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File: 42 KB, 600x399, nook-light2011-08-0422-23-53800-1334254358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2953670 No.2953670[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/'s opinion on e-readers? Are they good? And if so, which one is master race?

>> No.2953676
File: 64 KB, 360x450, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a Kindle 4, enjoy it consciously if it's greatness every day. Don't know if it's master race but it sure is nice. Depends merely on preferences I guess, among the more popular ones I've never heard of a shitty e-reader that people actually hated or something. As long as it reads nicely it's a window into a enormous world of free books. That's what matters.

That said, the Kindle pleases me the most aesthetically speaking. Which is important as well.

>> No.2953688

I just like reading books. But I'm old.

>> No.2953850

anything that let's me carry hundreds of books around in the volume of 1 trade paperback is awesome.

>> No.2953856

Debating on buying a Nook Glowlight or not.

Anyone have it that can tell me if it's worth it?

>> No.2953858

dude, torrent
you can read the worst crap without feeling ripped off

>> No.2953859

Yeah, torrent the books.

But I cant torrent the Nook

>> No.2953862

I have the very very first nook that ever came out. You know the one which ran on android, and featured a capacitance LED display on the bottom?

They fucking SUCKED. Or at least mine did. The touchscreen was gimped, so it would register every click as having been clicked on the left side of the screen.

It made everyday usage a nightmare.

>> No.2953865

I see how that can be a problem

>> No.2953877

The Kindle with a keyboard, I still try to read some books in paper tho

>> No.2953925

Right now I have the nook simple touch.
It fits, just barely, into a jeans pocket.

I can carry it around anywhere and start reading.
The touchscreen is amazing and the design is very intuitive.

You don't need a glowlight seriously.

You can see the text under any light. Who reads in the dark anyway?

My sister has the kindle and she complains a lot about having to buy her books because of the whole DRM thing the kindle has. I just hooked up my nook to my calibre library and transferred everything over.

>> No.2953944

b-but I read in the dark when I can.

>> No.2953961

I have a Sony-something, and I'm so happy about it. English is not my main language, so having a dictionary what pops up every time I tap a word is a real blessing. Plus it's little, contains lots of books, screen is nice and batteries last up to a month. A really great purchase.

>> No.2953980

I bought a Nook touch for $60 and they can be had for as low as $30 if you're smart about it

Nook touch wins on awesome support from the community that turns it into a tablet

Kindle wifi wins on awesome free internet wherever AT&T has service

>> No.2953991

Are those prices from craigslist?

>> No.2954219

I got it from target and it was new

I'm talking about retail prices and kindle is outta the picture if you want it cheap since amazon is the only retailer that can sell it online

>> No.2954404

I just bought a used nook 1st edition. Same as in >>2953862's. But the touch screen on this one is working fine. Yours must have been fucked up. Got it from him for $35. I love it. Sucks to try to read in a dark area, but I'm about to get a little clip on lamp for it. Problem solved.

>> No.2954436

Get a Kobo touch.
Cheap, doesn't have the shitty ad-based UI that the companies tend to push onto ereaders, Kobo listens to their consumer base, updates are regular, it supports a wide variety of formats, has great battery life (I read the entire Dark Tower series plus around 2000 pages on a single charge), support for 32GB MicroSD cards, and even supports cbz if you're into manga/comics.

>> No.2954508

I have an older kobo. It's nice being able to get almost any book for free almost instantly. Paper books are still nicer to read.

>> No.2954568

I like physical books, I refuse to go digital. But i've been thinking of getting one just because of how much money I waste on books I don't read. Pirating would be much simpler.

>> No.2954659

>My sister has the kindle and she complains a lot about having to buy her books because of the whole DRM thing the kindle has

you can pirate ebooks on Kindle no problem.
personally I prefer to pay for books because I believe intellectual property has value.

>> No.2954881

I have the kindle fire and I love it. I had the original nook before that and it was okay. E-ink is nice, but overrated. Also really easy to strip the drm from any ebook and convert it with calibre.

>> No.2954892

you can do the same with the Kindle, but it's definitely not intuitive or noob-friendly

>> No.2955084
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How is it not? I simply open the Kindle as an external harddrive type thing, open the documents folder and drag anything I want into it. Done.

