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/lit/ - Literature

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3046057 No.3046057[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I go out for an hour and when I get back the latest chess thread (not created by me) is gone. This can't go on.

>inb4 chess fits better on /tg/
go look at /tg/ and tell me anything fits on /tg

>inb4 go/shogi/mahjong is superior desu
There is a place for you guys >>>/jp/

>inb4 chess isn't literature
High level chess games are dialogues between two insanely skilled artists, which are recorded, published, and read and enjoyed by millions of people around the world. It's literature that transcends language. The course of the game itself can contain many allusions to games of the past and together they make up an encompassing historical text. Then there's the players, who are characters in themselves, and their often strained interpersonal relationships and socio-political contexts .

There are more books written on chess and chessplayers than on all other games and sports combined.

Chess can stand up to any definition of 'literature' that you want to throw at it.

Dear mod, if you're butthurt because you can't play chess, I'll be happy to teach you

>> No.3046064

>go look at /tg/ and tell me anything fits on /tg

Go and actually look at /tg/ and tell me that anything at all in your mind doesn't fit there. On /tg/ we know how to handle trolls: we make them awesome when it's worthwhile

Shame your petty troll is too weaksauce for a proper board, so you bring it down here to the playground to try it out.

>> No.3046072

Why on earth would I want to troll my home board? And why on earth would I choose chess to troll with?
Trust me, I tried /tg/, I tried /sp/, I tried /sci/, and chess doesn't fit.
Chess threads on /lit/ have had a good response, and people other than me have even been creating threads. Chess fits here..

>> No.3046078

>posting a Nabokov book in a chess thread
>not Luzhin Defense

>> No.3046084

cool im gonna go start a /lit/ thread about the NBA preseason

>> No.3046092

basketball suxxxx, start one about the baseball playoffs instead

>> No.3046093

Can you read an NBA game without subtracting from the experience of seeing it live?

>> No.3046102

yes, ever hear of box scores?

>> No.3046106


go to


>> No.3046117


There's a million books about baseball - it's a fertile ground for literature.

Check out Ring Lardner and George Plimpton if you don't believe me. And I'm not even ameristani - there's been some genuinely good writing about baseball.

See also Robert Coover - The Universal Baseball wossname.

>> No.3046120
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I hate when people come into a thread and start bitching that it doesn't "belong". If people are discussing it, then that means they are interested in it. Why deny your fan base something they want. If you don't like it, simply don't reply to it, and don't further the discussion.

>> No.3046121

OP, for what it's worth, I agree with you. Chess does not fit in well with /tg/, and I actually see it partnering with /lit/ fairly well. Of course, most so-called /lit/erates are a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals who are probably frustrated with chess because they're bad at it, so perhaps this isn't the place after all.

Chess isn't literature though.
Polite sage.

>> No.3046137

Why does anyone even watch basketball then?
Seems like a waste of time if just checking the box score the next morning is the exact same experience.

>> No.3046148


/lit/ is too stupid for chess. try starting a thread about angry birds - i guarantee you'll get 250+ responses.

>> No.3046157 [DELETED] 

OP, you seem to treat /lit/ as "/lit/ - high brow."

It isn't. Literature isn't chess, and we both know that this isn't about books on chess.

Do I really have to go to /q/ to get this thread nuked too?

>> No.3046723

how does one learn to play chess?

>> No.3046730

>playing chess
>not playing starcraft 2

ok ishig

>> No.3046738

>Philosophy girl thread
>Chess thread
>I can't understand x thread
>Wizards in books thread
>Nietzsche thread
>Rate my writing lit thread
>Shitty philosophy thread
>How to describe an orgasam
>Walrus thread (DAILY)

/lit/ has become /edgy/ and /pseudo intellectual/
Don't feel bad OP, you can post any shit that makes you feel superior patrician over others on this board.

>> No.3046740

>Not posting The Defence or Chess Story.

OP giving Chess players and readers a bad name scince 2012. Well done you Mechanical Fag

>> No.3046744


>> No.3046749

Lately i've been hiding 50-80% of threads on lit. I don't get why people want their threads to be on /lit/ so much when there are actual boards tailored for their topics.

>> No.3046794

>Why does anyone even watch basketball then?

why does anyone ever watch a movie instead of reading a book?

>> No.3046805

It's "Poems and Problems", guys. As in "chess problems".

>> No.3046816


>> No.3046901

Flawed analogy. /k/ is full of weapons, but you'd be hard-pressed to find a traditional game thread on /tg/ (unless you think pen and paper games invented by neckbeards in the 70's are 'traditional games')
And how would a post about your gun apply to /lit/?

>> No.3046905

Help me out a little, have I got this right -
Book is to movie what box score is to live basketball game?

>> No.3046907

I'm not joking

>> No.3046922

>High level chess games are dialogues between two insanely skilled artists, which are recorded, published, and read and enjoyed by millions of people around the world. It's literature that transcends language.

Shut the fuck up with your bullshit and post this on the correct board.

>> No.3046944

>but you'd be hard-pressed to find a traditional game thread on /tg/ (unless you think pen and paper games invented by neckbeards in the 70's are 'traditional games')
That's the board definition of traditional games so yes.

And /tg/ does have chess threads every now and then. And if there isn't at the moment? Then fucking make one you bloody imbecile.

Either way chess clearly does not fucking belong on /lit/.

>> No.3046953

Tell me what you know about chess and how that causes you to take issue with what I wrote.

