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File: 44 KB, 402x402, romney my hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3029736 No.3029736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

First poll has Romney winning the debate massively, 46-22:


It's over, Obama is finished.

>> No.3029741

stop shitting up the board faggot

>> No.3029740

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.3029742
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>> No.3029746

Obama isn't finished. The people who want him to win merely got suckered by their own propaganda, and are taking it a little hard.

I don't think anyone who has paid attention to Obama's speaking record expected him not to be eviscerated in the debates...and just wait for Biden, lol, vs Ryan.

>> No.3029747

should be in /x/

>> No.3029748
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>> No.3029752
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>Mystery Pollster
>Asks his conservative Friends
>Three of the ten were playing vidya at the time

Wrong board turd.

>> No.3029753
File: 167 KB, 1648x758, 1349323595108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you listen quietly you can hear redditors sobbing deeply.

>> No.3029756

When are the new janitors coming again moot?

>> No.3029757

Technocrat Vs. Snake oiled liar.

>Sage-ing on page 0

>> No.3029759

mitt romney will never, ever, ever be president.

>> No.3029761

Jesus. I'm not even OP, but what is with all the butthurt?
A shitton of Obama supporters were really losing it. Did you guys even watch the debate?

>> No.3029765
File: 49 KB, 500x373, romney eating human food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>denying reality

I knew liberals were delusional but this is taking it to a whole new level.


>> No.3029766

Not since Jimmy Carter faced Ronald Reagan has the U.S. presidency been so embarrassingly represented in public. Actually, that’s an insult to Jimmy Carter.

>> No.3029767
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>> No.3029771

>voters who are somehow undecided on october 3
>bothering to watch a 90-minute policy debate

>> No.3029772

Look, I'm as liberal as the next Democratic volunteer, but tonight was rough.

This isn't /lit/, BTW.

>> No.3029782

it's bizarre to me that anyone thinks these debates will matter in any way? like, so long as obama doesn't accidentally reveal he was born in kenya and mitt avoids dropping an n-bomb nobody will remember any of this in 10 years. which means the debates aren't dealmakers or dealbreakers.

>> No.3029783

no American would ever use "anniversary" in place of "birthday"
nice try Yuro

>> No.3029784
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>> No.3029786

>October 3
>ignoring the future debates
>ignoring the future attack ads
>ignoring the future campaigning

Stay desperate repubs
>Virginia man kills family and himself over fear Obama would be re-elected

>> No.3029788

They help determine who votes for who, which determines who will be president, which determines what the country will be like in 10 years...

Anyway, even Chris Matthews, he of the tingling feeling, admitted Romney won significantly. If Obama keeps losing at this rate...well, he's already losing on the economic front, he needs a victory somewhere if he wants a second term.

>> No.3029792

>future ads, campaigning, debates
Obama has already spent a lot of money. Romney hasn't even begun to spend in bulk.

>> No.3029793

What are you doing
what are you fucking doing

>> No.3029799
File: 42 KB, 371x554, 25cherokeero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wont be remembered in ten weeks.

There's little damage done that hasn't already been done. Romney lied several times and Obama the format left it unchallenged. Some soundbites might make it into campaign ads, but all in all it was a borrrrring debate.

Look, if this guy gets in office by hook and crook, he will not get his way with the Democratic congress and the resurgence of protests. A Democrat will come next in 2016 for sure, because the electorate will suddenly remember why they hated Bush. The GOP will have to fix itself or sink.

>> No.3029800

Matthews looks like he's about to cry.

>> No.3029802
File: 26 KB, 275x278, 1301753458742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Democratic congress

>> No.3029807

Jesus Christ, America is fucked, if this is a trend.
You have no idea how glad I am I got out.
Shit, it's like I decided not to leave on the Titanic on the last second.

Romney is insane. Jesus Christ, who would vote for him.
>Two party system
It's like you like being raped all the time, Jesus fucking Christ, America.

>> No.3029804

>constrict the free market with regulations
>blame the free market when something goes wrong

Are liberals this delusional?

