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3059947 No.3059947[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What philosophy do you subscribe to? Why?

Why not Stoicism
Or at least Zen?

>> No.3059952

None of them work. I'm still depressed.

>> No.3059956


You haven't actualized them or practiced them

>> No.3059959
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the way of death

>> No.3059964
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I don't know if I want to live a disciplined and serious lifestyle, or if I want to live laid back and easy-going like an Epicurean.

>> No.3059966

I've been looking a bit more into Zen practice again lately. The whole egoistical hedonism thing is pretty tiring and over the years I've find that I've had the most happy times being somewhat genuinely caring for things instead of being a spiteful bastard.

I don't think there's a single one Zen philosophy though, except meditating being beneficial and the general tenets of Buddhism with a quietist streak.

>> No.3059968
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>not being a virtuous, athletic and enlightened sage


>> No.3059972

According to today's standards Epicureanism would be pretty austere. It's basically living frugally while taking care of yourself, not doing crazy stuff that leads to suffering and enjoying the company of your friends. I'd say getting drunk on any regular basis is far from Epicurean, for example. As are decadent foods and dwellings.

>> No.3059973

Back in the 1980's, we were all eating a lot of pussy. We wasn't all caught up worrying about consequences, neither. It was an easier time. I was young, I was drinking hard liquor every night and had a pair of hardbodies on my arm wherever I went. Hell, those were the days. All of us - young, free, powerful. That's it, friends, the only true philosophy is youth.

>> No.3059978

I live most of my life with the speeches of Krishnamurti in mind but this thing typing this would never say "I am a Krishnamurtian".

>> No.3059980


I hope you mean UG Krishnamurti, not Jiddu Krishnamurti

UG is the only legit indian guru (because hes the anti-guru)

>> No.3059987

>We wasn't all caught up worrying about consequences, neither.
Wouldn't that make the true philosophy blissful ignorance?

>> No.3059990


Both of them had many important ideas but to live by UG's teachings would basically be living as GG Allin

>> No.3059991


What else is youth?

>> No.3059998

Guys do things have to have a purpose?

>> No.3060003

Fair enough, just an awfully uncommon stance on a board such as this And a far wiser one

>> No.3060007

Only if you will them to. If you prefer no purpose, then by all means, join the active nihilism master race.

>> No.3060013

I'm then Epicurus reincarnated.

>> No.3060014

>implying i don't aspire to stoicism

So there was this qt girl in my acting class last semester and then I follow her on tumblr and she's blogging about how she's trying to find the Meditations and like Moby Dick and shit.
might be a crush
is it normal to crush on a chick for liking books?

>> No.3060017


Do it.

>> No.3060026

How do I alienate my subconscious?

I know that certain feelings are fake, foolish and unproductive, but I can't help myself to overcome them at all times

Unless I do drugs every now and then

>> No.3060034

Try to observe those feelings from a distance. Think something like "Oh, now my jolly old subconscious wants me to feel jealousy! Ain't that a funny old chap!"

>> No.3060037

what im saying is that it not always works

>> No.3060045

I follow the line of empiricism. Our goal in life is to know and science has shown to be a very good too for prediction.

>> No.3060053

do what?

>> No.3060061

OP did you mean

>What moral philosophy do you subscribe to? Why?


>> No.3060063


Love her- if you want to.

>> No.3060066
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Give it to her

>> No.3060067


>> No.3060069

>implying any object or evidence outside of your consciousness isn't an assumption

>> No.3060075


>implying your consciousness isn't an assumption

>> No.3060080


> Implying your assumptions are conscious

>> No.3060099


Nice fucking comeback. You ate his family and raped his toy cars with that one, no joke.

>> No.3060156

I use a mixture of philosophies i've read but none seem to good for me.
Zen or buddhism doesnt work for me because i still want to experience the joy of living, even if the proposed alternative may give me peace.
I would ratter live my life in destruction and self doubt than nothingness.
I refuse epicuriean due to living life to the base minimum.
Anyone not living off grains and a shack in the forest if not a real Epicuriean.
Existentialism might be the closest but i dont fully agree with it.

>> No.3060181

Why base your philosophical outlook on preferences or gut feelings and not logic?

>> No.3060184

>insinuating philosophy can be based on logic

>> No.3060187
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>My neck feels like it wants to shit but it's a neck.

>> No.3060190

1)Epicurean hedonism.
2) With respect to a political philosophy: Blood sacrifices to Cthulu in the name of the Wonk.

