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/lit/ - Literature

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2970876 No.2970876[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Dear /lit/,

I am 20 years old. I dropped out of university in 2010. I never went to class because I was a drug addict.

I'm clean now, and finally off of all sedating mental health medications. For the first time in a long time my brain feels healthy and capable.

What reading would you recommend for someone who, for the first time in years, is excited about ideas and capable of critical thought?

>Where I come from, you give and take. So here's some wallpapers.

>> No.2970880
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>> No.2970879

Read some classics. Start small: read Gatsby, it's short and great. After that, I'd say go for a Shakespeare or two (personally, I'd say Hamlet). If you feel adventurous, read "Notes from Underground."

>> No.2970884
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Thank you, I read Hamlet and Gatsby in high school, I'll get "notes from the underground".

Where does /lit/ get it's ebooks?

>> No.2970889
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>> No.2970891

See the sticky at the top.

>> No.2970893


Are you religious. If so enjoy. If not try Kafka instead.

>> No.2970905
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I've had enough religion for a lifetime, but I am trying to find some sort of spirituality.

>> No.2970933


Go with Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and do Schopenhauer's World as Will and Its Representation.

Or pick up a copy of Borges Ficciones or Walter Benjamin's Illuminations

>> No.2970937

>What reading would you recommend...?

It might be hard to say, given that you've spent a while without being into things, but what interests you as a reader, either of literature or philosophy?

>> No.2970938

You may enjoy Hesse or Alan Watts. Spirituality without religion. Siddhartha is a very entry-level book and yet it really resonated with me when I had just gotten over a rough time.

>> No.2970947

>eastern bullshit
no thanks

>> No.2970952

Goedel, Escher, Bach
Guns, Germs and Steel
A Path with Heart
Memories, Dreams and Reflections
The Ancestor's Tale
No Logo
The Man in the Ice

just to name some of the more thought-provoking books I've read

>> No.2970974 [SPOILER] 
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Thanks guys. I can't believe I thought /b/ was representative of the entirety of 4chan.

>> No.2970977
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>> No.2970982
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>> No.2970984
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>> No.2970990

You may want to try some Kurt Vonnegut to get you going; Slaughterhouse 5 or Bluebeard might be up your alley. Also, Dickens, Orwell, and Twain might be good jumping off points

>> No.2970995

Carl Sagan's "A Demon Haunted World'

>> No.2971015
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>> No.2971025


KV and no Mother Night...what is wrong with you?

>> No.2971026


Once you read this, then you will have a better idea as to what you want to continue to study.

>> No.2971157
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>> No.2971301
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>> No.2971319

Try Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.2971557

How hard has it been adjusting back into a constantly sober mind? I want (need) to make that transition myself, but it's fucking tough because without chems I cannot function around people. I get too fucking anxious.

>> No.2971836

Six months ago I couldn't even take the bus-I would get panic attacks. Now I'm rockin and rollin man. They tried to put me on benzos but I just abused them. It sucked having to actually work at being around people and put myself in uncomfortable situations AT FIRST. But today I'm the most at peace I've ever been. People talk to me and double take, I'm doing that good. But it took some work. it took a lot of work.

But being sober? It feels amazing-but only because I worked on the shit I used over. Like drugs were my solution, I had to find another solution- otherwise I would've tried to kill myself like the last time I got clean.

>> No.2971851

OP, What drugs were you addicted to?

>> No.2971860


Not samebro but it's good to hear that you're doing well and wanting to leap into reading again. 20 isn't that old either, so don't think you're past the point when you can get your shit together, your new life has just begun.

I know it's a book some might scoff at but if you haven't read it I'd recommend 'Dune'. It was one of my favourite books when I was younger, a genuinely fun read that you'll definitely enjoy.

Good luck with your future bro stick with it.

>> No.2971863 [DELETED] 
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Start with these books.

>> No.2971882
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Thanks man. I read every Dune book in one 30 day rehab stint, I loved them.
Pot and Acid daily, alcohol and MDMA regularly. But there were times when I used benzoids or opiates daily as well.
>TL;DR My drug of choice was whatever you had.

>> No.2971897

Stick to pre-1950 only please.

>> No.2971895

interesting story bro. write a book

>> No.2971898


You did acid daily? Yeah right.. tolerance builds extremely fast and hard with serotonin psychedelics that goes away after a week or two of non use.

>> No.2971905

as you read, strive to understand. as long as you attempt to understand and have a good reading diet, you'll develop well.

>> No.2971906


I wouldn't use MDMA often, the magic will go away and never come back.

>> No.2971909
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Look man rapid tolerance never stopped me from getting high. If you have to get a couple more vials then you get a couple more vials. 5, 6, or even 7 days a week can definitely be managed by someone whose access and buying power is growing as fast as their tolerance. A lot of guys I know have done it. They all went crazy too...

