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2954174 No.2954174 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2954181

What about the rapists?

>> No.2954189

C'mon son. This is on /tv/, too. Go back to >>>/b/ or something.

>> No.2954190

Don't support him.

>> No.2954192

Women act slutty, dress like whores, french kiss other girls at parties to show off, send nude pics of themselves on cell phones, post nude pics on the internet, etc, etc, etc, then complain to men about RAPE CULTURE.

Go fuck yourselves and take some personal responsibility.

>> No.2954196
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Stop being a jerk.

>> No.2954201
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Stop doing all this!

>> No.2954204

Just just.

>> No.2954213
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>> No.2954220

>setting fire to her

damn. was good til there.

>> No.2954227


>refusing her money

that's actually on the list.

>> No.2954234
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>Refusing to have sex with her
>Sending her unwanted gifts
>Making her polish the soles of his shoes
>Making her put things back in an exact order
>Making her lick the dinner plates clean
>Keeping her misinformed about he entitlements
>Behaving unpredictably

>> No.2954235


As is "incurring debts and expecting her to pay them"

>> No.2954240
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>Refusing to have sex with her
>Refusing her money
>Telling her she is mad
>Telling her her reactions are irrational

Okay, seriously what.

>> No.2954241

Rape is always wrong, but if you're walking around downtown, drunk, unarmed, all by yourself, in a dark alley way... well... not saying you had it coming, but what did you expect?

>> No.2954248

>Ignoring her


>> No.2954261

>Refusing to have sex with her
>Telling stories about how you have hurt others
So I assume telling your kids war stories is out of the question...
>Sending her unwanted gifts
Oh sure, she didn't want the diamond ring, but is that abuse?
>Swearing at her
At all times, or what?
>Criticize her in public

>> No.2954293

>Driving dangerously whilst she is in the car

lol, lost it there.

>> No.2954294

What the fuck. You're saying that we should advocate "don't get raped" instead of "don't rape." What the fuck kind of logic is that?

>> No.2954295

>getting sidetracked by that ridiculous list that nobody ever references or uses.

>> No.2954300

its called responsibility, independence and preparation.
something a woman like you might not be able to understand.

>> No.2954303

Sounds to me like he's advocating using common sense and to quit being a victim.

>> No.2954313

>eliminate 'rape culture'
>average man no longer harbours rape ideations or whatever
>average man is a doubleplusgood feminist
>bethany feels safe at last
>bethany dresses like a complete slut and walks around a ghetto at 3AM
>bethany gyrates her cooter at a grizzled hobo whose eyes look in different directions and who is mumbling to himself
>bethany gets raped because even perfect societies with no anti-feminist thoughtcrime have outliers

you can have both 'don't get raped' and 'don't rape'

>> No.2954316



>> No.2954321

Not really. The whole "rape culture" argument has to do with the fact that people like you argue in favor of a culture where we must prepare against atrocities rather than fundamentally disarm them in the first place.

Of course, the reality is that we can't get rid of rape or murder all together without some kind of thought control or heavy policing so I don't really know where the fuck the argument goes from here.

>> No.2954337

>Advocating "Don't Rape"

Yeah, I'll advocate that after I finish "Don't murder" and "Don't steal". People are going to rape you, whether you like it or not. You should take measures to make sure it doesn't happen to you. Easy.

>> No.2954341

>that awkward moment /sci/ tries to discuss feminism
>that awkward moment every day for the rest of your life

>> No.2954350


You seriously believe this? This kind of belief is not an ideology at all, just an indication that you can't view women outside of their sexuality. Protip: every woman exists outside of her sexuality. You're saying that simply EXISTING is a crime if you're a woman.

Feminism doesn't "blame men" either. Feminism blames masculinity. The majority of mainstream feminists believe that men can be conscientious and respectful human beings, and that it is a culture of unnatural hypermasculinity and objectification that leads men to commit atrocious acts of violence, sexual or otherwise.

>> No.2954351

that's still theft tho

>> No.2954354

Regarding the whole "Dressed like a slut, 3 AM, ghetto" scenario, I just want to make sure I'm clear about something.

You're not implying that the rapist's punishment should be mitigated, right? We're in agreement that his sentence shouldn't be cut down any, no matter how little she wore or what hour it was, right?

>> No.2954363

lol how are men getting punished

the fact that you can't submit women to your will is hardly punishmen

>> No.2954364
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Why the fuck wouldn't you punish a rapist for raping someone? Her being an idiot doesn't mitigate "RAPE = X YEARS IN PRISON" as a social and legal custom.

