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File: 5 KB, 225x225, 3rgtr4rgtr4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.20969[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can someone give me a quick rundown of frog twitter? No shitposting please.

>> No.21048

faceberg is the only good poster everyone else is an autist

>> No.21255

wrong. BAP is the true Frogleader

>> No.21296
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>> No.21310

They are a bunch of leftists who are angry that reactionary culture is winning, so they passive aggressively ironicly shitpost their sorrows away.

>> No.21326


>not Kantbot

>> No.21329
File: 126 KB, 1024x682, menaquinone4-zucks-vision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is p. good

>> No.21338


also gnome is highly underrated imo

>> No.21368

bunch of autistic /pol/yps trying too hard to latch onto the alt-right goons

>> No.21369

>any kind of self-awareness
pick 1

>> No.21386

It's not Faceberg anymore it's Buffalo Wild Wings

>> No.21390

Also the core members/ inner circle all originate from salo-fourm

>> No.21414



>> No.21419
File: 396 KB, 1024x755, the_alt_right_by_rednblacksalamander-dagvx1i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a bunch of rural and suburban retards

>> No.21459

where do you think you are?

>> No.21463
File: 33 KB, 718x224, 1*jV9-w5VMO8ZQrvmR_9Weug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

menaquinone4 is top-tier

>> No.21502
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>> No.21555

faceberg just rewords bap and menaquinone tweets

>> No.21559

Hakan rotmwrt is good

>> No.21612
File: 32 KB, 716x229, 1*5ylY8XxTN8Mj0HuTpyrhMA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a few more

>> No.21644
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>> No.21687

Explain this. I want in on these memes.

>> No.21712
File: 43 KB, 965x584, the_slippery_slope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell for the Tren meme

>> No.21976
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I miss chairvoyant

>> No.22007

Everyone does, his video content was superb. I hope he comes back or finds some other way to publish it.

>> No.22013
File: 441 KB, 574x1062, Screen Shot 2017-04-01 at 4.05.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is with a heavy heart that i must announce that BAP is at it again

>> No.22101


start reading Hume, Kant, Hegel, Goethe, Land, Marx, Nietzsche

>> No.22149
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>> No.22247
File: 1.90 MB, 420x315, c630895b92ebfaa46a615634dca2f6ea5d93f24bff2dc1d77e39aebdb480a9a6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you finally break 5pl8 you realize that crushing the urbanite with cleansing masculine hellfire is the only way to save humanity, frogtwitter is really humanity's white blood cell twitter

>> No.22347

Really bad post. Just like 99% of frogtwitter posts.

>> No.22357

What a weird place. It's like a synthesis of anarcho-primitvism, evolan esotericism and fascism mixed with shitposting

>> No.22444

They are also Berniebros when they log off twitter.

>> No.22457

where do you think you are?

>> No.22635

Cyber gated community policed by one's own mental toughness

>> No.22668

fuck. are there any legit redpill/masculine fashy goys producing good content right now?

>> No.22697

flatearthantifa and handegg

>> No.22705


>> No.22723

A cambodian claymation forum?

>> No.22832

Nah nah none of that just Watch TRS and follow frog twitter for laughs at absurdity, and subscribe to Hbomberguy and contrapoints on youtube for real politics. The real redpill is that masculinity is toxic and that Stalin was right.

>> No.22886

Common Filth

>> No.23004

>le epic redpill fashy meme XDDDDDDDDD

>> No.23542
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>> No.23727

>you slave over continental philosophy while braincha plays vidya
kek, good summary of /lit/

>> No.23782

haha, epic irony, bro!

>> No.23832

CF stopped making videos.

>> No.23958

How do I get delts like Zuckerberg?

>> No.24048

Hisperic is the best

>> No.24062

you all didnt watch the election-posting

they are more "right-wing" than /pol/ (4 or 8)

>> No.24091

Like 99% of them are also trannies irl

>> No.24097

Insect waifu and soylent diet

>> No.24120

If I wanted to listen to Irish men confess I'd become a priest.

>> No.24175

to make a faceberg post you just have to include 'asian gf' 'soy' and perhaps 'speedrunning'

>> No.24240
File: 144 KB, 512x512, FlDSgZ1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move onto Akira @0xa59a2d, you pathetic little insects.

>> No.24306
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>mfw seeing no love for bugman or Loki in this thread

>> No.24378

stud here, ur all faggots

>> No.24782

Hisperic here, ama. lads.

>> No.24803

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.24824

do girls really like sensitive fags

>> No.24847



>> No.24880

What are your 3 favorite books?

Do you think there anything redeeming about Ireland that would make it worth visiting?

Do you believe in a personal God?

>> No.24931


1. Kurt Cobain: Biography
2. The Great Gatsby
3. Phenomenology of Spirit

I dont know. The atmosphere here is..refreshing?

No (anti-atheist)

>> No.24947


>> No.25088

socrates is a NIGGER

>> No.25139

digits dun lie

>> No.25184

>fashy goys
Anyone who uses this phrase unironically should be shot.

>> No.25205

Loki is a faggot and more of a pseud than any of the others.

>> No.25206
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Jebem ti Mater.

>> No.25488

I am going to fuck your mother.

>> No.25533

I unfollowed you today, Loki
Your content is garbage
Your opinions are basic

>> No.25546

[citation needed]

>> No.25570
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>> No.25580



>> No.25584
File: 120 KB, 636x793, cc dsp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw founding member of frogtwitter but hardly recognized and all best content lost forever on suspended accounts

>> No.25600


damn it cut deep didn't it

>> No.25619

sup frogey

>> No.25631

dory your content was bad and you creeped everyone out.

>> No.25646

I don't keep track of who follows me, so didn't notice, sorry, but I'm glad you have this gay board to vent your frustration on :^)

>> No.25665

if you fap to anime you are not a good catholic

>> No.25672

Tfw BAP is actually a soy addled manlet irl

>> No.25684

Don't apologize, I'm not insulted.

>> No.25708

i dont (anymore) but nobody who thinks they are a good catholic is actually a good catholic

>> No.25811

Well, you were obviously trying to insult me, otherwise you wouldn't have told me in the first place. Either way, riveting chat.

>> No.25844
File: 984 KB, 725x1200, CqyfDCaUsAA-iOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay Dory, I liked your content while it was around.

