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2977376 No.2977376 [Reply] [Original]

I can't live with the suicide of Foster Wallace.

Everytime I read from his writing I'm getting dizzy from thinking of the loss.

I think it's this combination of cultural greatness and so humane charcter that just wrecks me.

I understand that I sound so dramatic you might think it's trolling, but I am as honest as I can get

>> No.2977382

>tfw Homer is never coming back
Fuck your shitty DFW

>> No.2977383

Don't worry. It goes away when you grow up.

>> No.2977385

I know that feel, bro.

>> No.2977397

Where were you when David Foster Wallace die?

>> No.2977401

does he have a 9 inch penis? why do people dick ride him so much?

>> No.2977404

So many pretentious preteens on this board.

I imagine you all carrying your worn (unread) copies of Infinite Jest from class to class. Cracks me up.

>> No.2977405
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>he thinks "Homer" was one person

>> No.2977408

what is brain fluid anyway?

>> No.2977411

look at this insecure dweeb. "infinite jest is long and contains some words i am not familiar with, therefore everyone who claims to have read it, let alone enjoyed it, must be lying!" get over yourself, faggot.

>> No.2977413

are you saying wikipedia and all its cited sources are wrong?

>> No.2977415

I've read it. It's garbage.

Once all you tweens read it, you'll find that out.

>> No.2977416

It does strike me as a particularly sad celebrity death, but maybe that's just because you tend to form closer bonds to authors than artists of other disciplines.

>> No.2977419


>> No.2977431


>> No.2977444

Excellent author. Told the world that pot addiction is serious, and a serious problem for socially inept white people.

Glorious man.

>> No.2977447

if he was so glorious then how come he's dead?

>> No.2977450

Because pot addiction ruined his life, and pot addiction is a serious problem that needs awareness, so his death was purposeful to raise awareness.


>> No.2977481

if he was so glorious how come he had a pot addiction?

>> No.2977492

So he could help us witness the terrible effects it has on people, by turning himself into a case study.

>> No.2977499

if he was so glorious how come he didn't know anecdotal evidence means next to nothing?

>> No.2977511

He knew it counts for everything in the mind of most people. This was a publicity campaign, not a research project.

>> No.2977512

Buy some rope O.P. it's the only solution.

>> No.2977519

I agree with Bret Easton Ellis.

Hero worship of a suicide is weird.

>> No.2977521

if he was so glorious how come he had to use fallacious methods to prove his views?

>> No.2977522

Perhaps in the general case, but this was a heroic suicide.

>> No.2977525

>depressed faggot couldn't deal with life
get off his dick

>> No.2977526

The job of a writer is presenting ideas, not rigorously proving them. He lets the important research speak for itself, he only points the illogical dirty masses in the right direction.

>> No.2977527
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>so humane character

>> No.2977528

lolol, right?

>> No.2977529

I am tearing up

>> No.2977530

I couldn't handle his epic girth. No, I only watch and record the history of his heroic dick, I do not get on said dick.

>> No.2977531
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>> No.2977533

I declare jihad on Infinite Hardon. Burn all copies you see. DFW --- not even once.

>> No.2977535

It's kind of gay. Worshiping a dude's psyche without actually getting up on his dick.

A bad bromance.

>> No.2977539

As someone who thinks BEE is just as talentless as DFW, I think both authors were right about each other.

Why don't you waste your time talking about authors who matter, /lit/?

>> No.2977540

if he was so glorious how come he didn't realize the important research was against his views

if he was so glorious why did he make the actions of a coward to reach his aim.
suicide---not even once

>> No.2977541


Don't really understand why so many people on /lit/ recently have been using this as a way to ironically bash DFW. I have personally known people who have let pot consume their lifes and were smoking it constantly in a one bedroom apartment when their electricity was shut off. I am capable (as I'm sure most of the people on this board are) of recreational use of marijuana but to discredit all of DFW's work because he wrote about characters that abused marijuana is pedantic and at best a defense mechanism

>> No.2977543

Are you telling me that you've been on the dick of every hero you've ever had?

You guys! Look at this slut!

>> No.2977544

>Why don't you waste your time talking about authors who matter, /lit/?
Why waste your time talking about authors, instead of talking about their works, eh?