>> No.3060214

i am also having a problem with this recently

>> No.3060221

I always tell myself life would feel more purposeful if I lived by a code, you know, if life gives you lemons do 'x' and 'y 'but at the end of the day I feel there's no code that I can entirely agree with so I say fuck the lemons and bail.

>> No.3060249

Why shouldn't we pursue a philosophical system based on logic? Surely rationale and logic are the best tools to come to an adequate solution to a problem. I'm not well-versed in Philosophy in any way so go easy on me.

>> No.3060260

>looking for dogmas to subscribe to instead of taking them as examples to live your way

that is like buying a certain type of guitar to play only a certain song just cause you saw a good musician playing that song with that type of guitar.

>> No.3060280

I agree with nondualism but don't know enough about Buddhism to practice it and a lot of what's written in English about it is bullshit.

I also agree overall with the philosophy of the Tao Te Ching and Zhuangzi.

I see God as an underlying Ultimate Reality, and the Buddha, Jesus, Guru Nanak, etc., as people who became enlightened, who were able to connect directly to the Ultimate, and wanted to make the world a better place as a result.

I try to do thirty minutes of Vipassana meditation every day, and I read various philosophical and religious texts, taking note of anything that seems particularly insightful.

>> No.3060284


Why do you believe that?

>> No.3060296

>don't know enough about Buddhism to practice it
>I try to do thirty minutes of Vipassana meditation

are you aware of what you are saying?

>> No.3060301

In non-dualism? Because I reached the conclusion independently when I realized how species which evolve simultaneously in the same ecosystem influence the evolution of one another and thus through each other further influence the evolution of themselves. Taking this concept further I realized that everything seems to affect everything, directly or indirectly. I found it liberating to realize that the universe is one complicated system, one big thing, because then my individual "self" is just a part of the whole of existence. I am the universe. If you want to look at it like a computer, I'm a partition on the hard drive. When I die, the partition is removed, but that part of the hard drive is still there. My ego will disappear but my body and every decision I ever made will continue to affect the universe in profound ways that no one will ever know about. And the same goes for everyone else.

Everything exists in relation to everything else.

>> No.3060302

I'm sure there's more to Buddhism than 30 minutes of Vipassana meditation a day, isn't there?

>> No.3060306

so you got high?

>> No.3060309


>> No.3060310


Well I agree with all of that but I don't consider myself a non-dualist.

Do you believe in free will?

>> No.3060315

I go with a blend of Stoicism and Epicureanism myself, if both are successfully combined I think it could be the best philosophical system.

>> No.3060317

The only real philosophical 'school' I subscribe to is preference utilitarianism in terms of ethics, but I'm currently reading a lot about rights theories and and beginning to be persuaded by them

>> No.3060320

>My ego will disappear but my body

sorry? you said your body wont disappear when you will die? did i misread?

>> No.3060321

I believe you can free yourself of impulses and fears and reach a point where your pure "self" is calling all the shots. But whether that pure self is deterministic (and whether it can choose to free itself of the bonds of the ego or that's determined) I can't say.

I'd like to be a compatibilist but I'm not 100% sure.

>> No.3060322

The physical remains will continue to exist. They'll decompose (read: change form) but the matter that makes me up won't cease to be.

Conservation of mass.

>> No.3060323

>I agree with nondualism


how can you make a positive assertion about a negative definition?

>> No.3060330

I don't believe in dualism. Better?

>> No.3060337

if you dont believe in dualism, how can be non-dualism even conceived? how can there be a non-x when there is actually no x, whenre there is nothing to negate? thats like saying you dont believe in the son of a barren woman.

>> No.3060345


>hurrrr by saying you don't believe in God you acknowledge that God exists

Fuck off cumguzzler

>> No.3060351

I'm glad that's wrong nd will be enjoying my afterlife.

>> No.3060354

lol what? im not saying that you are affirming dualism, im just saying that it is a non sens to affirm non-dualism.

but ok, now i am saying that you affirm dualism cause you read what i said in a dual way.

keep believing.

>> No.3060357


What annoys me the most about people who believe in the afterlife is that they won't know that they were wrong.

>> No.3060364

You're full of yourself.

original eastern non-dualism relies on immaterial concepts anyways, not your bastardized pseudo-scientificultra physicalist one.

you are anti-life, confusing conscious with "ego"

>> No.3060372

I like Stocism because I can read a few passages and feel like I have the strength to not kill myself. Even if the door's always open.

