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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 397 KB, 1632x1224, Cigar_tube_and_cutter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2997429 No.2997429 [Reply] [Original]

hwat do you think about cigars

>> No.2997441

and reading

>> No.2997444

are cigars literature?

If you can prove they are, then okay. If you can't, I have to call you a shitposter.

>> No.2997451

in4 freud

>> No.2997458

damn, that was supposed to be "inb4"
I guess that's what they call... a freudian slip.

>> No.2997463

no it's just a typo

>> No.2997467
File: 92 KB, 500x346, 12 Angry Men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cigar gives a certain meaning to the smoker, and unlike tattoos, it hasn't hit the mainstream yet and it still owns some significance with the culture. maybe simply cos not everyone can handle them. they could be used to give the reader a further meaning of the character.

but i just wanna know if lit smokes and reads at the same time.

>> No.2997470

i hate you all

>> No.2997476
File: 139 KB, 371x314, squint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you being autistic, or just pretending?

>> No.2997477

kill yourself

>> No.2997489

what other objects could give an interesting definition to a character?

things like scars and traumas? or just different possessions? i feel like that would be too american psycho esque

>> No.2997568

I don't. I tried once, but I don't smoke often so I just found myself relaxing and not wanting to focus on the page and rather stare up at the ceiling and enjoy the cigar while getting lost in thought.

>> No.2997577
File: 26 KB, 514x685, IMAG0298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love cigars. Pic related are my favourite two; 'Hoyo DeMonterrey' Cubans, and these hand rolled Asian ones. Both bought in bulk online.

The only problem is my age. I'm 19, so look like a total dick when I smoke one in public. I have tried sitting outside my local bar with a glass of cognac, in the glorious sunshine, just relaxing with a cigar, but my friends think they're foul and strangers think i'm pretentious. So I refrain, drink a pint of beer like a normal teen and save my cognac and cigars for when I am in the sanctuary of my house, preferably with a good novel.

I can't wait until i'm old enough to look good with one in public, but right now I don't want to be labelled as the tryhard kid who smokes cigars.

>> No.2997580

I love a good cigar but if I'm focused on reading it takes away from the enjoyment of a fine smoke.

>> No.2997614

That's a shame. I kind of just stumbled onto my friends who are cigar enthusiasts. We used to head down a cigar bar and smoke there, but it closed down so now we have nowhere to smoke and nowhere to get them.

>> No.2997649

>We used to head down a cigar bar and smoke there,
I really wish I was drinking and smoking in bars before the ban came in.

>but it closed down so now we have nowhere to smoke and nowhere to get them.
Don't you have tobacconists near you? I buy mine online but still see plenty in shops here. I usually buy 1kg of pre-packaged Golden Virginia rolling tobacco every week from a Spanish tobacconist and sell that on campus (one 50g pouch is usually £16 over here), then use the profit from that to pay for my own cigars and a few drinks.

>> No.2997667

These are bars that specialize in cigars though. These aren't bars where people go to buy have a drink (although I'm pretty sure they sell them). Although now that I think about it, I think they're called Cigar Lounges also so people go just to buy a cigar and smoke it.

Unfortunately, I'm not in the city so tobacconists aren't that close by although I think I might need to take a trip out to one and check it out now.

>> No.2997691
File: 20 KB, 244x300, arturo-fuente-hemingway-classic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the Arturo Fuente Hemingway series?

>> No.2997696

I smoke pipes, cigars, hookahs, cigarettes and roll your owns. All from the best to the very worst quality. I just love smoking tobacco and do so frequently while reading. Hope that helps, OP.

>> No.2997714

I like smoking cigars while on a mild opiate high - the two complement each other perfectly.

Or on the tail end of an ecstasy high, when I need the nicotine and cigarettes don't cut it. Then I smoke a cigar like a cigarette and in the same amount of time I would smoke a cigarette.

>> No.2997757

Do you have a link or name for those Asian ones?

>> No.2997775

Well, /lit/ is having a serious discussion about cigars now. I have fuckall to contribute on the subject, I just like the fact that this is happening.

>> No.2997795

I've been smoking cigars everywhere since I was sixteen and never had much of a problem. Do you look really concious about being a cigar smoking gentleman with your cognac and shitty fedora or something?

>> No.2997800

I like them when I'm READING BOOKS

>> No.2997805
File: 368 KB, 697x566, cuban-cigars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again Americans fuck shit up for me from the other side of the world.

You guys have a trade embargo with Cuba. If I try to import Cubans directly to Europe, I have to use the dollar as it's the international currency. Except I'm not allowed to use the dollar to by Cuban cigars because of your fucking trade embargo.