I agree it's not as easy as gossip, but try.

>> No.2977545

Probably because it's stupid to be addicted to pot.

Just sayin'.

>> No.2977553

You don't quite get how anonymous works.

Irony directed on a personal level gets lost, get it?

>> No.2977555

The important research on Pot? Or the important research on Pot Addiction? Make sure what statement he was making, and make sure you've got the right research before you make that claim.

And we're back to the start of this circular argument. His death was purposeful to raise awareness.

>> No.2977560

DFW was a fucking hack and hypocrite. He rails against using obscure words and making things grammatically complex, but does just that. In IJ instead of saying "pot," "heroine," etc., he uses vague drug names from the 70's. DFW was the epitome of hipsterdom, and despite railing against irony, he does just that in his books.

And let's not get into his newly-revealed personal life. I'm not taking sincerity advice from someone who threw someone from a moving car and tried to get a gun to murder someone, let alone banging his friends' girlfriends. Usually I'd call this sort of criticism ad hominem, but literature, especially DFW's, is an extension of philosophy. It's about how to live. You can't fucking give people advice on how to live well when you do the very opposite of what you preach, how can you talk about something you can't follow yourself?

On the surface he seems like a super nice, intelligent, caring person, but as more shit comes out, we learn that he was just the complete opposite. I don't even think of him as intelligent anymore. He probably looked up all of this shit for his books, it wasn't him searching some vast memory for information, it was someone trying to impress. It's not very hard to impress people when you revolve your whole life around obscure facts and bullshit meant solely to make people think you look smart. Fuck DFW.

>> No.2977561

I was hoping you yourself would feel shame about all the dicks you've been on. I find it odd you're projecting your need to get on dicks to anyone who has a hero.

>> No.2977565

>still projected


>> No.2977568

>I'm not taking sincerity advice from someone who threw someone from a moving car...
Even if he did it with sincerity?

>> No.2977574

Loving DFW is kind of a Romeo and Juliet thing.

>> No.2977575

>Implying homosexuality isn't revolting.

>> No.2977576

It's not homophobia, you fool. I don't even know whether you're of the male or female sex! I'm simply mocking your promiscuity.

>> No.2977579

DFW was an emotional child that thought tattoos meant something and that murdering his rival was cool. What a loser scumbag.

>> No.2977580

Good post. I never once thought this idiot was any more "sincere" than any other author.

In fact, I'd say he's less sincere than someone like BEE, who is a pinhead but open and honest about being such a shit.

>> No.2977585

>tfw he killed himself cuz he realized he was a wannabe pynchon.

sure glad he went through that so i wouldn't have to.

>> No.2977586

either one.
if he was so glorious how come he didn't just quit pot, it's not exactly a hard thing to do. especially considering he's supposed to be glorious. we're not back to the start. the point was he used a cowardly method even if the cause was noble. would David be considered heroic if he shot Goliath or stabbed him in his sleep?

>> No.2977587

>demonizing promiscuity

>> No.2977589


Maybe, but he didn't. He also threw a coffee table at the same person. This is in the time period he's banging her, her being a married woman.


>> No.2977590

projecting it is still funny

>> No.2977592

That tattoo was a statement about the permanence of our actions, and the sincerity that we should have in taking these actions. It was pure anti-irony.

>> No.2977595

>any year after the birth of civilization
>not demonizing promiscuity

>> No.2977596

I hate emotional bromances. Kids crying because mom and dad didn't understand them. Whatevs.

Loving DFW is PDA.

>> No.2977599

>Would David be considered heroic if he shot Goliath or stabbed him in his sleep.
Yes, but that's aside from the point.

Do you have the balls to kill yourself anon?

>> No.2977600

At least you admit you're old school.

>> No.2977607

are we not all neurotypical privilege here?

>> No.2977609

>and despite railing against irony, he does just that in his books.
Rails against irony?

>You can't fucking give people advice on how to live well when you do the very opposite of what you preach, how can you talk about something you can't follow yourself?
Are you kidding? Of course you can. Many authors and philosophers were lunatics and scumbags. Dostoevsky wrote great novels but I would never want to hang out with him. I'm sure William Gaddis was huge fun at parties. Wittgenstein wrote great and beautiful stuff but had a terrible temper and beat children.

