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/lit/ - Literature

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2961203 No.2961203[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This guy likes Infinite Jest and Gravity's Rainbow, so he's just like /lit/!
Thus you surely agree with him, don't you?

>> No.2961206

Stop promoting your own channel you hopeless faggot.

>> No.2961209

That opening was sarcasm.

The discussion is supposed to be about how terrible a person this guy is.

>> No.2961216


Oh. Well then I'm sorry you beautiful gentleman with a bright future brimming with heterosexual pursuits.

>> No.2961230

insincerity is gay too

>> No.2961243
File: 29 KB, 497x445, red velvet cake, the food of patricians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dose entry level albums

>> No.2961256

homestuck is the ulysses of the internet tho

in the fullest and widest sense

>> No.2961261

It's big, boring, and it's fans will defend it to the death on the grounds of "2deep4u"?

>> No.2961268

The only thing they have in common is that their fans are stupid, ignorant and arrogant. That's it.

>> No.2961271

yah. also formally experimental (which, i think, you actually have to give kudos to homestuck insofar as it is legitimately novel and original in the way it's telling its story, in terms of multimedia and shit like that, even if the story it's telling is shitty and dumb - and i know other people have experimented with similar things, but i think homestuck has used it on a profoundly different scale & made it profoundly more integral to the story) and using the corpus / canon / tradition of its chosen medium (western civilization for Ulysses, dumb internet nerd fandom for Homestuck) as the matter for the story.

>> No.2961278

oh fuck look at the rest of his things he is pandering so hard i'm cringing

>> No.2961281

but it's on PBS so it must be true (PBS/NPR is the arbiter of truth for white upper-middle-class literate society)

>> No.2961305
File: 79 KB, 324x499, 1328294356316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idea Channel is good and attempts to class up the traditional dredge of an Internet argument. It also probably costs a fraction of what some of the less functional, outdated PBS material does. I'm for it.

Homestuck isn't a direct parallel of Ulysses, but what they said about effort justification (not a psychology buff, thanks for the buzzword) is valid. The godgame melodramatics involved in Homestuck isn't for me, but I don't see the copraphiliac humor in Ulysses being for a lot younger people. I stuck it out for quite a while before I quit reading because of the adventure game format experimentation.

If you want to approach Homestuck this way I believe it's bounds above what innovation or point of interest House of Leaves was working with. I don't think it will ever catch on academically but will probably hold a counter-culture foothold in future discussions of "popularizing ergodic literature."

>> No.2961306

>profound profound profound


>> No.2961309

After watching some of the content, it's kind of cute (not meaning to demean it), though I'm overexposed to a lot of what he talks about.

But as a way to introduce certain objects and ways of thinking to an audience of not-me-and-us, yeah I can get behind it.

>> No.2961314

Yeah this is a good point - it's really not 'for' terrible internet sperglords like us, it's for people on the outside looking in

>> No.2961323

A lot of people that talk about how innovative Homestuck is don't really know much about other webcomics to begin with.
Ever read Kid Radd?

That said, the problem with the video is that the main point of the comparison is, essentially, the statement "I finished it and it was worth it!". The problem is that HS isn't finished, it still has at least a year to go. The quality doesn't remain the same for all of it, and it probably won't get better, so it's too early to say if it will be worth the effort. Even more so considering that some readers dropped it. A guy who didn't even caught up with it shouldn't have made a comparison like that.

>> No.2961327

unlike the majority of /lit/, I don't think that praising Ulysses and Infinite Jest automatically makes you a genius.

>> No.2961330

Oh, I wasn't talking about Homestuck, but the PBS Idea guy.

Never read Homestuck, and don't think I intend to. How those of the Homestuck fandom I've spoken to, it doesn't really mesh with what I like.

>> No.2961333


>> No.2961345

Yeah I noticed, I just messed up.

>> No.2961365

I wouldn't consider Homestuck to be a contender with established 20th century literature, it's not going to majorly upset my reading habits. I would mention in literature that diminishing returns don't guarantee a compromise to the stature and memorability of a work: consider the Rabbit tetralogy. Or Dune.

Thanks for the Kid Radd suggestion.

>> No.2961366

Christ, where do these assholes pick up their mannerisms?

It's like they overheard someone acting out a revelation, and thought, "Gee, wouldn't it be nice to talk like that all the time?"

The tarry sense of self-satisfaction that drips off the end of every sentence... eughck, I finally understand why "hip" culture collects so much disdain.

And that's not even addressing what it is he's actually saying... did you scroll through the titles of his other videos? I'm not normally one to appeal to authenticity (or lack thereof) as an insult... but he makes it mighty tempting.

>> No.2961980
File: 137 KB, 250x250, 1328188950435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No actually it's like they're scripted by a successful production agency who knows how to script in a manner that retains someones voluntary attention for several minutes through crisp editing- while attempting to retain clear dictation. Do you really think this is how Mike Rugnetta talks in his own time with friends?

>> No.2961994

>/mu/ is ruining this board

>> No.2962000

>that entire video

w h y

>> No.2962004

/mu/ killed /lit/ over the passed 2 months.
Now the obnoxious "patrician" mentality has become firmly entrenched in /lit/, which, unlike /mu/'s case, isn't even self-aware or ironic.

>> No.2962006
File: 9 KB, 200x150, yugilol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even gay but I would suck this guys dick

>> No.2962009

> passed

'past', you plebeian fucktard turdnugget.

>> No.2962010

Fuck I lasted 1 second. The smugness was too much

>> No.2962011

Not that guy, but you need to kill yourself.