>> No.25865

This post is as bad as your tweets. I'm sorry you have such poor reading comprehension.

>> No.25945

dory unlock your account or at least approve my follow request m8

>> No.25950

You are slow, friend: I felt the need to apologize because obviously you took some effort to try to insult me, so when I didn't notice, it must have caused some dismay on your part (otherwise why go through the trouble of relating it to me here?). Shouldn't have to spell all that out, but everyone here is like 19, so I guess I need to explain things very carefully.

>> No.25963


>> No.25968


>> No.25994

Frogtwitter is good but its really all about the #AnimeRight

>> No.26007

>so when I didn't notice, it must have caused some dismay on your part
Wow, this is worse than having poor reading comprehension.
>everyone here is like 19
You're what, 20?

>> No.26025
File: 3.70 MB, 1700x2403, froganime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am the synthesis!! the successor to hegel!!

tradgrace would understand...

>> No.26027


nigga nobody even knows I'm in frogtwitter.

>> No.26047

What phrase would you suggest, then? My irl friends have been trying to get 'fashsters' going or maybe even 'fash gang', I still like to say 'fashing it up with the goys' instead of 'hanging out'. It's really nice to have a secret slang of your own which normies can't understand. great strategy as well, even if antifa or FBI manage to bug your phone they won't understand a thing

>> No.26071
File: 17 KB, 250x250, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26076

I would suggest not coming up with a label for your 'friends' and instead just thinking of them by their names.

>> No.26077

>following frogtwitter and not normantwitter
you fags don't even drop space colonies

>> No.26083

>the NSA is going to gather data on the phones of random twitter fascists

cmon man

>> No.26104

>Wow, this is worse than having poor reading comprehension.

Well, I suppose I'll have to defer on matters of taste to people who write like valleygirls ("wow," "basic"), and can only work up the nerve to try to neg people in the most passive aggressive ways possible lol. Anyways, have a nice life.

>> No.26130

the only accounts worth following for /fitlit/ are


and @380kmh but he isn't frogtwitter, just really nice content

>> No.26132
File: 10 KB, 230x238, 1411499843862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>antifa or FBI manage to bug your phone they won't understand a thing

>> No.26135

You continue to make me glad that your tweets no longer show up on my feed.

>> No.26142

Consider sucidie

>> No.26174

>My irl friends have been trying to get 'fashsters' going or maybe even 'fash gang', I still like to say 'fashing it up with the goys' instead of 'hanging out'.
The best part of this, if it isn't pure troll, is that there are probably some Jews in your little TRS gang.

>> No.26257

@380KMH is a fucking normie

>> No.26268

His content is good.

>> No.26271

who cares, his trainposting is comfy

>> No.26285

I like trains from Japan and he is a pleasant fellow

>> No.26308
File: 317 KB, 610x1151, 36-1425216601-27-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a stud thread, poast blaq qts

>> No.26382

Frogtwitter are all CIA and work for Evan McMuffin

>> No.26396

wtf i love the cia now

>> No.26414

pigdog is the best

>> No.26427
File: 30 KB, 396x650, jomonass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about JOMON ASS instead

>> No.26453

Right...allow me to recap:
1. I don't care because I don't really give much consideration to such things
2. I am going to fuck your mother regardless

>> No.26455

I would still let him be in charge of infrastructure and urban development in my country.

>> No.26484

So stop replying to me, it's getting boring.
I don't really believe this.

>> No.26553

the best account on frogtwitter is @jomonqts

>> No.26573


hi ardrey

>> No.26629

this is true

I follow it

>> No.26687

>when everyone is hiding behind so many layers of irony you don't even know what their true beliefs really are
Irony is gone too far

>> No.26693
File: 299 KB, 581x438, Screen Shot 2016-08-30 at 12.12.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about artisanal small batch content by a fellow traveler?

>> No.26707

>tfw small account and no DM groups

>> No.26739

post you're @ I'll dm you

>> No.26744

I know that feel bro. Life as a content serf is the worst.

>> No.26896

Jomon ass best ass

>> No.26911

ardey all the alleged "jomon" you post are merely yayoi half-breeds

>> No.26914

I don't get the Jomon meme. I'd rather look at hot white girls.

>> No.27034

People blame /pol/ and the Alt Right for shitting up this board and /his/, but in reality it's been #FrogTwitter coordinating via SaloForum all along. Them and Stormfags.

>> No.27118

The world would have been a better place if Salo-fourms and TRS never existed. Look at this autism.
>HEHE I'm being ironic on the internet! You must submit xD

>> No.27175

Talking about Salo is 100 times more woke then naming the Jew. They are the root of all this cancer.

>> No.27187

I don't know much about Salo but they seem a little better than TRS, mostly because they're doing it for lulz on Twitter while TRS are actually forming collectives of homosexuals IRL to support Donald "Capitalism" Trump.

>> No.27253

create a new account so I can follow you again

>> No.27422

future scholars will remember the 1999 founding of SomethingAwful.com as the beginning of the end for Western Civilisation

>> No.27453

>tfw coworker is a goon and reads SA threads out loud to you at work

>> No.27514
File: 33 KB, 287x425, CkH4paMW0AAJ1yZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think frogtwitter is ironic? (This is a sincere question)

>> No.27523

How could it possibly be serious?

>> No.27536

people can have radical or dramatic beliefs without being ironic

>> No.27560

You're right--but how could Frogtwitter in particular not be at least partially ironic?

>> No.27561
File: 69 KB, 800x460, C2YzHqxW8AA2efx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading Irony Poisoned poasters

>> No.27577

Frog Twitter hasn't overcome irony any more than DFW did.

>> No.27579


>> No.27589

neo-sincerity is expressing genuine belief in the guise of the insincere

>> No.27619

Are you kidding me?

>> No.27669
File: 8 KB, 194x270, CqlVtO0WAAAfmAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DFW couldn't make it past the prelims of Catholic conversion.

>> No.27706
File: 73 KB, 700x623, the future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He stole that tweet from this old meme

>> No.27721

Where is that from?

>> No.27743

>tfw DFW is in Hell now

>> No.27746

the tweet came first and was the inspiration for the meme

>> No.27747


>> No.27753


>> No.27766

whats going on in here

>> No.27772

Actually its very likely he'd be considered a Catholic in death because he at least tried.

>> No.27773

The Social Matters forum, the real source of all this shitposting.