>> No.2954369

Yeah, of course. The point of that is, if you're going to lower your defenses, do it responsibly and safely.

>> No.2954370

Is it that same "culture of unnatural hypermasculinity and objectification" that leads women to commit atrocious acts of violence, sexual or otherwise?

>> No.2954372

>You're saying that simply EXISTING is a crime if you're a woman.

lol jesus christ are you even capable of logical thinking or rational thinking?

Can you grasp that the world does not work in the way you think it does and noone in the fucking world cares about your feelings or thinking? And that noone else is going to step in to protect you from rapists when you dress and act like a retarded whore?

You claim to be "equal", you claim to be independent and responsible, fucking act and think like it then.

>> No.2954380
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>> No.2954391

> You're saying that simply EXISTING is a crime if you're a woman.

Nobody said it was a crime to exist as a woman, they just said that it's obviously risky to walk down a dark alley at night.

>Feminism blames masculinity

But masculinity is not some objective universal term, it could extend to include anything ranging from respect, virtue, brotherhood, and strength to the archetypal Marlboro Man asshole.

>> No.2954392

In 2010, 91.9 percent of rape or sexual assault victims were female.


Keep in mind the amount of unreported rapes (very high). Most of the other rapes are man on man. Statistically there are very, very few female rapists.

As for the other kind of violence, come on, look at history, don't be stupid.

>> No.2954408

"Not a lot" isn't the same as "none." The fact still remains that there are female rapists and murderers and so on, so what incites them if not the culture?

>> No.2954417

>masculinity is not some objective universal term

I'm not going to get into this. No word is objective or whatever. What I would say in response is that by masculinity, I mean the archetypal sexual symbol of masculinity. Dominant, highly sexual, predatory. No man truly embodies this, instead he possesses it in various degrees. The same is true of femininity. These are archetypal constructs that have been shaped over time, and are being defined as such because they help to illustrate a social dynamic.

>> No.2954418
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>Feminism doesn't "blame men"

>> No.2954424

Your thinking is diseased, if women cannot fend for themselves then you should rely on men for protection.

This is what brings society together, you wish to tear these bonds apart. The resulting rape and violence is caused by yourself.

>> No.2954428


If you could please list, or preferably, quote some widely recognized feminist thinkers or works that "blame men" (using "men" in the biological sense of the word i.e. someone born with a penis), I'd be interested in reading them and discussing the points that they make.

>> No.2954430

What's wrong with being highly sexual? And what about people who like to be dominated sexually? Are you protecting them from what they want?

>> No.2954431

Women can fend for themselves. We aren't fucking cavemen. Not sure if you were made aware, but women can get jobs now, which generally means that they make income. Income, in the modern era, can be used to buy an array of goods, including, but not limited to, all of the essentials of life.

>> No.2954434

considering they complain endlessly of violence from men, clearly they cannot fend for themselves, idiot.

Also you only get jobs because of affirmative action.

finally, look at how "crazy" women tend to be nowadays, this is a direct result of your "we're equal" thinking which goes directly against biological realities and tendencies.

>> No.2954435

> don't know how to look at women my age without feeling like I might be making them uncomfortable
> don't watch pornography because I have no idea what anything depicted even feels like
> I'm apparently still a supporter of rape culture

Fuck. Everything. I see women at my campus go out and sleep with guys that use them solely for sexual gratification, but they get lauded by women while I, a guy who just tries to keep his head down and my ears open, am told countless times that I'm one step away from rape as I live a romantically lonely life.

>> No.2954438

He's clearly talking about fending for yourselves in a situation where you are being physically imposed upon, not getting a fucking job.

>> No.2954443

Everyone in this thread is an idiot

>> No.2954440

I think that this is a very interesting argument. I would say that these people should be able to enter into that contract on their own terms though. There is a reason it is referred to as a "rape fantasy." It is a fantasy. The reality of rape is often much less attractive, and much more traumatic.

Basically, even fantasies of violation require a level of agreement. No one should impose or assume violent desires on another.

>> No.2954445

what does that even mean... stop fapping?

fuck offffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.

>> No.2954447

Can someone tell me what in the fuck an 'RMA' is? I see the term absolutely spewed in every non-4chan discussion about feminism. From what I gather, it's a derogatory term for a male who disagrees with a feminist.
Whenever I try to ask on feminist discussions elsewhere people just treat me derisively and call me an RMA.

