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/lit/ - Literature

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2978486 No.2978486 [Reply] [Original]

Does it bother you that Sartre was a Stalinist?

>> No.2978498

No, his eye freaks me out though.

>> No.2978496

Some charlatan believed something stupid? Doesn't bother me at all, why would it?

>> No.2978502


>> No.2978593

who are you quoting?

>> No.2978598

I'm more bothered by every Cold War writer who wasn't a Stalinist.

>> No.2978603
File: 53 KB, 468x470, George_Formby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it bother you that Stalin was a fan of George Formby?

"Turned out nice again, di'n'it?"

>> No.2978608

George did write pretty racey lyrics.

>> No.2978699
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Are you sure?

>> No.2978700

why does /lit/ hate communism so much, anyway

>> No.2978703

i don't hate communism. it's just an idea.

i hate communists, because communism is a fucking stupid idea. ergo, communists are fucking stupid.

>> No.2978712

/lit/ loves communism.

>> No.2978721


Any theory that cannot be practiced in reality is a horrible theory.

>> No.2978725

"Me Aunt Maggie's Remedy"

*wink* know what you mean, guv!

>> No.2978757

Swarms of edgy teens will tell you how stupid you are for not believing it's premises (which they don't know because they've never bothered to read anything by Communist theorists.)

Secondly, the theories themselves inspired and informed the regimes of some of the greatest murderers in history, bar none.

>> No.2978758


The theory of evolution has inspired people to be assholes, is that the theory's fault?

>> No.2978773
File: 128 KB, 414x414, hoxha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's bad for the reputation of Stalinism.

>> No.2978783

Yes. All totalitarians bother me.

But that doesn't mean I won't steal his arguments for my own arsenal.

Thanks for the guns, Sartre.

>> No.2978894

Not to discount the crimes of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot et al, but it's because of toxic soup of cold war propaganda, western double standards, lack basic historical understanding, and white privilege.

>> No.2978910

white privilege? that explains why the Nagurs have never managed to make communism work. or the south americans. or the chinese. or the north koreans. or the british.

>> No.2978926
File: 78 KB, 500x321, Guu_is_having_fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, but wait - NONE of them were implementing "true" communism. which doesn't exist.

sort of like True Christianity.

it's a vague idea whose definitions change depending on what you're discussing, sometimes changing in mid-sentence.

i'm happy to let socialist theorists argue, because it's what they do best. keeps them out of the way of the rest of us as we get on with the process of real life.

but name one communist country you would live in. just one.

>> No.2978939

That's a mere platitude. The same reasoning applies to capitalism, slavery and colonialism.

If society affords you a very measurable economic and social benefit just for being who you are you're far less likely to want to change the status quo.

>> No.2979019

/lit/ is probably the most leftist board on 4chan.

>> No.2979070

Well it's the most overly serious group of kids trying as hard as they can to sound intellectual, so what else would you expect?

Not like me. I'm an overly serious kid trying as hard as I can to sound down-to-earth. How's it working so far?

>> No.2979083

I wonder what's the most right-wing. /k/?

>> No.2979092

This one.

And the fact that /lit/ is irreparably infested with /pol/.

>> No.2979210

There are philosophical reasons to dislike socialism and Marxism but claiming that the ideas are somehow not applicable due to the results of conscious, living human beings using them as a mere means to shore up their totalitarian view of the human condition borders on disingneuous. You do realize tyrants have used everything from liberal democracy (Jacobins, the US in its extermination policy of the natives and the conquest of half of Mexico, Hawaii, the Philippines and Cuba), nationalism (Napoleon, fascist movements, Chiang Kai-Shek, various US presidents again), to various religious/theological constructs (too many to name, but c.f. late antiquity until the 18th century in Europe, Muslim Caliphates) and straight up plunder and expansionism as a pretext to ruin people's lives. So it's a little shallow to just single out socialism as an ideology as somehow uniquely capable of facilitating tyranny and mass murder.

>> No.2979221

I don't have a problem with someone being a communist but I do have a problem with someone who is willing to support a totalitarian regime just because it's communist.

>> No.2979237

We have the benefit of decades on hindsight on that assessment, but you are correct. One of the few intellectuals in Europe willing to call bullshit in Stalin in the 1930s was George Orwell.

>> No.2979242

I'm sure I can out-left all of you put together.

>> No.2979244


>> No.2979252

You don't know man. You seriously don't know.

>> No.2979257
File: 9 KB, 341x227, Logo_du_Parti_communiste_français_-_2009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I surrender

>> No.2979261

Oh, a French guy. Well then,

>> No.2979305

Too much fag

>> No.2981364

it's so easy to fuck with /lit/.

>> No.2981373

Except most of the people posting on /lit/ know way too much about it

>> No.2981406

Sartre is liberal ayn rand

>> No.2981414


>> No.2981420
File: 13 KB, 256x188, sad puppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marxism is too modernist for me, and Sartre was an ontological failure.

>> No.2981450

Satre was an anarchist by the end of his life.......

>> No.2981546

or /pol/

>> No.2981567

/pol/ has been going to shit lately because of the election coming up. It's probably at its most liberal right now.

>> No.2981574

It worries me more that stalin ever claimed to be a communist, but Sartre was a penis regardless.

>> No.2981597


>Sartre was an ontological failure.


anyway, Sartre only half assed his politics (he later abandoned marxism altogether) and mainly fed off the youthful energy of the student movements to stop himself from feeling too much like a bourgeois even though deep down he knew he was nothing but that, and so tada! we have "bad faith"...you gotta admire an honest hypocrite,
i still think he was pretty fucking cool tbh,

>> No.2981598


accidental sag

>> No.2981639

He banged a supur hot filosofer betch

>> No.2981649
File: 26 KB, 336x309, 120401110523_wonka_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda not sure If that compute.

>> No.2981667
File: 36 KB, 413x395, gentleman laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it was Stalinism. I blame my bad sight, must put on glasses again.

>> No.2982830


Very true. What did you think of his Road to Freedom series? In my opinion they outdo even Nausea.

>> No.2982871

>white privilege

>murdering a peasant because he teaches children in the village

kill yourself

>> No.2982903


Charlatan is a pleb's favorite word.

>> No.2982904
