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2989037 No.2989037 [Reply] [Original]

>friends are kidnapped
>break into infamous fortress
>risk life several times
>finally find them in a prison cell
>what the fuck are you doing here, mat? you fucking woolhead

fuck you robert

>> No.2989103

Ah, Mat, you are the only cool character.

Well, you and Min.

>> No.2989107

>14 years old
>super into LoTR and other fantasy series
>friends reading WoT
>start reading, first book is alright, second is better, third is so-so, fourth not so good
>say to friend "these books are really starting to drag, but I think I can tough it through to the end of the series. I'm on #4 how many are left?"
>abandon series, not a single fuck given for 10 years

>> No.2989111

"smoothed" comes up 127 times in the entire series

"tugged" comes up 147 times, "tug" 68 times

"braid" shows up 352 times, "braids" 171 times

"skirt" 129 times

I'm guessing these things are mentioned, very roughly, 10-15 times per book.

source: http://idealseek.no-ip.com/

>> No.2989125
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Egween smoothed her skirts and looked at Ha'Albaeraegag, who tugged at her braids.

"Men are so stubborn," said Eggwein, smoothing her skirts
"Yes, the gender-related observations of Robert Jordan are both astute and humorous," replied H'dfgh'aree5tg, smoothing her braid.
"Men are stubborn," said Eggpan, as she tugged her skirt upward toward her braids.

END OF BOK ONE OF 1000000002

>> No.2989141

Chapter 8

She gave a tug
Chapter 13

Nynaeve gave her thick braid a sharp tug from time to time
Chapter 14

Nynaeve gave her braid a sharp tug
Chapter 15

Nynaeve frowned and gave a sharp tug to her braid
Chapter 16

She gave a tug to her braid
Chapter 17

Nynaeve gave her braid a tug
Chapter 25

Nynaeve gave her braid one ferocious tug
Chapter 27

The tug she gave her braid left a smear of greasy soap suds on her dark hair
Chapter 36

and sat on the other to tug off his boots
Chapter 37

With a sharp tug at her braid
Chapter 39

and reached over to give Egwene's hair a little tug the way she had when Egwene was a little girl
Chapter 48

She gave her braid one hard tug
Chapter 51

She gave her braid a tug and fixed the fellow with her eye
Chapter 54

She gave her braid a sharp tug

>> No.2989509

so any canadian friends have downloaded the prologue yet?

>> No.2989525

My brother read the entire series and has been promoting it to me, but I don't think I can start a now 14 book series, especially when people tell me that not only are there many books and that they are very long, but each one is drawn out and includes very unimportant details with very little action.

Is this true, /lit/? Do I need a lot of free time and patience to read these things?

>> No.2989561

They're not necessarily bad, they're just poorly paced. Just like ASoIaF spends countless chapters on boring characters and neglects the interesting one. Except not a lot happens in the books, which intensifies as the series progresses until there will be 500 pages with nothing important happening.

They're not bad, mind you. I like being immersed in the world and the characters, even with all of their braid-pulling. They just require patience.

>> No.2989566

Do you feel the same way about A Song of Fire and Ice?

My mate has been handing them to me and talking about them. Fantasy isn't really my thing, but I gave the first a shot.

The reason I ask is that my brother offered me WoT and I got bored before the first third.

>> No.2989569

I honestly didn't enjoy ASoFaI. I just don't find the way GRRM tells a story very engaging. I like the TV show more.

I got in to the Wheel of Time series long before I started reading seriously, so no doubt I'm biased.

>> No.2989570

This actually answers my question below your post. It's unfortunate there are so many boring characters... and that nothing happens sometimes with even the good POV characters.

>> No.2989573

wheel of time is much much slower than asoiaf

>> No.2989576

Which book does that happen in - the part about breaking into an infamous fortress?

I know nothing about these books, but fuck I like badass fortresses and dangerous dungeon crawling in vodya gaems, so I want to try reading about it, too.

>> No.2990512
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Third book; the whole book is basically a build up to the events at the Stone of Tear.

>> No.2990547

>got bored before the first third
Same thing happened to me the first time I tried to read WoT. It does pick up in the last third and books 2–5 are, IMO, much better. I'd recommend giving it another shot.

>> No.2990555

>people complaining that RJ didn't write realistic women
>not stopping to realise that because gender roles are reversed in the book these women are actually quite accurate portrayals of what happens when bitchy women are given authority

>> No.2990678

I honestly couldn't make it past the first book's 100-200 pages. It read like an extremey thorough list of overused fantasy clichés that was also trying its hardest to make me hate anything with tits.