>> No.2954449

>finally, look at how "crazy" women tend to be nowadays

What the fuck are you talking about? Some of you men's rights faggots have interesting points and then you fuck it all up with nonsense like this.

>> No.2954451


>> No.2954452

I'd like to suggest that these viewpoints are less based off an understanding of the world around oneself, and more so a fantasy that coincides with your poorly adjusted misogyny.

>> No.2954453

You are the one who wishes people would behave entirely different so you wouldn't have consequences for your actions or decisions.

>> No.2954457

can't wait to become a janitor and get rid of threads like this.

>> No.2954458


I believe you mean MRA, for Men's Rights Associations. While they hold interesting points, they're also full of idiots that pull the same kind of shit as the worst feminists, meaning that they hardly ever represent a middle ground over fringe ideals.

>> No.2954459

>The so-called granting of equal rights to women, which Marxism demands, in reality does not grant equal rights but constitutes a deprivation of rights, since it draws the woman into an area in which she will necessarily be inferior. The woman has her own battlefield. With every child that she brings into the world, she fights her battle for the nation.

discuss this

>> No.2954461


lol i'd like to see how you would "fend for yourself" against a drunk construction worker with a knife

you couldn't

>> No.2954462
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>> No.2954466

Ah, thanks.
It seems that most of these radical feminists use the term whenever they're tired of blaming the Big Bad Patriarchy.

There is no middle ground for non-extremists on the internet, though. We're all caught in the middle, called MRAs by the feminists, and feminazis by the anti-feminists.

>> No.2954468

There isn't much substance to that quote. It's kind of just some assertions about stuff out of any kind of context

>> No.2954471

People make jokes about death in dark humor all the time. Murder, cancer, it goes in everything from Stand Up, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, and Douglas Adams.
If we can make fun of death, why not rape?

>> No.2954472

The growing stupidity of feminism online is the result of more middle class women going to college than boys and misinterpreting the Marxist identity politics they're taught as an excuse to act the victim while being bourgeoisie scum.

These idiots don't know real oppression.

>> No.2954474

>I would say that these people should be able to enter into that contract on their own terms though
>No one should impose or assume violent desires on another.

I agree, but who's to say they are being imposed or assumed?

You said that feminism blames masculinity, and then defined masculinity as being highly sexual and dominant, and then went on to agree that people should be free to be with highly sexual and dominant people if they like, so I'm not sure where that leaves us?

>> No.2954482

I get pissed off when commercials tell me to wear a seat belt because they could be telling people not to text while driving and I'm incapable of distinguishing between pragmatic advice and moral judgments.

Anyways be back later. I'm off to spread the word about how all kinds of driving behavior I dislike should be considered a DUI.

>> No.2954484

B-but that's our fucking point? We wouldn't put ourselves in a situation where we couldn't defend against ourselves in the first place? We're not crying for a whole reorchestration of society.

>> No.2954485


Women can choose to enter into a rape fantasy if they want. I've had girlfriends where we acted out rape. But they are not looking to be traumatized, they are looking for a lack of sexual control. Rape fantasies should be consensual, obviously.

>> No.2954491

First off "we"? A lot of guys get mugged and killed. What are you even talking about.

>> No.2954498

then don't get into a situation where its 1 v 1 with a drunk construction worker.
Or carry a gun which is legal in God Blessed USA.

There is a womans place in society and a mans place. You wish to leave the womans place and join the man's place, and then complain when you cannot manage it.

>> No.2954501
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And 10% of the population is theorized to be homosexual and yet we still advocate for them. Men are not the only instigators of violence in the world and ignoring that fact only makes it harder on the victims of that violence. You can look at history and say men caused all wars, but that will only be true because women didn't lead nations and didn't fight in armies. I had a violent shitty mother, I know a little bit about violent women, and let me tell you that my father was so afraid of my mother that he would avoid her at all costs. He had no one to turn to because people like you think that men are the only source of violence in the world. Fuck you, for my fathers sake.

>> No.2954502

I agree. I think encouraging women to carry guns is positive.

>> No.2954503

Agreed, so your point is that masculinity has its place, but shouldn't be imposed on anyone, correct? I can agree with that.