>> No.3029805

>Democratic congress
>implying we'll be lucky if we don't lose more seats

You should have seen Schultz when Barrett lost the WI recall. I'm freaking liberal and that was hilarious.

>> No.3029810

Yes. The Democratic congress. I'm paying more attention to this than you it seems.

Why are you lobbing grenades at me? I'm a real liberal who is against corporatism (Corporate welfare) and Romney just said in no uncertain terms how he supports regulations (He would not specify of course, he hasn't got permission as to which one he can support yet. Marching orders and all)

>> No.3029817

The democrats don't control congress though.

>> No.3029823
File: 623 KB, 1125x1746, Alperovitz - America Beyond Capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ man, you flee your home country and still complain? Where are you now? Canada? Its going the same way.
>Two party system
Jesus fucking Christ man, don't you know anything? You can have a three, four, five, six or seven party system and its still going to be corrupted by the corporate model


>> No.3029826

Look, I don't know what it's like in the Safe Dem district where you apparently live, but let me tell you, that democratic majority doesn't look as likely from a tossup district.

If we were going to fight the PACs, the DCCC was going to need to be in here fighting. Instead, RCCC is helping them. We couldn't even have a proper debate watch party, we had to have a "phonebank + debate watch party"

>> No.3029850

Just watched it.

Obama is totally voting for Romney.

>> No.3029855


I see your recommendation and raise you:
The International Jew by Henry Ford

>> No.3029858

>tfw you are a gambling addict and you bet your roommate $200 that Romney would win the debate

Thank you based Mitt.
Don't think my girlfriend could take another assbeating.

>> No.3029870

get this fucking /pol/ shit outta /lit/

>> No.3029872
File: 26 KB, 450x300, 1319134866787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet you a million dollars Obama still wins the election

>> No.3029874

Romney will be ahead in the nationwide polls tomorrow. It's time to accept reality.

>> No.3029878

>Don't think my girlfriend could take another assbeating.


>> No.3029879
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Make it $10,000 and you've got a deal!

>> No.3029877

Taste the meltdown. Even the liberal media admits Obama lost hard. Two more repeats and he's lost the election; not to imply he was well-positioned beforehand.

>> No.3029884

No, he was well-positioned beforehand.

>> No.3029887

I would, and will shortly, becasue that's what the two-party system is about.

QQ some more anyway, liberals seem to do that a lot.

>> No.3029890
File: 97 KB, 1024x683, AF1-points.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you accept! Excellent.

Wait. Do you have a million dollars?
30% interest buddy you better go ask your daddy for a loan now.

>> No.3029893
File: 534 KB, 3000x2337, a true american hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant wait to see all those zeros in my bank account after based Romney sweeps the election.

>> No.3029894


>tfw your qt3.14 french coupine tells you to bet $500 on PSG over Porto

That's the last time I listen to her when I'm betting on soccer.

>> No.3029895
File: 1.86 MB, 320x180, 1347842824305.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>voting for Barack "Give me 4 more years to dig ourselves into a deeper hole and keep blaming it on Bush" Obama

>> No.3029897


>implying you can cover that bet

Anyway Obammer is obviously going to win so the odds are going to be complete shit.

>> No.3029901

Al Gore won one of his presidential debates, too. Look how well that turned out for him.

Also, the debates are ridiculous to start. The rubric for determining who wins is entirely arbitrary and doesn't take into account people flat out lying about shit.

>> No.3029903

Al Gore also got more votes than any other candidate.

Al Gore also won the state of Florida.

>> No.3029909

The deep hole you speak of is the debt, yes?
This was a hole dug by the Bush administration, you know, two unpaid for wars and tax cuts. You know how they forced Obama to keep the Bush tax cuts for a few more years? and the wars are mostly still on. You knew that right?

Bush tax cuts expire on this new years, and the war in Afghanistan is supposed to wind down in 2014. So with all these austerity measures going on, your debt worries will start to go down. That is unless we get Romney for president. RIGHT?

>> No.3029915

Don't forget our impending war with Iran.