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/lit/ - Literature

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2953199 No.2953199 [Reply] [Original]

"A friend in need is not a friend indeed, he is merely a borrower."

"Do not tell anything with a friend that you would not trust with an enemy."

Words of an evil man.

>> No.2953209
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"If you have money, you may burn in hell" - Jesus

Words of an evil man.

>> No.2953212

A friend in needs a friend indeed,
A friend with weed is better,
A friend with breasts and all the rest,
A friend who's dressed in leather,

>> No.2953213

Schopenhauer sounds like a huge dick.

>> No.2953216

that is just saying "mo money, mo problems"
you guys need to learn to read.

>> No.2953225
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"A friend with weed, is a friend indeed"

-D.A. Lerpree Cohen

>> No.2953226

A-Schop Rock is my nigga, don't be dissin him

>> No.2953232
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"Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged."

"Latinos are Republican. They just don't know it yet."

Words of an evil man.

>> No.2953233
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Sooner murder an infant in its cradle than nurse unacted desires.

>> No.2953241

"In times like this we need as much angels to protect us as we can get" - Zach Braff on child slaughter

>> No.2953243
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Incomparably fewer in individual numbers than the lower races, the ruin of the white races may be referred to their having been obliged to mix with them; whereby, as remarked already, they suffered more from the loss of their purity than the others could gain by the ennobling of their blood [...] To us Equality is only thinkable as based upon a universal moral concord, such as we can but deem true Christianity elect to bring about.

>> No.2953260

OP, how do those quotes make him evil, rather than lonely and pitiable?

>> No.2953278

I was actually going to start a thread about Schopenhauer, but it seems like I can fit my questions in this thread.

So, I just read The Art of Being Right and I found it delightfully bitter. Which one of his works should I read next? And is it true one cannot really appreciate Schopenhauer without having read Kant first?

>> No.2953474

Schopenhauer pushed an old woman down the stairs because she was talking too loudly in front of his apartment door. Fucking ALPHA

>> No.2953483

"I acted out of love, not out of lust."
Fritz Haarman, about is raping and kiling of a few dozen young men

>> No.2953530

Because he really meant it. (Not OP but ... still.)

>> No.2953537
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"Dear Mr. Hegel: I have taken a leap of faith through a teleological suspension of my ethics and thus become infinitely resigned to the idea that you're full of crap."

>> No.2953567

The question is ... what does 'evil' mean here?

Anyway, fuck that. OP clearly makes no point at all because considerations of Schop's ethical character are irrelevant to a consideration of his philosophy.

>> No.2953605


damn nigga you've gone full autistic

>> No.2953609

I used to use quotes from The World as Will and Idea in a lot of my college essays. Not because I give a shit about Schopenhauer and what he thought about anything, but because it's such a crappily written book that any paragraph can be interpreted to be relevant to just about any topic, but in a way that the professor doesn't really understand and therefore assumes must be pretty deep. Lol philosophy.

>> No.2953615

Those aren't even Schoppy's quotes, nigger.

>> No.2953616


>> No.2953623

>as on Hegel's Absolute Idea.

That's a VERY bad translation for vorstellung. Schopenhauer would have killed both that translator and that editor.

>> No.2953628
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>Repetitive, nonsensical, irrelevant usage of a continental philosopher
>'This doesn't work, so I better assume that this undergraduate kid is brilliant, A+'

Where did you study, James Sprunt Community College?

>> No.2953637

That fag's professors were ok letting him quote from shitty translations. I don't think they really gave a fuck about anything.

>> No.2953638

Actually, I figured out that philosophy is a nonsense field where people use hyper-complex sentence structure to talk about nonsense, as if most human beings haven't already developed their own nonsensical and completely non-scientific views on reality by the time they're old enough to drink a beer in public.

>> No.2953641

Philosophy is pseudo-intellectuals impressing other pseudo-intellectuals with bullshit. It's for kids who are too stupid for a real major, and too lazy for anything that might be practical. But it's great for perpetuating the personal fable concerning one's own unrecognized brilliance and cynical greatness.

>> No.2953646

>hyper-complex sentence structure

Ok, ok, we got it. You read from shitty translations yet you still think you understand what the author meant.

>> No.2953648


Everything's easy when you're doing it at such an elementary level. Honestly, you wasted an opportunity to better yourself through education by falsely assuming you'd 'beaten' a subject which has occupied some of the greatest minds our species has ever produced. If you had been at a proper college, that never would have happened.

>> No.2953650

>cognitive sciences

Maybe you're right. Maybe you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.2953651

I don't actually like philosophy, but I come here and pretend I do because it makes me feel validated amongst my anonymous peers. When that fails, I like to suggest James Joyce books to people.

>> No.2953655


>Too lazy
>Too stupid

Ironic, given that you're obviously the same lazy, stupid guy who misappropriated a poor translation of Schopenhauer for four years at James Sprunt Community College.

>> No.2953657

Nuh uh! Philosophy is real and important! It makes you better because it's old and famous!

>> No.2953662

Totally, right? Hey, have you read Finnegan's Wake? Man, I love that book like Renes Descartes likes circular logic man.

>> No.2953664

Just like participating on the Olympics, writing a fiction book, painting or being a broker...

