lives. They must number in the tens, even the twenties.

>> No.3074226

>conflates being in a romantic relationship with marriage
I see someone is getting desperate.

>> No.3074236

>implying men just want sex
>implying beta men, despite their best efforts, are able to separate physical love from emotional attachment

what world do you live in though, and am I speaking to an extraterrestrial, and if so which star system?

>> No.3074242

The book isn't necessary for anybody. Society doesn't need it as much as society doesn't need other garbage like 50 Shades of Gray.

It's all pretty pathetic, "negg negg."

>> No.3074244

>>3074204 have you ever met an unmarried man who wasn't an ugly, irritating, prickly douche?
Yes, several.

>> No.3074248

>implying most people don't "just want sex" sometimes
>implying most people want to be in a highly committed relationship throughout their lives

>what world do you live in though, and am I speaking to an extraterrestrial, and if so which star system?
Ohh, you ardent dogmatic conservatives...

>> No.3074253

You must have small penis syndrome or something if you need marriage to make you feel right and can't fathom being able to get tail from anywhere but one woman.

>> No.3074257

what a coincidence; I've also met unmarried women who weren't bitches! Funny how that works, huh?

>> No.3074263

>conflating sex with emotional attachment

Whoops, there you go again

>you must have a small penis hurr hurr

Wow, that's a pretty convincing argument. Thanks. You really elevated the discourse.

>> No.3074264

Yeah, I think it was Goldfinger.

The woman he didn't have sex with because she's a lesbian wasn't Pussy Galore though, it was a different girl. He did have sex with Galore, who confides in Bond that she's only a lesbian because she was a victim of incest (affirming the sexist idea that women who don't desire men are psychology cases)

>> No.3074270

>lands a bunch of mediocre pity-fucks with his PUA tactics
>claims to be "alpha as fuck" and derides men in stable relationships while he's crying on the inside

>> No.3074266

>implying most people don't "just want sex" sometimes
We're not talking about "most people". We're talking about unmarried men.

>implying most people want to be in a highly committed relationship throughout their lives
Yes, that's just what I'm implying, perhaps you should consider reading glasses

>> No.3074281

>implying you know what implying means
And I think unmarried men aren't as rare as you seem to believe. Even if we're only talking about people in committed relationships, there's not that much of a difference in numbers between numbers of men who are married and those who aren't in the western world.

>> No.3074300

You read what you want, I said small penis syndrome you moron not you have a small penis. Sorry if it hurts to hear, but don't take it out on me.
Another small penis syndrome sufferer. Or samefag. You choose.

>> No.3074341

Romantic relationships require too much effort, one-night stands are unpleasant to achieve and prostitution is too expensive. Masturbation is superior to sex anyway.

>> No.3074345

I moved up to Summit County, CO about a year ago.

The ratio is about 3 or 4 females to every 1 male. Many of them are married, the rest are sluts.

You're chances of getting laid up here by anything worthwhile are pretty damn terrible.

Men want relationships, most of the guys up here want to get involved with a girl. It doesn't happen, most of the girls go fuck more than their fair share of dude.

It's funny seeing it in person, but yea. Population variables play a major major role in the how someone is behaving sexually.

>> No.3074442
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>gets called on his bullshit

>> No.3074446
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>> No.3074456
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>attacking the source of the reaction image, instead of confronting the actual intended meaning

>> No.3074465
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>my little pony: friendship is magic

>> No.3074468
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>> No.3075106

>Men want relationships, most of the guys up here want to get involved with a girl. It doesn't happen, most of the girls go fuck more than their fair share of dude.

Did you get your ratio wrong or something?

More women than men = guys have their pick, not the other way around.

>> No.3075186

top 10 percent hook up with the top ten percent and pass their genes along. The rest of us have to settle and have mediocre lives and pass our mediocre genes on to our mediocre kids so they can have mediocre lives and kids of their own. A few of the extreme losers will wind up with Skyrim and internet porn for the males or the home shopping network and eight cats minimum for the female loners. These folks will not pass along their genetic material.

>> No.3075198

>Where once a large group of single women might have escaped the destiny of servicing men and concentrated upon their own life work

Oh dear.

>> No.3075211

>only top 10 percent have amazing lives

Probably closer to the top 20 percent.

>> No.3075493

I have alpha and beta moments, and I don't give a fuck if people laugh at me. I'm fucking weird and I know it, fuck off. ep

>> No.3075605

switch johnny bravo and that anime around and you've got it

>> No.3075642
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>I'm fucking weird and I know it, fuck off.

This. I just want a nice girl who is as dorky as I am. Is that too much to ask? An independent girl who doesn't need to be entertained all the time and is fine with me spending stretches reading because she's reading as well.

And if she was cool with getting baked and watching arthouse films on occasion then that would be a plus.

>> No.3075656

The Gelding in The Canterbury Tales wants a word with you.

>> No.3075658

There is an answer to this: homosexuality. Embrace it already you queer cunts.

>> No.3075663


Bisexual master race is superior to all you monobreeders.

>> No.3075860
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tfw not attracted to dudes but envy how low maintenance they are compared to women

>> No.3075870


>Vagina and tits.

