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3069733 No.3069733 [Reply] [Original]

What is the point of life /lit/? You spend the first 20 or so years of your life in school so you can spend the next 30 working a job you won't like, with people you will probably hate. I have fun playing video games and reading but I feel like im not doing anything constructive. Its like im just killing time until I eventually die. What is wrong with me?

>> No.3069738

Then stop procrastinating faggot

>> No.3069739

The point of life is whatever you make of it. Go out into the indifferent universe and craft meaning out of it. Or continue killing time until death. No body cares.

>> No.3069740

>What is the point of life /lit/?
To pass on it's genes
>You spend the first 20 or so years of your life in school
>so you can spend the next 30 working a job you won't like
with people you will probably hate.
>I have fun playing video games and reading but I feel like im not doing anything constructive.
>Its like im just killing time until I eventually die.
Yes you will die
>What is wrong with me?
How should we know?

>> No.3069741

Because if you are just playing video games and reading literature, then you are just biding time until you die. What is "the point of life"? If you take it literally, there is no point because there does not exist an entity called "the point of life", however, the question you should ask is, "what can I do to make sure my life has a purpose?" If this is the question you want an answer to, then there is an answer. There does not seem to be a "point to life", however, there are ways in which you can live your life so that it is meaningful and fulfilling.

>> No.3069745
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Is the interest of the chess game in the last move, or in all of those before it?

>> No.3069748


this is a bad analogy since chess is a solved game

>> No.3069749

My favorite take on the meaning of life is from good ol' Aristotle. He thinks that to live a good life, you must practice a wide breadth of virtuous, and practice them well. This has to be done over a long time - you can't have achieved the meaning of life probably before the age of 50. Video game playing is one such, virtue, and one I am fond of as well. But you have to develop more than just the virtues of playing video games and reading. Learn to play the guitar. Make a movie. Become more witty, more personable. Learn how to garden. Write a book. Write a play. Write a film. Teach yourself how to cook. In Aristotle's eyes, you don't have to do 'constructive' things, depending on what your idea of what constructive is. I have taught myself how to play the guitar, how to program, had programmed video games, composed music for them, made a movie (that actually won me $50), watch a LOT of movies, read books, listen to a LOT of different kinds of music, am learning how to cook, etc etc. And, you know, I think Aristotle is on to something, because I feel great. My girlfriend basically sits on our bed all day and watches tv and does nothing, and she's sad a lot of the times. I tell her to write something since she likes writing, but doesn't, then complains she has nothing to do, and that she's wasting her life. Hopefully soon she'll see she needs to develop a multitude of virtus

>> No.3069753

You seem to be forgetting what he writes in Book X of the Nichamean Ethics. The most virtuous activity is thought and contemplation.

>> No.3069759

>My girlfriend basically sits on our bed all day and watches tv and does nothing, and she's sad a lot of the times.
She's sad because all you do all day is play guitar and program video games

>> No.3069762


Well, duh. Socrates, 'the unexamined life is not worth living' - that's what makes us human to begin with.

>> No.3069763
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Shut up.

>> No.3069765

I'm at the point where I don't give a fuck if I drop dead tomorrow cause I live my life the way I want. Don't think about the point of life, just do what's in you. Do you even read?

>> No.3069766

What do you know? You can't even play chess you faggot.

>> No.3069769

Two different philosophers altogether and I think it would be best just to examine why Aristotle says this, rather than look at Socrates.

>> No.3069771

>What is the point of life /lit/?
There so set purpose to you being alive. You can give your life it's purpose based on who you are and what you care about, or you can live without your life having any real "purpose" at all. You are completely free to choose either option.

>> No.3069772

There's no ***

>> No.3069774

>one mirrion comments from faggots telling op that life is what ever you make it

Wrong fuckers, some people are just born great like Alexander The Great, James Joyce, Shakespeare, and Oliver Cromwell.

Op you're an extra in their production. You have no before and no after. Just accept that some people are destined for greatness, while others like you are destined to die forgotten.

just kidding, lifes what you make it kid

>> No.3069776

>James Joyce

That gibberish nigger isn't great at all.

>> No.3069777

For the most part I enjoy my average life. I realize I'm probably not going to be good at anything or be successful, but hey, what can you do?

Now I'm a practicing 90's Nihilist, which is essentially hedonism, but you still like having friends.

I miss arcades to play video games in, though.

>> No.3069781


That list is missing Ayn Rand

>> No.3069784

To manipulate your synapses with the help of external stimuli in such a way that time subjectively passes faster. Which means our basic human condition is suicidal in nature, as long was we aren't being consciously aware of this.

>> No.3069792
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You have no drive, ambition or imagination. You're not a team player, or a leader. You haven't spent your youth developing practical or specialized skills that will get you through life or leave a legacy. You're selfish and raised on a television. You think the world is meant to be entertainment and can't see the value in creating. You should be looking to what would better you and feel fulfilling or would advance the human race. But you'll become defensive. Fall into knee jerk nihilism, and not examine yourself to improve or move through your situation.

>> No.3069797

To fight the good fight against boredom.