Or at least I did, now I just right-click ebooks on my PC and click "send to kindle" and amazon sends my pirated books to my Kindle via wi-fi. Combine that with the search function and I can get any book from my PC to my Kindle with almost zero effort within a few seconds.

>> No.2955512

I own a Kindle Touch and I just use calibre to transfer them or even calibre to mail them to my Kindle, via wifi.
I agree it's pretty easy. Never tried a Nook though.

>> No.2955530

Sony PRS 650 user. Damn thing's built like a tank. I love a bit of solid metal construction, the Kindle just seems too plastic-y and flimsy.

>> No.2955532
File: 26 KB, 327x368, Kindle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a /lit/ pleb and I am thinking about getting an e reader. Is the Kindle touch any good? That is the one I was thinking about getting. Does glare effect it and is there any kind of lighting in case I want to read in a place that isn't well lit? Since I am a /lit/ pleb I want to read the classics and I was wondering if Gutenberg has a good selection of classics

>> No.2955534

>does glare effect it
Yes, glare brings it into being. It is magic that way.

>> No.2955548

is there any reason you need a touch screen?
because i find it way more comfortable to push buttons on the side of the device instead of having to swipe across the screen with my second hand.

>> No.2955552


Not really I just thought it would be kinda nice

>> No.2955568

It's pretty useful and comfortable for taking notes and consulting the dictionary, at least more so than the K4 non touch.
But your sweaty greasy fingers will leave marks on the screen all the time.

>451 entelrea

>> No.2955573

I don't know if I should get a nook simple touch or nook simple touch with glowlight.

>> No.2955576

i love ereaders i hate the one i have though, kindle touch is a peice of shit.

>> No.2955580


Whats wrong with it?

>> No.2955582

can't handle pdf's, can't handle manga, can't organize books, randomy skips entire chapters if my finger slips, useless browser, ninja turns on its wifi to spy on me and update its shitty ads. on hte plus side it is a e reader and i have 300 books stashed on it.

>> No.2955599

For the lazy pirate the Kobo wins out?

>> No.2955604

Nook is easy mode for pirating. You take the file and drga it into the folder on the nook. It can't get much easier than that.

>> No.2955605
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Unless I need it for a class and/or I can't find the ebook, I generally do not buy physical copies as it's usually much more convenient to just download it, not to mention the fact I pay nothing for it.

If I was given a choice between the two along with instant delivery and zero cost, I wouldn't particularly care if I got digital or physical. It's the content that matters, not the form it takes.

>> No.2955606

I got a Kindle Touch for $50. I'm pleased with the purchase and enjoy using it.

>> No.2955610

From what I've read, I'm beginning to think this is the case and the best course of action for most of us (ie. those that never actually intend to actually purchase an ebook/manga etc.)
Does the Kobo have that nifty dictionary function the Sony readers have? That looks mighty useful...

Also, that glowlight of the Nook looks pretty useful for all those coach/train/plane trips.

I can't wait to get an ereader - all that hassle and wasted space from carrying too many books with me on trips will be over!

Just have to decide on the right machine.

>> No.2955613

>My sister has the kindle and she complains a lot about having to buy her books because of the whole DRM thing the kindle has

I have never bought a book for my Kindle. Not once. All I do is download it and copy/paste it onto the Kindle.

The only DRM to speak of is on books that you buy, that stop you from using it on another Kindle, but this can be stripped with the right programme. So your sister is either meaning this or she's just making shit up to whine about.

>> No.2955616

What about this advert business I keep hearing about?

In my country, there's only the Nook and Kindle for sale (from some third party seller).

Am I mistaken that if one were to turn on the wifi feature, you get spied on and spammed with advertisements?

Or is it just usb cabled into a machine? (for the Nook)

(Looking at the Glow model for those travelling times)

>> No.2955615

Nook is plenty easy too. Its what I have. Calibre will generally throw in a couple of typos when converting to epub and maybe give a little bit of ugly formatting now and then, but its never hurt my enjoyment of a read. And a lot of books have already been converted and edited (or just released in epub format in the first place). Haven't had any problem yet.

As for the nook, I got the plain simple touch (fuck glowlight) and absolutely love it. Have been catching up on a lot of reading now that its so easy to carry around.

>> No.2955617

Or she might just be ignorant to the fact that you can put books from other sources onto it. Its not like these things come with a big manual that tells you how to best pirate ebooks

>> No.2955619
File: 467 KB, 1280x800, Kenzi holds an exe as she prepares to chop away at the layers of global injustice at the hands of investman bankers and giant government-backed companies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody tried rooting a nook glowlight?