Subscribe would be too strong of a word.

>> No.3060379

I'm not

>> No.3060381

Person you were talking to before. The person who insulted you wasn't me. I'm going to get some food.

>> No.3060483

>implying I can assume things without a consciousness

>> No.3060500


Your consciousness could be illusory.

>> No.3060540

The concept of "illusion" could be illusory.

>> No.3060542


>> No.3060561

>Zen or buddhism doesnt work for me because i still want to experience the joy of living, even if the proposed alternative may give me peace.

you're doing it horribly wrong. it's quite the opposite actually, zen buddhism gives you the experience and joy of living.

practice some more

>> No.3060565
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>implying Zen gives more joy than heroin

>> No.3060570

>implying you've even tried heroin

>> No.3060588


>implying I would need to before I could make my previous statement

>> No.3060617

i don't have a philosophy. maybe that's my problem.

67 posts and nobody has mentioned that OP's pic is misspelled. "all" is the complete word. the letters are contracted out of the "you." irksome.

>> No.3060628

do you know how i know you got autism?

>> No.3060697

Love, be loved and a good view. It takes so much of my efforts to keep it that simple.

>> No.3060703

>and a good view

u wot m8?

>> No.3060720

I just really really enjoy a good view. Ocean is good, but generally overrated. I like fields, like cultivated fields on small hills with small patches of forest scattered on them. It's like an archipelago on land where the wheat is the water and the trees the islands, only the wind touches the wheat better than the water.

>> No.3060741

I'm a nihilist lol fuck meaning

>> No.3060734


>> No.3060745

Not all philosophies are disciplined and serious. There are philosophies about being laid back.

>> No.3060760
File: 50 KB, 635x854, ludwig wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty much a Wittgensteinian. Most metaphysics is shit. Everything that can be said can be said clearly. The world is all that is the case. etc. etc.

>> No.3060783

Ha, fucking athirst scum.

>> No.3060786

i honestly dont prescribe to any particular philosophy. I simply try to live my life one day at a time and with as little stress as possible. at times this is a little counter-intuitive, for lack of a better term, but then i remember the extent of my problems are all materialistic and dont really matter.
>what school of though does this resemble?

>> No.3060788

Mundane hedonism?

>> No.3060794

>i honestly dont prescribe to any particular philosophy
you sound like you haven't even read anything remotely close to philosophy

>> No.3060798

>he reads philosophy!

>not studying it for decades before coming to a final conclusion before your death

typical young hipster atheist male

>> No.3060803

>Mundane hedonism
i dont feel that really applys. I try to live stress free but i dont actively seek out pleasure. I am much more wait and see.

i also try to live with little impact on others

>> No.3060806

big boys are talking

>> No.3060807

what are you even saying, mang?

>> No.3060817

Hence the 'mundane'.

Have you read the Stranger? You're like a description of Meursalt but not Meursalt.

>> No.3060818

This. Many people have the wrong idea about Epicureanism. It is true that Epicurus said that you should live life by enjoying it, but his idea of happiness was literally "the absence of pain", both physically and mentally.

>> No.3060824

Nevermind me, actually.

>>3060818 sounds more like it.

>> No.3060829

nihilism, stoicism, zen buddhism
>choose 1

>> No.3060828

Marxist-leninist mao's thought

>> No.3060830

i have not but i have heard the name.
looks good on wiki, maybe i go out and get....

>> No.3060909

why cant i combine parts of each?

>> No.3060912


>> No.3060925

If you would like to begin Zen practice, I would recommend starting a sitting or walking meditation practice routine and reading up on various zen concepts. Suzuki and Watts are very easy for most Westerners to understand. There are also books that explain Buddhism with Existentialist terms.

Look into Zen Centers in your area if you feel joining one would help structure your practice better (for most people, it will, as complete solitary practice is fine but difficult for most to maintain)

Zen Centers are very relaxing and welcoming places in my experience. Wearing a robe, meditating in silence, the smell of incense, going on silent retreats into the countryside. The life of a Zen practitioner is beautiful to me.

>> No.3060926

Holy shit. None of you fucking faggots are Taoists or practitioners of Zen. Get over your dumb hipster selves. Yes, I'm mad.

>> No.3060930

are you mad just because Zen is too deep for you and you can't seem to wrap your head around it?