>> No.2954510


I keep my head down. I don't really worry that women ignore me, it's just odd to find that I become the target for their anti-rape culture spiels because I don't actively ignore them with my actions. But please, continue to assume that I go online and complain about bitches and whores, when my point was that these messages are missing their targets.

>> No.2954512

Why is half of this thread dedicated to this "dark alley" scenario? Aren't most reported rapes of the non-physical date rape form?

Can people even fit into most alleys?

>> No.2954515

Oops, non-violent, not non-physical.

>> No.2954516


>other people have negative experiences
>I don't
>those people must be stupider than me

>> No.2954517

those non-violent date "rape" is what we are talking about when we say women bring it upon themselves by acting/dressing like whores

>> No.2954519

so are there any anti-feminists posts here that aren't overly emotional strawman arguments that i can address?

>> No.2954529


Because it makes people uncomfortable to talk about how most people know their rapists. It makes many feminists feel uncomfortable to talk about how rapists are being given a never-ending line of almost-willing victims, because it's hard to tell themselves that the men they are attracted to when they feel most vulnerable could be the most likely to hurt them. It's hard for many non-feminist males to discuss this, because it makes the rapist seem a lot less like some strange subspecies, and more like a potential within anyone.
And so people continue to advocate for useless things, all while the most vulnerable people in our society are basically told that they can do nothing preventive to do anything.

>> No.2954526

seems to me you're just looking for an excuse to blame them

"dressing like whores" just means they want to look attractive for consensual sex, not to be raped. what you're implying isn't actually an argument

>> No.2954528

>i put on a low cut dress because why not
>i deserve to be raped

uh huh.

>> No.2954530

>wear clothing that shows lots of skin
>go to a bar
>get drunk
>go home with a stranger

>> No.2954537


i bet the story you're describing rarely ever happens

>> No.2954541
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Yeah women aren't cavewomen anymore so maybe they should act like it. Modern feminism treats women like babies who can't fend for themselves and need society to stop hurting them. The world needs more hard-edged masculinity from both women and men. I mean seriously are we even arguing about a specific thing anymore? All you're saying is "masculinity is bad" and what we're saying is "no it fucking isn't shut up". I don't support rape in any form, however routine admiring of women's bodies is not supporting rapists and even if it manages to convince a rapist that hurting a women is okay (which is a huge assumption that such a process occurs in a rapists mind by itself) I don't accept responsibility for that person's delusions and neither should you. I think added education about why rape is bad is a good thing but this whole rape culture crap is popular feminists taking and running with a good idea to a ludicrous extreme.

>> No.2954542

It's a shame that any solid arguments will always be ruined by these silly references to a "man's place" and a "woman's place" because a few bros decided to take everything they read in an evol. psychology book as 100% scientific fact.

You like capitalism? Fine, but at least smarten up to the fact that what's marketed as "science" in a highly competitive mixed market is not necessarily going to be actual science.

>> No.2954543

Kind of weird how it doesn't matter how much skin a man shows, he will most probably never be raped.

>> No.2954548

maybe because.... men and women are different?

>> No.2954550

If women were brought up to believe that men were weak and defenseless and men acted accordingly, you'd see it happening a fuck of a lot more.

>> No.2954552

>Modern feminism treats women like babies
>The world needs more hard-edged masculinity from both women and men.
>I don't support rape in any form
i doubt it
>however routine admiring of women's bodies is not supporting rapists
how are you sure?
>I think added education about why rape is bad is a good thing
>this whole rape culture crap
it's the same thing except one isn't twisted into something it isn't by anti-feminists. where do you get your shit from? your idea of "modern feminists" is probably what /v/ tells you it is and you never see an unbiased representation of what "modern feminists" are

>> No.2954553

If you would please cite the examples of feminist thought that you find objectionable, I think it would help me address your statement. In fact, describing Feminism as a cohesive movement is very problematic to begin with when you consider how diverse thinkers that go under the moniker of Feminism are.

>> No.2954556

Would you walk into a lion cage and not expect to get mauled? It's just smart not to get black out/sloppy drunk or carry a self defense weapon. For both men and women. Don't rape education is a smart idea as well, but people are still going to do it so it pays to be wary if you want to avoid these things. That's the core of it.

>> No.2954557

wow great response

so the problem then lies with what people are learning from their culture as they grow up. are you a feminist? because you sound like one

>> No.2954561

so men are untamed animals that need to be caged. nice

>> No.2954562

Nope, many feminists address this issue frequently in their writing. Paglia, Butler, hooks, Dworkin etc.

