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/lit/ - Literature

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3038714 No.3038714 [Reply] [Original]


I'm drunk. And I hate you guys. You always talk about shit I don't know and try to make me feel inferior. Ulysses and Gravity's Rainbow. Fuck you. I read Game of Thrones and I like it. I haven't finished the last book yet (it's long). But I like reading. I do it for fun. And there's nothing wrong with that. And I know you know that. But you like to act like you don't. And you like to act like you're smarter than everyone else, when really you know that you're just insecure. Whatever. I know I'm an idiot and full of shit. And I know that there are people smarter than me. And I'm a slow reader and that makes me feel bad. And I start sentences with conjunctions. I'm supposed to be an English teacher but I don't think I'll be any good at it. Fuck Master's programs. They cost too much. I want to read Le Morte De'Arthur. I like fantasy and want to read the founding books. Like that and The Once and Future King (I already read LotR). Genre fiction is for plebs. Blah blah blah. Fuck you. I read what I like and not shit that makes me feel smart. I own a kindle that saves me money, but the formatting from free websites is often shit and the medium needs some serious work. I like role-playing games but have no friends to play with and /tg/ is full of fucking Warhammer and MtG fags. Fuck them. Whatever. I love you guys. You keep me entertained and occasionally make me feel smart. Is this poetry yet?

>> No.3038718

Also, GRRM kinda looks like Santa Claus and I like that. I want to curl up and sleep in his beard.

>> No.3038723

Jon Snow dies.

>> No.3038727

GRRM is a pedophile.

>> No.3038733


>> No.3038742

Pro-tip, in Winds of Winter preview chapters available online in locked communites, it becomes obvious that Hodor is really WS Burroughs.

>> No.3038747

Epic Bukowski tryhard man. As the internet people say, ``tl;dr".

>> No.3038754

>I read Game of Thrones

stopped reading there

>> No.3038766

OP, I agree with you.

don't feel bad. fucking own that shit.

>> No.3038770

Are you talking shit about MtG?

>> No.3038781


>> No.3038793


There are more people that read Game of Thrones than Ulysses. stop the hate yourself, you have the power: Go find them

>> No.3038796

There are more people that listen to Lady Gaga than Tchaikovsky. Fuck off.

>> No.3038798

Yeah because Lady Gaga is way better than fucking Tchaikovsky

>> No.3038801

Tchaikovsky was pretty pleb for his time. Stop deluding yourself. Half a century from now, the elite will be listening to Lady Gaga just like we who listen to Tchaikovsky do now.

Poker face will be played at weddings, and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.3038802

Talking shit about Tchaikovsky? You're cruising for a bruising there mate.

>> No.3039292
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>> No.3039298

i think ill be playing Tchaikovsky at my wedding, and really nothing makes gaga special, shes just madonna but younger and less original

>> No.3039310

>Implying any one cares.
Seriously no one gives a fuck except the people who love to go into GRRM threads and troll. Who are the same people who post Twilight/FiftyShades/whatever the fuck ever thing. No one gives two shits about your author unless they have read him and don't like him, otherwise the books are not for us.

Тоже, Чайковский не быдло, и Лады Гага может петь, но больше хочет денги.

>> No.3039337

50 years from now poker face will be called "classic" pop

>> No.3039338


>> No.3039349


>> No.3039351

thanks dudebro, now i can fap