>> No.3060952

>practices zen
>Yes, im mad

kill yourself

>> No.3060956
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No. I'm a religious studies minor and a person who's generally just interested in religions... I've read a fair bit of Dōgen, Suzuki, Watts, Yasutani, koan compilations, Ten Ox Herding Pictures and all that, and I think I have a pretty good grasp of the basic idea of Zen.

I get buttfrustrated when people identify with religions/spiritual traditions that they don't actually practice or know much of anything about. There's no way that ~30% of /lit/ posters have attached themselves to a rōshi and sit in zazen properly.

>> No.3060958


I don't practice Zen you tool.

>> No.3060976

What is that picture trying to say? There are many reasons why the Catholic church, as an institution, should garner less respect than many Eastern traditions. Imagine where Catholic architecture and art would be without the sale of indulgences, for example.

>> No.3060995

I have been interested in buddhism for four years now. I've done the reading and I'm a member of a zen center led by a zen master who practices within a "legitimate tradition"

I am confused- why are you so upset that so many have shown interest in zen? It's true that there are probably posters in this thread who have little to no understanding/experience of buddhism, but your comment

seems a bit far

>> No.3061003

I just laugh at how people sit in rooms devising elaborate philosophical systems of what's ethical, and what's the best way to live life. None of it ever applies when you actual live life. ;

>> No.3061011

fuck off sociopath

>> No.3061036

>What is that picture trying to say?

Ask whoever made it. I'm not a Catholic or a person who's particularly interested in defending Catholicism.

>There are many reasons why the Catholic church, as an institution, should garner less respect than many Eastern traditions.

From your perspective, I'm sure there are. And maybe you're right. I just think it's silly to obsess over the philosophies and religions of the 'mysterious Orient' as if mysticism, religious esoterism, enlightenment, and all that aren't also present in many Western traditions. It's fine to prefer one religion over others but I think that lots of Westerners who identify as "Buddhist" do so for the wrong reasons. From Marco Pallis, himself a Buddhist:

>It must be mentioned, in passing, that Europeans who feel drawn to Buddhism have hitherto been inclined to avoid the Pure Land form of it just because of its insistence on grace, described there as tariki (other power), which reminded them too much of the Christianity they believed themselves to have left behind. Western seekers have on the whole felt more drawn to jiriki (own power) methods, those where personal initiative and heroic effort are greatly stressed—hence their preference for Zen (or what they take for such) or else Theravada interpreted in an ultrapuritanical, not to say humanistic, sense; not for anything would these people be mistaken for miserable, God-dependent Christians!

>> No.3061051

I follow the I Ching mostly.

I think there's a valid, underlying truth if you open yourself to it and try to understand what it's conveying. The universe around us is usually viewed with as nothing more than a series of non-connected, cleanly linear, and random events. After having investigated Jung's Synchronicity and having used the I Ching for a while now, I am personally suspect to believe that there is some sort of underlying cosmic collective consciousness in which everything is connected. To better understand this phenomenon is to better understand yourself, and to understand yourself is the road to enlightenment.

As with any philosophy, that's just how I've come to view things.

>> No.3061059

Nihilist Relativism plus The Golden Rule because I don't want to get shanked and I understand others likely feel the same way

>> No.3061069


>I am personally suspect to believe that there is some sort of underlying cosmic collective consciousness

Just because Jung and some book said it's real? any actual reason to think a collective conscious is a literal, (in a sense) tangible aspect of our universe?

>> No.3061082
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So you want to live 'according to nature?' Oh, you noble Stoics, what a fraud is in this phrase! Imagine something like nature, profligate without measure, indifferent without measure, without purpose and regard, without mercy and justice, fertile and barren and uncertain at the same time, think of indifference itself as power — how could you live according to this indifference? Living — isn't that wanting specifically to be something other than this nature? Isn't living assessing, preferring, being unfair, being limited, wanting to be different? And assuming your imperative to 'live according to nature' basically amounts to 'living according to life' — well how could you not? Why make a principle out of what you yourselves are and must be?

>> No.3061086

Can someone tell me why Stoicism and Epicureanism are historically opposed to each other?

>> No.3061104

sup brochacho, i think you would be interested to read

Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness by Itzhak Bentov

>> No.3061116

Einstein and Bohr

>> No.3061122


Einstein and Bohr demonstrated what consciousness is and that it exists as a collective?

>> No.3061163

go on......

>> No.3061166


I was asking a question. This guy:


needs to explain himself.