>> No.2954563


I don't want women to get raped. As much as I'd love to find a way for sex to only occur with consent, I, as a male, also realize that there are dark members of my gender that will stoop to horrific acts in order to feel power. Furthermore, I, as a male, know what sets off my interest in sexual relations with women, and can draw similarities between my interests and those of other men. Lastly, I know my physical abilities, and can look at my environment to guess where I, or another male of similar build, could most easily force myself upon someone.
No, the "showing skin = imminent rape" idea is not right, but there are behaviours that some women partake in that make them easier victims. I will not keep quiet about what women can do to keep themselves from harm, just as I won't allow myself or anyone I know to commit acts of rape.

>> No.2954566

what insights, thanks for your input

It always confused me why people on 4chan tried to act like tough guys whenever rape came up, while also getting rather upset over the friendzone.

At the same time I doubted the extent to which I could understand the point of view of women who feel like sexual prey.

I guess we all just need to accept the power of our sexual impulses (and desire for dominance) and take responsibility for them, in order to control ourselves. Both men and women are sexually motivated, and both men and women can be sexually and personally irresponsible.

I think if we could all accept that this is a particularly soft spot for the animals that we are, we could see more protest for sexual responsibility in which both sexes can proudly partake, in which no one is demonized for being a sexually motivated man or condemned for being a sexually motivated woman.

>> No.2954570

As a man, I'm pretty uncomfortable with the comparison between men and lions. I don't know where you stand on this, but I believe that men are not animalistic predatory sexually traumatic machines

>> No.2954567

no, women need to be caged, for their own protection, since you are obviously not capable of fending for yourself.

>> No.2954569

The point of t hat scenario is to highlight the fact that most rape cases involve women lowering their defenses. They walked down an alley at night, they went to a college party full of guys they didn't know and got plastered. The point of it to drive home the point that women should try to not put themselves in dangerous situations and not to cry foul when they do.

>> No.2954571

There's no point playing the blame game, you just need to acknowledge cause and effect. If a woman dresses provocatively she is more likely to get raped, if she gets raped it isn't her fault for dressing provocatively but if she wants to minimize the chance of getting raped she should wear pants.

>> No.2954573


I said "many feminists," not "most." Believe me, I realize that (gasp!) there are strong strains of thought within groups formed under the banner of feminism that address this. But the feminism that finds itself most represented on the street and in a campus club is the kind that almost actively works to ignore that women stay with their abusers. Unfortunately, there is a disconnect between many academic feminists and some of the prominent ones on the streets. My post was describing my thoughts as to why this disconnect occurs.

>> No.2954574

Many women are raped by family members.

>> No.2954575

your analogy suggests otherwise

i'm a woman?

>> No.2954572

>there are behaviours that some women partake in that make them easier victims

the problem is 4chan seems to think these situations are the only ones that lead to rape. they have an idea of how the rape occurred before even learning anything about it. to further the problem, it becomes the only situation that is discussed when rape comes up. it's really limiting and manipulative so it's best to identify this before you get caught in stupid debate traps that get you talking about things you shouldn't even be addressing in the first place

>> No.2954577

>most rape cases
i take it you've seen statistics to back this up? i'd like for you to present those same statistics to me now

>> No.2954579

The vast majority of stranger rapes are done by non-whites, but i'll bet you are in favor of multi-culti and immigration, no?

>> No.2954580

> If a woman dresses provocatively she is more likely to get raped

this is not verified

>> No.2954582

I think it's disingenuous to say that everybody equates the dark alley scenario with getting plastered at a college party full of guys you don't know.

Women should be allowed to get fucked up at parties just like men. Is it putting yourself in a lot of danger? Yes, but that's the problem. If we just keep saying, "oh, well, she should have expected that to happen" instead of "what the fucking fuck why did you think it was okay to take advantage of that drunk girl?" then we're never going to get anywhere.

>> No.2954585

the vast majority of stranger-rapes are done by men. i fail to see your point

>> No.2954586

I think you're talking about people misrepresenting themselves as feminist. If someone said "I am a Marxist" but espoused and engendered nothing but capitalist ideas, they would be considered a capitalist. Arguing against misinformed people who misrepresent their ideological backgrounds is not a very productive game

>> No.2954590

lol oh wow

So you literally think women should be able to do whatever they want and be coddled by everyone else?