"Surely no one will prove himself so great a bore as to contradict me in this. . . . The gods were bored, and so they created man. Adam was bored because he was alone, and so Eve was created. Thus boredom entered the world, and increased in proportion to the increase of population. Adam was bored alone; then Adam and Eve were bored together; then Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel were bored en famille; then the population of the world increased, and the peoples were bored en masse. To divert themselves they conceived the idea of constructing a tower high enough to reach the heavens. This idea is itself as boring as the tower was high, and constitutes a terrible proof of how boredom gained the upper hand." --Kierkegaard

You are probably just playing the wrong video games. Have you tried Super Stardust HD?

>> No.3069799
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There is no point. Do as you will. Get over needing to do something constructive or start doing it. It's all rather simple. It's the only way. Overcoming nihilism is an illusion, nihilism is the end of the life. The only matter left is how you deal with it and how you live within that state. Active or passive, positive or negative, cheerful or depressed, that's all merely filling in what's already undeniably there: Nothing matters.

>> No.3069800


>> No.3069809

The motivation for wanting to be great is the satisfaction that you perceive will come with it, so you still care about happiness, you just feel you don't want to be happy unless you have achieved "greatness" i.e. satisfied your ego

>> No.3069816

What's a 90's nihilist? Is it like that kid in Terminator 2 lives before the shit hits the fan? Cause that's pretty cool.

>> No.3069865

It astonishes me that living for pleasure and not having a political or philosophical ideology like 90% of the population apparently constitutes "nihilism" nowadays.

>> No.3069880

The point of life is to please God and attain salvation. Or please the divine cosmos (which can't really be pleased because it's impersonal) and attain perfect understanding. Either way you will live eternally without suffering. Isn't that nice?

>> No.3069941


>> No.3070229

The point of life is to make the world a better place for your children so that they can have an even better life than you. You complain about how bad things are but imagine you were some illiterate peasant slaving away on a farm each day, think about how much that would suck compared to the drag of having to go to school and do pointless things like learning how to read and getting an education you spoiled ungrateful little shit!

>> No.3070236

go do some coke

>> No.3070271

My worldview is that I don't know anything or have convictions but do things anyway.

So to answer your question, I dunno lol.

>> No.3070278
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>living eternally
god no

>> No.3070293

Doing it write.

>> No.3070310

naw nigga i'd get bored as shit

>> No.3070352

Mortals talking shit about immortality is pretty much the ultimate form of sour grapes. Seriously, guys, don't knock it til you've tried it for at least a few thousand years.

>> No.3070368

>To pass on it's genes

Lol no. That's as much the point in life as anything you do during the day.

There is no point in life because you are free. You are free in the sense that whenever you say "that's the goal of life" you are able to say "No! That's not it".
So there is no point because you can negate every point.

>> No.3070382

There is no value in creating.
Everything gets destroyed.
At the end of the games a saint and the crack addict have exact the same worth: none.
No matter what you do, no matter how much you try, no matte how much you win at the end you and the slack who spent his highschool sleeping in class and never graduated and now is a janitor, will achieve the exact same thing: nothing.

Ambition is a fool's gold.

>> No.3070393
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Maybe you'd get so bored that you would start to invent wild fantasies where you can be an important figure, an adventurer, a hero or a villain. You could live ten thousand lifetimes doing as you please, but eventually you would become tired of this as well, because you would know that none of it is real. The only way to cure your boredom would be to convince yourself that your fantasies are real.

What if this already happened and all conscious beings are just fragments of one singular, vast consciousness playing games with itself?

>> No.3070408
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What's wrong with living eternally bro?

>> No.3070416

Why eat an apple? Soon, only the core will be left, which will decompose. Eventually you will forget that you ever ate the apple and it will be as if you never did. Why listen to a song? It will soon end and your memory of the melody will fade and distorted, vague, will disappear forever.

>everything sucks because nothing lasts forever brb suicide

>> No.3070436

Agreed on suicide.

>> No.3070444

Before you go, do something to increase your chances of eternal life. Do something that will make you feel warmth and love and peace.


>> No.3070454

You are arguing based on the pleasure of the moment. I don't deny that.
But even admitting that than the best course of action would be to enjoy now and fuck tomorrow.

Not "constructing a legacy" like the poster I answered to was saying.

The honest assessment of the cost benefits easily prove that the whole "do your best in your life, advance humanity" is mostly a waste of resources with very little payback.

Even the whole "your goal is to reproduce" is repeated so often because reproducing is so inconvenient. I mean if my father didn't have children he could have lived all his life driving sports cars and fucking high class escorts.
Instead he wasted his hard earned money on diapers.

It's all ideology repeated over and over to make you work a lot for very little. Don't be fooled.

>> No.3070455 [DELETED] 

what a bunch of bullshit.

>> No.3070479

All your thoughts are false. You are not living. You are existing in flux with the environment. You are not the thoughts inside your head. You are listening, but not understanding. You are breathing, but only because you have to. You are no more alive than you were at the start of the universe. What's wrong with you is that there is no you. You're a collection of information that forms a whole body but a disconnected brain. You have already decided how you will respond to this post. Don't think. Breathe.