>> No.3061171

go on....

>> No.3061224

I like to be happy.

I also like it when other people are happy.

>> No.3061263

Thanks brodecahedron, I'll look into snagging a copy. This stuff fascinates me too much to leave any pages unturned.

>> No.3061274
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Nietzsche up in this bitch

>> No.3061294

Please elaborate. They seem in many ways alike from a modern perspective but there's also some irreconcilable stuff. What are the proportions of your cocktail?

>> No.3061303

Existentialism because I really liked and related to The Stranger.

can't be bothered to brush up on anything else, tried Neitze and Rand's stuff but I feel I'm too apathetic for either of those

>> No.3061305

Courage wolf-ism

>> No.3061308


Come on man, apathy is for the weak. Be a man of action, eat that motherfucking peach.

>> No.3061314

>tfw not hard enough to be a Cynic

I secretly think you feel the same way.

>> No.3061317


I already enjoy my life. My only goal is life is to see and judge life as a human.

>> No.3061327

Thanks, friend. I have experience with zazen from a few years back and have read The Way of Zen by Watts and Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind and Not Quite so by Shunryu Suzuki. Did you mean that Suzuki, or D.T. Suzuki? Could you recommend any other important works about the subject?

There is a little Zen school/monastery not very far from me, I might check that out once I have the time and funds. In which school/lineage do you practice?

>> No.3061376

Wow, almost everyone on here is full of shit. You guys realize you are not edgy? Professors of philosophy (you know those intellectuals that memorize the stuff you wiki?) would laugh at your childish philosophies. Try to read philosophy with some substance. Like this kid >3060045 . One quality post among garbage and people still harp on it.

>> No.3061388

>Professors of philosophy (you know those intellectuals that memorize the stuff you wiki?)
This sounds way more depreciating and sad than you meant it. It's pretty correct though.

>> No.3061391

> once I have the time and funds

Funds... as in paying them? If so, lol.


High school faggot detected.

>> No.3061394

Nope, as in sustaining myself financially without working.

>> No.3061426

Masters fag.

>> No.3061452


>> No.3061502
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Garbage? You think Wittgenstein is garbage? What!

>> No.3061515

>So you want to live 'according to nature?' Oh, you noble Stoics, what a fraud is in this phrase!

Except your assumption is wrong

>> No.3061525

I lack a personality and empathy so i just say i'm a stoic.

>> No.3061529
File: 13 KB, 288x344, Black man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Constantly regard the universe as one living being, having one substance and one soul; and observe how all things have reference to one perception, the perception of this one living being; and how all things act with one movement; and how all things are the cooperating causes of all things that exist; observe too the continuous spinning of the thread and the structure of the web.

—Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, iv. 40.

>> No.3061537

i don't believe in any philosophy really, practice zazen sometimes and i read thich nhat hanh sometimes if i'm feeling bad. i guess i'm pretty nihilistic and an atheist but my girlfriend reminds me so much of her astrological sign that i sorta feel like something might be up with that. i'm sorta hopeful that there may be an afterlife but it seems pretty unlikely

>> No.3061539


do you even know what Stoicism means?

>> No.3061540
File: 45 KB, 146x148, rustled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not living a fiery life in accordance with nature so that your soul may be received into the glorious Logos Spermatikos


>> No.3061542


ya, but your interpretation of nature is clearly wrong in that case--so your assumption is misleading

>> No.3061548


empiricism can't into ethics or metaphysics

>> No.3061555


One rule of Zen is not to mention it as ritualistic behavior

>> No.3061556


if your goal is to know then Empiricism is going to be very disappointing since science doesn't know anything, it only makes educated guesses based on inductive (faulty) reasoning, subject to change, etc.

Unless your idea of knowledge is uncertain-guessing...?

>> No.3061560

My philosophy is, people who try to tell me how I ought to live myself can go the fuck to hell, because they can.

>> No.3061593
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>> No.3061646

Yeah but you have to admit Tractatus is bullshit, no homo.

>> No.3061661

>science doesn't know anything, it only makes educated guesses based on inductive (faulty) reasoning

You are typing on a computer right now. This would not be possible without in depth knowledge of semiconductor physics, microscopic manufacturing, quantum electrodynamics, and a whole host of other scientific theories that are proven successful every second of every day. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.3061674
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>but muh computah
>therefore absolute certainty and Truth

>> No.3061678

didn't say shit about truth.
I just said these theories are successful. They work. That's what science is about.

