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2977238 No.2977238[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/'s #1 favorite video-game?

>> No.2977254

The fuck's a video game

>> No.2977256
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Personally... Planescape Torment

And I played a lot of vidya.

>> No.2977257

civilization 2.

plot-based video games suck. what is considered top class story-telling in vidya is rarely more sophisticated than your average fantasy book (that is to say, not very sophisticated at all).

>> No.2977272

Either Super Mario 64 or Gothic 2.

>> No.2977273




Deus Ex




And a bunch of other games that have amazing atmosphere or other features without necessarily having great plots, like Diablo

>> No.2977276

Oh and Star Control 2 of course

And FreeSpace/FreeSpace 2

>> No.2977279

Deus Ex

>> No.2977280

KAJ:2, RtA
and of course, AFOMT-BYM

>> No.2977292

Dat soundtrack. It still makes me moist.

>> No.2977300

I see what you did there.

>> No.2977316




>> No.2977352
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A little star wars droid puzzle game that came with a collection my dad got free with a computer magazine.

How things work

Kid Pix

War craft III

Myth II the Wolf Age

and pic related

>> No.2977429

Lucasarts' Scumm games

>> No.2977453

world of warcraft. come at me.

>> No.2977461

God Hand

>> No.2977475

Ico, Disgaea (1st one), Harvest Moon

>> No.2977923


>> No.2977934


>> No.2977968

I've been playing a lot of Lexulous lately. It's a flash-based Scrabble ripoff, it's quite fun.

>> No.2977974
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in roughly chronological order:

Ski Free
Super Mario All-Stars
The Incredible Machine
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Metal Gear Solid
then I wasted my life playing shitty first-person shooters

I'm sorta surprised no one mentioned Myst but fuck that shit
The Monkey Island series was dope as fuck tho

Lego Chess is better

>> No.2977976

Dues Ex: Human Revolution
I hate that's it so fucking linear, but the story and game-play are great.

>> No.2977980


>> No.2977983

Honestly, probably Tetris. There are all sorts of games I can respect artistically like Team Ico games and Bioshock and Silent Hill 2, but when I feel like playing a game it's usually goddamn Tetris.

>> No.2977984

This. Backgammon and Go are good too.

>> No.2977986

The only video game that I've played this year is Forza Motorsport 4.

>> No.2977991

Chrono Trigger or WC3
I haven't played video games in about a decade.

>> No.2977998

Dark Souls

>> No.2978008

Wrong board bitch

>> No.2978026

I don't know about ever, but I'm sure enjoying Counter-Strike: GO right now. 'Tis pretty fun EXCEPT FOR ALL MY FAGGOT TEAMMATES THAT I KEEP GETTING STUCK WITH.

>> No.2978063

Metal Gear Solid 4. Thanks for asking.

I also enjoy Football Manager and the Disgaea series. My favourite classic games are Final Fantasy VII, Landstalker and Baldurs Gate 2.

>> No.2978076
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Planescape Torment is shit

>> No.2978078

Seriously. I'd join a clan but I don't even know where to start and I don't want to become an insufferable douchenozzle.

>> No.2978084
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You have god-tier taste, my friend; I'm spotting a few Troika and Obsidian games in there.

>> No.2978085

It is so hilarious how popular Torment is nowadays given that I had never met anyone who played it and liked it until two years ago. It definitely flew under the radar for a decade, but is now regarded well from a mixture of nostalgia and bitterness over the poor quality of recent game story-telling.

>> No.2978103

That's probably because at the time it wasn't very good, but videogame writing has declined to such a point that it is viewed as some sort of masterpiece despite the fact that the gameplay sucks.

>> No.2978109

I can't play the game because the gameplay is horrible. Even if you like RPG's it's got a horrible gameplay system.

Hell, Planescape Torment is pretty much the game that single-handedly made me decide that stories are for books and games are for game challenges and fun.

>> No.2978129

The only correct answer is Alpha Centauri. Civilisation is fine too, though.

>> No.2978135

I love ASCII-based games. Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Crawl, IVAN, Cataclysm, NetHack - all that shit. IN a way playing them is a experience very similar to reading - all you see is a bunch of letters and symbols, but it forces your brain to create a scene in your mind, engages your imagination.

>> No.2978150

God tier: Go, Chess
Good tier: Shogi, Bridge
Meh tier: Xiangqi, Preferans
Pleb tier: Poker, Backgammon, Monopoly, Risk

>> No.2978158

>Monopoly, Risk
>even making pleb tier
C'mon, there are 10,000 better board games out there.

