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File: 14 KB, 320x270, kinge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2963160 No.2963160 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking audio book.
Fucking book.
I'm not even paying attention.
Fucking book on-tape.

>> No.2963162

I just finished listening to Mein Kampf audio book. I have to say that's the only way I would ever have gotten through that rambling bloated pile of shite.

>> No.2963164

Audio books are awesome for times when your hands are busy but your mind is unoccupied.

I like to listen to them on the bus, shoveling snow, riding my bike, when I'm having sex.

>> No.2963168
File: 93 KB, 700x677, Pyramid_Head_I_by_ScabbedAngel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This narrator shows no emotion.
Also, I'd like a background score to it, that would make it way better.

>> No.2963187

I've never listened to an audio book with added sound effects or music that wasn't annoying as fuck and made things worse.

But if that's what you want, try Graphic audio. They specialize in shit like that.

"Movie in your mind" my ass. Mess in my mind is more like it.

>> No.2963463

>not listening to Alan Watts lectures whilst taking a bath

>> No.2963511
File: 23 KB, 288x499, Why.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when i'm having sex
>there is a person that listens to audio books while they are having sex
>there are people that have sex with this person

>> No.2963541


>listen to Neuromancer on tape
>a minute of cheesy synth music during intro, I can handle this
>unpleasant nasally voice
>emphasizes WORDS for no REASON
>weird background music
>sex scenes
>oh god

I listen to audiobooks while playing PC games tho. I usually don't pay much attention so it's usually something I don't care much about or non-fiction I want to read in more detail anyway

>> No.2963544

Where do you guys usually get your audiobooks?

>> No.2963552

audio books are the best way to experience a book

>> No.2963554

>added sound effects or music that wasn't annoying as fuck and made things worse.
Jesus fucking christ.

I mean, you don't need a massive budget for this. You're not making a movie with special effects or whatever. You don't need to hire pretty actors or pay for CGI.
You're doing an audiobook. You need a good voice actor or two, a few people who know their shit when making sound effects, and a goddamned sound director to make sure it doesn't sound like shit.

But nope, I've never heard an audiobook with sound effects that didn't sound like the equivalent of a play put on by grade schoolers.
And then they expect me to pay upwards of $30 for it! Fucking bullshit.