>> No.3075902
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>tfw mostly only attracted to men romantically
>tfw only attracted to women erotically

Can someone give me an attractive woman (complete with natural breasts and vagina) who also has a man's brain?


>> No.3075923

Ohh god, kill everyone in this thread

>> No.3075955

especiallly me

>> No.3075969

I hate a lot of you. Especially during these times, and especially females of /lit/

>> No.3075993
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>> No.3076006

>but everyone is secretly laughing at you

So true. I laugh so hard at casanovas who talk to girls as if they could handle them, but they can't.

>> No.3076023

Samefagging on /lit/... wow.

>> No.3076028

What's your ratio of male friends to female friends?

Also all the wingnut cultural conservatives in this thread are hilarious. The only other people reactionary enough to distrust unmarried men live in nursing homes and talk about "the gay agenda".

>> No.3076260
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>>We're the first society in history

You uncultured fuck.

>>12th century, Andreas Capellanus' De Amore

A literal guide to how to fuck any woman.

Get the fuck off /lit/ your ignorance about literature is cancerous to the board.

>> No.3076315

>implying the gay agenda is not harming western society
buttdevastated homo homo detected

>> No.3076337

*shrugs shoulders*
Works for me, but you're entitled to your opinion.
Also Neil Strauss is the lamest and most untalented guy in the community.Even VinDiCarlo's better, and Vin's just terrible.

>> No.3076346



>> No.3076425
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80% of females fuck 20% of guys.

/lit/ = the 80% of male losers furiously arguing with each other over post-structuralism and nihilism.

>> No.3076573

Since this thraad seems appropriate,

I just sent the following text to a large breasted coworker:

"because really if you expect me to pay for your ticket i gotta make it a matter of quid pro quo; or how that very aptly named saying in ancient egypt goes: "tit for tat""

this girl is partially mad at me for ditching her on a date night a few weeks ago, we had planned the date a week in advance and i completely forgot about it lele...now she is asking me to buy an 80 dollar dinner ticket/donation for her dance team.
what do you guys think the chances are that she will agree to me potentially molesting her in my car/motel room later tonight after aforementioned text?

>> No.3076592

Don't pay for shit breh. Molest her but do not pay for her ticket.

>> No.3076600


I thought that went without saying. This is why I haven't "paid yet"...at the end of the deed I'll probably say something like "this is all starting to resemble prostitution, i dont think im comfortable with bying the ticket now" lele

>> No.3076632


Assuming she's not a complete whore, I'd say that the wittiness of your text isn't enough to rescue it from its implications, which are not only offensive to her, but to all women in general.

>> No.3076637

>80% of females fuck 20% of guys

90% of stats are made up on the spot.

>> No.3076646

it's a good guess, wors for wealth too

>> No.3076964

Including your statistic that 90% of statistics are made up.

>> No.3076975

That's the joke, thou cur.

>> No.3076982

6/10 I laughed

>> No.3076983

I like the implication in this that women are capital and not human beings with agency.

>> No.3076999
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A little side question, as a homosexual are there categories?
A type who likes to be fucked and doesn't want to fuck.
A type who likes to fuck but doesn't want to be fucked.
A type who likes to suck dicks but doesn't like his dick sucked.
A type who likes to get his dick sucked but doesn't like to suck dicks.

I guess all rounders exist in all categories, but there must be people who enjoy a certain kind of things and refuse to do a certain kind of thing and still categorize themselves as homos.

>> No.3077380

Most women are capital.

>> No.3079043



>> No.3079051

Implying it's a result of the post-modern condition. I sure as hell know the external baggage turns me off of talking to girls. I'm very self-aware that my actions can be commodified into stories and conveyed at a whim to everybody through social networking sites.

If I just existed in the world, knowing I could go through my life without thinking that what I do is likely to be recorded somewhere for public knowledge I think i'd be less anxious about my actions. Fuck that.

Actually this doesn't just include talking to women. It includes most social interaction right now.

>> No.3079269


Same, the knowledge that everything can be recorded pretty much also rules my life.

>> No.3079295
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There's also the kind of girl who heard about the whole pick up stuff and take this whole shenanigans as a test on how well the guy performs, and if you follow that guide they will get it on with you because they think they were picked up "correctly". Never underestimate the insecurity of women.
I was introduced to the whole stuff when I told a girl that her zipper was open and she responded with "oh, that's a neg!" and later "You know your business" (don't know if that translates well). Later I did some research and found out I semm to be a "natural", lol.
But yeah, there's the same mechanism involved that makes women crave people like Casanova or Don Juan, the reputation of being a womanizer. I guess it gives them an excuse to give in ("I couldn't help it, he pushed all the right buttons!" - important is only that she thinks it were the right buttons).

>> No.3079302

Have you ever considered using an alias? Heck, I even got girls pregnant without them ever finding out my real name.

>> No.3079380
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>not just having a waifu
>still caring about 3D
>the year of our lord 2012

self delusion > loneliness

and this is why you will forever be unhappy

>> No.3079383

>not being auto-sexual

Do you even embody the erotic manifestation of late capitalism?

>> No.3079388

Your waifu isn't real.

>> No.3079390
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that's kinda the point

>> No.3080030

>I don't talk to women because I can be recorded, and not because I lack social skills

Yeah nah.

>> No.3080033

Who are you quoting?