>> No.2978175

Fur Fighters - because it was funny. (i am not a furry)

close 2nd: Wild Metal - an early Rockstar tank game with physics

both were from the Dreamcast era

other fun Dreamcast games were Toy Commander and Super Runabout San Francisco. I also like Gran Turismos and Katamari Damacys. Morrowind has been fun. I would like to try Stacking, the Russian nesting dolls game.

>> No.2978186

Sim City 3000

>> No.2978189

Metal Gear Solid 2 - I like how Raiden represents the player. That was probably the most interesting angle Kojima could have taken.

Silent Hill 2

Deus Ex

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

EarthBound (I haven't played Mother 3, unfortunately)

>> No.2978202
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Final Fantasy VII

>> No.2978225

Chrono Trigger

>> No.2978250

Did you ever play Mother 1?

I always kinda liked it the best.

>> No.2978254

Fur Fighters was hilarious.

>> No.2978257
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>>I prefer the original canto.

>> No.2978259
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kill God

>> No.2978261

Alpha Centauri without a doubt. And Skate 3 because I can't skate for shit in rl but I can shred in vidya.

>> No.2978286

Fallout: New Vegas
RollerCoaster Tycoon

>> No.2978289

Age of Empires II

Fuck, just thinking about it makes me want to play it again. There goes my night. Thanks a lot OP.

>> No.2978302

Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne

Very few games have captured an atmosphere like that one. The series really got me more interested in mythology beyond the basics of Greek and Norse.

>> No.2978308

Eternal Darkness
Resident Evil Remake
Super Castlevania IV

>> No.2978342

>no S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Plebs, the lot of you

But seriously, that game is the vidya equivalent of Dostoevsky.

>> No.2978381


>> No.2978396

Metal Gear Solid 2

I've played all the Mother games and the first one is my least favorite (the other two are among my all time favorite games). I still like a lot of what it did though and I think it has the best soundtrack. The vocal album kicks serious ass.

>> No.2978404

I really like Ess Tee Ay El Kay Eee Ar but I'm not sure if I see the Dosto connection here. Isn't it the vidya equivalent of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky?

also speaking of horror (loosely) Deadly Premonition is a masterpiece

>> No.2978426

>also speaking of horror (loosely) Deadly Premonition is a masterpiece
Deadly Premonition should have been a masterpiece. Too bad it completely falls apart at the end.

>> No.2978464

Baldurs gate 2, an exciting epic with drama, romance, and entertaining friends.

>> No.2978487

Any of you guys play Guild Wars 2? I'm having so much fun with this game.

>> No.2978493

cod mw
cod waw
cod mw2
cod bo
cod mw3
halo 2
halo 3

>> No.2978816

MGS2 - one the greatest endings to a video game ever.
Deus Ex
Kotor 2
Quake 3: Arena
Football Manager inb4 >game

>> No.2978819

civ 2

>> No.2978842
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Little Big Adventure 2
The Longest Journey
Grim Fandango
Gabriel Knight 3
Gray Matter
Gabriel Knight 2
(pretty much in this order)

People saying Planescape Torment has the best story in a game, have never ever completed an adventure game without considerable use of a walkthrough.

>> No.2978847

I would say Shadow of the Colossus, because it's set in a beautiful world and I can just ride the horse for ages and not really do anything, which is good for killing time when I just feel not in the mood for action, or I can go and kill the colossi when I feel violent.

Other than that, I like playing Mega Puyo Rush (in puyo puyo 7) because it's entertaining and you only have 60 seconds every time, so it's perfect when I take the bus, the train, or when I am home alone taking a dump.

>> No.2979595

>no halo reach
fukken skrub

>> No.2979608


...or the baldur's gate games.

>> No.2979612

Deus Ex
Dark Souls
Civ 5
Counter Strike Source

Stories are always done badly in video games if thats what you're looking for

>> No.2979621

In terms of story, possibly Red Dead Redemption - I loved that game.

In terms of sheer brain bending size - Lords of Midnight. I'll never know how they fitted all that into 48k.

>> No.2979624


What do you like about 4 over the others?

>> No.2979627

I assume hes underaged

4 is by far the worst of the lot

>> No.2979706
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zelda 5

>> No.2979715

Fallout 2

>> No.2979720

a thousand years of love for that game

>> No.2979724


The plot was really deep.