>> No.27782

Someone please explain this frogtwitter thing.

Basically it's just a bunch of guys posting things that normies would find confusing/weird/wrong in an ironic way?

>> No.27785

tbqh, I've been going to Mass most weekends for the past 8 months or so. It's only served to alienate me from my faith. My priest is from Africa and stumbles through every Gospel reading and has to reread words multiple times in broken English to get through most sentences. The music at my Parish is abominable. There is practically no community outreach. There is no emphasis on morality in the priest's sermons. There is a lot of quasi-Protestant theology, though.
Why should I continue being Catholic other than to preserve domestic tranquility within my nominally Catholic family, particulary w/r/t my relationship with my mother, the one who makes us go to Mass? Why shouldn't I convert to Gnostic Platonism when I find a better paying job and move out?

>> No.27796

not so fast nrxfags

>> No.27818
File: 136 KB, 459x499, christ-chan cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a wise man once said
the men who built Europe did not believe in Christianity but in Christ
we are born in a time of crisis in which Christ's church has abandoned its own tenants and thus Him, which is the only conflict of faith we are allowed to have in this day

>> No.27830
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>> No.27852

it's just a more intellectual and esoteric splinter group from alt-right twitter
ideology ranges from (nudist body-building) fascism to anarcho-primitivism

>> No.27854
File: 186 KB, 739x943, gustave_dore_dante_the_harpies_wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Forest of Suicides.

>> No.27861

/pol/ discovers post-modernism

Uses post-modernism to destroy left-wing ideology.

/leftypol/ tries to copy /pol/'s usage of post-modernism but achieves the exact opposite results.

Check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arHZKclwPyk for an example in action

>> No.27881

Nah, suicide is a rejection of God's grace and DFW is being punished for all eternity.

>> No.27893

My basic lefty friend made a twitter account just to follow the frogtwitter and similar accounts that I showed him, hopefully he gets woke soon

>> No.27928

>related videos
God damn I've never seen such a effective recruitment campaign

>> No.27932

OP's question has finally been answered.

>> No.28010

Clearly you are shitposting. Making a lefty, or normal person follow frog twitter would probably make them one to commit suicide. I know it makes me want to. Have them follow @woke8yearold to actually get redpilled. He's an ex-leftist who actually makes insightful posts without hiding behind layers of autis- I mean irony like the fags over at frog twitter.

>> No.28046

Its both at the same time

every frogtwitter tweet is simultaneously completely ironic and deadly serious

>> No.28056

This is a contradiction that will be overcome when we enter the next stage of the dialectic.

>> No.28059

he is absolute shit

>> No.28063

>Have them follow @woke8yearold
I wouldn't do that even to an enemy. He's a transhumanist fool.

>> No.28073

Kantbot > all

>> No.28075
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>> No.28085

>Have them follow @woke8yearold
jesus christ i laughed
im embarrassed that i follow him

>> No.28105

I want him to publish his book and do more long-form writing in general. Tren Warriors was great.

>> No.28118

No fuck off it's ironic. It's bad enough you fuckers shitpost behind muhh layered ironyyy xD but then when you guys get called out your like- NO I'M NOT IRONIC!1 Sad.

>> No.28120

He could use an editor. A lot of minor grammatical errors in Tren Warriors got on my nerves.

>> No.28134

hi there @woke8yearold, you are not fooling anyone

>> No.28146

I heard he posted a picture of himself with cum in his mouth in a dm

>> No.28151

This guy is great too

>> No.28175

I love kantbot.


>> No.28181

What's so bad about Transhumanism pleb?
Nah I'm OP. I'm just an outsider trying to understand the appeal of the autism that is frog twitter.

>> No.28191

What ISN'T so bad about transhumanism?

>> No.28242

woke8yearold is a meme-stealing sperg who doesn't know any actual science beyond what he reads on Wikipedia.

>> No.28256

>What's so bad about Transhumanism pleb?
do you want Mark Zuckerberg to become an eternal emperor with absolute power over all of humanity?

>> No.28267
File: 97 KB, 365x467, 1489370633655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When this video starts making sense

>> No.28295

He's really unfunny when he doesn't plan his shit out. His "esoteric" playthrough of Donkey Kong is painfully dull. Uhhh these uhhh crystals they are magickal!

>> No.28373

Dory are you still giving up twitter for lent? if not let me follow back its hubris

>> No.28398

Gamer Kantbot is easily his worst storyline except for maybe Nigger Kantbot.

>> No.28426

Despite all this, we can all agree that he's done wonderful things with his medium. I'm sure.

>> No.28449

will poly ever go public again?

>> No.28478

Sorry Kantbot, but you peaked at the German Idealism video. It's all downhill from here. You should probably just delete your account and tell Niccolo and his goons to do the same.

>> No.28505

I'm not Kantbot. I don't speak Hebrew.

>> No.28596

i heard melch was a qt lebanese grill, can any1 confirm?

>> No.28645

mena is a chad!

>> No.28669

and his tweets read like bad commercials

>> No.28672

one of you needs to get kantbot on some training. BF% through the roof on that guy.

>> No.28703

>follow @woke8yearold
Hi 'Aleph' :^)
Why do you steal other people's tweets? It's kind of pathetic.
And I heard that you're a brony, is that true?

>> No.28724

shout out to lucas
shout out to minmod
shout out to tradstirlitz
shout out to jonathan crumb

>> No.28735

>trad 'i deleted all my anime so i only lust over 3d thots now instead' stirlitz

>> No.28748

What the fuck is frogtwitter? I recognize some of the accounts ITT but I never knew they were all interlinked somehow?

>> No.28768

frogtwitter if like 400-600 accounts linked through mutuals and numerous DM cabals

>> No.28777

The '2d girls are better than 3d girls' meme is dangerous and false. Taking it seriously is stupid. That being said
>tfw no Rukia from Bleach gf

>> No.28788

they deleted the pastebin of all the accounts who are members bc of some spic fag who was gettinge everyone b&

>> No.28804

oh shout out to seanguy I love that nigga

>> No.28806

I've read frogtwitter for a while and it just makes me hate everything and everyone. I suggest against it

>> No.28865

That's what all social media does to me. I gave up Facebook for Lent and it's been great.

>> No.28889


>> No.28907

who is jon crumb? I've been hearing his name everywhere, but still not sure of what he is or what he does.