>> No.2977611

That actually wasn't me, and I'm not demonizing, I'm mocking your dangerous behavior.

Imagine of you got an STD!

>> No.2977614

Then what?

>> No.2977620

the act of killing yourself doesn't take balls. he was too much of a pussy to live. suicide is a cowardly escape. Even pretending for a moment that his views were right, don't you think suicide is a much bigger issue than pot, especially for teens? it's doing a bigger evil to stop a lesser one.

>> No.2977623

Then it depends on what STD you get, but it wouldn't be pleasant, and everyone would mock you for having been on so many dicks and getting yourself into such a situation.

I'm fine over here just recording the actions of heroic dicks, thank you very much.

>> No.2977624

He probably had all those self help books so he could learn how to manipulate people. He was a complete psychopath.

>> No.2977626

Putting DFW before yourself.


>> No.2977628

more like bullshit

>> No.2977629

People don't want to have sex with you.

>> No.2977635


I was part of the DFW cult for a while too, after reading "Consider the Lobster" and "Girl with Curious Hair," quickly followed by IJ and TBotS, I thought he amazing and he became my favorite author. But after analyzing more closely and just watching some interviews, you just begin to see the cracks. He's just so full of shit. Like watch this video:


How fucking dare he talk about things like over-complicating language. Notice how instead of saying "I have trouble UNDERSTANDING your question," he says "I have trouble parsing your question." He's talking about overcomplication, but right there he commits his own sin. Then just look at his writing. Humongous, pointless sentences, huge words for the sake of huge words, and just stupid facts on chemistry that add nothing to the character/plot/dynamics. He's a huge fucking hypocrtical hipster.

The stuff that came out about his personal life just adds fuel to the fire.

What the world really needs is someone with the idea of sincerity, but someone who actually lives it. Simple stories that highlight the human condition and the need for sympathy in a troubled world. None of these retarded footnotes which are there just for jacking off. No big words for the sake of big words. No jacking off to how smart the author perceives himself. Just actual sincerity.

Wanted to add, fuck BEE too. I don't discount DFW's opinion on BEE. BEE is a fucking hack too who writes retarded plots which are all literally the same. Looking at BEE and DFW attack each other is hilarious because they're both right about the other. Fuck both of them.

>> No.2977639
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DFW, LRH, tomato, tomatoe

>> No.2977644

Some people get STIs from their first sexual experience. The stigma of STIs as only happening to promiscuous people is unsound because it presupposes both partners to be promiscuous. A few STIs can even be transmitted through non-sexual contact like towels, toilet seats, clothes in dressing rooms, etc.

>> No.2977646


I meant he was ironic, despite railing against irony, my bad.

DFW is different than everyone you listed. DFW talked about people understanding one another, empathy, the need to say what we man and not overcomplicate things. None of the guys you listed advocated a philosophy that was the very opposite of how they lived. I never said that good author=saint. I'm just asking for consistency in what one speaks about and their own behavior.

>> No.2977647

OK, in all honestly, suicide is a bigger issue than pot. I've known plenty of people who have killed themselves...

Do you think calling suicide a cowardly escape, and calling people who do it "too much of a pussy to live" is the right way to handle suicide? Do you even understand the suicidal-depressive mind and how you're only feeding into their own feelings of worthlessness? You're not going to motivate a suicidal person by telling them why most people are better than them for not contemplating suicide.

>> No.2977658

I'll be honest, I didn't really see the attraction with DFW. I tried reading IJ but gave up 100 pages in, after endless footnotes and pointlessly long sentences. But after all this stuff is coming out about his personal life, I'm actually starting to like him. Modern writers are all such monumental pussies, and here we have a total badass. He's like the reckless HST character for our generation. He's a role model for kids who need to learn how to not give a fuck, and to do whatever the hell they want.

Spurred on by my new found appreciation I began reading Consider the lobster, and it's magnificent. DFW, sorry I misjudged you.

>> No.2977663


You don't need to rehash DFW's story "The Depressed Person" for us, most of us have probably read it. And yes, suicide is cowardly and selfish. Will saying this to a suicidal person help them? Nope, but it's still true.