>> No.2971913


How can you get addicted to psychedelics? Everyone I know always feels exhausted after a heavy experience and doesn't want to touch them for at least a few weeks.

>> No.2971915

Sociopath here. What's so hard about being around people? I wish they made me feel anxious. I wish they made me feel SOMETHING. I feel nothing constantly when I'm around people. Should I take drugs to become anxious?

>> No.2971919


Try MDMA, it might make you feel temporary empathy for people. The stimulation will make you interesting and talkative, but it might you more anxious.

>> No.2971923

Well since OP is addicted to everything (forgot the technical term for people who gobble up anything to get fucked up) the problem probably doesn't lie with particular substances but with doing anything to get away from sober reality. I suppose it's a form of escapism.

>> No.2971925

seriously? not OP but my 7 day acid binge was the best week of my life. would of kept going if i didnt run out of drops.


infernal desire machines of dr hoffman
i'm the king of the castle
the electric cool-aid acid test
+ any fables, folk tales you can get your hands on.

>> No.2971926

This. For me acid last a minimum of twelve hours, with the stimulant effects lingering for many hours after. I end up exhausted at the end of it, but can't sleep, even with xanax of weed. The last thing I want to do is drop acid again. And acid doesn't even have a physical addiction.

>> No.2971927
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I don't pretend to understand the physical aspect of addiction, but I definitely wasn't physically addicted. It's hard to explain severe mental illness when you're not in the middle of it, but real simply put LSD made me feel exactly the way I wanted to feel for as long as I wanted to feel it (at first). It stopped working as well so I of course used more, and it turned into this feedback loop of real heavy mental health issues. I don't want to disturb anyone so I'll just say I was psychotic. I understand that for many people it's an easy decision to stop using something that makes them feel like shit, but for me from the past it wasn't so clear.

>> No.2971931
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and that was not the wallpaper I intended to post :/

>> No.2971935


I don't think drugs made you crazy but they brought out some underlying mental illness.

>> No.2971938

What I'm striving for mentally is some term psychosis which completely alienates me from everything but without my own awareness of the alienation - a sort of pure solipsism, completely impenetrable, but not anti-social.

>> No.2971942


Have you tried high doses of ketamine?

It's like ego shattering doses of psychedelics.

Your sense of self is completely gone and "you" basically exist as a point of view in some internal headspace. You feel the sensation of just being everything or something and a bunch of weird things happen. Your perception is fucked up so minutes feel like hours or even days. It's impossible to describe, the state of mind is so alien.

>> No.2971946
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I've had a couple of experiences like that with large amounts of shrooms. Some people call it 'Ego Death'.

>> No.2971948

I definitely want to keep my ego. I just want to reduce other egos to non-threatening objects, possibly even enjoyable ones.

>> No.2971958
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Like just being calm and not freaking out about how profoundly intimidating and unnatural it is to be a human being around other human beings? Is that what you're looking for?

>> No.2971972


does that really happen or just bullshit?

>> No.2971974

Yeah, on many psychedelics.

>> No.2971982

Not that guy, but Ketamine is a dissociative. high doses will have you in another dimensional plane. You wont know who you are, or even what it means to be human, just floating around space-time perceiving things and beings that are impossible. Small doses will keep you more grounded in reality, but still warp it; you will be able to walk around (slowly) and will stare at things with a sense of recognition, but not able to full grasp what it is.

DMT will give you this too, but you will retain your sense of self, and are able to explore these wonderful new landscapes, universes and entities while acknowledging what's going on.

This is what a medium dose trip is like:

But it's not that scary, and I have never seen those insects.

>> No.2971997

>This is what a medium dose trip is like

Videos suck at showing what trips are like. This is the closest one I have found, but it's still nowhere near.


>> No.2972002
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Well this has apparently become a drug thread, but thank you all so much for the books.

>> No.2972010


Do you take DMT orally with a MAOI or extract and smoke it?

>> No.2972017

I have tried both, but prefer extracting smoking it. An ayahuasca trip is a serious ass-kicking that lasts hours. It's great as a giant reset button to ground you, or to focus on issues that are troubling you, but far too strong and intense to enjoy recreationally. With DMT, I rarely take 'breakthrough' doses, I prefer to sprinkle a small bit into a joint or cigarette and share with friends. The effects are completely gone after 15 mins, and you just enjoy a light geometric pattern over everything without an intense headfuck.

>> No.2972029

Siddartha. Always the right answer for what should I read questions

>> No.2972030

hahaha fucck doing that much acid aye, i take it like 3 times a year and fucken have a great experience and shit but i take it with a grain of salt, usually going into scary places of thoughts sometimes and shit, and realised that you could go fucken loopy if you didnt have a clear headspace to recoup from tripping. stick with the buddha, if that aint working, the hashish, or the bho, sinka couple brews son and your able to be anything you want ahahahaha

>> No.2972041


This is actually a great suggestion.

