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2964070 No.2964070[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else in a difficult/unclear state of mind?

I don't know what I believe anymore. I know it's masturbatory to say this, butt he more I learn the more I feel I don't know. Learning just makes me question things. It doesn't make me feel like I truly understand how things work. 10 different people, all very smart, can all have very convincing arguments for their conflicting views. And the debates could rage on for decades.

In a way, it's exciting because I've gotten over my juvenile rejection of anything that isn't purely rational and immediately tangible(i.e., I began accepting the wisdom religions have to teach and the importance of tradition to different cultures), but it's overwhelming. I used to be a typical RATM listening liberal kid, then I got interested in politics and identified as libertarian, and most recently I've discovered conservatism and have a new interest in religion/occultism(or at least the wisdom they offer). These are things I never would have imagined myself being interested in 2 years ago.

I feel like my "rational" mind was too narrow, and had a limited perspective. But this new "open" mind makes everything sound valuable and interesting and I have trouble forming a concrete philosophy about anything.

Nihilism seems like an appropriate philosophy to remedy this issue, but I feel as if it would just tell me something I already know and leave me still confused.

>> No.2964074
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just keep reading and forming opinions about things

>> No.2964075


it's just an impermanent state that you'll leave at some point

>> No.2964078
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>interest in religion/occultism(or at least the wisdom they offer)

like what?

>> No.2964079
File: 75 KB, 307x340, top lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>h-here I g-g-go

>> No.2964083

One thing all major religions have in common is the belief in living for the greater good, or at least a common good greater than yourself and your own life. This is something I feel is very valuable in keeping a society morally consistent and keeping its members productive/unified.

I already fear the hedonistic direction our culture has taken, and I feel that as we lose our religion, it will only get worse.

I don't expect these views to be popular on /lit/, so I don't expect you to accept them. Accepting them isn't central to the point of this thread anyway, so I won't argue further.

>> No.2964090

God is dead. And we have killed him. Get over it.

>> No.2964091

>I began accepting the wisdom religions have to teach
> But this new "open" mind makes everything sound valuable
> the belief in living for the greater good
>This is something I feel is very valuable

>Nihilism seems like an appropriate philosophy


you do need neither religion and especially not occultism for some moral values, in fact, ultimately 'their widsom' is counterproductive. that is.. as long as you dont define moral values or greater beliefs as

>something I feel is very valuable in keeping a society (...) and its members productive

than you should indeed just stick to religion.

>> No.2964099


Okay Phillip Pullman, enough of your assburgers for the day.

>> No.2964101

I don't understand the point you're trying to make.

Believing that religion is a net positive for society doesn't mean I can't accept nihilistic truths myself. I'm not religious or superstitious at all.

>> No.2964132

OP, realise that you don't need to have a concrete philosophy. Understanding (innately rather than intellectually) that you know nothing and can only question things is true wisdom.

>> No.2964181 [DELETED] 

People often lose clarity when they endeavor themselves toward philosophical questions which they have no necessity to answer.

Focus less on the content of your beliefs, and more on what motivates you to have them.

When considering ideas, you may find it prudent to take adopt an airier perspective.

In time, you will find that it is little more than a navigation of gaseous monuments.

>> No.2964184 [DELETED] 

People often lose clarity when they try to answer questions they don't need to ask.

Focus less on the content of your beliefs, and more on what motivates you to have them.

When considering ideas, you may find it prudent to take adopt an airier perspective.

In time, you will find that it is little more than a navigation of gaseous monuments.

>> No.2964185

People often lose clarity when they try to answer questions they don't need to ask.

Focus less on the content of your beliefs, and more on what motivates you to have them.

When considering ideas, you may find it prudent to adopt an airier perspective.

In time, you will find that it is little more than a navigation of gaseous monuments.

>> No.2964247

>Anyone else in a difficult/unclear state of mind?

Yes. I am dark and edgy and I can't stop it.
Happiness is not enough. I want to be more than animal but I can't.
And nobody else is trying. So I'm both lost and alone. Nobody cares, rightfully.
You think learning matters. But what are you learning? Nothing which matters.
People try to better themselves. They're changing from shit to shit.
People want to explore the universe. Then what? Sit and wait for the end.
We're not even a good species by our own criteria.
We can't even find "truth" because neurons are not enough. All we have is prebuilt axioms, useless shit.
You think religions matter for wisdom and wisdom matters for productivity but what is the finale goal of productivity?
What are we doing? Nobody knows and nobody cares, as long as they're "happy". Fucking tools, DNA vessels.
And all you have to say is "I don't understand". Don't bother.

>> No.2964257

>First world problems
You should probably try to stop hating yourself brah. Life' only miserable because you're seeing it through a filter of misery.