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/lit/ - Literature

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2976195 No.2976195[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why should we have to pay for books?
Is it fair that a man has to pay money to have access to knowledge?

>> No.2976206
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This man would like to speak with you.

>> No.2976213

yeah that novel was cool

>> No.2976214


You don't have to pay for books, you stupid nigger.

>> No.2976216

Money exists because most people are assholes who can't be motivated to create or contribute anything without a clear quantifiable reward. I think I'm the only person who happy working without a fee.

>> No.2976217

If writers are producing good ideas I don't mind paying them to produce those good ideas. If they're spending less time trying to get money presumably they'd have more time to improve their ideas and writing.

>> No.2976219

When you live in your mothers basement there isn't that issue.

>> No.2976223

I presume that writers need things like food, clothing and shelter, plus any additional costs of modern living.

>> No.2976228

>buying books

Le shiggy Donatello

>> No.2976230

The Soviet communist state was more productive and efficient than the American capitalist one. It was only the authoritarian rule that held it back in the later stages but for the first few decades East German homes looked precisely the same as those in 1950s Britain or America.

>> No.2976232
File: 9 KB, 195x274, marx-bio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Install Gentoo

>> No.2976233

There is no shortage of any of those resources. Capitalism creates the shortage as people become hoarders. Our needs could easily be met without the need to defend the terms of our sustenance.

>> No.2976235
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>> No.2976239

How will we acquire those resources?

>> No.2976241

>not buying books from charity stores for less than a dollar.

>> No.2976242

By working.

>> No.2976244

But who will do the working?

>> No.2976245


>> No.2976246

>implowing implowcations

>> No.2976247

But what if
we gave writers money so they didn't have to work regular jobs?

>> No.2976248

>not being aware of libraries

>> No.2976249

Collectivism drives men forward, not selfishness.

>> No.2976251

You mean have the state pay them?
Then who decides who gets the privilege and to what standard?

>> No.2976254

Artists don't work for money.

>> No.2976256

No I mean like, people give money to the writers they want to give money to!

>> No.2976257

Why would they do that?

>> No.2976258

I'd say rather that most aren't materialistically motivated. They still need money for the nessecities to life and to purchase other expiriences in the arts.

>> No.2976259

So the writer can write more things

>> No.2976261

You're implying enough people would care enough to give writers enough money to make a living

>> No.2976266

Well I think it acts as a gesture, you haven't really written a book if there isnt anyone out there to read it. There are some contemporary writers that are able to do this to a certain degree. What would the alternative be to the current system we have?

>> No.2976269

>>if you're good at something, never do it for free joker.jpeg

you're a troll-leech who doesn't have a job and doesn't really know the value of money and/or hard work. GTFO, commie.

>> No.2976437
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>mfw screen burns itself to shit

>> No.2976440

typical collectivist hypocrisy, they always want money/resources channeled to somewhere they please but it never happens to be their own, one is tempted to think that they should just write a check or wire a transfer to wherever/whoever they please but they all happen to be misfortunate somalis with no cash connecting from a refugee camp in the desert

>> No.2976443
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>mfw my macbook, ipad, imac, iphone, ipod, and old ibook, have never experienced problems with their screens.

>> No.2976448

libraries? free ebooks? stop being a fag and steal them?

>> No.2976450
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>stealing books
That's so passe. Just rob the store.

>> No.2976452

nah, that wont let me steal them on the future

>> No.2976456
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I think a welfare system should be made available to every person with a creative wish without any taboo or requirements. Artists, philosopers and writers can get money from the state to live in a simple one room apartment and have enough money for some food. clothes and materials. They can live simply but comfortably. This way they can dedicate themselves to their calling. They are free to do as they please.

The catch is that, in exchange for the patronage of the state, they aren't permitted to make a profit from their works.This requires a sacrifice, since they will most likely never make enough money to start a family and be a affluent part of society. So the distinction created is that people dedicating themselves to such work live a rather monastic or bohemian life. This gives them focus and scares of the dilettantes and profiteers. There will be a wonderful dichotomy, because every artist who doesn't go into the program can be accused of pursuing the arts for financial gains. The way to prove your sincerity is to truly sacrifice yourself to your work. And there are no excuses anymore.

We could even create artist quarters with apartment buildings with a great forum in between where they can gather. The forum will be lined with cafés and brothels. It will be glorious.

>> No.2976459

>he doesn't know about the new rMBP and how Apples most top of the line product fucks it self up regularly

>> No.2976465

i have that painting in my room

also to OP, someone worked hard to write that book. it's only fair they should get money for their effort.