Not surprised DFW killed himself now that we have more information from this new biography. The contradiction in what he preached and how he actually lived probably drove him to it. Good riddance, I have no tolerance for hypocrisy and a liar. I don't tolerate in my politicians and I won't tolerate it in anyone else.

>> No.2977666

>Do you think calling suicide a cowardly escape, and calling people who do it "too much of a pussy to live" is the right way to handle suicide?
no, but do we always tell the truth when we want to help someone? a fact that tells us something that is not what we want to hear doesn't make it false.
>Do you even understand the suicidal-depressive mind and how you're only feeding into their own feelings of worthlessness?
again, that is not what i would actually tell a person who is contemplating suicide, but it is still the truth.
>You're not going to motivate a suicidal person by telling them why most people are better than them for not contemplating suicide
it's not about contemplating it, it's about doing it. We all have sick thoughts every once in a while, but we're (usually) strong enough to not let them come to fruition.

>> No.2977668


>here we have a total badass
>a role model for kids who need to learn how to not give a fuck

Did you not see the part where he killed himself?

>> No.2977671

>universal truths

>> No.2977673

I'd say BEE gives less of a fuck than DFW.

>> No.2977684


Right, but he was talking about DFW. And about BEE, in case you haven't noticed, he spends all of his time now tweeting inane shit no ones gives a flying fuck about. The only book of his worth reading is American Psycho, once you've read that one, you've read them all.

>> No.2977686

IJ doesn't get any good until like 250 pages in anyway

>> No.2977689

That's fine, I'm also all in favor in having integrity between thoughts and actions. And I'm sure you could find other literary figures that lived in stark contrast to their philosophies, although I can't think of any off the top of my head, although Dostoevsky was a huge anti-semite as well as an ardent christian, which teaches love for one's neighbors, and presumably some of his neighbors were jews.

I think that the message is a good one, and I don't think DFW lived it very well either, but that doesn't make the message a bad one. It's not like for me to be empathetic or to express myself clearly I have to invoke the biography of DFW to see if he did that first.

>> No.2977705

>He's like the reckless HST character for our generation.

It says so much about our generation when a pasty suicidal nerdlet is our HST.

>> No.2977716


Right, but it's hard to talk about empathy when the author is too busy jacking off to his own supposed intelligence. I hope that makes sense. What I mean is, how can the author and reader have a real conversation about empathy and the human condition when the author is too busy trying to impress? Trying to impress people is the opposite of empathy and honesty, it's trying to trick people into liking/admiring you.

Personally, like I said before, I think we need someone who advocates what DFW tried to advocate, just without the bullshit (in his/her prose) and the fake-genius persona.

>> No.2977722

What are DFW's quotes on BEE?

>> No.2977723


>now that we have more information from this new biography. The contradiction in what he preached and how he actually lived probably drove him to it.

Have you actually read the biography or do you take your information from half a sentence that was posted here a few days ago?
If you had you'd know how dedicated he was to his students, search for continual betterment and peace (i.e. the zen and buddhistic elements in 'The Pale King' which are mentioned in his biography).

Get your facts straight you faggot.

>> No.2977721

I'm not interested in changing people's minds. Are you? What is the benefit?

>> No.2977726

>the act of killing yourself doesn't take balls. he was too much of a pussy to live. suicide is a cowardly escape.

You fucking moron. Suicide takes the most amount of courage of almost anything you can do. I suffer from overwhelming depression, but I don't have the balls to kill myself. Although I wish I did. The past ten years of my life have been absolute hell, and the future wont get any better. I wish I could OD, or put a shotgun barrel in my mouth, but I can't because I'm a giant fucking pussy. I have nothing but admiration for anyone living with clinical depression who can muster up the courage to put an end to their suffering.

Anyone who says "Your a pussy if you do it, the brave thing to do is suffer for another 50 years so you can die in a nursing home" Is a fucking sadistical cunt, who has no idea what it feels like to be cursed with depression. Not the 'oh i feel a bit blue depression', the kind that reduces you tears 10 seconds after waking, the kind that can only be alleviated with industrial amounts of sedatives, the kind that drives a person to realize that death is a better alternative than the years of horrendous agony.

