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3029502 No.3029502 [Reply] [Original]

So can we all agree this book is an overrated piece of shit? Oh sure it has a nice twist but the message it sends is fucked and it's overall incredibly preachy. Every time somebody mentions this book to me they always talk about how it 'changed their life'. What in the flying fuck?

>> No.3029506

I have to read it this summer for AP Language And Composition, apparently. Isn't there a movie coming out?

>> No.3029514

Yes and from the looks of the trailer it seems like the only animal that accompanies Pi is the tiger. Probably going to remove the whole point of the book and turn it into a PG kids movie with good visuals.

>> No.3029516


>>>/lit jr/

>> No.3029520

>links to /lit jr/
>ayn rand on front page

>> No.3029538


It doesn't really look that way at all.

>> No.3029542

I heard they rewrote the movie to have the tiger teach the kid kung-fu.

>> No.3029545

Then the trailer is incredibly misleading or critics were paid off.

>> No.3029547

>I have to read it this summer for AP Language And Composition, apparently.
I would bet that you are very very certain that you have to read that book. Stop using words incorrectly.

>> No.3029556

I'd seriously take issue with any professor/teacher that assigned me this book as course work. It's not really... that great. The only thing it has going for it is symbolism and the ending. But the whole message the book tries to convey reeks of religious idiocy.

>> No.3029557

I liked it, OP.

It was fun to read.

>> No.3029559

That book was completely unrealistic. Who the fuck would ever move to Winnipeg?

>> No.3029560

>reading bad books
>for fun
What the shiiiiiiiiit

Author was Canadian right? So he probably doesn't know.

>> No.3029564

Okay my huge issue with this book,

Why in the fuck would he describe the crew as animals? Because it makes a better story? No, you don't fucking do that. That's the equivalent of telling an officer that your dad didn't beat you until your ribs broke, he was just a grazing deer tending to your wounds.

>> No.3029569


Because he actually believed that the crewmen were animals. He thinks the story he tells at the end with the humans is fake, but it's really what actually happened.

>> No.3029572

I agree

>> No.3029573

And that's even worse.

>> No.3029574

>the message it sends is fucked
What is the message it sends? And is it the same as the message it WANTS to send?

>> No.3029576

Uh, they really were animals. The cops couldn't believe the story because it's so crazy until Pi explained that the story would be just as insane if the animals were people.

>> No.3029579


Ha ha. Good one.

>> No.3029580

It sends the message that make believe is better than real life. At least that's the message all the people I know are getting.

>> No.3029582

>Being this illiterate

Carry on my wayward son.

>> No.3029585


>what are inferences, how do they work?

>> No.3029591

> confusing apparently and supposedly

>> No.3029594

>Can't comprehend a HS reading level book

What was the entire running theme of the novel? Faith.
What do the detectives represent? The doubtful.
Pi becomes a messenger, and tells his story of survival and experience. The detectives, who weren't present and have only limited evidence, assume Pi had to be lying, but in the end Pi convinces them that he was probably telling the truth.

>> No.3029598

Which again shows the idiotic message that faith trumps evidence.

>> No.3029613

The thing about the animals actually being people was made up BY PI kid.

>> No.3029618

>not reading the book because the concept of surviving on a lifeboat with a tiger makes for an interesting narrative
>being so up your own ass with concern for a book's meaning and themes and symbolism and all that gay shit that you can't appreciate it at face value
>that feel when you're such a pretentious wannabe critic you've completely forgotten that the surface level of a book should be able to be enjoyed in context despite its deeper layers

>> No.3029619

This is what teenage girls read while I was in highschool. It was the equivalent of Lord of the Flies or the Hunger Games.

>> No.3029620

Yea that's the fucking point. Either Pi is an idiot that thinks believing in all 3 major Judeochristian religions will help him achieve something or he just made up the story for shits n giggles and wasted everyone's time.

>> No.3029633

>3 major Judeochristian religions
> Christianity, Hindu, and Islam

>> No.3029641

Woops, it's been a while. Either way, the idea is retarded and I have no idea what the purpose of including that was.

>> No.3029646

why do you even read

>> No.3029647

Or.. OR... now, now just bear with me here, I know this is crazy, but hear me out.. that's exactly how it fucking happened. Christ, did you think you were reading a biography? Can you not into fiction?

>> No.3030558
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>tfw that idiot that didn't read the book finally shuts up
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