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File: 68 KB, 600x399, 231111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2961651 No.2961651 [Reply] [Original]

>a-anon, I have something to tell you....I'm a hardcore feminist.....

>> No.2961653


stopped reading here

>> No.2961654


>> No.2961659

Oh, that's cool. I find the established patriarchy immoral, myself.

So, what do you want for breakfast?

>> No.2961666
File: 69 KB, 550x454, white-knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>making breakfast for a hardcore feminist

>> No.2961678
File: 69 KB, 510x680, 1338999396243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white knight
nice try satan

anyway you don't ask a womyn what she wants for breakfast; we're having eggs cocotte in pesto sauce with a nice loaf of homemade bread until we reach a consensual agreement on something else

>> No.2961724

Stopped reading there.

>> No.2961741

Well I'm not a dribbling woman-hating /pol/ski so that shouldn't be a problem, stock photo lady.

>> No.2961742


>> No.2961769

>...i went on a slut walk with my friends once and joined a facebook group lol XD

>> No.2961777

cool, dude

>> No.2961778

cool me too

>> No.2961786

I really feel like we're connecting

>> No.2962071


Pretty much this

>female friend tells me she is a "feminist"
>Oh yeah? what fem. literature do you recommend?
>"I don't read lol. But I did go to the slutwalk in Toronto"

then I sent her this


>> No.2962080
File: 5 KB, 256x273, descartes711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a-anon, I have something to tell you....I'm a substance dualist.....

>> No.2962083
File: 37 KB, 150x150, BrokenSword_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-no... no... no no no... NOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.2962092

Who are you? Why are you on my bed?

>> No.2962096

Awesome, I love watching hardcore.

>> No.2962098

lol that's funny. Considering that women have much power in society, I wonder why you women still want to be empowered.

>> No.2962105

lol amazing atheist rulez fmeminst drulz

>> No.2962207

>she gets 5 loads on her face
>I play video games all day
>ecstatic and elated

>> No.2962233

kill yourself

>> No.2962356

Quick question: what do you faggots want from us guys? Is your goals to become the goddamn rulers of the planet? I would say a good 90% of western society doesn't give a fuck if women hold powerful roles in society and are treated equally to men. And you are treated equally. Never in my life have I seen a woman be treated anything other than equal IRL, but I have seen women attempt to enslave men with their unnecessary attitude like we should fucking worship you guys (actually gals) or something.

>> No.2962360

me too. Let's go on 4chan and laugh at the nckbeards

>> No.2962367

That's not fair. We are not given an equal position in the military because we are 'weaker', the same thing with working in the fire brigade. And we have to suffer child birth, while you don't.

>> No.2962369

me too

>> No.2962374

>I would say a good 90% of western society doesn't give a fuck if women hold powerful roles in society

Spoken like a true sheltered white suburban youth

>>Never in my life have I seen a woman be treated anything other than equal IRL

You should realise you are not viewing things as they are but as you want to see them.

>> No.2962377


>we have to suffer child birth

No you don't.

>> No.2962385

after some females tell me they are a feminist...I thereafter judge everything they do that violates their own beliefs...most of them do.

>> No.2962388

You stopped reading at the end of the sentence?
Quite the rebellious one, you.

>> No.2962390

We had this thread yesterday... Why? Do you really /lit/ this much? Don't start this shit all over again.

>> No.2962392
File: 29 KB, 448x300, 3361372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I strongly support womens rights. I also strongly support Mens rights. What does that make me?

>> No.2962397

You can only be a feminist or a misogynist, there's no middle ground. Either you fully support freeing women from the terrible oppression they face, or you are a chauvinistic pig. You can't support male rights at all, it doesn't work like that.

>> No.2962441

Today's feminism only serves to neuter art.

>> No.2962444

>We had this thread yesterday... Why?

They have this thread every day.

>> No.2962449

Paul Simon must be breathing a sigh of relief, then.

>> No.2962480

The two don't contradict each other.
Feminism isn't anti-man, it just focuses on women's issues.