>> No.3061684

>calling others disgusting
come on

>> No.3061689

>didn't say shit about truth.
>I just said these theories are successful. They work. That's what science is about.

Then you failed to follow the simple conversation.

The problem was that empiricism doesn't arrive at truth or knowledge (knowledge being certain truth).

It simply arrives at approximations, educated guesses, which have utility. That is all.

>> No.3061691

The purpose is to make you and as many other people as you can happy.

otherwise, no, there is no purpose.

>> No.3061692

I've got a bad case of the feels.

>> No.3061697

>disparaging spiritual insights
Tsk tsk

>> No.3061700

The mass of your body is totally unimportant, it's the form that it becomes. Mountains of shit and dirt used to be beautiful people, civilizations, poetry, art, thoughts, life.
Now they're shit and dirt. Isn't that kind of a step down?

>> No.3061703

Heroin falls apart after about four days though

>> No.3061705

Well you should have a good view-point, too.

"Most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abe 'dead' Lincoln

>> No.3061710

Original guy who started this, I didn't make reference to anything called truth and I defined knowledge through empiricism, recursively. Therefore, go fuck yourself and try not to miss quote anyone again. The kid you are faultly arguing against has a very good point. So you should follow the fucking conversation closer, you limp dicked shit eater.

>> No.3061709

>practicioner of zen
>mad as fuck
wow isn't that like the opposite

>> No.3061718

If something works billions of times in a row for hundreds of years, we can stop worrying about it, ok? Eventually this philosophical masturbation must relate to reality, and the reality we all share (BARRING COGITO ERGO SUM DERIVED NONSENSE) is that scientific principals approximate truth to such a degree as to make it indistinguishable from truth divided from perception.

>> No.3061745

>riginal guy who started this, I didn't make reference to anything called truth and I defined knowledge through empiricism, recursively

>defined it circularly

well then you aren't saying anything and I win by default

>> No.3061747

what philosophy can make you braver and overcome anxiety?

>> No.3061756


>> No.3061754


What can science tell us about consciousness, about the way beethoven makes you feel? What can science say about the clusterfuck of emergent complexities in human nature?

>> No.3061777

>What can science tell us about consciousness,

it's the brain.

>about the way beethoven makes you feel?

neuro-chemistry, dopamine, serotonin, achetylcholine, etc.

>What can science say about the clusterfuck of emergent complexities in human nature?

It can tell you their causes, analyze their properties, and make predictions. What more do you want ?

>> No.3061781


You need to read up on your cognitive science, buddy.

>> No.3061785


I read Gerald edelman religiously.

He has no equal in the field.

>> No.3061817


the entirety of my being just yawned.

>> No.3061818


I forgive you.

>> No.3061820


>it's the brain.

this has been proven? how can we be sure?

>> No.3061821


It's got it's flaws, but call me a traditionalist

>> No.3061824


>it's got its flaws

Obviously. At the point of realizing this you should have stripped said label from your thinking

>> No.3061826


>this has been proven?

the evidence supports it.

>how can we be sure?

certainty is up to you, you can be certain of all sorts of bullshit that isn't true.

Point is, consciousness is the brain, the self or "your" consciousness, is an illusion, get with the times you silly dualist

>> No.3061829


>believes in 'true'


>> No.3061830

Is there no philosophy without flaws? After all, every philosopher I can think of has failed to make their theory entirely watertight. The best one can do is choose what they feel is right.

>> No.3061833


No, the best one can do is keep asking the hard questions. Anything less is lazy thinking

>> No.3061848

>implying eastern non-dualism (the only correct non-dualism) isn't an inherently immaterial philosophy

science + buddhism et al is disgusting and wrong

>> No.3061849
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>>implying eastern non-dualism (the only correct non-dualism) isn't an inherently immaterial philosophy

it's neither immaterial nor material
hence non-dualist position

hence I win

>> No.3061879

Sorry, I had been off, though you are most likely off yourself.

I mostly like about epicureanism the austere lifestyle, but not to the extreme of complete abandon that some of the more extreme stoics preached. Everything in its right measure.

About stoicism, I like the sense of duty and the fellowship towards man and the state. I like their way of thinking about the afterlife, specially on Marcus Aurelius' line of thought, which can almost be interpreted in some passages as an optimistic agnosticism.

>> No.3061917


How is middle school going?