/tg/ has chess threads every now and then because I fucking make them you dolt.
It's not an issue with there being no threads, but that when there is threads they're empty.
/tg/ just isn't receptive to things that don't include roleplay, or some form of goblins and wizards.
>chess clearly does not fucking belong on /lit
Chess fits perfectly well on /lit/, you're suffering from stoplikingwhatidon'tlike syndrome

>> No.3046957

No, /tg/ is not receptive to something where there's nothing to discuss.

I've seen long and fruitful chess problem threads. I've even seen /tg/ play whole games of chess.

>Chess fits perfectly well on /lit/, you're suffering from stoplikingwhatidon'tlike syndrome

No, I am suffering from "it's not in the fucking definition of what fits on /lit/" syndrome.

I'm sure /lit/ is even more terrible at chess than /tg/.

>> No.3046979

>/tg/ is not receptive to something where there's nothing to discuss
Are you fucking kidding me? When I provided /tg/ with live text commentary to the World Championship a few months ago, the majority of comments were the equivalent of "chess is for plebs, play MTG".

>> No.3046982

wtf does chess have to do with literature??

fuck off

>> No.3046986

I should add that I heartily lol'ed when an amateur chessplayer with the playing strength of a dead fish won a big Magic tournament in May

>> No.3046984

Oh boohoo for you nigger.

>> No.3046990

What is literature you fucking twat?

>> No.3047000
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>> No.3047004
File: 26 KB, 218x342, fischer3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, you're going to have to do better than that, I've got books a'plenty for you

>> No.3047006

obviously not fucking board games you cunt

>> No.3047008

Book about something != that thing

Knowing this will come to handy some day, I hope you will take this lesson to heart.

>> No.3047009

Do your teeth hurt from all that clenching?

>> No.3047012
File: 57 KB, 400x555, fischer26.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, it's a score sheet.
A game of chess had to be played to produce that game score, it was then published in the non-fiction book above.

I guess we have to get rid of all the threads about the act of creating literature?

>> No.3047014

traditional games........ like chess, backgammon, snakes&ladders and so on.
if you don't like /tg/ go to a chess forum.
considering you are an utter faggot you might find some luck trying http://www.reddit.com/r/chess/

>> No.3047020

We've covered this already,
if things were as they should be chess would be on /tg/, dungeons and dragons would be on /rp/, most of the shit that pops up on lit would be on a philosophy or religion board,
but they're not so go fuck yourself

>> No.3047021

Is there actually anything at all regarding chess you actually want to talk about?

What's your favourite championship game?

Favourite opening?

Most retarded mistake you've done in a game?


I didn't think so.

>> No.3047022

chess is a very literary game.

>> No.3047024

>Are you going to answer this question? I didn't think so
I'm waiting for all the faggots to leave.

Karpov-Kasparov, 1984, Game 15
Modern Benoni
Do you even chess?

>> No.3047026

Anyone want to play my extreme cpu and top-tier chess engine

>> No.3047027

>I'm waiting for all the faggots to leave.
But you're still here...
>Do you even chess?
No, I prefer go.

>> No.3047028

that's cool, so go

My mistake, it was actually 1985, Game 16.
for reference: http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1067175

>> No.3047029


i watched haruko no go too.


>> No.3047030

I've just started playing (I'm fucking retarded, I played my friend and got my queen taken by a pawn) and I have to say, once you open up to it, the world of chess goes out in every direction far over any horizon you can see.

>> No.3047031

go for it, go to lichess.org, create game, post link

>> No.3047032

Why is there a chess thread on my /liy/
fukken sage

>> No.3047033


Is it possible to detect chess engines? I never know if I'm playing a real person. One of the reasons I hate playing chess online.

>> No.3047034

you are everything that is bad about this board
go away

>> No.3047035

Ah, I see the problem here. You're on the wrong board, in fact I don't believe /liy/ exists. Maybe you should head on over to /q/ and suggest it!

>> No.3047036

Dude, go is totally /lit/.

>> No.3047038

It's rarer than you would think it is. Most people just want to play a good game of chess themselves.
Most playing sites have detection systems so if the play is too perfect they'll know.
Play on chess.com or chesscube.com
If you're interested in more serious play, the worlds top players play on pay servers ICC and Playchess

>> No.3047039

seriously, bro
i don't mind a chess thread on my /lit/ but being a pretentious cunt GAMES ARE LITERATURE HAVE YOU EVER FELT A Qxb4 is over the line
go fuck yourself

>> No.3047044

Go fits better elsewhere.
Not that you could create a go thread and even feign knowing what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.3047045

No man it totally expresses my Japanese soul and shit. It's deep, therefore it's literature.

>> No.3047046

I hate chess.


>> No.3047047

>your /lit/

Most of the literary substance is in the meta-game you halfwit.
Qxb4 is not just Qxb4 if it has historical context.

>> No.3047048

>I can't play chess
>Why didn't my daddy teach me to play chess?

>> No.3047051

As Mars met Venus in a temple,
While having Mercury in their presence,
He devised a game of chess, with new example:
Taking Reason as King without preeminence;
Will for Queen, with great potency;
Thoughts he deems for his Bishops;
His Knights, praises of sweet eloquence;
Rooks are desires to flare up one’s memory;
Pawns are servers striving to Victory.

>> No.3047053

>I can play chess
>why didn't I do something worthwhile with the time I spent learning that idiotic game?!

>> No.3047055

i remember when me and my friends made a nerd on the school chess team eat a plastic bishop

>> No.3047057

pls go

>> No.3047059

pls go