>> No.2955623

Maybe, but unless she's never used technology before it should have been pretty obvious.

>> No.2955622

I'm in the same boat as you. I'm looking to purchase an e-reader, but I'm not sure which to get.

I want the nook glowlight because I do alot of reading before bed, but some people say it's not worth the extra $40. The kobo looks nice, but also, I really want the backlight.

I never would have expected how difficult it is to pick an e-reader.

>> No.2955625

It's been a while that I've torrented books - my comp died and I'm using the communal family one (WS boards for me for a while).

So, with the current state of book torrents, what file type are you generally finding your choices in?

>> No.2955627

I borrowed my brothers nook color (the tablet-like nook) and put my own epub files on there and nothing with ads or anything happened. I think the source you heard that from was lying.

>> No.2955631

Nook doesn't have ads. It has a "oh hey read this 10 page exert from this book" but you can disable that from your b+n account. It'll still show you top sellers and such on the main page though.

Kindle has 2 versions. One with ads, and 1 without. The ads take place on the "screen saver", which is a screen it switches over to when the device idles for X minutes. Just to show you that it is 'locked'. The ads kindle version slaps ads up for the screensaver, and I believe maybe in the store it shows and ad bar as well. The no adds version is the same device for like 30 more bucks.

As for nook glow, I read about problems with that. If you lightly dent or scratch the screen (say if you drop your keys onto it from a height of a foot) it will make an extra bright glowing spot that can obscure text when the glowlight is on.

>> No.2955634

>I never would have expected how difficult it is to pick an e-reader.
Yer, tell me about it.

I should just buy one, but this is just the usual pussyfooting before any purchase in which I've had time to put some research into what is the "best buy".

I want a light because I travel quite a bit (try to pick night flights because of the distances involved).

I've heard that the glow model nook is not as sharp as the modern e-ink display and that this is the trade off:

"Whiter" display vs. in-built Lightwedge thingy.

Still... if the Kobo doesn't require calibre use for most of my things, perhaps I could live with an attachable light?

The sony models don't get much play in these threads, I've noticed.

>> No.2955638

99% are PDF, Epub or Mobi. Nook and kindle both read PDF (to varrying degrees of success), nook does epub, kindle does mobi.

For torrents, at least in my experience, you tend to only find major titles, generally all in 1 format or another (1000 book Kindle Formated collections and such). If you go to IRC to get books (which is where I find most of my books), you generally have your choice of format.

If not, there is a program called Calibre. Think of it like itunes for ebooks. It can convert books from one format to another, manage your library, upload to device, etc

>> No.2955645

I should just buy one, but this is just the usual pussyfooting before any purchase in which I've had time to put some research into what is the "best buy"
You are me.

The attachable lights don't really spread the light equally. Which is the problem I have with that.

I don't think the greyer whites on the nook glow are a breaking point. It seems like it would be unnoticeable. But still, it's $40 more.

>> No.2955649

I got mine off of Ebay (not glowlight) and saved 20 bucks. Of course with that came the risk that it wouldn't work and I would be unable to get the manufacturer to replace it (the stores track the SNs of the ones they sell)

>> No.2955653

So does any ebook actually run pdf ,with a zoom function that doesn't have to be set each page ?

>> No.2955655

Kindle and nook handle it differently.

Kindle has a zoom that preserves formatting, but may force you to scroll around (which on eink is a clumsy affair).

Nook lets you increase the size of the font, but it kicks the formatting right in the balls.

Both are imperfect and would be better served if you convert the pdf into their native format

>> No.2955662

I see.

So, both the Kindle and the Nook have to, at some stage, be connected to the internet? Perhaps to sync to Amazon/B&N HQ?

Is it possible to use those devices without any connection to B&N/Amazon at all?

I don't really intend to purchase anything, so the only connection I would like the reader to have would be a cable to a computer purely for transferring the ebooks I already have.

I'd rather not have to have a device that *must sync with B&N/Amazon every time I need to transfer files (oh noes! dey be spying on my illegal book behaviour even though I live in a country that flaunts it's IP violation everywhere!)

But, I would rather like to limit my interaction with both B&N and Amazon to just owning a device with their name on it. (B&N account? Amazon emailing me my own pirated books? What?)