>> No.3061923


Have you ever spoken to a Heroin addict? I'm pretty sure Zen hasn't ruined anyone's life.

>> No.3061932

Pragmatist, Materialist, Categorical Imperative

>> No.3061941
File: 2 KB, 197x234, aynrand1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectivism. Living for others is the life of a slave.

>> No.3061946
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I use whatever kind of worldview is useful to me when I need it.

>> No.3061949

absurdism, the only logically sound stance without killing myself.

keep deluding yourself, faggots

>> No.3061957

>know it all teenager detected

b-but muh dawkins

>> No.3061986

>know it all teenager detected
>know it all

My philosophical views luckily allow me to enjoy the sheer bliss that stems from contradictory idiots and irony. Et tu?

>> No.3061990

>mfw when OP's pick is completely related.
>mfw when my name is Roman

>> No.3061993

Unnatural. Being a wage slave isn't good either, but she or her followers seem to be fine with that.

>> No.3062001

>selling your labor for an agreed upon wage

>> No.3062005

>forced to work

>> No.3062009

>having your assets forcibly seized and redistributed to people the government deems worthy

>> No.3062013

>baww nobody will pay for me so I can play vidya all day and pretend to be a writer
>this is worse than slavery!

>> No.3062031

>Forced to work as a greeter at a Walmart after they put your hardware store out of business

This is like calling commies and anarchists out as hypocrites for buying shit in this mixed economy. Ah but Randroids are never good with reality.

>> No.3062038

Where did you get your "assets?" btw

>> No.3062048

>Forced to work as a greeter at a Walmart after they put your hardware store out of business

The free market is the #1 enemy of big business. But I wouldn't expect someone who gets his information from le reddit to know that.


Yes, it is a fact that if you don't eat you die. But if you knew anything about economics you would be familiar with scarcity.

By providing services to other people. That's the only way to make money in a capitalist economy.

>> No.3062062

Not going to watch another one of those dumb videos. I'd like to end the corporate model, and of course, govt subsidies for them. "Free markets" as you so quaintly call them, are beasts in need of a leash and some obedience training.

>By providing services to other people.
No, what and how? More details

>> No.3062073

>Not going to watch another one of those dumb videos.

I understand your reluctance to view a video that goes against your narrative.

>I'd like to end the corporate model, and of course, govt subsidies for them.

Me too.

>"Free markets" as you so quaintly call them, are beasts in need of a leash and some obedience training.

[citation needed]

>No, what and how? More details

What do you mean? In a capitalist economy you provide a service to people who need it, and that is how you make money.

>> No.3062078

Would you like to buy some magazine subscriptions? Because I am part of a competition regarding who can sell the most magazines.

>> No.3062136

Confucianism. Analects rocked my world.

By which I mean gave it an anchor.

>> No.3062140

pretentious faggot

you cant even think up your own "philosophy"

>> No.3062165
File: 91 KB, 175x235, schopenhauer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I practice, my life closely resembles the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer.

When I read his works I saw part of my self. It wasn't intentional.

>> No.3062201
File: 623 KB, 1125x1746, Alperovitz - America Beyond Capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[citation needed]
The 20th century.

>What do you mean?
I see you're going to evade this universal truth forever, so forget you.

>> No.3062219

>In a capitalist economy you provide a service to people who need it, and that is how you make money.

Are you eight years old? It's much more complex and insidious than that. Please read more about it, the last thing such a horrid institution needs is more ignorant supporters.

>> No.3062232
File: 14 KB, 288x364, schopenhauer-arthur-288x364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever it was Schopenhauer believed in.

>> No.3062235

Rinzai != All of Zen

There are schools of Zen in Japan that do away with Zazen all together. Meditation does not imply wall-staring.

>> No.3062236

Well shit, buddy.

>> No.3062240

>In a capitalist economy you provide a service to people who need it, and that is how you make money.

Shit, dude, with that one sentence, you managed to effectively destroy all of Karl Marx's critique of political economy, all of PJ Proudhon's dialectical analysis of property, and just about any anti-capitalist criticism you could think up!

How didn't we think of it before? It was so simple!

ur a faget

>> No.3062242

Insurrectionist anarchism is my philosophy, cuz that shit's dope.

>> No.3062249

Is it really surprising that he appeals to the users of this site?

>> No.3062252
File: 62 KB, 478x600, zazen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a problem getting up by yourself, they make chairs to help you stop sitting.