Make sure you put this on your list OP if you're still ITT.

>> No.2972043


havin a occupation also acts as a soberness kinda barrier where you can limit the drugs. but really people, don't do what op did, because drugs will just magnify or even create the problems (like fucken social anxiety - ffs people stop being such fumbling ass fuckin nerd bangers for once and enjoy the party cunt)

>> No.2972044


They let bogans on /lit/ now?

Fuck off.

>> No.2972046


you guessed it dart, bogans gotta be philosophising and loving the lit and history of such a fucken crazy world wouldn't you agree? you pretentious worthless faggot

>> No.2972051


Why do you wear your retardation like a badge of honour?

Are you such a joke that being a shitcunt is a point of pride for you?

>> No.2972053


yep, drink eb erryday, wa made bitches.

>> No.2972056

expensive liquor is the only drug i partake in

everything else is middle or low brow.

>> No.2972059



This explains everything.

>> No.2972065


(;. least all these mines around ere be paying better money then pretending to be some intellect fuckhead who hasn't realised that life itself is an inane overcomplicated fuck of a thing that really shouldn't be happening at all, and people who think they're better then others, who somehow excel over other human beings fucks me sideways man like you can't explain - people like you are the reason life sucks. - to explain why i wear my retardation with a badge of honour would be the same to me as asking you why you think of yourself as an intellect (or higher status then bogans anyway) and why you represent that status in your personality (dont be dissin the west coast cunt)

>> No.2972075


Your posts are painful to read.
They cause me physical pain.

I don't even know what point you're trying to make here. You've bewildered with sheer obfuscation. Bravo.

>> No.2972083


cheers bud

>> No.2972094

Why not just switch drugs?

I hear Adderall increases focus and motivation.

I thought about buying it so I can read whole libraries in a few days.

Good idea, bad idea?

>> No.2973326
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OP is still ITT

>> No.2974223
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>> No.2974745

I dropped out in 2010 too because I never went to class because of ADHD/anxiety and whatever other disorders I may be diagnosed with.

But I'm going to be 24 in a couple months.

I've wasted the last 2 years during "literally" nothing. It's torture.

>> No.2974805
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Well, are you going to do something about it?

>> No.2974818

I think Lexi Belle is the perfect example of why I like Russian/Eastern Europe Amateur porn now and hate american professional porn.

People drool over her because its the first time they've seen a chick without scarred inflated titties, that she cuts back on shitty "Oh yeah fuck my tight pussy" dialogue (she's still fake as fuck and does it in some videos).

She starts shooting "Hurr I play with myself" vids at 18, finally fucks at 20, takes a dick in the ass at 25. The anal scene will be a carbon copy of Gianna and sunny lane's first anal scene. (look at screen caps of all three.) Oh yeah and those two don't do anal outside of their "special" movie.

She won't start doing serious hardcore until she experiences serious hardships in life and is washed up.

This isn't even to mention fish eye lenses, glamourized airbrush shots, etc.

Its pretty depressing when RL college chicks are hotter and dirtier than porn stars.

>> No.2975167
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In the age of Piratebay, pornographic films have lost a lot of value... I think that cam sessions are the future of adult entertainment. That's a personal experience that can't be torrented, know what I mean? I think that this will also be incredibly good for the women in this industry, but only if there is a way for them to keep more (if not all) of the money they make. Perhaps the sites that facilitate those transactions could make there revenue primarily from advertisements.
>TL;DR Cam whores are going to be the only viable way to make money in porn.

>> No.2975189
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>acid daily

>> No.2975190

I agree that the personal interaction that comes with camwhores can't be found in porn, but i still think there's some merit in artistic porn such as that found in in Xart, and part of the reason Metart and femjoy are so popular. I think if porn studios focussed more on production and decent camera work with normal/amateur looking girls, instead of some silicones slut with bleached hair getting DP'd by two enormous black guys, it would do a lot for the industry.

Regular porn is fine for children who have just discovered it, but in our internet age there are a huge amount of connoisseurs looking for finer things. But, to agree with you, there is such a wide spectrum of interests that people seeking out nipple clamps, light electrocution, bull whips and ball gags will start turning to camwhores. and in my case, hookers. Although, the niche market is the one area that has really advanced pornographically.

>> No.2976023
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i agree man, some of the stuff x art does is pretty impressive. And I agree there is "merit" in well produced pornography. I'm trying to say that no matter how beautifully shot or whatever it is, it won't make money as long as you can torrent it in 5min with a decent internet connection.

>> No.2976071


listen to me

read james joyce

specifically a portrait of the artist as a young man

re read while you're reading

trust me

you do not know me

but trust me

>> No.2976073
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I do trust you. I trust you so much I'm going to read it first.

>> No.2976331
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>> No.2976333
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>> No.2976412


Word to this guy

>> No.2977694
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>> No.2978022
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