>> No.3070491

>All your thoughts are false
B-b-but that would mean that all your thoughts are false too

>> No.3070492


dunno about "false", but, i quote:

>Nothing belongs to us. Everything is something that is rented out. Our very heads are filled with rented ideas passed on from one generation to the next. Wherever your thoughts finally settle is the same place that the thoughts of countless other persons have settled and have left their impression, just as the backsides of other persons have left their impression on that sofa where you are now sitting. We live in a world where every surface, every opinion or passion, everything altogether is tainted by the bodies and minds of strangers.

>> No.3070498

Ah okay. Yeah I agree. I didn't read the whole thread I just started blabbing

>> No.3070499

>le nihilist face

>> No.3070510

I know that feel, bro.

Somewhere along the way I ran out of hopes or dreams. I'm living on inherited money and that'll run out sometime. Some days I think I'll just kill myself. Others, that I wouldn't mind having some shitty, mind-numbing job at an office or a hospital basement, sorting files and what not. I'm not interested in love, adventure, richness, fame, or anything people typically chase after. I've tried to drown my apathy in sex and drugs but ultimately I realized that, like everything else, they were just distractions. Things we do to pass the hours. That's all we do: just pass the hours, and delude ourselves into thinking that life is worth living.

>> No.3070529

Did someone say ....money?


>> No.3070531

>just as the backsides of other persons have left their impression on that sofa where you are now sitting.

To my knowledge, nobody else's ass has left an impression on this particular portion of my mattress; I bought it new recently. So my thoughts are entirely original. Check and mate.

>> No.3070575

The point is to get enlightenment, which can't be had by reading books, playing video games or basically anything in modern western culture.

>> No.3070596


in the context of the story, the man is saying that to his family while they're sitting on rented furniture on a rented house, so it still works

>> No.3070645

What about those of us born enlightened? What's the goal after enlightenment?

>> No.3070662

you don't sound real enlightened, douche

>> No.3070663

There's no point, just arbitrary guesses and a fuckload of regret and shame and crying out for mother when it's quiet

>> No.3070665


>killing time

OP has discovered the secret of life!

>> No.3070666

enlightened enough to not resort to childish name-calling.

>> No.3070667

How can there be goals once enlightenment is realized?

>> No.3070669


not enlightened enough to not respond to a douche calling you, a douche, a douche.

>> No.3070673

Once enlightened one doesn't just stand around and do nothing.

>> No.3070679


enlightment is understanding that there's nothing to be done.

>> No.3070681

Perhaps this is evidence of degrees of enlightenment. The highest level has not yet been attained. After enlightenment, uber-enlightenment.

>> No.3070688


none of you are enlightened.

>> No.3070694


And you've proven with your post that neither are you.

As've I con mio

>> No.3070699

"Before I had studied Zen for thirty years, I saw mountains as mountains, and waters as waters. When I arrived at a more intimate knowledge, I came to the point where I saw that mountains are not mountains, and waters are not waters. But now that I have got its very substance I am at rest. For it's just that I see mountains once again as mountains, and waters once again as waters."

What's the cliche? Something like "When hungry eat, when thirsty drink, when tired sleep." I suppose one would continue on much like before, but without desire, fear, delusion, etc.

>Once enlightened one doesn't just stand around and do nothing.
Once enlightened, one would "do nothing" all the time.

>> No.3070703


>Once enlightened, one would appear to "do nothing" all the time.

fix'd for ya.

>> No.3070712

Move to the damn woods if you don't like life in society. School and jobs are *not* all there is to life. It may seem that way due to society and whatnot, but you can do whatever you what.

>> No.3070714

Maybe in YOUR life.


>> No.3070715


don't deny that all that running around you do is just to find yourself alone again and with the teat

>> No.3070717

>I'm living on inherited money
>That's all we do: just pass the hours
Uh... try replacing 'we' with 'I' and you might be able to spot the connection here.

>> No.3070719
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>> No.3071240
File: 26 KB, 218x406, guionefort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I destroy the drawers of the brain, and those of social organisation: to sow demoralisation everywhere, and throw heaven's hand into hell, hell's eyes into heaven, to reinstate the fertile wheel of a universal circus in the Powers of reality, and the fantasy of every individual.

A philosophical questions: from which angle to start looking at life, god, ideas, or anything else. Everything we look at is false. I don't think the relative result is any more important than the choice of patisserie or cherries for dessert. The way people have of looking hurriedly at things from the opposite point of view, so as to impose their opinions indirectly, is called dialectic, in other words, heads I wind and tails you lose, dressed up to look scholarly.

If I shout:

Ideal, Ideal, Ideal

Knowledge, Knowledge, Knowledge

Boomboom, Boomboom, Boomboom

I have recorded fairly accurately Progress, Law, Morals, and all the other magnificent qualities that various very intelligent people have discussed in so many books in order, finally, to say that even so everyone has danced according to his own personal boomboom, and that he's right about his boomboom: the satisfaction of unhealthy curiosity; private bell-ringing for inexplicable needs; bath; pecuniary difficulties; a stomach with repercussions on to life; the authority of the mystical baton formulated as the grand finale of a phantom orchestra with mute bows, lubricated by philtres with a basis of animal ammonia.

>> No.3071245


Who says you need to work for the next 30 years of your life?

>> No.3071257

>What is the point of life /lit/?