Captcha: riseson from

>> No.3062253

Mindfulness meditation has been used alot to deal with anxiety.

I'm an anxious person and it has helped me greatly.

Read Calming Your Anxious Mind: How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Anxiety, Fear, and Panic by Jeffrey Brantley. I'd recommend it to anyone intrested in meditation.

>> No.3062254

But yet I still want a peanut.

>> No.3062280

I think when you get older you give less of a fuck about the way other people chose to live their lives.

I think the two things most people have in common are that they adopt a protecting level of nihilism as they live, and wanting to feel good. Other than that, live however the fuck you want- if there is no God, it doesn't matter. If there is a God, it's decided for you. Done.

>> No.3062283

I guess I'll be the first to say it: Stirnerite checking in.

>> No.3062299

I'm sure there's a name for what I do. Do right by others, but never ignore self. Never feel ashamed for attempting something. Only feel ashamed for never doing something you wanted. Don't apologize for what you can't control. Do your best to do no harm. Anything presented without evidence is dismissed with equal measure. Be open minded, but not so much that your brains fall out.

I'm 31, this has served me well for the last 17 or so years. Almost no regrets, but the positives outweigh any regrets had.

>> No.3062327

Why though?

>> No.3062340
File: 26 KB, 852x480, LA-Story-Mr-Perdue-Maitre-D-at-L-Idiot-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't have zee peenut!

>> No.3062420


Exactly what do you mean by "proven"? How much evidence do you need before you believe it?

I hate this god of the gaps bullshit.

>you can't explain everything about it so it's probably magic

No. Fuck off. We aren't living in the jungle anymore, we don't need "spirits" to explain the phenomena that surrounds us.

>> No.3062435


>you can't explain everything about it

full stop. all i'm trying to say.

>> No.3062439

Philosophy doesn't seem very real.. Things happen. Some people spend their lives trying to justify their lives to themselves.

>> No.3062441


>things happen

how do you know?

>> No.3062442

Or they don't. Whatever.

>> No.3062445


We can't explain everything about how the Earth's crust and below works either. Doesn't mean goblins are down there operating it.

>> No.3062448



lazy thinker.

>> No.3062451


If you witnessed goblins operating it, would that make it true?

>> No.3062452


That's exactly what the goblins are hoping on. GUCDF alert.

>> No.3062453


Of course.

>> No.3062455


>> No.3062457


How can you say with certainty?

>> No.3062458
File: 84 KB, 299x288, 1317481450470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait, are you trying to trap me by using the word "true"?

>> No.3062464


If I witnessed goblins operating the Earth's crust I would believe in goblins operating the Earth's crust as much as I believe in gravity or the laws of electromagnetism. Although I would probably have other people witness them too before jumping into conclusions, in case I was crazy.

>> No.3062467

Whatever. The things philosophers talk about don't seem very recognizable to my daily experience.

>> No.3062469

To be honest, I'm not really a "Stirnerite", but reading The Ego and His Own helped me find a more fulfilling way to think about the world. Have you read it?

>> No.3062480

>tfw Stirnerism leaves me a bit empty.

I-i miss my spooks.

>> No.3062482

>The things philosophers talk about don't seem very recognizable to my daily experience.

Read Epictetus. Or anything from any Hellenistic school of philosophy.

>> No.3062483


The fact that you can never be sure of anything other than your own perception makes jumping to any conclusion at all a worthless endeavor. Something you witness could be a dream, a hallucination, a temporary rewiring of the structure of your cortex, who the fuck knows. All we have are guesses based on assumptions that don't hold up to scrutiny.


if you're not interested in things like meaning and truth and knowledge, then philosophy just isn't your game

>> No.3062491


>The fact that you can never be sure of anything other than your own perception

I can't be "sure" of my own perception either.

>makes jumping to any conclusion at all a worthless endeavor.

By conclusion I just mean the most probably explanation from the information at hand. How is it worthless?

>Something you witness could be a dream, a hallucination, a temporary rewiring of the structure of your cortex, who the fuck knows. All we have are guesses based on assumptions that don't hold up to scrutiny.

So because it isn't "absolute truth" it's worthless? What are you babbling about? There is no absolute truth and that's completely okay.

>> No.3062492

Shit also becomes beautiful people. 's All good.

>> No.3062493


>most probable explanation*

>> No.3062507

>if you're not interested in things like meaning and truth and knowledge, then philosophy just isn't your game
I find the idea of them interesting, I just don't believe in them.