If that's not possible, perhaps Sony or Kobo is better suited to my purposes.

Thank you for your responses.

>> No.2955664

You can run the device fine without an internet connection. You can simply turn off the internet connection so it's offline all the time.

>> No.2955666

Thank you for your response:

So the real issue is mobi or epub. I suppose if one wanted to be safe then Kobo? (I think I've read that it handles both native...?)

(Psst! care to share the name of your IRC channel?)

>> No.2955667

I believe that you HAVE to connect the nook to a B+N account. You do not have to buy anything, just sign up for an account (which you can do directly on the device). But after that, you can turn off the wifi (saves battery anyway) and never take it back online unless you want to.

I'm 50% sure you're forced to sign up on B+N though, but I could be wrong

>> No.2955672

The ad's can easily be dealt with.

>> No.2955673

Ah, got it.

It's just that (obviously) every review/explanation of them assumes ordinary consumer behavior ie. actually buying new ebooks as opposed to picking from the illicit hoard I've accumulated over the years. So, it has been difficult to get info on it from the "underhanded perspective", as it were.

>> No.2955674

But you can just make the account at the B&N if you want. So if you absolutely want to, you don't even have to connect to your own internet ever.

>> No.2955671

You know Amazon is about to release new Kindle models with glowlight, right?
I would wait a little to see their features and how much they'll be if money is not an issue.

The ads can be removed by tinkering with the device or paying an extra $30. I mean, you can buy the ads version and if you don't like them, you can disable them through Amazon.
In older firmwares, you could remove the ads very easily. With the latest one, you have to follow complicated procedure. I tried it and almost bricked my K4NT (I was almost in tears).

The devices are pretty fragile, so a protective cover is a must.
In any case, Amazon does their RMA pretty well. My K4NT's screen broke down and they sent me a new one. Since Customs wrongfully charged me 130 bucks I asked Amazon and they refunded that.
The only problem is you have to interact with people from India that literally don't know what the fuck they're saying and just copy paste templates.

I wish Amazon did that Kobo thing with crazy flexible text options, though.

>> No.2955677

I live in the UK and bought a nook glowlight. It wanted me to register with B+N, but wouldn't let me because I don't have a US credit card. So I went in through the OOBE function (this is done by tapping a few buttons to bypass registration) and used it for a few weeks before rooting it and adding my own custom software and layout.

So, yes. You can quite easily use a nook without having a B+N account.

>> No.2955682

>I wish Amazon did that Kobo thing with crazy flexible text options, though.

That is one very discernible plus I can see with the Kobo.

Problem for me is that device would have to come from overseas as only the Kindle and Nook (And the Sony Prs-t1 and Prs-t2 which I here NOTHING around here).

Easier for me to stick with either the Nook or Kindle in order to mitigate the usual customs fiasco one has to deal with when living where I live.

>> No.2955685

How is the Nook glowlight? Is it worth the money?

And is the screen as fragile as people say.

>> No.2955700

at the end of the day, text is text and really your experience is going to be based on WHAT you are reading, not if its on a screen or a a piece of paper.

personally i got a kindle 4 for christmas, they only cost like 65 quid/dollars and can fit a small library on them. they arent backlit but use e ink so the screen is as close to a paperback page as possible and since the 25th of december ive read about 2 or 3 novels a week, purely because i have a library in my pocket i can get out when waiting for a kettle to boil, or on a bus or whatever.

-That and being able to torrent a book that day its out and get it for free and instantly to read is fucking incredible if you have no problem with piracy.

I still love me a large musty tome, but for one the go stuff you cannot beat just a cheap e reader with a nice screen that holds lots of books at once.

>> No.2955707
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>How is the Nook glowlight? Is it worth the money?
Yeah it's quite good. My gf has a kindle touch, so I can compare both, and honestly the nook is much better. I have more memory, longer battery(if I don't use the light), can read in the dark, refresh rate is higher so pages load faster. I have rooted mine, so I am running custom software that I tweaked from xda. I can now view 40 thumbnails of my library per page, browse the interwebs, highlight and google, autoscroll (although that gives me a headache) and install any android app.