"You exist because you are a temporary vessel that houses genetic material for future organisms" - The prophet Dawkins.

>> No.3071260

I try as hard as I can to distract myself from the inherent meaningless of life but seeing images like the famous 'Pale Blue Dot' tend to bring everything back into focus.

>> No.3071284

>What is wrong with me?

You're probably 14.

>> No.3071290

Well fuck you genes I got a vasectomy.

>> No.3071403


Working is for plebs. Let the drones support you.

>> No.3071411

That's rather unkind of you to refer to your parents as drones.

>> No.3071414


It's also stupid. By definition, drones don't reproduce.

>not understanding basic concepts
>last two months before the Mayan Apocalypse.
>I shiggity diggity do

>> No.3071423

But bee drones ONLY exist to reproduce. He's saying his dad died after sex because his penis was ripped out.

>> No.3071426

shouldn't be allowed to ask this question until your'e thirty. but then youth wouldn't be what it is i guess.

>> No.3071449


Is that so? I actually know fuck-all about insectological things and I was pulling the stuff about drones directly out of my arse. I always thought that the drones hung around in the hive making honey and jam and so forth. Sounds like a drone-y thing to do.

>> No.3071452


The drone bees also make marmite and mayonnaise.

>> No.3071455

As master Nas would say:

Life's a bitch and then you die; that's why we get high
Cause you never know when you're gonna go

Nothing more, nothing less. Pristine ghetto philosophy.

>> No.3071462

Master Nas is a moron

>> No.3071478

I am referring to people who work in an office.

Office drones.

Don't tell me your country doesn't have a decent welfare system?

>> No.3071567


I suspect rats make marmite.

Then again, I'm the only person I know who's indifferent to marmite. I neither love it nor hate it - so fuck you, advertiser wankers. I'll eat it if it's there and I fancy it.

I do, however, know that wasps make gravy (c) Eddie Izzard c. last century sometime

>> No.3072828

funny, how can you post the picture of the seventh seal and ask : "Whats the meaning of life". The movie is basicly an anwser to that question.

>> No.3072836

The point of life is your parents fucked and so you're here, sans abortion or miscarriage.

>> No.3072864

i design art exhibits and travel around the world for work. i don't own a car or house. i surf and bicycle for exercise. beautiful girlfriend and a cat. also play in a band occasionally. and do my own visual art and also work on movies. i would say its a pretty good life, lived exactly to my own terms.

>> No.3072870

until your son gets cancer.
And you know what's worse of people close to you dying? That it does not take a lot to forget them. Maybe an year or two and you start losing pieces. You forget their eye color, the sound of their laughter, or maybe that thing that one afternoon they told you and you thought it was awesome, but you forgot.
And you realize that it's gone, gone forever and nothing you do will ever bring it back. And then you will die and it will be as if it never happened. And you will die too and it will be as if you never happened.

>> No.3072890

2/10, actually raged a little bit, some people here are probably stupid enough to believe this.

>> No.3073156

Holy shit, you know you pretty much hit the nail on the head for me. There was a girl I loved as a young man that meant the world to me, but she died in a car crash. I still... I still can't come to terms with it, but each days that passes by (it has been 9 years now) I cannot help but feel as though there was a life I could have had that was stolen from me. It is harder every single day just to remember her laugh or smile, but you're absolutely right. I hate to admit it, but you're right. Eventually I will forget the details of her, and that saddens me greatly.

In the end, life just plain sucks. At the moment, however, it can mean the difference from giving up and going on.

>> No.3073159

>life just plain sucks
but you are experiencing the suckiness of life and that is something worth placing value in.

>> No.3073173

Yeah, I don't want to demean the value in understanding how life can suck. There is a lot that can be learned from it. Hell, I'm still learning from it. I don't know. I want to think that there's a point to losing the people in my life, and in a strange way that spurs me on. Not that I want their memory to live on in me and all that, but that I genuinely wish that society or the world will reach a point where that sense of loss is only mutually agreed upon, rather than forcibly pushed.

>> No.3073180

>What is the point of life /lit/?

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women.

>> No.3073192

>I have fun playing video games and reading but I feel like im not doing anything constructive.
If you're having fun you're being constructive.

>> No.3073196


>> No.3073268

A nihilist would see physical pleasures as intrinsically fleeting and meaningless (like all human values, virtues and perspectives) thus having no value. Hedonism affirms the search for sensual pleasure as an end in itself. People really need to make more of an effort to understand what is meant by nihilism or at least qualify what they mean by it better.

>> No.3073269
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Peace through strength.

>> No.3073289
File: 68 KB, 430x500, nietzsche (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last man is tired of life, takes no risks, and seeks only comfort and security. The last man is the goal that European civilization has apparently set for itself. The lives of the last men are comfortable. There is no longer a distinction between ruler and ruled, let alone political exploitation. Social conflict is minimized.
Nietzsche said that the society of the last man would be too barren to support the growth of great individuals. The last man is possible only by mankind's having bred an apathetic creature who has no great passion or commitment, who is unable to dream, who merely earns his living and keeps warm. The last men claim to have discovered happiness, but blink every time they say so.

Why didn't you stop it, /lit/?