>> No.28926

jon crumb is a rogue MKUltra agent specialized in shitposting operations

>> No.28928

Frog Twitter is just bro-science combined with /lit/his/ pseudoerudite bullshit.
He's a goddamn hero.

>> No.28933 [DELETED] 

he made the kantbot video edit

>> No.28953

What is this shit even? Just a more pretentious version of /pol/ autistic screeching?

>> No.28956
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>same "compare political/journo posts to dril" jokes as a million other accounts
>reposted memes
>fedora tipping about christianity being untrue then immediately turning around and talking about transhumanism like its an unassailable truth and holy writ
>any time somebody calls him out or tries to debate he goes full autist "lmao kid, I bet you're not half as smart as me maybe once you believe in the singularity you can approach talking to me and my enlightened worldview"

>> No.28960

salo is seriously the most interesting place to read online

>> No.28965
File: 1.18 MB, 380x380, quickrundown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quick rundown

>> No.28967

That's almost certainly not true.

>> No.29000

whats better?

>> No.29010

Anything written by Louise Mensch.

>> No.29062

and eric garland

>> No.29079

hello pwnies.

>> No.29078

Who here /Mike Pence Anime/?

>> No.29085

That guy should be institutionalized.

>> No.29105
File: 47 KB, 1002x1199, 27206324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here /ingroup/

>> No.29109


>> No.29118

Yeah, Soviet Russia used to send dissidents to psychiatric institutions. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump decides to take a page from Ivan's book

>> No.29128

reminder to follow @Meyeteson guys h

>> No.29141

The problem with groups like Frog Twitter is that they present themselves offshoots of the anonymous imageboard culture, but without the anonymity that confines identity to particular threads or posts. The same cancer as TRS.
I think it's about time for some game theory.

>> No.29144


go to bed wokieleaks

>> No.29159

>tfw your main Twitter account and your alt Twitter account are both so obscure that nobody will ever call you out ITT
Feels good.

>> No.29160
File: 259 KB, 600x676, 1421795302159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Frogtwitter is even good
You'll niggas don't even get banned for blowing checkmarks the fuck out until an autist dedicates himself to combing through your tweets. None of you have gone to poasting Fólkvangr.

>> No.29176

You mean basic and irrelevant?

>> No.29182

hey finmin we should hang in dc some time

>> No.29190


>> No.29202

Yes. There's no reason to be proud of having a popular Twitter account.

>> No.29212

i miss him (again) ;_;

>> No.29215

Go to bed Mandrew.

>> No.29219


>> No.29223

See >>29159

>> No.29246
File: 688 KB, 799x943, when the fat retard leaves moms house.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this fedora meme originated from 4chan mocking whiteknights.
Seeing its effectiveness, it was appropriated by faggots to use as an all-purpose insult.

>Don't like something about them?
Call them fedora XD

Calling someone a fat neckbeard is like telling someone they have a small penis: it's projection.

>> No.29254

Faggot who roleplays as trad

>> No.29257

You're all cancer.

>> No.29259

>No mention of atheism

>> No.29269

shout out to @PizzaRollPatrol

>> No.29274


>> No.29275

Isn't that the entire Alt Right and every related movement?

>> No.29281

henlo anon, you're too kind

>> No.29290
File: 504 KB, 1497x850, ozymandias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, and just because you see a state/city/whatever colored a certain color according to the last election, doesn't mean there doesn't exist a near equal or significant number of people voting the other way.

1 billion dolalr tiny appartment, fml.

If hyperloop works people will WANT to move away from the city for far cheaper prices. People go to cities because they have to for jobs, you stupid naive faggot.

Alright, that's all.

>> No.29297

i think he's a nice guy

>> No.29305

I know it's associated with atheism, but I think it came later.

>> No.29308

>Reminder that this fedora meme originated from 4chan mocking whiteknights.
That's completely wrong. Fedoras are Reddit loving Atheists and STEM autists. Then everyone on the internet became post-ironic techno-christians and ruined everything.

>> No.29324


But him especially since he tries so hard

>> No.29339

I sometimes hear the altright is improperly trad, then I hear it's too trad.

I think people just see what they want

>> No.29348

>shit that never happens

No one in frogtwitter ever hides behind irony when "called out" (no one really ever calls them out to begin with).

>> No.29358

it me

>> No.29363

BAP and Kantbot are better than most

>> No.29367

>the boards being bad is because of a sinister conspiracy rather than the board itself

>> No.29368
File: 106 KB, 477x403, 1HQFwB2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem mad lmao

>> No.29372

You're bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.29376

>If hyperloop works people will WANT to move away from the city for far cheaper prices. People go to cities because they have to for jobs, you stupid naive faggot.
>tfw the nearest train station is as far away as the job that you drive to in a decaying urban sprawl and the highway that you use to get there is just a bunch of potholes that people drive over
Fuck Central Massachusetts

>> No.29378

Tim McFoiles (@tinfoileyv) is actually the leader of the entire alt-right that's why Jack keeps suspending his accounts

>> No.29391

Fuck off, Tim.

>> No.29395

who else gonna shitpost even harder on /his/ now

>> No.29396

kill yourselves for shilling your accounts in this thread you autistic cunts fuck you

>> No.29399

Don't get me wrong, /his/ and /lit/ have never been good, but a lot of the 'Are X white?' threads reek of Frog Twitter, especially when people get into the specifics of population genomics. There are clearly cabals of racialists at work here.

>> No.29431

Me and my crew go by Proud Boys.

>> No.29432

>that picture
lmao delusional

>> No.29448

>bitter ironycel can't handle the fact his brand is outdated

>> No.29450

No, it's true--Trumpism is post-Religious Right, it creates an opening for atheists to feel comfortable identifying as Republicans.

>> No.29452

woke8yearold is smart but has an unbelievably obnoxious personality.

And yea I think he steals content and arguments. I suspected he'd done it with me but obviously didn't have the wherewithal to make a big case about it

>> No.29458

Fedoras wear Brooks Brothers suits and MAGA hats.

>> No.29462
File: 40 KB, 400x400, IMG_7357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is an ASSHOLE

>> No.29464

The digits always speak the truth.

