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/lit/ - Literature

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3042259 No.3042259[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Anon, how come you never talk?

>> No.3042269
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>> No.3042267

because speech impediment

now f-f-fuck off

>> No.3042273

Because you keep reposting threads from /sp/

>> No.3042278
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>not reposting threads for /sp/
>the city of literature

>> No.3042282

*runs away*

>> No.3042287

I do talk, but I take my time and don't blurt out every thought that comes to my head. I generally don't like people who talk a lot because they never let you speak and can't wait to express the next stupid thought they think of.

Also, your nose is too big and your arms are fat.

>> No.3042296


>> No.3042301


>> No.3042395


>> No.3042397

Most people bore me when they talk, I don't want others to suffer boredom thanks to me

>> No.3042399
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>> No.3042416

Why you care?

>> No.3042422

I do talk. I'm the one who answers the questions when the teacher asks them.

Wanna go on a date sometime? I know a good coffee shop that I frequent.

>> No.3042429

I'm always speaking, but you can't hear me beyond my awesomeness.


If what you want to say is less beautiful than silence, let the silence speak for you.

>> No.3042442 [SPOILER] 
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I just prefer to listen. I've always been this way. It's nothing to do with nerves or anything, I'm just not a talker. I talk when I'm spoken to or when it's 1 on 1 'cause if I don't I come off as a cunt, but if it's in a group I generally just like to listen to the others, sometimes interjecting with a word or two.

I'm a fairly big guy, so people probably assume I'm just stupid. I may well be, but to be honest, my thoughts and opinions are my own and while I will share them if asked, I don't feel the need to force feed them to others.

>> No.3042445

Accidental spoiler and the wrong image. I am on top form tonight.

>> No.3042544

That is the most beta shit I have ever read

>> No.3042546
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>> No.3042551


>> No.3042552

why would I talk to an ugly 3DPD like you?

>> No.3042572


>> No.3042579

I just pick up wisely to who I'm going to share my knowledge.

>> No.3042587

Because I'm a socially inept loser. Are you happy now?

>> No.3042586

2/10, see me after class. no attempt whatsoever to hide blatant samefagging.

>> No.3042590

I can't even stand my reflection.

>> No.3042596

Maybe 3 different anon just think you're that big of a fucking faggot.

>> No.3042607

This type of beta self entitlement belongs on Reddit.

>> No.3042609


Why? Because I don't particularly enjoy talking inanely? If I've got something to say, I'll say it, but the vast majority of conversation serves no purpose but to avoid awkward silences.

>> No.3042618

"Because I've tried to assimilate with normalfags like yourself in the past, and frankly, I just can't derive pleasure from it. I'd rather talk to fucking losers like myself."

Or you just input perfunctory responses, put in the ole' "Oh we have to hang out some time" and then hope you never see them again.

>> No.3042626

you are obnoxiously smug.

>> No.3042637

If you say so. I don't feel superior to others, I'm just comfortable with silence. I think you're just projecting.

>> No.3042638

why does everyone think silences are awkward? I like girls that can enjoy silences and not try to fill them with stupid conversation. Kinda like that whole bit in pulp fiction about comfortable silences.

>> No.3042640

>doesn't enjoy talking inanely
>uses two paragraphs to explain why he doesn't talk much.
You've gone full retard.

>> No.3042644

It's not the same thing at all.

>> No.3042648

"I'm a cowboy."

>> No.3042651

You are right, he should answer with three points (...) to imitate his silence.

>> No.3042664



he got his shit together

>> No.3042672
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>Not talking in order to better rehearse witty/edgy response to 'normal person' that centres around how deep and challenging you are.
>Not not talking and not realising it at all.

Thread confirmed for beta friends forever.

>> No.3042679
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>giving a shit about what others think.

>> No.3042692
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>Being cool.

>> No.3042706
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>> No.3042713

> I think you're just projecting.

don't use terms you don't understand, you fat worthless fuck. gb2 reddit.

>> No.3042717


There! I finally tied this fucking cherry stem. What'd you say?

>> No.3042718
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Sure, buddy.

>> No.3042993

>y-you too

>> No.3043009

>"Anon, I absolutely love your book collection! It was the first thing I saw when I came out of the shower, it's awesome. Totally awesome. Like, the first thing I look for in a guy I might date is if he reads and what books he has

>t-thank you

>> No.3043054
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>not being swole and imposing enough to look her in the eye, smile slightly, and say "I'm shy," so that she laughs

>> No.3043064

i'be bott no tongue