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3056264 No.3056264 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recommend a book that gives a sound intellectual basis for misogyny?

>> No.3056266

Try Proudhon or Schopenhauer.

>> No.3056271

weininger. not really "sound" because misogyny is fundamentally unsound, but it's what you're looking for.

also, rot in hell

>> No.3056274


schopenhaur's misogyny wasn't geniune, he just couldn't get laid enough

he was also a pedo, at like 60 or 70 he tried to seduce a 17 year old

usually misogyny comes from a place of repressed sexuality and terrible socialization--doesn't really have a rational or prudent basis

>> No.3056273

Meh, misogyny is shit. Now misanthropy, that's where it's at.

>> No.3056278

>17 year old
That's not pedophilia, most 17 year olds are physically fully developed.

>> No.3056280

technically ephebophile, although where that overlaps with "healthy sexuality" is p hard to tell

>> No.3056283


ya but the dumb thing is he would write about how women are inferior and stupid and shit like that

but he would pick the dumbest and youngest girls to try and date lol

and he would get super sad when they rejected him

fucken Schopn

>> No.3056285

He actually got laid fairly often.

>> No.3056286

Lol at pedophilia for being into 17 year olds.

Being American is so cool, right?

>> No.3056293


Do you even know what pedophilia is? Attraction to prepubescent children.

People like you are just media brainwashed.

>> No.3056296

How does it feel being an insecure, untravelled and uncultured boy who thinks that any quality you perceive as negative is a sure sign that the person happens to be an American? Isn't that a bit of a cliché at this point?

>> No.3056297


nah, its all relative. a teen doing a teen isn't pedo, same goes for kids doin each other--pubescent doesn't matter.

when a guy that is 70 wants to be with a girl thats his granddaughters age, thats worse than pedo...thats psychotic

>> No.3056302

Most hardcore misogynists tend to be inveterate and hardcore womanisers and seducers of the 'GAME/Mystery' line of womanising, avant la lettre - near Don Juan types who couldn't fill the void inside themselves by filling the void outside themselves. Schopenhauer's philosophy and misogyny as the product of a lack of casual sex? Please... he was a rich industrialist's son, and had access to many social circles - securing a woman was only a matter of exercising family and social power.

If anything, Schopenhauer's philosophy is the product of casual sex at its worst, a polyamorous lifestyle with some orientalist justification, - witness Schopenhauer's comparison of western 'romance' and the western 'grand dame' with the eastern attitude to women.

>> No.3056306

>Schopenhauer's philosophy and misogyny as the product of a lack of casual sex?

HE wanted romance and love and never got it. he had sex now and then but he wasn't satisfied with it at all, read his diaries, he always felt empty and abandoned by the women he loved

He was the pawn of women, his philosophy is a reaction to being dismissed by the women he loved

>> No.3056307

schopenhaure really was a pathetic person

he really tried to seduce that young girl very hard and she found him repugnant and disgusting and made fun of him, when he found out he just became even more depressed and pathetic

>> No.3056311

In short OP, no. There are thing written which you can cite but none of them really hold any water.

>> No.3056321


>when a guy that is 70 wants to be with a girl thats his granddaughters age, thats worse than pedo...thats psychotic

No, that's a guy being a fucking player who doesn't give a shit about what humongous crybaby faggots like yourself think.

>> No.3056343

Read Hemingway, Joyce, and Poe...

>> No.3056346
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>> No.3056351


Dublin 8 December 1909
My sweet little whorish Nora I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when I fucked you for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you, darling. My prick was stuck in you for hours, fucking in and out under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue came bursting out through your lips and if a gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual, fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora's fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.

>> No.3056353


>letting your life revolve around your sexual inadequacies so much that you ask the internet for books on misogyny for comfort

Your virginity has ventured past the point of no return.

You are now a lost cause.

>> No.3056358

Go get raped by niggers, you dumb little cunt.

>> No.3056362

I guess they hit a nerve! Not had much luck getting laid then?

>> No.3056365

I'm not misogynist.

But every woman I've met has had a massive ego and a questionable, hypocritical value system that she, of course, presented as fact. This includes my mother.

>> No.3056375

>waaah waaaah virgin!

>> No.3056405

Deal with your dissonance on another board, there are no plausible intellectual or critical systems of thought which can solve this for you. There are many which can tell you why you are wrong but as you've said, it's not what you're looking for. Just leave.

>> No.3056501
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maybe perhaps adjust your search? Look for books which advocate the subjection of women...probably mostly written by retarded christian fundamentalists but if that's what you're into....

>> No.3057182

There was a study that showed how women's system of values is fundamentally childish, I didn't save it but /sci/ might know about it.

Also, Schopenauer. The stuff he wrote about women is logically sound, which is why people have to dismiss it with ad hominem (illogical) attacks.

>> No.3057194

nice thumbnail of jean gerome

>> No.3057264

Never mind all of that; what's the flag on the wall behind the Nazi girl? It's new to me.

>> No.3057274
File: 49 KB, 655x557, 1333417338179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just read On Women

>> No.3057279

>>Christian fundamentalists

I'm sure you meant to say "Muslims of any kind."

>> No.3057291
File: 42 KB, 300x212, kirazburqa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's not actually a lot of literature in Islamic law and jurisprudence about the subjugation of women. There's some, but it's more of a theme in Christian theology than Islamic.

>> No.3057315


>> No.3057322

Saying someone can't wear a Burqa is just as oppressive as saying they have to.
This was just a topic or so in the politics over here, and it's just been pissing me off.
"They came here to be free!"
Fucking morons.

>> No.3057346

>women's system of values is fundamentally childish

all values are arbitrary and none of them are childish or mature

> The stuff he wrote about women is logically sound

No. He made up baseless generalities and used his biased opinion to critic men and women--he didn't run any studies, he didn't look at statistics, he didn't look at evidence

he just went by his gut feeling and wrote a polemic --- nothing logically sound about it