>> No.2976463

You've effectively provided the lazy way out for all wannabe artists. The rest of society can feel free to ignore this artificial lower class, and focus on the art created by people who actually matter.

I love your idea.

>> No.2976472

>Why should we have to pay for food?Is it fair that a man has to pay money to have access to nutrition?

>> No.2976477

If you could clone the food for free, I wouldn't expect you to pay for it.

>> No.2976479

Well that may be the case. Most people are really bad at being voluntarily poor though, so I hope that will scare off anyone but the truest bohemians. It will probably be horrible and without social status as well, so that helps.

>i have that painting in my room
Can I perhaps borrow one million dollars from you?

>> No.2976485


Holy shit! It must've cost you a fortune!!! How did you even get it?!?!?! You shouldn't even be on this thread you rich bastard.

>> No.2976491

It's not about what you should. It's about what you can. Can you acquire books without payment?

If you're not retarded the answer yes. So do it and be silent before they take it away from us.

>> No.2976567

>no money = pleb
>pleb = not worthy of knowledge

>> No.2976625

People gotta get paid for their work. If something has value to you then you should be willing to pay for it. But then I'm the son of a scientist and economist so I don't see money the prism of a person wanting things and not being able to buy them.

>> No.2976805


It's not your knowledge, you fucking pinko.

>> No.2977121


a writer who writes for money is no writer at all

>> No.2977478

Then what is he? Doesn't the writer deserve to earn a living? Do you expect him to work a regular job to support himself and write for you for free? You require a slave not an artist.

>> No.2977488

Which is why there are numerous writers grants

>> No.2977498

But under something like communism there is still a tenancy for those in power to horde. It's a system that is fairly susceptible to corruption. Like most forms of government.

>> No.2977504

Every writer gets a grant? Where does this money come from? Who decides which authors are worthy of a grant?

>> No.2977507

there is no one in power in communism. that is socialism.

>> No.2977550
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And that is why socialism exists and communism does not.

>> No.2977554

fucking moron it has to do with annulment of private property, dissolving individual man back into a purely social world (i.e. where he came from).

>> No.2977570

>golden age myth
>thinking the officially abandonment of hierarchy means a de facto absence of hierarchy


>> No.2977581


You mean textbooks for college? Yes, expensive.

>> No.2977582
File: 141 KB, 480x563, laughing marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Soviet communist state was more productive and efficient than the American capitalist one.

>> No.2977594

Don't you even have a library in your country?
Here we loan pretty much every book in existence for free, disregarding schoolbooks etc...

>> No.2977597

/lit/ - Chimpanzees throwing shit at eachother

>> No.2977598

>hierarchy =/= private property

>> No.2977613

>not seeing the relation between the two


>> No.2977616

that's 4chan, and people in general

>> No.2977630

>thinking the officially abandonment of hierarchy means a de facto absence of hierarchy
>thinking the officially abandonment of private property means a de facto absence of private property

you really think these sentences are the same?
do you even read?

>> No.2977637

I do not think that. I said they are related.

>> No.2977687
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>> No.2977696

There's been a shitload of retina display macs where people left a certain window open for a while leaving it permanently burned into their screen. So then you got your gmail ghostly hovering over everything forever.

It's resolutionary.

>> No.2977734

>no apple logo in that pic
Missed opportunity brah.

>> No.2977805
File: 19 KB, 485x346, 1339715621385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People not buying/collecting books on a bookshelf.

>> No.2977811

Said while using an image of R. Truth.

>> No.2977815
File: 29 KB, 235x274, 1339715678805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just an image, man.

>> No.2977842


Somebody's got to write them, and they need to earn a living just like everyone else. Try a library.

Now, text books on the other hand... Well, that's a whole different matter...

>> No.2977864

Why the fuck do you expect authors to put out amazing shit when they can't even make a living doing it, you flaming retard?

>> No.2977868

Because they want to make amazing shit, not make money.

Do you even bohemianism?

>> No.2977870


But then how could they make a living? Part-time jobs? Unless you're a traveling minstrel or bard you usually need money for basic writing supplies.

>> No.2977888

It's entirely possible for people to live without money. Even in a money-worshiping nation like America, there are those who've given capitalism the buck and operate on gift economy. It's all about communal living. With communal living and a genuine (very genuine) love for one another, we can easily survive without money. We can even live abundantly.

Check this guy Daniel out. He's quite eloquent in communicating his his message.

>> No.2977903

Daniel Suelo, that is.

>> No.2978000

Do you live without money? Do you live by these platitudes you extol? Do you work for a living or do you live off of someone else' labor? I'm rich and did it on my own. I don't need to worry about finagling things for free or arguing why other people's hard labors should be mine at the price of just asking.