>> No.3073294

>"the event itself is far too great, too distant, too remote from the multitude's capacity for comprehension even for the tidings of it to be thought of as having arrived as yet."

Boy did he underestimate just how fast we would decay.

>> No.3073353

Some of the shit you motherfuckers are saying is making me depressed as fuck! Im outta here!

>> No.3073362

>Happiness is given too much importance these days. Why not go for greatness?
But don't people strive for greatness with the intention of becoming happy?

>> No.3073371

no. hth

>> No.3073368

>implying you can even entertain this kind of pessimism about progress when we've got MULTIPLE GODDAMN ROBOTS ON MARS

>> No.3073374

Yeah lets just ignore the fact that we could have put those robots there 30 years ago if it weren't for the incomprehensibly misguided political elite that rules the Western world. Somehow bent on spending more money on war machines than it is with feeding its own population or pushing the limit of human capability through science.

>> No.3073379

you will be forgotten in a couple of years after you die, forever, and all these years you spent living, thinking, doing, building, creating or destroying won't matter to anyone.
doesn't it make you want to become someone that will be remembered for hundreds or even thousands of years after death?
like hitler, alexander the great. these two are great examples, but one must achieve more than they did

>> No.3073383

Pretty sure the main reason the space programme existed in the first place was because the US was engaged in a dick-measuring contest with Russia, and also because both sides wanted to be able to shoot each other from space. In fact, didn't the space programme dropping off coincide with things getting less hostile?

Also, what does that argument have to do with Nietzche?

>> No.3073387

>doesn't it make you want to become someone that will be remembered for hundreds or even thousands of years after death?
Probably more realistic to make peace with impermanence. Also, assuming you have kids, a couple of years is a bit quick. I think it would take a few decades before being completely forgotten.

>> No.3073388

it still exists for that sole reason.
america fuck yeah.
robots on mars with obama as president

>> No.3073392

for me it's either that or nothing, and it is really hard to make peace with the fact that you won't achieve anything no matter how hard you try.
and just a memory of me as a father of friend does not suffice
my ego is probably too big

>> No.3073394

I really want to travel back in time just to tell some honky slave-owner, "In the future, we put a mechanical automaton on Mars. Also, a black man is President. Isn't that rad?"

And then shoot him.

>> No.3073399
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>doesn't it make you want to become someone that will be remembered for hundreds or even thousands of years after death?

Impossible in the modern age, even more so in the post-modern.

Our generation cannot fixate on a single person of note. It moves and changes opinions on a daily basis. Everything not only crumbles under the sheer weight of time, it gets utterly forgotten and abandoned by the never-stopping majority of the population.

The internet has admittedly destroyed all forms of superior knowledge or greatness. You can become an expert on any subject with just a few clicks of the mouse. You can learn about every single culture on this planet within a few days. You can become a walking Wikipedia and still, people would not give a shit because that ability lies with them also, for they have an internet connection as well.

Think 60, 100, a 1,000 years ago if you were to possess all this information. You would become a god. People would pay money to hear your wisdom. Kings and Queens would bow down to your infinite knowledge.

Now? The average teenager can possess this kind of information if he was a little dedicated. Nothing matters anymore, we have truly become a society that is unable to raise great men -- for we have no real goals to focus on. Taking the risk of paraphrasing Fight Club; "We have no great wars, and no great depression". We have no world-wide goals that everyone can unite for.

From here on out, it looks to be a very boring future.

>> No.3073402


>No world-wide goals

Let's try: current economic meltdown, global warming, every other environmental crisis, increasing world hunger, increasing world poverty etc.

>> No.3073405

the way i'm thinking it, the only way to get that recognition is not by creating something or doing something good in general, but being bad.
it takes a team of scientists and decades to create some robots on mars. it takes one man to destroy these robots if he wanted to, and everyone would hear and remember this man.
you can save thousands of people via charities or volunteering, and nobody will know about you except for your friends or the ones you work with.
but if you kill thousands of people, you will be known and recognised. think bin laden
it is really hard to give proper examples of memorable people that actually did some good for humanity. but everyone remembers the killers and destroyers

>> No.3073408

The Herostratus point of view.

>> No.3073409
File: 153 KB, 270x270, 1333598158822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's dissect:

>current economic meltdown
An issue that has plagued our world for centuries. Yet every single -permanent- solution to such a problem gets instantly branded as either a; "Utopia", "Impossible because humans are evil" or "This will never work". Humans are seemingly more apt at making excuses than fixing their problems. Haven't you noticed?

>global warming
Not really man's fault. Global warming has been occurring even before the Industrial Revolution. We simply speed up the process.

>increasing world hunger
Did you know that the world has enough food to feed every single person on the planet? Not pulling this out of my ass, check Google because posting links will just eat up my word-limit.
The problem lies in the mismanagement of food and food production. Do you see anyone besides the few "hippies" as they are branded by society - to be a majority? Not in the slightest.

>increasing world poverty
Actually, more and more countries are improving economically. The problem is no longer "do they have enough money", but rather "are they capable of managing it properly".

Until we convince the average Joe that there could be a better world to live in than the one he is living in now, the world will be stuck in the same situation of never ending problems. And trust me, CONVINCING the average Joe of your goals instead of BRAINWASHING him or FORCING him to believe you, is a lot tougher than you think.