Even inter-European trade is banned, despite it being legal:

>> No.2997813

You could just, you know, go to a nice cigar shop and buy Cuban cigars?

>> No.2997836

B&Ms gouge you. So if you aren't in it for the camaraderie, then it isn't worth it. Just about everyone balances out B&Ms and online stores.

>> No.2997882
File: 283 KB, 640x480, cigar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what a B&M is. I just go to pic related and buy a nice cigar once in a while. I'm mostly a pipe smoker though, so I'm not really familiar with serious cigar smoking in the sense of creating a collection and all.

>> No.2997904

b-but muh lungs

need maximum quality lungs

>> No.2997912

>dat cozy, comfy, and warmth

>> No.2997916

Brick and mortar. Your pic related. Full of old men smoking cigars, handing you a few to try under the table, inviting you to events. But when they charge four times what cigarbid.com does, sometimes you have to compromise.

>> No.2997919

You don't inhale cigar smoke. Or pipe smoke, for that matter.

>> No.2997931

but inhaling the smoke feels good

>> No.2997940

Ah, I see. Yes, cigars can be quite an expensive hobby. Do you smoke pipe as well? Great variety in both pipes and tobacco's and not nearly as expensive. Also, it's much more of an art to smoke one correctly, so if you like that kind of stuff it can be very rewarding. I've also found pipe tobacco to have a much greater variety in flavour and cut than cigars.

>> No.2997990


Sensible man - anyone under 40 smoking a cigar (particularly a big fat one) just looks like a dick.

I gave up smoking years ago, which is a shame because I'm now getting old and greybearded enough to carry off a cigar.

Personally, I use snuff from Wilsons of Sharrow. Irish High Toast (like the kid buys in that story in Dubliners, and now we're back to literature).

>> No.2998069

This, except I'm 21 and I only smoke cigars at friends' homes. And scotch instead of cognac.

>> No.2998100

I used to smoke romeo y julieta cigars before I quit smoking for good. Not sure what this has to do with books. I also never smoked them in public.

>> No.2998112

Me too.

>> No.2998137
File: 286 KB, 1739x1410, 1331253568287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. glad to see this thread go off.

the reason for it is because i tried my first cigar today, and i really enjoyed smoking it outside while reading eugene onegin by pushkin. felt like a boss, although the cigars kinda distract from reading

>> No.2998309


>> No.2998328

lovely, but don't overdo it

>> No.2998330

not cultish, cigs were designed for women in the first place

>> No.2998353

my father spends his life reading philosophy and smoking cigars every day -- literally every day

he is the man

>> No.2998358

If it puffs nicely, has a good aroma, and you're with a friend/family member, it's good shit.

>> No.2998486

>cigs were designed for women in the first place

what does that have to do with anything, little bitch?

>> No.2998909
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocky Patel. All day, erryday.

>> No.3000031

just had the vintage 1990.

shit was so cash

>> No.3000077
File: 52 KB, 400x600, cigar_0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to give this a go:


I have just ordered 1lb of Dominican Seco and 1b of Havana 7, ready to embrace my new hobby.

>> No.3000207

That's like smart people neet life avant l'ordinateur. Not much different from /lit/izens.

>> No.3000496
File: 28 KB, 800x533, stanwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when smoking nice Danish aromatics

>> No.3000514
File: 35 KB, 300x301, cs-ama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are my absolute favorite cigars. I just fucking love the taste of wood or oak in my mouth thanks to these bad boys and the taste lasts throughout the day as long so it gives me passive enjoyment :)

Also I smoke 2-3 times a week but my smokes are different since I'm in college and have a hard time affording more than 2 a week.

I enjoy taking a folding camping chair out to my balcony to read and smoke together, but I sometimes find myself either reading too slow or getting lost in the literature. I have recently been reading Freud and I must say that this dick I've been smoking is delicious.

Pic is my favorite <3

>> No.3000515

Once a week in the garden so the house doesn't smell.

>> No.3000520

>before the computer

you didn't need to make that french you pretentious fuckhead

>> No.3000522

>tfw emasculated

>> No.3000525

>getting mad because of a deliciously quirky play on avant la lettre

>> No.3000527

No I'm living by myself, but my friends come round every so often and they don't like the smell. It also upsets my dog. And it's nice to sit in the sun with a cool drink.

>> No.3000529

It might be the dog that's upset, but it sounds like you're the bitch!

Now imagine me laughing hysterically at my own joke.

>> No.3000530

It's an amusing mental image, Anon. You sitting there, typing the word "Bitch" in and laughing like a loon.

But Roland (The dog) is like my son (Sterile as fuck). So I do it for him.

>> No.3000532

I'd rather smoke blunts mah nigga