>And is the screen as fragile as people say.
I haven't had any problems with mine. I have seen some pics of people hitting theirs with things, or dropping heavy stuff onto it, and it seems that if you whack it you can have problems when the light is on - like a shiny bright spot. This only seems to be when using the light, the screen itself is just as sturdy as the kindle, but if you whack any ereader hard enough you're going to have problems, unless you have a wexler (pic related).

>> No.2955715

Well, someone upthread mentioned that if the overscreen thingy is subject impact it can cause light to "pool" in that area.

Either way, with any ereader perhaps it's best to keep it in one of those flip cases to protect the screen.

>> No.2955719

>few weeks before rooting it and adding my own custom software and layout.
I shall assume that there are sites out there explaining how this can be done etc.

What benefit is there to rooting a Nook? Would you recommend this to someone else who is not in the US and doesn't intend to purchase books from B/N?

What I mean to ask is, is rooting that ereader one of those "mandatory" actions for such users?

>> No.2955720
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>Not waiting for the EPD flex from LG.

>> No.2955725

I think im getting the nook glow light I hope its good

>> No.2955729

Me too. Good luck with your purchase bro.

>> No.2955727

>wexler flex

Where can you even get one of those? All I'm getting are Russian sites, and honestly I prefer my track record from western european/Japanese/American and British online sellers.

>> No.2955731

Are you the other "pussyfooter"?
Is that your final decision?

Sure you might not change it in the morning....? ;)

>> No.2955734


just placed my order no going back

>> No.2955733

Pretty much this.

>> No.2955743
File: 34 KB, 400x514, nook-glow-rooted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rooting just means to gain full access to the programming so you can tinker and do what you like. You're basically turning it into a tablet. I have my android phone rooted too, it's the same as 'jailbreaking' an iphone.

It's very simple to do. You create a system back up of your existing nook to replace if you fuck it up, download a program and go through an install process. If you understand programming you can do whatever you want, if you don't you can install android apps and browsers, and custom themes/skins.

there is a site called xda-developers which will tell you everything you need to know. I installed the software for the simple touch, then added the light function, although I think they have one specifically for the glowlight now.

>> No.2955746

What Sony model do you have?

>> No.2955748

I'm the other pussyfooter and I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. I think I'll go with the glowlight.

>> No.2955747

Although I've managed to stifle buyers remorse, I wonder, Pussyfoot, have you?

>> No.2955757

Ah. Thank you.

>You create a system back up of your existing nook to replace if you fuck it up,

This is good to know as one of my anxieties concerning this was that if I screwed it up or if it developed some physical fault or something and I needed to return it to the retailer for repair that I wouldn't be able to return it to some semblance of its original state (software wise). Although, they probably have some way of telling that it's been rooting or something.

I suppose then it's best to use it for a fortnight or so to make sure it's solid and then, if the inclination is yours, to root it?

>> No.2955770

Ah! So the real Pussyfoot reveals himself.
Other pussyfoot here - I'm thinking Nook Glow now too if this UK anon's talk of rooting etc., are anything to go buy.

I don't think I can be bothered waiting for Amazon's glow thing and the Kobo has to be ordered in from who knows where....

Plus I have to go to Burma next week and I NEED MAH COLLECTED WERKS. (it's only a short flight, but still, it's a night flight and I really am digging that built-in lightwedge thingy)

>> No.2955780
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>> No.2955784

Yeah man, the nook glowlight looks neat. But I'll be having second thoughts about it until I actually buy it like with everything.

>> No.2955796

>But I'll be having second thoughts about it until I actually buy it like with everything.
and then, after all's said and done:


Same old story, every damn time.

>> No.2955800

Amen to that, brother. The only problem I have left to get over is the greyer whites compared to the non-glow simple touch.

>> No.2955813

I've read the thread but i still don't know which is master race for pirated books.
Easy reading at home, wat do.

>> No.2955816

>The only problem I have left to get over is the greyer whites compared to the non-glow simple touch.
It is the trade off.

But, as I once read on here sometime the Nook glow basically has the same look as the previous gen of e-ink screens.

You could think of it as having an older machine + a light.

I almost got one of those machines of the previous gen. But pussyfooting stopped me in my tracks then and to think I could have been reaping the benefits of e-reading for the past 3.5 years.

I think I'll just bite the bullet and get the fucking glowing shit.

>> No.2955820

Kobo for casual easy reading at home, hands down. >>2955813

>> No.2955824

Kobo is easiest, from what I can glean, as they aren't explicitly tied to a book chain with DRM crap.
Still don't know enough about Sony.