>> No.2962012

Nigger, /lit/ has been shit for a lot longer than 2 months, and /mu/ doesn't have anything to do with it.

>> No.2962017
File: 36 KB, 159x164, 094278629376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the internet
>creating anything of quality ever

>> No.2962018

People weren't throwing around words like "patrician" and "pleb" a year ago as far as I recall.
Yes, I'm aware of the superiority complex inherent in /lit/. But it wasn't codified into these lazy terms that people throw around to instantly belittle and enrage others.

>> No.2962020

Yes they were. 'Patrician' and 'pleb' certainly don't 'come from /mu/'.

>> No.2962025

Why is everyone so afraid of being serious? Everything has to be so tongue-in-cheek and self-consciously friendly.

>> No.2962029



Notice how before January, the term was used in the Roman context or in the context of the Discworld character.
It all started on /lit/ with a thread in January made by a /mu/ triptroll.

>> No.2962032


>> No.2962034

BTW, I set the range for this search from December 2010 to September 2011, so don't think that "pleb" only started in Dec. 2010, it's there earlier as well.

>> No.2962044

Eh, the current state of /lit/ has everything to do with /mu/.

Don't you feel the stench? These insecure pseudo-intellectuals reak from idiolzing shit authors celebrated merely for their pop-aestethic virtues.

Power ranking threads, >dat feel generals, music threads, worst tripfags ever.

They know nothing of literature, they don't read, but think they have all the right or knowledge to discuss great literature on par with those who actually read. Because in the music scene: Expression, opinion equals knowledge and taste is actually objective. So in order to be better music listeners have to create a culture of fear where some people are better just because of their taste. Thus the words like pleb or patrician comes into place, /mu/core is formed. If you don't celebrate it, you are scorned.

And now they bring their shitty fucking culture to my board, because they think this is norm. I. FUCKING. HATE. /MU/.

The worst board of 4chan.
Fuck off!

>> No.2962064

>The worst board of 4chan.
This is thrown around a lot but in /mu/'s case it is actually true. /b/ was always supposed to be a retard bin, /soc/ was supposed to be camwhore general, and those boards are fulfilling their purpose.
But /mu/ is inexcusable. So much potential wasted on posers and actual hipsters.

>> No.2962066

You must be new.

Also, /mu/ really isn't a bad board. They do sharethreads, which is more than we can say.

>> No.2962074

Because books isn't something you share and finish in a 45 minute sitting or read the first three paragraphs in every chapter and make a judgement from. Authors don't release a "single" that you can read in 4 minutes and endlessly argue about.

I hate /mu/ because they are scared teenagers, and for someone that is a little bit older, this is clearly obivious. Their behaviour reminds me of subculture group in high schools.

I clearly must be new, because /mu/ does community created magazine, a reading circle? A nice sticky, where most good recommendations can be found? Posters who can leave a thread alone for two days and then look it up at page 15, because now they have an actual argument to counter with?

Shut up before you know what you are talking about.

>> No.2962079

>Authors don't release a 'single'
Never heard of short stories
>I hate /mu/ because they are scared teenagers
/lit/'s demographic might be slightly older, but is being a scared twentysomething really that much better than being a scared teenager? I doubt it.
>community created magazine, reading circle, nice sticky
/lit/ only has the last of those things, and /mu/ has plenty of charts with good albums for numerous genres, even if they haven't been collected in a wikia.
>Posters who can leave a thread for two days
>Posters countering with actual arguments
What kind of selective blindness do you suffer from? On a good day, /lit/ is still largely a ragefest without any proper arguments to be seen.

>Shut up before you know what you're talking about

>> No.2962090

For what it's worth, I used to be almost exactly like the average /mu/fag when I was in high school and I pretty much agree with everything you've said.

/mu/ is a cheapened version of musical elitism, though, because it's so fucking automatic and predictable. Pitchfork + Anthony Fantano are actually taken seriously there (and I truly believe that some people who post there have absolutely NO personal metric for what they enjoy) whereas music fags back in the day would look at Pitchfork mostly with suspicion.

>that feel when everything you thought was cool gets packaged nicely, robbed of its discrepancies, and sold as a t-shirt to wear to the next generation

>> No.2962094

>/mu/ respects Pitchfork
That just isn't true.

Also, please stop samefagging.

>> No.2962099

Even if that were true (which it fucking isn't) they respect Anthony Fantano and their favorite album is ITAOTS which is about five times worse.

And ain't nobody samefagging, bitchboy.

>> No.2962101

He isn't samefagging, you idiot. I have a bit more pizazz, cause i'm mad as hell at these threads.

As for a community magazine. ZWG had 9 issues, TAR is up to 18 issues. That is over two years combined.

The reading circle is quite new, but have been tried several times, but they exist.

>> No.2962104

Who the fuck is Anthony Fantano, Harold Bloom for music?

>> No.2962107

>Implying /lit/ publishes TAR

>> No.2962109

Exchange the guy in the op pic, with a pimple faced latino with glasses. Ta-daaa... A youtube trip fag. And now they try to launch some kind of /lit/ variant over here, someone to idolize.

No thanks.

>> No.2962110

Did I say that?
However, fact is that most of the submissions from TAR come from /lit/ and that the magazine was created for this board.

>> No.2962117

Well, say what you like, if you ask me /lit/ is perfectly capable of being shitty on its own, and blaming it on some kind of largescale raid from /mu/ is just pathetic. If you hate it so much, make good threads.

>> No.2962265

he's not remotely as qualified as bloom