Fuck you, sir. Fuck. You.

>> No.2977727


>implying suicide is sick

check your life privilege, live scum.

>> No.2977728

But that's hypocrisy, the very kind that people are leveling against DFW. You can't just not tell a person contemplating suicide (and I mean honestly contemplating it, not the sick thoughts every once in a while) something when you've been telling it to them their whole lives.

I've been through plenty of suicide prevention courses, and the "it's a cowardly escape" line gets used too fucking often. It's bullshit. Focus on how GOOD the people are and can be, not on how BAD suicide is.

I would even say joking about suicide being heroic is a better thing than using that cliche "cowardly escape" bullshit. They don't fucking do it because they're cowards, they do it because they hate themselves, but you can sure as hell make them feel like cowards and increase their desire to fucking do it.

>We all have sick thoughts every once in a while, but we're (usually) strong enough to not let them come to fruition.
Spoken like someone who doesn't understand the difference between real suicidal behavior and general sad behavior.

>> No.2977731
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The Depressed Person doesn't even really go over suicide you agrammatist. If you actually read it you'd understand that one of the things it touches is that depressed people often understand how selfish their depression is and that this feeds into further depression. You're not telling them anything new, but I'm glad it makes you feel better about yourself.

so how did HST die?

>> No.2977736

>so how did HST die?
Same way as hemingway; he swallowed a bullet.

>> No.2977740

Suicide is for faggots who are too pussy to man up and deal with the causes of their depression, whether it's a certain situation or just a chemical imbalance. Depression does not damage your critical thinking skills which allow you to decide to make things better. Fuck depressed people, you're the fucking pussies of the world and the reason you're depressed is because you're a lazy fuck.

>> No.2977742

DFW had untreated mental illness.

>> No.2977743

Kill yourself, you fucking loser.

>> No.2977744

You sound crazy.
Projection, much?

>> No.2977747

Yeah, it's called "Unmerited Literary Celebrity".

>> No.2977749

> Depression does not damage your critical thinking skills which allow you to decide to make things better.

So you've never been depressed. Point dismissed.

>> No.2977756

Why do DFW hate threads bring out the worst kind of people that frequent this board?


>Depression does not damage your critical thinking skills which allow you to decide to make things better.

You are beyond retarded and I hope you fall into a gutter.

>> No.2977757


"David Foster Wallace wasn't a pussy, bitch hypocrite! He was actually an extraordinarly brave man who lived a total sham of a life and in the end had the courage to take his own life because he couldn't live with it!"

Fuck you, suicide is for pussies who can't live with the collective choices they've made over a lifetime and can't live with the fact that they can always own up and start anew. DFW was a fucking coward pussy and so is anyone else who kills themselves out of depression.

>> No.2977758

>I'm more depressed than you are!

Your kind is really the scourge of the earth.

>> No.2977755

I'm not impressed by his intellect. The state of the common man is not the kind of depression DFW had, and never has been, and for someone constantly complaining about solipsism the lack of empathy it would take to not realize that is breath-taking.

>> No.2977760


Fuck off depressed fucks. Not my fault you can't own up to your decisions.

>> No.2977763

>You fucking moron. Suicide takes the most amount of courage of almost anything you can do
>this is what future suicidees actually believe
i'm not even going to bother reading the rest of your post, you are clearly a faggot trying to justify cowardliness as a heroic action.
what makes you think i've been telling it to them the whole time? do you think every time i see a suicide on the news i tell the people around me i think he's a pussy? there's certain unspoken truths we don't say because it's simply bad manners.
>nd the "it's a cowardly escape" line gets used too fucking often. It's bullshit
i already told you i wouldn't call someone contemplating suicide a coward. but i've also told you emotions towards facts don't change the facts.
>They don't fucking do it because they're cowards, they do it because they hate themselves
they do it because they can't stand living and seek an easy escape. How is taking the easy way out not cowardly?
>Spoken like someone who doesn't understand the difference between real suicidal behavior and general sad behavior.
i never specified suicidal behavior. have you never been so pissed off you seriously wanted to hurt someone? doesn't mean you actually do it. same with suicide. you deal with it like an adult.