>> No.29483

racialism is a lot more sensible than people think desu. Even if race in of itself is meaningless, it's useful as a unit for organization

>> No.29498



>> No.29502

sounds good to me but really I agree with Hunter Wallace that Trumpism is post-conservative right wing politics more than post-religious

>> No.29519

>murders millions and causes economic stagnation
>right about anything
Lmao you people enjoy being slaves

>> No.29524

as Aleph would (rightly) say, not wanting that would not make it stop

>> No.29529
File: 87 KB, 682x662, thinking emoji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does one expand their brand effectively?

>> No.29530

you want to know my account?

>> No.29535

The IR is literally the greatest thing humanity has ever achieved

Go live in the woods loser

>> No.29543

I'm not saying that race is meaningless. I'm saying that racialists organize outside of these boards and then post here. Stormfags have been doing it for a decade. TRS has been doing it for at least two years. Why should those be the only groups?
Post-Religious Right. There's a difference.
I wouldn't go that far, there's no evidence that Trump is a reactionary.
According to Kojeve's reading of Hegel, the slave's recognition of the idea of freedom makes freedom more real for him when he gains it by forcing his master to recognize his humanity. Just some food for thought.

>> No.29546
File: 42 KB, 484x484, 124123541351243647346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29549

befriend a popular account and then prod them to RT your mediocrity

>> No.29550


>> No.29552

found the soy man

>> No.29557

>communism is inevitable, the USSR will never fall, just accept it
t. 1990

hes a retarded defeatist and so are you

>> No.29558

therightstuff.biz probably has a podcast you'd like. FTN isn't around right now which is too bad, they got closer to predicting the election than 'respectable pundits'

>> No.29559

Aleph stop shilling your account

>> No.29562

Worked for me.

>> No.29571

I use TRS, we don't coordinate. People just come here and spergily shill for stuff

>> No.29574

speaking of yourself in the third person is autistic as fuck, just so you know

>> No.29575

>as Aleph would (rightly) say

go to fucking bed and stop anonymously shilling yourself

>> No.29583

Animeright is based

But Hegel was absolutely retarded and responsible for marx

>> No.29584
File: 63 KB, 660x791, 1a2a104fbd0abd578ea8ef34ab7a8bd93517a6a681a91f6861c559893de3883a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>therightstuff.biz probably has a podcast you'd like
>we don't coordinate
What do you call discord servers, you retarded niggerfaggot?

>> No.29594

He does not seem that way to me.

You know, I don't actually like him right? I just dont think he's always wrong

>> No.29595

this also stick around long enough not to get banned and people will just start following you bc they're desperate for content

>> No.29607

>But Hegel was absolutely retarded and responsible for marx
Oh look, it's this opinion again

>> No.29611

>co-opt, corrupt

How did Enoch do that?

>> No.29626
File: 23 KB, 226x223, IMG_1366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of Reddit normies who found /pol/

>> No.29627

well its at @quixotistic and i like anime and mishima

>> No.29630

I am actually not him, blocked by him even, that just is a bad argument against transhumanism

>> No.29633


Can't wait for you to tweet out about how 4chan is talking about you, critiquing transhumanism due to being too stupid, and how you're too cool to engage in something like this

>> No.29646
File: 638 KB, 523x735, kaiku waifu 3dpd kike enoch lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did he not?
>Jew drag king wife
>Cohosts knew about his Jew wife
>Hosts podcast called The Daily Shoah
>Trump has nothing to do with the Alt Right but the Alt Right hitched itself to his campaign because shekels
>Probably Jewish himself

>> No.29658

I really am not him, I came into this thread way after he was even mentioned

>> No.29671

>pushed the JQ hard

That's kinda where this falls apart. He SHOULD have mentioned it early on but he did not have to divulge personal details.

He married her 10 years ago when he wasnt even a normie conservative

>> No.29703
File: 511 KB, 947x669, 042e222289fb527816007db7803e18c77a682a063a003f1f6bd141de8a329a53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's incredibly dull.
>He married her 10 years ago when he wasnt even a normie conservative
I don't understand how this is an excuse. He never should have made that podcast, and he would have divorced her years ago if he were serious about his supposed convictions.
>tfw can't block your posts because this is 4chan
k i l l y o u r s e l f

>> No.29723

lol, if he divorced her you guys would be saying he was trying to go DEEP UNDERCOVER

>> No.29727

makz is fat

>> No.29730

stop bullying Aleph :(

>> No.29751
File: 901 KB, 808x1024, 5e5cbccc52151c137f4134c6aedb270830a21f0cb175aeb5299d79f5eba14a81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you defending him so much?

>> No.29769

I'm defending him against the co-op narrative because it's a dumb narrative

>> No.29777

nice buzzwords.

>> No.29804
File: 18 KB, 213x255, 9bba6deed5aff7dc7bfaf10463e22257d8de187ed2b823c7cd6b7abca22820ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29808

doesnt twitter have archives?

>> No.29817

It's not like Ginsberg didn't just string buzzwords together.

>> No.29819

nice trips

menaquinone is very sincere and listening to the likes of frogtwitter improves your life

if not, well, enjoy being half the man your ancestors were

>> No.29827

Why is kantbot not officially considered a member anyway? Is it cuz he's too pudgy?

>> No.29828

he uses them ironically
sorry if it's too deep for you

>> No.29836

he says he isn't

>> No.29845

Kantbot sounds like a pussyboi in a real life.

>> No.29855

He wasn't woke on the jews until 20-50 episodes into the Shoah. The name was just >le edgy originally

>> No.29858

you have to request it for your own account and its hard to do anything with it at that point

>> No.29870

The Daily Shoah is a 9th order simulacrum

>> No.29874
File: 166 KB, 348x596, 0d92fa4d1fe9b987b087e386bda9c27627149b96b7f4e24901be873cfcd87913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That really isn't important.

>> No.29875

Every single one of them is shit.

There isn't one good fucking tweet on the entire twitter website except that one about diet coke and thin people by Trump.

>> No.29878

still should do it

yea, until they read CoC

>> No.29880



>> No.29888

It is though. Were you born redpilled? If so, you're lucky and rare.

>> No.29898

Chapo was right about the alt-right

>> No.29915

it's just people with something to prove. I know people like Mike Anissimov are prominent on 8ch and dislike the altright for not being his baby basically

>> No.29922

I don't host a goddamn radical right-wing podcast and sperg out about how my livelihood would be ruined if the world found out who I really am because of the racial identity of my wife.
Fuck the Chapo faggots, too, they're just a left-wing version of TRS.