>> No.2962493

But surely anyone who embraces feminism, and chooses to ignore anything concerning men is sexist. There is virtually nothing for a feminist to complain about now, they are equal in every area of society. Anyone devoting time to being a feminist, has to actively ignore the same areas of men. They can't be concerned with 'gender equality'.

If there was a bombing in south Africa, and a doctor only worked on the white patients. He could try claiming "No I'm not a racists, I just don't have enough time for the blacks", but he would still be regarded as a racist. The same thing with feminism. If someone is looking at child custody cases, and focuses on three where women were at a disadvantage, totally ignoring the three hundred where men are at a disadvantage buy saying "No I'm not a sexist, I just don't have enough time for the men" They are still sexist.

>> No.2962501

It's only sexism if men do it.

>> No.2962505

False analogy, yo. Black activists deal with black issues. Gay activists deal with gay issues. Feminist activists deal with women's issues. That's what these groups exist for. You want men's rights, you find a men's rights group.

>> No.2962506

But, you are weaker. Hell, I've read some shit where women's firefighter tests were actually easier than men's.

>> No.2962511


I used to be a policeman, and the hardest person in our station was a woman. She was terrifying, absolutley ruthless and unforgiving in a fight. There was no-one I'd rather have next to me when it all kicked off in some shitty nightclub at 3am.

I've heard that women also make better fighter and bomber pilots because they just don't give a fuck about killing, they'll just line you up in the sights and smoke you like it ain't no thing.

>> No.2962517

>You want men's rights, you find a men's rights group.

I want a group that actually deals with gender equality without having to take sides.

>> No.2962525

>There is virtually nothing for a feminist to complain about now, they are equal in every area of society
Certainly not true for most of the world. Highly debatable in other parts. But yeah, in the western world there have been huge achievements in voting rights, education, jobs etc. That's why feminists these days tend to focus on cultural stuff.

>> No.2962537

>that feel when spoiled occidental bishes have slutwalks when women are still being stoned to death for any given reason.

>> No.2962538

Oh. They might exist too, not sure. Any arbitration should theoretically be gender-neutral, I guess.

>> No.2962545

>tfw you're apparently not allowed to complain about or try to change anything in your own life because there's always someone worse off than you

>> No.2962547

>oh really? i couldn't tell

>> No.2962549

I thought the incredibly kinky sex was a giveaway, myself.

>> No.2962600

hey feminists

how do you feel about the fact that men have provably higher spatial and logical intelligences (just as women have higher linguistic intelligence)? and will always massively overrepresented in maths/the physical sciences?

or are you going to insist that it's all sexism and that we should push for 50/50 in all fields?

>> No.2962610
File: 134 KB, 600x800, 1346264900518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a-anon, I have something to tell you....I'm a hardcore furry.....

>> No.2962658

Aw damn, love that song. Anyone remember that Davidoff fragrance advertisement with that song? me neither
But wouldn't mind. Good body from what I can see from that picture.

>> No.2962659

Probably varies from feminist to feminist.

>> No.2962674
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1289269923084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>logical intelligence

>> No.2962689

logical mathematical intelligence, yes.

>> No.2962697

>Feminism: Not even once.

>> No.2962698

If this is my bed then we're past the point where this matters.

>> No.2962706

but that's wrong, dumbass.
Nice try pushing your faux science

>> No.2962707

Actually going by even the moderate feminist organizations response to MRAs talking out about family courts I think you'll find they're pretty anti-man.

>> No.2963015

>Hurr I'm going to hide behind the fact that no social study is 'true science' to invalidate the overwhelming correlation between having superior spatial reasoning and a y chromosome.

Ok, keep forming your opinions based on what is palatable to you with literally no other evidence. After you're done proving each subdivision of humanity has identical average biological potential maybe you can convince some astronomers orbits are all circular.

>> No.2963022

Men talking shit about women: Sexism

Women talking shit about men. Feminism.

You talking about double standards bitch?