>> No.2954588


> the problem is 4chan seems to think these situations are the only ones that lead to rape.
Well, I tried to mention some ideas about how most rapes occur between familiar parties, but instead of pursuing that angle, you seem to have decided to disagree with me because some feminists have already discussed this issue.
You basically keep boxing yourself in to alleyway and nightclub scenarios, possibly because you're familiar with the arguments to use for these over how to deal with rape within relationships?
Come on, let's step outside the comfortable box and really discuss rape.

>> No.2954592

maybe you have me confused with someone else

>> No.2954597

This is what we call a strawman

>> No.2954598

>are you a feminist? because you sound like one

I've never identified myself as one, but I sympathize with some of their causes, sure.

>> No.2954599

people in general should be able to do what they want and not be in any danger at the hands of other human beings. you disagree?

>> No.2954603

>So you literally think women should be able to do whatever they want and be coddled by everyone else?

No, I said that they should be allowed to get fucked up at parties like men without the fear of being raped.

>> No.2954604


Oh god yes. Women don't need to be protected by anything. They should be able to protect themselves as men are expected to. Women should be able to take a punch and not have men come to her aid when she was the aggressor. Treating people like they deserve extra protection is just another form of misogny.

As in people who take personal responsibility for their actions and don't spend all day whining on blogs.

>I doubt it
Go fuck yourself. Maybe you wouldn't have people hating you so much if you weren't a combative bitch who assumes the worst of everyone. I'm a good person who treats all my friends with love and respect. Just go fuck yourself.

>how are you sure?
Because everyone I know does it and no one I know has raped anyone. How about you tell me exactly how it makes people rape?

>it's the same thing except one isn't twisted into something it isn't by anti-feminists. where do you get your shit from? your idea of "modern feminists" is probably what /v/ tells you it is and you never see an unbiased representation of what "modern feminists" are
My idea of modern feminism comes from blogs like Jezebel which I decided to stop visiting about a week ago. It isn't the same thing. Bubba Clinton recently gave a presentation to Duke a while back about stopping when someone says no. An added component of Sex-Ed which included how to prevent date rape and telling kids why it's wrong. These are examples of rape education. Decrying sexual imagery, fraternities, or sexy videogame characters on blogs is not a prevention of rape, it's a feminist circlejerk.

>> No.2954606


> Arguing against misinformed people who misrepresent their ideological backgrounds is not a very productive game
Said the feminist on 4chan!
But here's an important point: the "feminism" that most 4channers see is the feminism you are saying isn't, in fact, feminism. So how do we deal with this? Before we talk about getting all men to do X or why, how can we get your brand on feminism better represented out there?

Perhaps. That seems likely given that you don't know how to capitalize, while the other did!

>> No.2954609

There are 3 (three) threads about gender relations bullshit on the front page. Fuck off.

>> No.2954610


That's true, but clothing does have an impact. I can't find the article now, but a number of rapists said they target women with clothes that are easily removed or cut away. Again, not saying it's a women's responsibility to wear skinny jeans 24/7. You don't blame somebody for getting shot because they didn't wear a bulletproof vest.

>> No.2954611

yes i fucking disagree, getting pissed drunk and sleeping around is not being "raped", idiot.

They aren't being "raped" as you call it.

It is merely a legal construct that they LEGALLY cannot consent while drunk. When in reality they DO consent.

>> No.2954613

I think it's really telling that all of the anti-feminists repeatedly refer to the feminists as women.

>> No.2954617

If you are a man and subscribe to this nonsense then you should literally kill yourself.

>> No.2954615


Well, in either case they don't have balls.

>> No.2954616

Well that's not how it is or how it's ever going to be. Adapt to reality.
You've never been to a gay bar sweetheart.

>> No.2954618


I think it's really telling that you assume that all people with critiques of some forms of feminism are anti-feminists, and that we all act as a uniform mass.

>> No.2954624

>Well that's not how it is or how it's ever going to be. Adapt to reality.
>implying we aren't moving in that direction more swiftly than ever.

>> No.2954627

Of-fucking-course you should expect bad things to happen to you if you leave yourself vulnerable. That's why it's called vulnerability. There are people out there who will take advantage of you, it's on you to try and prevent it as much as you can.

>> No.2954628

>Oh god yes
where does feminism say this?

>As in people who take personal responsibility for their actions and don't spend all day whining on blogs.
aside from this being a strawman, i don't think that's exclusive to masculinity or that masculinity only brings positive benefits

>Go fuck yourself.
you are so quick to jump to a misogynist slur even though i am not a woman. i have to doubt that you don't harbour some sort of violence towards all that is feminine.