>> No.29926

Which stolen joke was that again?

>> No.29928

Chapo got so many things, half intentional and half not, that it was laughable and just disingenuous. The Shoah guys have offered to come on multiple times, but chapo won't do it. If you're interested, why not go to one of the sources? The Shoah is tied with Spender and Anglin for figureheads of the altright.

>> No.29929

all their criticisms are just blubbering about tone last time I checked.

They non-ironically think their multicracial socialism would not end with blacks and hispanics eating all the gibs.

At least when they arent stealing content

>> No.29937

Felix is the only funny guy in Chapo, and that's because he's the one appropriating our culture

>> No.29947

that alt-right is who chapo takes their content from

>> No.29948

For the wrong reasons

>> No.29956
File: 338 KB, 641x510, e2ed373182b9dba8ae610003b26ed09b20f8a93a454fc82f9daad002c7e7f3a7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29961

Cum Town > Chapo

Also why is it that leftists always have speech impediments

>> No.29970

he said a while ago that even if he was exposed he'd keep going, it was like the day after the 2014 april fools

>> No.29976

mullen was the only funny ironycel but he doesn't even poast anymore

>> No.29981

He would've been just as scared about being doxed with or without the jew wife. He didn't lose his job because he had a jew wife.

I'm with you, it's frustrating and could've been handled better. But the disingenuous frame is that he's some kind of shill or money chaser or something. The narrative is obvious

>marry a jew
>start to question lolbertarian narratives
>start edgy podcast
>guest Kevin McDonald
>get woke on the jews
>have a fanbase
>have a wife
>no right answer

>> No.29986


We are the Fashy Goy Army and we are here to stay.

>> No.29988

they're defective and therefore have feelings of inferiority which makes them leftist

read ISAIF

>> No.30002

dude was blocked out of his account for shitposting

>> No.30007

iktf its rough as a plebe

>> No.30008

How the fuck do you know that? Why do you care enough to be able to pinpoint this shit like a fucking Trekkie with his Trek quotes?
>The narrative is obvious
I'm aware of the order of events, I'm NOT aware of anything about Kike Eunuch that doesn't make him a piece of shit.

>> No.30009

Handegg is like one step removed from an ironybro politically but he's funny so he gets a pass

>> No.30013

I recommended looking up a podcast, I blame myself

>> No.30028

I told you where to look

>piece of shit
No, he just didnt do what he should have. But he wasnt required to do anything you said, it just would have been easier

>> No.30056

Because they ARE the alt-right. Like it or not. They set the narratives and the tone, EVERYONE on the alt-right listens to them. You're in a thread about frog twitter. i.e. the altright. Everyone except for antifachan fags who pretend that there is no "alt-right" because they want to remain on the total edge of politics to stroke their weird egos realize this.

>paleocon thread

>Mormon thread

>> No.30058

and zero steps removed from being a homosexual

>> No.30074
File: 658 KB, 480x640, fat goy fat jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, I know it's not worth arguing with you faggots. You adopt the tactics that you perceive Jews to use, but you're so fucking stupid that you can't even obfuscate properly. Mike Enoch is a piece of shit and he deserves every bad thing that happens to him.

>> No.30078

wew @ this entire post

>> No.30084

frogtwitter is dead, collapsed into indistinct blob of shitposting together with FYAD rump state, le dank whigger teen memers, a bunch of random traps, anime accounts, and leftypol/chapo rejects

>> No.30091
File: 15 KB, 255x255, 3b68acc15b37c88253a6c578f189cd76899b04e31747a087b26124625dfb3082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TRS are the ones with bloated egos.

>> No.30104

you're the one who claimed he was co-opting without proof. You;re just using the fact that he personally failed to be ideal to dismiss his advocacy of an ideal.

That is jewish

>> No.30113

fair enough. So do the chans, let's be honest. We think we own ideas and then get mad when others use them

>> No.30114

>Mike Enoch is a piece of shit
Why. Knowing you agree with the order of events here
what should he have done, and when? Keeping in mind that the alt-right is supposed to be trad and divorce is not to be taken lightly? And keeping in mind that, to Common Filth's dismay, The Shoah guys were never adamantly anti-sodomite?

>> No.30121
File: 213 KB, 689x1128, 4e8996bd8daf4cf63c56011a2e35fef1c603e60c40e100fbd1299e0281d949a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's Jewish? Trump's daughter and his son-in-law.

>> No.30122

other way around, faggot

>> No.30140

>posts the guy who would trademark "Alt Right" if he could even though he's a pudgy boat shoe wearing nerd who belongs in a think tank and not the face or voice of anything

Yeah, TRS has the ego problem

>> No.30143
File: 425 KB, 600x411, 066a8792dc444fe20a9b511da7c8b1bc7dba416eb4d75b70ddc08fdd0887978d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30153
File: 83 KB, 960x692, alt-rightist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting this hard
look in the mirror faggot

>> No.30159
File: 21 KB, 288x433, implicitly greco-roman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't belong in a think tank. He's a fucking reta-

>> No.30167

True. Anyone who's alt-right always said from day one Trump was the option best we had and useful for the Overton window shift and some immigration reform. No one ever said Trump was the ideal.

When will antifachan learn that the perfect is the enemy of the good?

>> No.30171

By which I mean, we, the Fashy Goys, as a collective

>> No.30173

yet the super hardcore nazi larpers still like Trump but hate TRS. Makes this seem a lot more prosaic

>> No.30184
File: 21 KB, 255x255, 017fcce56f2e1f1060ac3c45da0d1b638dc3b8ca5a4aeba357731b35988e6d05.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When will antifachan learn that the perfect is the enemy of the good?
>Anyone who disagrees with me is antifa
You mean the Proud Boys?
The super hardcore nazi larpers are doing it for the lulz. 90% of /pol/ isn't white.

>> No.30204

That faggot steals his pics from grindr, he was exposed on his old account

>> No.30207

Interestingly he's still a better white advocate than the people who actually are liked. Just wish he'd take lessons from Jared Taylor a bit more

Spencer has the money to do politics full time, nobody else does really

>> No.30214

idiot, I have feelings of superiority and therefore I am rightwing, if I was inferior I'd be concerned for equality instead of hierarchy

>> No.30221

Other guy defending TRS here. I'm on your side. That said, stop with the "fashy goys" shit. It's gay and cringe. I stopped hanging out with my local group because of this alone.