>> No.2979725

Majora's Mask.

>> No.2979735

bioshock's just has system shock 2's plot, deep my arse.

>> No.2979745

lel u fell for my troll XD

>> No.2979751

No, actually. I forgot to mention that one.

I haven't played 4 (only 1-3), but was considering buying it since it's cheap now. What makes it the worst?

>> No.2979760

Pirate Gold
Monkey island 1 & 2
starcraft brood war

In this order..

>> No.2979823

How does Civilization Revolution stack up tho

that fucking ending
>loljk there wasn't really a townwide conspiracy, it was fat rapist aliens all along
I guess it still gets props for being one of the only representations of a trans person in a video game that I can think of. There are two rather long rather alright Let's Plays of the game on giantbomb if that's your thing.

this list is kinda interesting too
Clock Tower literally scared the poop out of me holy shit

>> No.2979828

Crash bandicoot
Super Mario

There the only ones I have played.

>> No.2979836

name one game with better story than pst

>> No.2979843

always wanted to play it. looks like twin peaks the video game.

>> No.2979846

that's the point. even the game with "the best story" is lackluster.

>> No.2979859

Compared to what? Are video games inherently inferior to books? Would that mean Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey is inherently superior to Planescape: Torment?

>> No.2979880
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"But why wont it work?"

"Dude, take the game out and blow it."

>> No.2979882

Are you retarded?

>> No.2979883

>Are video games inherently inferior to books?

Did you manage to ask that with a straight face?

>> No.2979887

>even the game with "the best story" is lackluster

>> No.2979889
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Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy X
Persona 4
Kingdom Hearts
Star Ocean: The Last Hope
Chrono Cross
Atelier series
Dragon Quest series
Hyperdimension Neptunia

>> No.2979940

And again, everyone leaves without answering my question. I thought /lit/ was full of intellectuals.

>> No.2980020

Muv-Luv Alternative

>> No.2980051

I have spent a lot of time with the Hitman series, I guess that's the answer.

>> No.2980058

No one is suggesting video games are inherently inferior to books, just that they will never convey a story as well as you could in a book. This does not suggest 50 Shades or Twilight is better at telling a story than Planescape: Torement, just that most here feel they've read a lot of books with better stories than this proposed game with the best story.

(Aside, I have not played Planescape: Torment.)

>> No.2980060

>no results

Casual as fuck

>> No.2980069

Couldn't ever get into DotA-style games.

Most of us here would be inclined to talk about video games with stories instead of gameplay-intensive games, and its heaviness in continuity does not sum up to a decent story.

>> No.2980072

Dark Souls
Mirror's Edge

>> No.2980073

Mass Effect , for it's soundtrack/emotionally engaging gameplay.Also , Liara.

Half-Life , because who doesn't like dystopia ?

>> No.2980075

>FF everywhere
>games with stories

>> No.2980079
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>> No.2980083

>implying dota games aren't for casuals

>> No.2980085

But most video game stories that aim to tell an "epic" story suck, the games with the best plot are either minimalistic or heavily based upon player decisions and different outcomes, you know those that actually use the interactivity of the medium "video game" in the right way..

>> No.2980089

I agree, aside from VNs (which aren't really games anyway) the best stories are extremely minimalistic. Like Dark Souls, Shadow of the Colossus...

The only non-minimalistic RPG story I think is good is the original Witcher, and they managed to screw that up in the sequel as well.

>> No.2980091

Anyone here played Shadow of Destiny / Memories ?

>> No.2980098 [DELETED] 
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Deadly Premonition.

Killer7 is a great too.

>> No.2980107

No tales of symphonia? I thought that game was beautiful. The story really engaged me too, I was 12 though.

>> No.2980153
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>pic related
battlefield 3
SW battlefront 2/republic commandos
empire earth
age of mythology

>> No.2980207
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>> No.2980223

You are a faggot of gargantuan proportions.

>> No.2980286


It was very well regarded when it came out. I just think that you anons are too young to have been able to appreciate or were not in the (anti) social circles that it was popular withing

>> No.2980355

What does using a walkthough have to do with it? Adventure games are insufferably tedious without walkthroughs. In most cases they'd be better off if they were just visual novels.

Mind you, it is incredibly satisfying when you beat one without a walkthrough, but it's generally not worth the trouble.

>> No.2980369

who 2hu here

>> No.2980489
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>> No.2980494

get back to /jp/ faggot