>> No.2977764
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>Not my fault you can't own up to your decisions.
Somebody didn't get past neuropathology 101.

>> No.2977772

every once in awhile, a martyr comes along

>> No.2977773

It's just that saying that clinical depression doesn't impair your judgement makes it evident that you don't know anything about it.

>> No.2977775


The decision to get anti-depressants or talk to someone about it is a choice one makes. If you're argument is that "it's a chemical imbalance," that doesn't counter the fact that the person could still get help for it.

>> No.2977776

If you're sincere.

First, take pills. Your brain is controlled by chemicals anyway, you might as well make them chemicals you like. Don't feel bad about it. When someone's hungry they eat, when someone's thirsty they drink, and if you're depressed you take something for that.

Second, the future can get better, you don't need to live 50 years of suffering just to die, you can do something. Most people waste their lives, and at least you're aware of it. You're in a position to do something about it.

Third, you're more brave than people who continue to lie to themselves about what depression is, and stick their fingers in their ears hoping it will just go away if they ignore it or pretend it's a joke. If you're brave enough to handle death, then you're brave enough to handle life on pills doing something to make your existence worthwhile (worthwhile to yourself, at least).

And fuck all dem haters.

>> No.2977779

>Fuck you, suicide is for pussies who can't live with the collective choices they've made over a lifetime and can't live with the fact that they can always own up and start anew.

You haven't got a single clue what you are talking about. It has nothing to do with choices, or starting fresh. It is a chemical imbalance that can affect anyone, and ranges in severity. Look at someone like Kirstin Dunst - a rich, hard working, successful actress, who had to section herself because her depression became to much for her to cope with. In a lot of cases it can't be cured, especially not with 'making good choices' or 'starting anew' or any of the other bullshit your spewing. It is a neurological problem that can be temporally cured with a fucking tranquillizer.

>> No.2977788

Unless he can't because, you know, chemical imbalance. There's no strict line of which behaviour is influenced by chemical imbalance and which is magical free will. All your acts are influenced by it.

>> No.2977791

>implying everyone who commits suicide suffers from correctly-diagnosed clinical depression

>> No.2977793

What if someone doesn't have money for therapy or drugs? What if someone's depression skews their thinking into a thought train that goes "I deserve to suffer"? What if someone lives alone and nobody notices them? What if someone has been living with depression for so long they think that their depressed state is normal?

>> No.2977797

All depression is not clinical.

In fact, I don't think I'd be wrong in saying that most depression is not clinical.

>> No.2977807

Were his parents, either of them clinically ill? Because that shit's genetic.

People with clinical mental illness should not have biological children.

>> No.2977810


If that's the case then nothing is heroic or cowardly, everything is just gears in motion. That is an unacceptable conclusion.

>> No.2977814

Unacceptable because it's not likeable? Things have to be nice or they are to be refuted?

>> No.2977818
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Of course.

>> No.2977821

Thank you.
>First, take pills.
Yeah, citalopram, amitriptyline, xanax, Lithium carbonate; tricyclics, benzo's, barbituates... Over the past ten years I have tried quite a few. Heavy sedation is the only thing that works for me.

Unfortunately a lot of people have the uninformed views of some of the people in this thread, and believe I should be forced to spend the rest of my life suffering. There is a debate going on in Switzerland at the moment, about allowing 'assisted suicide' for people diagnosed with incurable depression, but it's being held back by the kind of mentality ITT. I keep my fingers crossed that one day that legislation gets passed. I honestly don't have the courage to do it on my own, I'm too afraid of fucking up and getting 'cabbaged'.

>> No.2977835

Thanks to this thread, I found out that /lit/ is a bunch of suburban teens all thinking they're more depressed than the next guy.

A good laugh, but I'll probably stop coming here, now. Fuck, what a bunch of losers.

>> No.2977838

One down.

>> No.2977840

I agree actually. For me though, trying everything and still coping with depression leads to accepting the scientific opinion about depression as true, and not some willpower you can do it kind of Americanism. I feel less sad when I feel like shit because I feel like shit, instead of feeling like shit because I'm not a great conquering hero of shittiness.