>> No.3073415
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>Did you know that the world has enough food to feed every single person on the planet?

Not everyone is as deserving of food as others. That's the point of capitalism, those that provide services to people the best make the most money and can hog more resources.

Tyrone and his 20 kids can starve to death, I don't really care.

>> No.3073419


go to a doctor immediately and get help, you might be antisocial

>> No.3073420
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And you believe people will remember you?

Even now, people are starting to forget about James Holmes. No matter what you do, people will go on about their lives and would rather forget about you because merely remembering you gives them negative thoughts and feelings. The average man would rather forget the bad things and remember the good.

But as you've said, rarely do good men earn recognition. So in essence, it creates a fairly frustrating world to live in.

>> No.3073425

> James Holmes

Pffft. How many people did he kill, 10? If you want to be remembered, you need to become a scientist and develop a virus that kills all black people. You will be worshiped was a God in the future once we get done with all this "all races are equal" nonsense.

>> No.3073434

Be careful, you might cut yourself with those edges.

Why are so many /pol/iticans on /lit/? For fucks sake, just stay in your board.

>> No.3073437
File: 14 KB, 300x421, ayn rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry reality upsets your naive worldview.

>> No.3073445

I hate her smug fucking face.

>> No.3073449

You're view has nothing to do with Rands. When Rand advocates the self-serving intellectual following their 'reason to the best of their ability,' she states that she is talking about people in western society with equal access to education. There is nothing remotely meritocratic about the comparison between a starving child in the Congo, and middle class American.

>> No.3073453
File: 12 KB, 480x358, randizzle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no right to take resources from hard working Americans and give them to starving "people" in Africa.

>> No.3073454

Aww. Babby discovered Rand. Give this chap about 10 years, guys. S/he will grow out of it. Everyone does.

>> No.3073457

Yeah, actually, we do. You see, "hard working Americans" are in fact a minor subset of Homo sapiens, the species. The species takes precedence over the individual. The society takes precedence over the individual. That is what establishes the justification in taking from the rich (in reasonable proportion) and giving to the poor. That is what justifies taking from fatass Yankees and giving to starving Nigerians.c

>> No.3073458
File: 107 KB, 350x449, rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3073459

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desart. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

>> No.3073463


I hate it when /pol/ wanders

>> No.3073466
File: 2 KB, 197x234, aynrand1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The society takes precedence over the individual

There is no such thing as "society". There are only individuals. What is good for the individual is good for society. People who are weak and unable and therefore fail to provide services to others inside the capitalist system are of no use.

No work, no food.

>> No.3073469

The state stole money from her via taxes, she was only taking back what was hers originally.

>> No.3073470

You're conflating 'knowing a lot of facts and stuff' with 'being great'. They were never the same thing. You've always had to actually produce something worth remembering you by, or do something worth remembering, to be remembered, and I see absolutely no reason the internet has changed that. Except possibly that it's harder for someone to become lauded as a straight-up 100% awesome no-flaws hero, because even if you save a million kittens from kitten concentration camps or something at least somewhere on the internet someone will be calling you a dick.

>> No.3073474

That or he's got, like, nihilism or something.

>> No.3073475


>> No.3073477

>thinking Ayn Rand was racist
What's next, edgydude, you going to portray her as a great friend of the church?

>> No.3073478

All jews think of goyim as inferiors.

>> No.3073480

A cute notion, but easily falsified. The individual does not exist unto his own self. The individual relies--at every step--on a social apparatus much larger than his own self. For example, the individual relies on other individuals for his food supply, for his safety on the roads, for his healthcare, for his education, for the use of public transit, and so on. The individual relies, at a larger level, on his society's representative government for the overarching policies of that country, and its relations with other countries in the global society.

In short, the individual has a distinct role to play, but only within a much larger machine. There is, indeed, no such thing as an individual; rather there is only the society. Nobody misses one individual.

>> No.3073482


>> No.3073488

Ayn Rand promoted a lowbrow bourgeois counter-revolutionary reading of Nietzsche combined with idiotic platitudes about market capitalism. She and her family ran afoul of the Bolsheviks because they were loathsome ghouls incapable of reading the writing on the wall. Ironically for her, the mediocrity she decries is a direct result of the same market she asks us to worship.

>> No.3073498

>incapable of reading the writing on the wall
I'm not surprised. Those Russians keep switching the letters round, writing them backwards, and even making them up.

>> No.3073506

had such a nice thread.
why did it have to end with rand

>> No.3073519

/pol/ was leaking and it's about time for a revival now that DFW is old hat and Pynchon isn't posting anymore.

>> No.3075627

>150 replies to a 15 year old's philosophy of existence

>> No.3075950

Awake my St. John, and leave all meaner things
to low ambition, and the pride of kings.