>> No.30227

not referring to /pol/.

>> No.30241

this is actually a verified fact that people care more about equality and adopt more left wing views when made to feel bad about themselves

>> No.30243
File: 108 KB, 720x802, 4eb916a307bdcf13f9cc052773f6f65d5563241aefecfb7ece5361f7bace8e00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white advocate
Protip: anyone who claims to be advocating for white interests is probably acting against those interests
The Alt Right is a cult, you can tell by the way they act as if the things they believe are universal truths, rather than opinions and perceptions.
Then I can't speak to that.

>> No.30249

Who /doesn't actually have a twitter account but follows anyway/ here? Unless you're thirsting for trap lewds or e-fame it seems like the objectively superior browsing experience.

>> No.30250

curtis buy me civ 6

>> No.30257

twitter personalities are cancer kill yourselves

>> No.30260

ok kid, keep telling yourself that.
some day you'll grow up and realize that you're a pathetic failure
but sure, you're totally superior

>> No.30264

Twitter is cancer.

>> No.30276

>the altright is a cult! I am not a cult member because I dont think anyone is good enough


>> No.30284

I don't post anything, just use it for news. I should delete it because social media just distracts me. Every our I check to see the latest developments in things that don't effect me. We're becoming cyborgs and I want to be a better human.

>> No.30298

>things they believe are universal truths,
Is "white people have a right to exist" a fact or opinion? Because that's really the only binding tie between the alt-right. The trad/libertarian, fag-worship/anti-sodomy, economics, etc are all up for debate amongst the alt-right. The only thing that's not is white gentiles have a right to fight for their group interests.

>> No.30299

I don't get your point. Not even a little bit.

>> No.30304

This anon was heartbroken when he found out those weren't actually pictures of death squads patrolling the hollow earth

>> No.30305

This one was brutal. I loved it.

>> No.30327

Dogmatically forcing everyone to agree with propositions like "White Gentiles have a right to exist" and throwing a hissy fit if they don't seems cultish to me. I'm not operating with a rigid definition of 'cult' here, though.

>> No.30351

If you consider fighting for the survival of whites to be a "hissy fit," then I don't really care what you think. You're either a race traitor, or fighting for your own group's interests.

>> No.30363

weird how we have to convince people that we have a right to exist... and you accused us of being Jewey...

>> No.30372

The UN is a cult! Always throwing hissy fits against genocide of ethnic groups!

>> No.30406

I consider what you're doing right now to be a hissy fit. If you think that you're fighting the good fight for the white race by doing what you're doing right now, then you must be off your meds.
I believe that every human being has a right to exist and that life is a sacred thing. White people, black people, Asian people, etc. The way you choose to phrase things is comical, though--white people have a right to exist, but I really don't see how that justifies your behavior.
Statism is a cult. Superstates count as part of the pantheon of the statist.

>> No.30422

fucking trsodomites ruining another thread

>> No.30432

werent you the guy saying TRS was kiked or am I just confused. You replied to my reply to him so just checking

>> No.30441

Shoutout to Gillette

>> No.30442
File: 18 KB, 320x234, 7bf98a78d21b0fa2214359f748b65336c80250d9df2797d47da0a67868590ca3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30452

hello no bitch
Lock in! #TradNation
follow @wineboyfriend

>> No.30455

It sounds like a hissy fit because of my frustration that I even have to debate with you that "whites have a right to exist." This isn't up for debate. We will fight for the right to exist. All white men reading this: this comment
is why the alt-right exists. This guy is seriously stating that white people's right to exist depends on the tone and tactics we use to argue for that right. Imagine anyone saying that about any other group. Fight for your group's interests: no one else will.

>> No.30460

I do blame myself, I recommended looking up a podcast. Then we had to have an argument and people took sides

>> No.30466

fuck niggers

>> No.30481

>believing the tranny

>> No.30500

>This isn't up for debate.
And I'm not debating it.
>This guy is seriously stating that white people's right to exist depends on the tone and tactics we use to argue for that right.
You have awful reading comprehension. I'm suggesting that everyone has a right to exist and that life is sacred. This is not something that I am willing to argue about. I explicitly stated that I think that life is inherently valuable, and this includes white people's lives. Your behavior is something that ought to cause you shame.
You ought to hang yourself.

>> No.30535

>I'm suggesting that everyone has a right to exist and that life is sacred. This is not something that I am willing to argue about. I explicitly stated that I think that life is inherently valuable

You sound like you're in a cult.

>> No.30561

Well, I was raised Catholic, and I believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and is the Son of God the Father. I wouldn't call Christianity a cult, there are better descriptors.

>> No.30581


i know

its all in ISAIF

>> No.30586

>Oh no, he showed that I'm full of shit
>I know, I'll accuse him of what he's accusing me of

>> No.30599

404 already

>> No.30625

Hey cool ingroup members are the ones you call sweet boys and good boys actually nice people in secret? I'd like to imagine they are.

>> No.30638

closet turbo degenerate
Open degenerate
Has retarded rants
>Jon Crumb
Bad posts, only worshipped because he keeps getting banned

>> No.30660

NEW THREAD?????!??

>> No.30663

>only worshipped because he keeps getting banned
It's hilarious, isn't it?

>> No.30673

he's tone policing our group advocacy when we've caused almost no damage compared to the "permitted" grievance/advocacy groups

>> No.30679

stop playing gayhammer 40 cocks

>> No.30691

>tone policing
You sound just as retarded as Mestizos advocating for the annexation of California by Mexico because of their Aztec heritage.

>> No.30703

lucas gave me a shoutout on twitter recently and I felt happy

>> No.30708

except those groups are being pushed on us, demographic change is being pushed on us and argued to be moral.

We're purely defensive

>> No.30715

Lock in! #TradNation

>> No.30722

>We're purely defensive
That doesn't make your choice of words less retarded.

>> No.30733

Lock in! #TradNation

>> No.30739


Lock in! #TradNation

>> No.30740

which choice of words would this be?

>> No.30753

>Lock in! #TradNation

>> No.30761
File: 140 KB, 348x441, 60a0ee5a055eb767b2261c9a7ba8d43077d445db5d3f10c07e83628699c394a7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too tired to explain to a retard why he's retarded. Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the non-whites bite.