>> No.2977841

lel doesn't see irony in this

oh right, irony is bad, in the age of David Foster Wallace

>> No.2977845

DFW can't live with the suicide of DFW, the rest of us can live with it fine.

>> No.2977847

ITT: Bunch of DFW wannabe-hipsters whining about how depressed they are. Maybe it's because you've never had to try to work for anything your fucking life? Maybe that's why you have no character and are a piece of shit? Maybe you're just a hypocritical piece of shit like Wallace who's world comes crumbling down he's realized that he's actually a talentless faggot in pursuit of attention and admiration when in reality, he's unworthy of such.

Fuck Wallace and fuck all of you fucking whining depressed faggots who've just had everything handed to you and still find reason to whine like petulant little bitches.

>> No.2977851
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>> No.2977854

>implying factory workers can't be depressed

>> No.2977855
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Thanks for your analysis, Dr. Jung. Why don't you try fucking off? Go on, off you fuck.

>> No.2977858


>> No.2977859

Don't tell me to fuck off, it makes me depressed. ;_;

I'm so sad now. Need to up my dosage.

>> No.2977865
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>> No.2977866

Who's been whining? One person actually talked about their own personal experience with depression, and everyone else seems to just be mocking your severe lack of education.

>> No.2977879
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>tfw everyone in your family has depression or some mental illness
>tfw your aunt has cycled through antidepressants for decades, nothing works, shock therapy three times
>tfw your parents tell you none of them should have had children
>tfw they're right

fuk u i'll whinge if i want to

>> No.2977880

By the way, all my posts about DFW's "heroic" suicide were ironic. All my posts about DFW furthering the great cause of exposing Marijuana Addiction were also ironic. None of my posts about depression were ironic, but I sure hope some of you ignorant tools were being ironic.

This has been a quality thread. I greatly enjoyed it. I look forward to arguing with you guys in the future. Goodbye.

(Don't worry though, I was being sincerely ironic).

>> No.2977892

I sure hope you learn some basic science and philosophy for when you next return. Yes, I can tell which other posts were yours too; autism affords me that luxury

>> No.2977906

Well, yeah.

We want someone to be our personal Jesus(updated) and do our hard work for us.

Isn't that the Republican way?

>> No.2977912

Do get lifetime disability tho?

>> No.2978001

To the people argumenting the "fix it with pills" argument. You do realize that there is a vast amount of studies on the subject that almost invariably conclude that pills by themselves have an almost insignificant positive effect (stadistically speaking) without proper therapy? That being said, finding a good therapist is by itself hard. Now think how hard it is to find a good therapist for someone that doesn't have money to spare, and on the top of that there's the stigmatization issue. I agree that suicide whenever it happens is lamentable (scrap Hitler out of te generalization), but it does require a certain kind of bravery, for those who don't believe in an afterlife at least, because most suicidals are intelligent enough to realize that they are abandoning all future possibilities and there is not turning back if they suceed. I am not saying that makes them heroes and I think the idea about David Foster Wallace suiciding as an illustrative example is ridiculous, but that think about "being a pussy" is an oversimplification, a repugnant one.

Captcha: kingsgo Daylight

>> No.2978030
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I've been to hospitals a few times for it, so maybe if I tried. But this is America so idk. The aunt I talked about has a bunch of physical conditions too so I'm sure she could.

>> No.2978031

"Depression" used to just be called "being alive".

Get over it, losers. 100 years ago, people weren't popping pills and self-diagnosing depression. It's imaginary.

>> No.2978039

>"pancreatic tumors " used to just be called "being alive".
>Get over it, losers. 100 years ago, people weren't popping pills and self-diagnosing pancreatic tumors. It's imaginary.

>> No.2978062
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>what is melancholia
we've had nepenthes since the Odyssey, chum

>> No.2978082

one moar dead faggott who cares ? it's time for world war 3 GO USA GO USA

>> No.2978087

I got it. You have to demonstrate how it keeps you from working.

>> No.2978089

Humane? He was a frat boy. Have you not been paying attention to the fallout from his biography? He was a really shitty human being, and you fell for his act.

>> No.2978092

thank christ this "new sincerity" movement is on the decline

i was getting sick of the doctored-up secular protestantism tbh

>> No.2978097

I think if we graph history, the religious resurgences are getting smaller.