>> No.3075956


>> No.3075961

i think that you have to realise in my view that you really have to make a point of fucking living man, like i mean, make something to live for. because really man we dont mean fuck all and where one in a fucking huge amount, so just forget about being a worthless useless piece of shit and find something genuine and awesome to fucking live for you dig cunt

>> No.3075963

/lit/ - Altruists

>> No.3075965

>tfw you read this post after reading Irvine Welsch all day

>> No.3075970
File: 76 KB, 604x452, 1333945925178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just fucking sick of this amount of work that I have to do just to keep myself alive. It's all this work, man, and I'm not talking about work - like going to the bank or being a secretary or building a house or practising the cello, that's work, that's hard work, I know that. But just existence itself is fucking hard work. I see it this way because I think that existence is absurd by nature, I don't want to exist, that's why I think the simplest things are hard work. I'm overwhelmed by the amount of work that I have to do just to survive.

I wake up in the morning, I brush my teeth, I'm like fuck - all this repetitive motion that leads to nothing. I'm brushing my teeth, where does it go? Does it lead to somewhere? Not really. I'm walking to a place, walking to the store - left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot, I'm walking to the store...I'm going nowhere. I'm blinking my eyes, I'm breathing, my heart is pumping... Even when lifting weights it's a repetitive motion. All this repetitive motion is just fucking nonsense. Eating; you eat, you get hungry, you eat, you get hungry. You ejaculate, you get more sperm, you get more horny and jack off; all this desire is insatiable.

It's like when I was in elementary school, I'd wake up in the morning and think "I don't want to go to school", but I have to go to school just because, fill in the blank. This whole existence thing, compared to that school is nothing. You can quit school if you really want to after a certain age, I mean nobody can force you to go to school. If you really don't want to go to school, nobody gives a fuck, right? But you can't not exist. You can't not survive.

>> No.3075971
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You can say "Why don't you just kill yourself, Frank?" Well, because I can't. I'm programmed by evolution, I just have an instinct to survive. I can't do anything to hurt myself. It's the same reason why I can't resist sugar, you know, I can't kill myself, it's just how my genes are programmed. It takes a lot of courage to kill yourself, so if you're going to kill yourself, I'll give you props, I can't do it. So I've just got to survive and survive and survive, that's the brain's mechanism, you have to keep going.

So I was thrown into this world without any consent, without my permission and I can't even die. I'm stuck in this fucking shit-hole. All these illusions created by evolution makes you think that you accomplish something by breathing, by eating, going to work, earning money. You can find your true love, get married, have kids and you think that all this stuff leads to happiness, you think all those goals in the end lead to something but it's all fucking fruitless. You're just a fucking empty shell for your genes. Genes don't care about you, and once you get married, have kids and you get old nobody gives a fuck about you anymore, right? Nature doesn't give a fuck about you anymore. You think when you get old it's all glamorous, looking after your grandkids, but that's just evolution telling you to survive and survive and survive, and all these illusionary goals, religion "I'm working for God", "I'm working for my wife", "I'm working to make a lot of money", or fame, at the end of the day, outside of all those social illusions created by the brain are just fruitless.

>> No.3075974
File: 34 KB, 500x373, can't be worried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leads to nothing

well it keeps your teeth healthy. and when you are walking to a store you aren't going nowhere, you are going to said store.

just roll with it man, jebus. no need to be overanalytical and make yourself depressed

>> No.3075976


all i can say is smoke bud erryday (;

>> No.3075980
File: 34 KB, 720x540, dg3vpz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just an empty vessel for your genes. When people talk about existing after life, you do exist after life, your genes exist, I'll give you that. But billions of other people, billions of other animals are doing the same thing, they're playing the same game as you, they just survive because they're programmed to survive. You're immortal in a way, if you think that way, it's kind of optimistic. But why does it matter if your genes get passed on? The human race is gonna be wiped out anyway.

So I feel like every time I wake up in the morning all this work that have to do; it's like Marxism where you talk about the capitalist society where the workers create all the "stuff", and then ultimately their work is taken away from them. That's kind of how I feel right now, all this work I'm doing trying to survive, at the end of the day it belongs to the human species. Who the fuck cares about the human species from an evolutionary or universal point of view? Nobody.

So I was thrown out of my mother's fruitless vagina, forced to go on living, and I'm doing this project in this huge factory called Earth, and I'm producing all these products for nothing. Even if it's for the human species it boils down to nothing. I feel like in the morning I'm forced to get up, and all this shit just gets pushed underneath me, "Go Frank Go! You gotta wake up, you gotta brush your teeth, you gotta eat, you gotta have sex and you gotta make videos!" And all these fossils, dead corpses of animals and my ancestors, my grandpa and my grandma and worms and bacteria and all this shit is just pushing me, you know, "we all did it before you, keep going, keep passing on genes, keep playing the game" and you know, man fuck this man FUCK!

>> No.3075987
File: 618 KB, 657x510, 1350683497943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Life is gay" - Plato

>> No.3075988


ahaha man i did not see anything referencing buds don't be linking in the 76 for nothen ya know? and really dude life doesn't have to be repetitive, thats the thing! you really can do whatever you want however you want. just think about what that means bro, fucken do anything man if you really feel like your life is a repetitive shit fuck do something to find out a different perspective of your life (lsd cunt) ...

>> No.3075996


Yeah, you have an illusion of free will. ENJOY IT CUNT and quit your bitching

>> No.3075998

Ph-philosophy bro? Is that you?

>> No.3076000

No, it's frank yang.


