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/lit/ - Literature

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3036906 No.3036906 [Reply] [Original]

Is this worth a read, /lit/? I've heard nothing but praise but as I only have so much time these days I like to be sure about something before I get into it

>> No.3036918

best novel I've read, but I don't read as much as I should

take that how you will

>> No.3036929


Good god, this book is mentioned more often than Joyce or Proust on this board.

Is it part of some college curriculum or something?

>> No.3036933


I think it's mostly because, given /lit/'s demographics, it's actually about a large portion of them.

>> No.3036936

I assume you're new to the board. This book is actually mentioned relativly rarely around here, and even more rarely discussed. A quick look at the archives will tell you that. Lurk more pls

>> No.3036938

It's a good book. Largely forgettable, but while you're reading it it's entirely consuming. The characters are written really well.

>> No.3036945
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>> No.3036948

Only book that's managed to have a profound emotional effect on me. I usually read literature with a detached disposition but this one drew me right in

>> No.3036964

I cried

>> No.3037006

I judge people entirely on whether or not they they acknowledge the mastery of this novel