>> No.2978102


I think if we graph history, you'll still be a faggot.

>> No.2978110

lol, that's funny

>> No.2978117

your willingness to cast judgement on someone you never met suggests that you're not exactly fucking gandhi yourself, pal. grow up.

>> No.2978121

blah blah blah pat jesus bullshit

how plebber can you pleb

>> No.2978124

>i wanna be gandhi
oh shit we got another martyr wannabe here

>> No.2978127


I have never been inappropriate with students. I have never been crass with my peers. I have never been abusive to my family. I have never betrayed my friends. I have never openly and proudly declared that women are my personal sex objects.

I have judged a person I haven't met on the internet.

I guess we're about as bad as each other, yeah.

>> No.2978131

i never killed a man who didn't deserve it

>> No.2978134

how much you wanna bet he'll never read the biography that sullies his savior

>> No.2978139

I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.

>> No.2978183


I'm back faggots.

Too bad what I said is actually true. DFW was a fucking cop-out attention whore piece of shit who's life consisted of fucking his friends' girlfriends and married women. And in the end, in that desperate hour, he realized what a piece of fucking shit he was and ended it, to the relief of the entire fucking world.

Depressed people are the most selfish, deluded idiots on earth. If you actually did something with your life, you probably wouldn't be depressed. And you know what? You're not deep, emotional, or experienced about life because you're depressed. You're just a fucking loser who has nothing better to do than wallow in his own sad, sad shit. And for the faggot above, I'm not a Republican nor do I believe in Jeebus. So fuck off faggot

>> No.2978187

Getting off your religious upbringing brainwashed angst?

Good for you.

>> No.2978190

Is the tl;dr version of this "he killed himself because he knew he hadn't any talent"?

>> No.2978191


>> No.2978194


>nor do I believe in Jeebu
>Getting off your religious upbringing brainwashed angst?

Can you read idiot?

>Is the tl;dr version of this "he killed himself because he knew he hadn't any talent"?

In addition to the fact that he was a total hypocrite, yes.

>> No.2978195

so young, so angry. damn the rap music.

>> No.2978197

Is that really so horrible that I simply find his writing to be entertaining? While some parts of Infinite Jest are unbearable, some are fucking brilliant in "laughing through tears" way. I also love Consider The Lobster

>> No.2978201

i know a (bad)troll when i see one

>> No.2978203

I watched the video. Who gives a shit about using prior to instead of before? Nobody really cares if the writing works.

Also, posteriori is indicative of later or after. It is not indicative of presupposition or before. If i say, "He committed the murder posteriori escaping the crime scene", it doesn't even seem like a possible event took place.

You kant do that.

>> No.2978248
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>nor do I believe in Jeebus

Wallace went to church regularly tho
sorry you're going to Hell :(

>> No.2978252

I agree with most of this but what if you were to forget the footnotes and all the pointless bullshit he put in infinite jest? If you ignore all that you still have this complex nonlinear narrative that explores themes such as, addiction to substance, success, and media. You still have interesting stories that don't say much but are fun and worthwhile to read. Listen, DFW may not be all he's cracked up to be but don't let that ruin his very good writing. I honestly believe DFW was trying to create something meaningful in infinite jest, something that would maybe make reader "feel a little less alone".

>> No.2978263

I agree with this guy

>> No.2978268

this video shows what a complete fraud this shithead is oops too many words.

>> No.2978316
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>> No.2978428

I have really conflicting opinions on Infinite Jest, On my second read and I'm about 800 pages in and it will be fucking near unbearable academic wank for 10 pages and then laugh out loud funny and engaging the next two then some neo-calvinism shit that just irritates me with his constantly extolling of AA/NA

it's even more annoying because if IJ edited better with a more cohesive ending, could have been the great postmodern american novel up there with Gravity's Rainbow and JR but it's now just a footnote in history.

might try to read the pale king but i'm sure it will disintegrate into more unenjoyable obfuscatory academic jerkoff shit

>> No.2978479

Never read Infinite Jest but The Pale King comes of as being really sincere. No "academic wankery"

>> No.2978506

Have fun reading about a man who savagely beats cats