>> No.3076001

"No nigga, u gay" - Aristotle

>> No.3076002


This is why I've chosen to do fuck all with my life. Just watch the state money trickle in once a month and spend it on simple, healthy dishes, a few beers and a bit of internet and enjoy myself as much as I can without ever truly exerting myself, since I know that once I try the absurdity will become too overwhelming to continue. I don't try anymore, I just do stuff. Or if I don't feel like it, I don't. Yesterday I spent 20 hours out of 24 in bed. It was glorious. Just me, a book and a bowl of rice. Sometimes I take walks or sit in a bar. Sometimes I write, but only when I feel like it, never forced, but because it wants out, like passing gas after a meal of beans. It's not all that bad, you just have to stop trying and live as effortlessly as possible. I've found that I an more and more unlearning what I'm supposed to want and do and care about. I live like a scruffy little sage with no interest in enlightenment or much else for that matter. And I guess I'm pretty happy since there's nothing I'm lacking. Brushing your teeth becomes an heroic tasks after an 8 hour shift in the warehouse, but after a delicious 10 hour slumber it's quite manageable.

>> No.3076008

"Nigga I ain't gay, I go drinkan" - socrates

>> No.3076010

"Shame on a nigga who try to run game on a nigga" - Karl Marx

>> No.3076011

You live like an beautiful, hot 18-25 years old.

And finally, after all that, women will do absolutely nothing to improve themselves. Thousands upon thousands of years of evolution is simply against them- they have never had any selective pressures against them except for their lone trump card: reproduction. With that gone, they simply fail to matter to the species, and all the pressures for pert breast and wide hips go down the evolutionary dustbin.

>> No.3076017

>You live like an beautiful, hot 18-25 years old.

>> No.3076021

fuck the police - moses

>> No.3076024

Obviously I meant "You live like an beautiful, hot 18-25 years old woman".

You sound like Diogenes, a Greek philosopher. Very cool. Obviously you're on welfare, and that's cool too. Not fuck was given.

Please write books and publish it, I'm excited to read it.

>> No.3076034

smells like homo round ere'....

>> No.3076044

Sounds like my ideal lifestyle.

>> No.3076046
File: 270 KB, 512x368, 1350482587121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, we've all heard this a billion times before.

Society is complacent. Our lives are mundane. etc etc.

What is the SOLUTION? You've uncovered the problem, now what do we do to fix that thorn-in-the-ass problem? All I ever see are people pointing out the flaws in our way of life but never fucking suggest any solutions.

And it's funny, because those that point out the flaws are branded as some fucking enlightened assholes, (e.g Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Fight Club). Why? What have they done that the average man couldn't do if he actually thought about the bigger picture for longer than 5 minutes? Or the life he's living. Or where he's going.

That's all I ever see. People are disgruntled about the current status quo but do nothing to break it. They propose no solutions. No insight or some form of escape from this shit. They just find themselves a little depressed now and again over the week and continue about their lives.


>> No.3076049


You want solution? World wide suicide. Not even kidding.

>> No.3076055
File: 101 KB, 500x333, cell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a great compliment, since I admire him the most of all philosophers. I'm nowhere near that level of austerity though, but I think Cynicism has always been about autonomy, not necessarily a quest for the greatest poverty. My standard of living is more that of a monk than a bum, which is a lot more manageable without dying of pneumonia in this neck of the woods.

>> No.3076056

The solution is everyone needs to simultaneously default on all their financial obligations and seize the means of production.

>> No.3076064


Just this.

Listen to no more OP. There is no such thing as "meaning of life". The only meaning is the one you give to it. Whoever that tries to tell you what the true meaning is, will only tell what the meaning is for that person.

You are free to choose a path. Don't think about it as a pointless path. It will mean something but only to yourself and that's what matters.

>> No.3076067

OP is obviously an autist normalfag and then 174 posts and 24 image replies omitted

>wtf /lit

>> No.3076467

Is that a picture of your room?

>> No.3076502

This nigga is always posting pictures of that room. Bed and a table.

>> No.3076526

>working a job you won't like

Then why don't you do something you DO like, genius?

>> No.3076601

Lol no, I'm glad we haven't seen him for quite a while now. You can rightly call OP a normalfag tho for posing these questions in this plebianbias way.

Just saw the seventh seal btw. Best movie I've seen from that era bar non. Liked it very much.

>> No.3077043

Sadly not. It's a cell at the Dominican monastery of Sainte Marie de La Tourette.

>> No.3077136

Every day I come here and post my opinion and judgement of life and everyday it's different.

>> No.3077207

Man, am I the only person who loves life?

I like nature and I like people.
There's always something new to do or learn, a new place to go!

Why should it matter that nobody will remember me?

>> No.3077230

/sci/ here. Points don't exist.

>> No.3077233

/sci/ - Nihilism

>> No.3077241

If you choose to see it that way. Otherwise: points don't exist, but movement does.

>> No.3077292

>point of life

oh you...

>> No.3077512


“Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, an afternoon that is so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four, five times more, perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps 20. And yet it all seems limitless.”

>> No.3077534


edgy as fuk

>> No.3079230

This has been a very good thread, so many perspectives.

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