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/lit/ - Literature

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3015191 No.3015191 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/
I am in a predicament. I want to start my own little "library".
For now I'll just take on 50 books for my first step.
So could you recommend me 10 books from these 5 "eras"?

>"Old lit"
>Romantic Period
>Modern lit

Or, just recommend me 50 books you think I should own.

>> No.3015202
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>buying books to build a library
>building a library as an end in itself

ugh, you are fucking repulsive.

>> No.3015215

Sorry for having many and nothing to spend it on.

>> No.3015226


>> No.3015239

Wtf, this suggests you don't have enough intrest in literature to have your own personal library developed and rather that you want a fucktonne of books to point at and say "look how smart I am". Get some taste first.

>> No.3015241

No one?
/lit/, why are you so boring?

>> No.3015268

Are you building yourself a library or a bookshelf?

>> No.3015306

>tacitly bragging about having money

i don't know man. buy some aristophanes.

>> No.3015305

>Are you building yourself a library or a bookshelf?

Mabbe he's an old-skool hipster and he's going to chisel his books on slabs of stone.

>> No.3015343

Here's how it goes:

1) Seek out books you find interesting and think you not only want to read, but re-read and maybe look things up in once in a while
2) Buy one of them
3) Read it
4) Put in on your shelve
5) Repeat

>> No.3015423

OP just go to your local secondhand bookery and buy as many old hardcovers as you can find that you won't ever read anyway

>> No.3015479
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i like your thinking

>> No.3015505

1) Go to local government
2) Buy library

>> No.3015530

>"Old lit"
Plato's Republic
The King James Bible
One Thousand and One Nights
The Divine Comedy
The Decameron
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Paradise Lost
The Complete Poetry of John Donne
The Complete Work of Christopher Marlowe
>Romantic Period
The Complete Works of William Blake
(you could easily find an omnibus of all the major english romantics somewhere)
The Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Alan Poe
Leaves of Grass
The 120 Days of Sodom
Les Miserables
Therese Raquin
Against the Grain
Vanity Fair
The Complete Saki
>Modern lit
Dubliners & A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
In Search of Lost Time
The Complete Stories of Franz Kafka
The Complete Poetry of William Butler Yeats
The Great Gatsby

there now go away

>> No.3017289
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>"Old lit"
The Odyssey and the Iliad
One Thousand and One Nights
The works of Ovid
The works of Virgil
The Canterbury Tales
The Works of William Shakespeare
Paradise Lost
>Romantic Period-Realism/Naturalism
The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha
The Works of William Blake
The works of Edgar Alan Poe
the works of Herman Melville
Leaves of Grass
Les Miserables
>Modern lit
The works of James Joyce
The works of Ernest Hemingway
The works of Franz Kafka
The Great Gatsby
The works of Virginia Woolf
Invisible Cities

Plato's Republic
The Letters and Sayings of Epicurus
The works of Thomas Paine
the works of Thomas Jefferson
The works of Alexis de Tocqueville
On the Origin of Species
The works of Friedrich Nietzsche (I know I've neglected a lot of good philosophers. Sorry but, its just not my subject)
Das Kapital
The works of Pyotr Kropotkin
My Past & Thoughts
The works of Hanna Arendt
Homage to Catalonia
The Hero with a Thousand Faces

This is part catalog of what I have and part wishlist. I have a growing library and I have read over half of it thus far. I see no reason why lit would hate on this thread and bump countless drivel threads all weekend long.

>> No.3017330

I'd strongly recommend Carl Menger to you, for econ/non-fict. reading, and Bastiat