>> No.30768

>closet turbo degenerate

>reminder that commonfaggots still actually believe lucas is e-dating ru

>> No.30771

Lock in! #TradNation

>> No.30773

I fucking hate this spic retard.

>> No.30786

Yep, one day the nazi larpers will win. Bound to happen eventually eh?

>> No.30798
File: 35 KB, 400x400, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this stupid spic retard, I hate him so much.

>> No.30812

Lock in! #TradNation

>> No.30827

>>30798 me too what the fuck is a "yag" even

>> No.30838

i love hyper hes so cool and awesome best person on twitter wow hes amazing

>> No.30841

>tfw no tradwife

>> No.30847

why are people talking about gay shit like TRS
frogtwitter is pretty far removed from the mainstream alt-right

>> No.30859

I mentioned looking up a podcast, someone got mad TRS was even mentioned, then battle lines formed

>> No.30865

Jeune is the worst poster on twitter. Not sure why he is even "in" frogtwitter. He isn't even white. Also he thirsts so much for random twitter thots.

>> No.30871

Remember to follow @woke8yearold for the latest #FrogTwitter news and updates!

>> No.30872
File: 771 KB, 848x476, thumbdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yag is PURE you profligate

>> No.30880

well I never heard of him so he probably does suck

>> No.30894
File: 96 KB, 294x226, consider the following.....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeune is legitimately the only good person associated with #frogtwitter. Everyone else is a retarded autist.

>> No.30912

jeune chink disgusting

>> No.30920

Lock In #TradNation

>> No.30926
File: 1018 KB, 949x965, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

follow @camoautism Lock in! #TradNation

>> No.30930

So are we all just here to Irony-promote our own accounts?

>> No.30945


>> No.30949

I hate that fatass

>> No.30954

makz THICC
i need his cummies

>> No.30962

>Thinking frogtwitter is ironic when it's actually just them being extremely genuine and sincere about their radical beliefs

>> No.30989


what the fuck is this

>> No.31004
File: 1.07 MB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frog Twitter is about to collapse and usher in a new era of leaf Twitter

>> No.31009

Lock in! #TradNation

>> No.31010


please be my internet friend


>> No.31022
File: 48 KB, 540x396, subhuman sputnik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trad Nation

>> No.31024

>jon crumb
>bad posts

off yourself

>> No.31037

as conservatisms slowly become status quo again smug frog memers will die with it

>> No.31041

i luv u ardorey

>> No.31046

Time to kill tradslav

>> No.31052

follow @yaguara2299 on twitter dot com

>> No.31054
File: 333 KB, 700x979, this man is your friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31056
File: 239 KB, 546x546, pepina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checking back in to remind you that none of you will be classic BAP good, not even me.

>> No.31066

Jon Crumb is a shitpost guru and professional twitter exile. A veteran journeyman to the hinterlands of inane shit, he reminds us all of our Information Age condition as cybernetic mindslaves to a culture wherein the once profane has become like so many sacred cows.

Also, I am not Jon Crumb.

>> No.31070

I'm straight so I'm automatically better than him

>> No.31071

no follow @tradyugo

>> No.31073
File: 49 KB, 1024x698, Bolivia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that Bolivian.

>> No.31075

deplorables/kekistani retards will die

frogtwitter will just evolve into something more absurd

>> No.31084

I want to have HOT, SWEATY SEX with Kav

>> No.31094

I'm fine with that. There can only be one BAP.

>> No.31096

I feel too old to relate to this ebin memery and I'm not even in my mid 20s
Am I just an autist?

>> No.31097

Everybody go follow @polynices_kwak best frog Twitter guy

>> No.31106

wow sure are a lot of SODOMITES IN THIS THREAD

subscribe to commonfilt
buy his bandcamp and stickers to get actually woke you fucking sodomite shitstains.


>> No.31108

follow @dril

>> No.31110

frying pan emoji

>> No.31114
File: 24 KB, 512x512, 0makz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lock in! #TradNation

>> No.31116

follow me on Twitter

>> No.31131

hey finmin how's your autism treating ya

>> No.31134

follow me and pay up you worthless #paypigs #findom

>> No.31142
File: 193 KB, 1080x1192, C8A1DUiXQAAQiZE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tradnation will win

>> No.31143

I don't know much about that guy but he seems like he's actually mentally ill.

>> No.31147

Lock in! #TradNation

>> No.31148


>> No.31158

I can't tell if this is Bryar being ironic or not.

>> No.31162

Chapo showed up afterward

>> No.31163

who's going to start the new thread?

>> No.31164
File: 18 KB, 480x480, OG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

follow @BasedLoller7 on twitter

>> No.31172

he's @tyrsfist now
repeatedly shoah'd

>shitting on both lucas and jon crumb in the same post
yea opinion discarded

>> No.31176

blacktric suspended again smdh

>> No.31184
File: 25 KB, 506x453, cat8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31185

he and that dumb jap are fucking annoying

>> No.31186

right after he finally refollowed too

>> No.31190


nah fellas what you really oughta do is follow @yaguara2299

now that's some content the whole family can sit around the fire and enjoy

>> No.31192
File: 45 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frogposters are like a shitty version of animeright

animeright is majority real life chads on the highest level of irony larping as weebs, frogposters are weak incels that larp with other people's pictures, I know from various self-doxes and dm groups.

>> No.31193


>> No.31196

Chair lives, and watches over content Twitter like a guardian angel.

He says hi.

>> No.31200

go to bed UB

>> No.31202
File: 49 KB, 749x1013, C6quoiIU0AA0h_C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31208

whom'st this

>> No.31212

tells hats i'm gonna give him a fucking atomic wedgie

>> No.31214

/frogtwitter/ general? /frogtwitter/ general

>> No.31224

ok i will

>> No.31231
File: 464 KB, 3000x2000, 8C0Wfaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this version is better desu
thank you surf rock man

>> No.31232

thanks you're a good guy

>> No.31241

Brett get out

>> No.31250
File: 172 KB, 901x1200, 0beardson3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31251
File: 49 KB, 640x462, tradyouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lock in! #TradNation

>> No.31257

He honestly has tendencies similar to a cult leader with the way he 'preaches" and gets followers to invest so much time/money into being part of his "community".

>> No.31262

wrong reply, dozer

>> No.31269


>> No.31278

God i hope so.
I hope he got to meet lauren souther.

>> No.31286

New thread
New thread
New thread