But really, it appears that it doesn't matter which one you get; if the kindle it's just a few extra steps.

Perhaps the best philosophy is to just get the cheapest one - I mean, how long do you expect to keep it anyway? A couple of years, max.

>> No.2955829

>Kobo for casual easy reading at home, hands down.

Does that mean that it's not good for intense reading OUTside the house?

Is there any reason for your assertion?

>> No.2955827

Yeah me too. Goodluck, pussyfootbro.

>> No.2955831

>I've read the thread but i still don't know which is master race for pirated books.

If you root the device it can handle any format.

>> No.2955834

Good point, thanks for the help mate.
/lit/ should make an ebook infographic to upload to these threads while telling them to save the photo and delete the thread. It'd help with ending this threads at least until the infopic needs to be updated.
>inb4 you do it
I can't into photoshop

>> No.2955838

Kindle is good I have the silver light one it whatever it's called. As a English literature ugrad, it's solid and cheap to get masses of books.
Problem I have is that mine doesn't have a keyboard making it a pain to write notes on sections your reading whereas on normal books you can simply write on the page.

>> No.2955839

Yes other factors get in, how light it is to travel with, how small it is to carry on person, if it has a glare if the sun is strong outside.
Casual reading at home removes all those variables that would otherwise make or break a purchase, in my opinion.

>> No.2955841

I could've sworn I've seen one floating around the place. Then again, I save so many of those things, whether relevant to my interests or not, that I can't rightly remember - not that I'd be able to find it again in the mess that is my 4chan folder, anyway.

>> No.2955848

So, "The Kobo" (whichever one it is we/you/I am referring to) doesn't handle the great outdoors as well as.... whatever.

Small factors like screen glare I suppose would be quite annoying, come to think of it.

Any of those with the Nook Glow care to comment of glare?

>> No.2955859

>not that I'd be able to find it again in the mess that is my 4chan folder

That feel is known.

I even create countless folders where I drag shit from google to use, then make a new one when it's to full and I end up rooting around for ages just looking for a pic. I start to amass thousands of pictures, then end up deleting the whole lot every few months when I have a laptop spring clean.

>> No.2955864

If you don't have the affliction of chronic thread-saving, it's all good.

>> No.2955874

>Any of those with the Nook Glow care to comment of glare?

The glow-worm is fine in strong sunlight, it has a coarse matt screen that wont reflect anything.

>> No.2955899

>If you don't have the affliction of chronic thread-saving, it's all good.

For the past year I have had a word document open and C+V useful posts and links, it has about 15,000 words, but I have yet to read through it.

>> No.2955913

>but I have yet to read through it.
And you probably never will. Or if you do, it'll be with a "why did I save this again? What context? Huh?"

I know tf.

>> No.2955945

Nook rooting:

Dunno how legit this is - it was just something my local retailer had on their Nook sale page lol

>> No.2955982
File: 102 KB, 928x600, kindle-touch-paperwhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amazon is about to reveal a new kindle called the paperwhite on sep 6th. So i'd wait for that. its supposed to have a new high contrast screen that isnt gray like current e-readers. We'll see soon..

>> No.2955987


>mfw I just bought the nook glow light
>mfw I should have pussyfooted some more

>> No.2955990

I think the grey is nice. Provided a gentle contrast instead of an aggressive one, much like yellow old paper.

>> No.2955997

Damnit, this only complicates things. for me.

>> No.2955998

Too bad both Kindle and Nook are trying to be everything but a goddamned ereader.
Shit, I just want to read books and have a lot of file compatibility, is that too much to ask? No, I don't want to browse the internet or buy books on the fly or connect to facebook or get images or whatever. I have a computer for that.

>> No.2955999
File: 90 KB, 800x480, nokia+3310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you buy will be outdated in a few years. I got pissed off for buying pic related instead of waiting for the new motorola. This year I am pissed off for buying a HTC desire HD, instead of waiting for the samsung galaxy s3

>> No.2956000
File: 153 KB, 650x650, 1346166433139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some form of the word pussyfoot has been used 13 times in this thread

>> No.2956007

You are a chimp shelling out money to whatever.