>How about you tell me exactly how it makes people rape?
don't change the wording. perpetuating a culture in which a woman is only seen for the attractiveness of her body and her use of that body to sexually please men certainly influences a rapist's frame of mind. anyway you are "sure" because of some personal anecdotes when this problem extends beyond your friend group.

>Decrying sexual imagery, fraternities, or sexy videogame characters on blogs is not a prevention of rape, it's a feminist circlejerk.
explain further. also jezebel is "for women" but that doesn't necessarily mean it is feminist

>> No.2954629

My point is, you are ignoring reality, blacks for example are an order of magnitude more criminal than whites.

However all these LEFTIST feminists like to associate their "struggle" with that of the civil rights movement, so they continue to protect negros while tens of thousands of white women are raped by them every year.

They would also be the first to yell "racist" if someone told them they should not associate with a black.

>> No.2954630

>that feel when most male feminists get mad when they see a man hit a woman back.

>> No.2954631

See, I can't really. I could point to numerous blogs like Jezebel or countless tumblrs. I haven't read enough serious fem literature to point these out. That's the problem with feminism, it's a hugely confusing topic with no real central principles or figure. It's like occupy wallstreet in that way. So when ever a discussion like this comes up it's a clusterfuck of stupidity and hurt feelings.

>> No.2954636

>I can't back up any of that shit I just said.
>it's their fault, not mine

>> No.2954638


> Before we talk about getting all men to do X or why
Oh wow, I'm an idiot.

>> No.2954642

so the conclusion you come to from me not capitalising my sentences is that i don't know how to? no wonder you are anti-feminist

>getting pissed drunk and sleeping around is not being "raped"
who said it was? this is just a strawman

i've noticed this a lot

if you are suggesting that these "african men" don't actually count as men then you are ignoring reality, not me. it's not a race problem as much as you would like to stretch it into one

>> No.2954643

OK then. You're a bastard. I called you a bitch because I thought you were a woman but now I've corrected that mistake. However, I can see that you're still going to try and marginalize my argument because I'm a "misogynist".

>> No.2954644

>Decrying sexual imagery, fraternities, or sexy videogame characters on blogs is not a prevention of rape, it's a feminist circlejerk.

The logic is
-confront objectifying cultural artifacts
-culture becomes more accepting of women as human beings
-men's respect and empathy for women increases
-men stop raping women

>> No.2954645

>no real central principles
are you serious? across all strains of feminism the central principle has been the liberation of women. this is why they are united with the term "feminism"

>> No.2954646
File: 172 KB, 750x561, responsible adult who clearly isnt a slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2954648

she was probably too far gone to literally ask for anything. what a silly image. delete it from your hd

>> No.2954650

how is the rapist a "responsible adult" in this situation?

>> No.2954652


> so the conclusion you come to from me not capitalising my sentences is that i don't know how to? no wonder you are anti-feminist
My troll senses are tingling. But I was joking, lighten up about this if you can when discussing a topic of this gravity. I am not, nor have I ever been, an anti-feminist. I am just raising critiques of some structures I see within feminism, structures that I believe may damage equality more than many care to admit. Do you care to address the first half of my previous post?

>> No.2954653

when you lie on the ground in your underwear with your legs spread, i think it would be reasonable to assume you are "asking for it" hence have consented by default.

>> No.2954660

>Do you care to address the first half of my previous post?
it wasn't in response to me so no

how is the rapist a "responsible adult" in this situation?

>> No.2954661

>-men stop raping women

And herein lies the problem. That's a good thing to strive for right there, but think about how unrealistic such a goal is. If I say, "People should stop robbing other people", many people would say, "Yeah they should." but there are going to be robbers out there. no matter how much I say "People should stop robbing", people are going to do it. That's why we made things like safes. To help prevent robbery. Women can do things to help prevent rape.

>> No.2954665

>i think it would be reasonable to assume you are "asking for it" hence have consented by default.

Um. No. Sorry, nobody is ever "asking for it", nor can anyone EVER consent by default. These are people, not sex holes.

>> No.2954666

Stop Raping. Support Culture

>> No.2954667


> it wasn't in response to me so no
I am really bad at telling people apart in this current thread, apologies.

>> No.2954668

addressing these aspects of our culture is a prevention