>> No.2956010

the kindle ereaders have always remained simple though. the add on features never got in the way of reading. But i think the Nook's OS is horrible, and the fact that it forces you to register the device or else its unusable turned me off. Kindles +1

>> No.2956014

I have never seen a chimp spend money. Plus, what else am I going to do with it, It keeps piling up in my bank account?

>> No.2956015

>and the fact that it forces you to register the device or else its unusable turned me off

Confirmed for just joining thread.

>> No.2956020
File: 51 KB, 510x342, ratbike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what doesn't really have this? Good ole desktop computers. The progress is much more fluid and you can just jam things in there as you move along. Like a rat bike.

>> No.2956025

This is the phone I'm still using today. Not even making this up. RIP Nokia.

>> No.2956103

Stick to your guns, pussyfoot!

>> No.2956331

Another pussyfoot reporting in.

Is that actually on the market?

>> No.2956336

Son, there is a giant ebook thread here >>2953670

The general consensus seems to be a rooted nook glowlight is the best option. Longest battery life, highest memory, can read any format, can be read in the dark, and can be fully customized.

>> No.2956341

Why the fuck is my post here, I posted it in another thread? Stupid 4chan.

>> No.2956344

>Plus, what else am I going to do with it, It keeps piling up in my bank account?
Please tell me you're trolling.

>> No.2956355

>Calibre will generally throw in a couple of typos when converting to epub

From which format? PDF maybe (as that's basically OCR-scanning), but from mobi or html it's impossible for Calibre to "generate" typos

>> No.2956358

It does this sometimes. Changing fonts doesn't make it go either.

�Incredible things are happening in the world,� he said to �sula.

>> No.2956363

Like this? http://oldbugs.calibre-ebook.com/ticket/4708

Looks like a super-old bug, should be fixed

>> No.2956379

Not this guy >>2956358, but this bug is not fixed. It happens with some books, not sure why and no idea how to fix it.

Perhaps we're discussing 2 different bugs, but I don't see the strange symbols on Calibre, but on the Kindle they do appear.

>> No.2956380

Get a Nook Simple Touch (with or without Glowlight), OP.

I bought a Nook Glow a few months ago. Immediately rooted it and it's a fully functional Android tablet. I can read any format book (I use CoolReader), play Chess, I even read my news on it daily with RSS feeds. I hear Calibre has a news function but I don't feel like setting it up.

It's wonderful to have full control over the thing, OP. Battery life is amazing. The light is good, not wonderful. Worth the money for sure, and you can't lose it.

I just can't read poetry on it! Gotta buy text for that.

[fuck kindles]

>> No.2956416
File: 120 KB, 760x1140, IMAG0085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it...its not like i want to read ebooks on you or anything

>> No.2956423

I pirated 10,000 books off pirate bay.

It was the best day ever.

>> No.2957674

Concerning the Nook Glow Light:

Just how fragile is the screen?

I've read some disconcerting things on the web about how a small nick or scratch can make the light screw up in that area.

I don't know how much of it is from amazonian shills: some faggot blogger who dropped his keys on the screen to prove how it's not so sturdy - but, he wasn't the first and only one to have cracks, scratches and impact marks.

Any Nook Glow owners, that take reasonable care of their shit, have any problems to report?

>> No.2958301


>> No.2958321

I dropped my keys on my screen from a good distance and there's a tiny little scratch in the screen. The light hits the scratch/crack and lights it up, but it's not really that noticeable. It's really easy to ignore. Just don't drop anything on the screen. Or get the protection plan.

>> No.2958350
File: 26 KB, 500x388, rooted-nook-glow1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw rooted nook glowlight

>> No.2958359
File: 36 KB, 520x390, nook_rooted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I now get distracted from reading because I can play playstation games on my rooted nook glow-worm.

>> No.2958376

>black and white gaming

>> No.2958419

>not appreciating the ye olde daguerreotype gaming parlor

>> No.2958427
File: 44 KB, 400x354, 29573d1233207979t-my-old-1989-classic-grey-game-boy-gb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black and white gaming

>> No.2958434

love my kindle touch, like an ipod of books.

>> No.2958440

Doesn't an e-ink display die (degrade) faster because of shit like that? I mean, the screen must refresh like crazy.

>> No.2958484

That's green and black you idiot.

>> No.2958497

No, the screen wouldn't die. As long as the CPU can handle it, your only worry is draining the battery.

>> No.2958748

Can we get one of these e-reader threads stickied.