>> No.2953668

Dude, my favorite thing about philosophy is how I spend my life interpreting what dead people thought about things instead of thinking about those things on my own.

>> No.2953671

yeah! You're practically an olympian! You should get a medal and be nationally celebrated!

>> No.2953672

It's not really philosophy what you like then.

>> No.2953673

I will. Soon. Also, nice reading comprehension skills. You didn't miss the point at all.

>> No.2953674
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>Maybe I can undermine the enterprise of philosophy entirely by posting repeatedly, thus validating my decision to waste a third rate education

>> No.2953679

My favorite thing to do is sit on a blanket with Zooey Deschanel and talk about Leibniz while listening to the Arcade Fire. It's so ironic.

>> No.2953684
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>Mocking blankets

>> No.2953685
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I can accept the dismissal of philosophy from those who find themselves beyond it, so to speak. Get to the top don't need the ladder anymore and all that. But these kids who can't be arsed to get on the first step shouting at the top of their lungs that it's shitty upstairs need to go.

>> No.2953693

That's like the 90% of people who dismiss philosophy.

>> No.2953699

I just think that most people aren't smart enough to get philosophy, you know?

>> No.2953702


>Beyond philosophy

I don't know, I've certainly never met someone I'd imagine to be more capable or intelligent than David Hume.

>> No.2953707

Well, you haven't met David Hume either. But moving past philosophy isn't about being too dern smrt. It's when you've assimilated enough of other people's thoughts on the subject to formulate your own philosophy, and you no longer feel the need to argue for it against people with differing philosophies.

>> No.2953715


Alright, then I should say I haven't met anyone capable of writing something equivalent to his 'Treatise of Human Nature' - for instance. And, sure, someone could be 'finished' with philosophy without ever exceeding his level, but in that case the individual would have exhausted their energy, interest or intellect - they wouldn't have exhausted the subject itself, as the James Sprunt guy seems to think he has.

>> No.2953716

I had horrible experiences as a kid with friends.
Friends i used to have turned on me and it taught me never to have friends, only acquaintances.
First two friends were helping me in a project and ditched me after i had done all the work.
Had to work my ass off to have a new presentation in less than two days instead of the month's work i put in.
Another friend of mine came back after summer break and took my pizza i bought and threw it at my face.
Face suffered 1st degree burns and the fucker left school.

Never trust a friend for he can and will turn into an enemy for his own personal gain.

Schopenhauer may be an evil man but he is correct.

>> No.2953731
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I was thinking more along the lines of someone like Pyrrho. Coming to the conclusion that it is all idle banter and therefore dismissing it and suspending judgement altogether. Consequent scepticism leads to that.

That's not what I meant, I meant the dismissal of philosophy as a whole, not merely creating your own mixture.

As far as I know Hume hasn't been able to overcome scepticism and therefore people with even a modest intellectual capacity can grasp why all his theorising is actually founded on thin air or faith if you will. As Hume himself would have known.

>> No.2953738

i find your idea so weird. study philosophy until you can build your own personal philosophy (what does this mean, anyway?), then allow a contented feeling of possession to wash over you for the rest of your mortal days. is this some kind of capitalist thing or what?

>> No.2953740

All of philosophy is based on faith and logic. Once you base it on measurable data and experimentation, it becomes a science. So, don't knock on Hume you faggot bitch.

>> No.2953744

Well, my philosophy is that a philosophy based on conjecture is as good as any other philosophy based on conjecture, but a philosophy that you base on your own conjecture becomes meaningful because it is cultivated from your own thoughts and experiences concerning the reality that you occupy with your own mind, and when you have that then studying what other people think in terms of conjecture on reality and the nature of things is less important and interesting. When things become less important and interesting, we tend to move on to things that are more important and interesting as a means of personal progress.

>> No.2953751

[Pyrrho] He also lived in a most blameless manner with his sister, who was a midwife, as Eratosthenes relates, in his treatise on Riches and Poverty; so that he himself used to carry poultry, and pigs too if he could get any, into the marketplace and sell them. And he used to clean all the furniture of the house without expressing any annoyance. And it is said that he carried his indifference so far that he even washed a pig. And once, when he was very angry about something connected with his sister (and her name was Philista), and some one took him up, he said, "The display of my indifference does not depend on a woman." On another occasion, when he was driven back by a dog which was attacking him, he said to some one who blamed him for being discomposed, "That it was a difficult thing entirely to put off humanity; but that a man ought to strive with all his power to counteract circumstances with his actions if possible, and at all events with his reason."

>> No.2953757
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I just mean that I can see how one would dismiss it altogether from a sceptic point of view. As can be done with any knowledge.

This is the only sort of view from which I can respect people dismissing philosophy. People who do make grand statements about the nature of life but dismiss philosophy are fools.

>> No.2953761


I just think that you guys are seeing it as "guys talking about how things are" and not considering that they also provoke new questions in us.

But most importantly, they will tackle certain subjects in a way you haven't even considered before and make your scope of thought wider (not narrower with "someone else's thought").

That one shouldn't fall for a dogmatic approach, based on authority and all, is something I think we can all pretty much can agree with.

I personaly hate self-indulgence and I think intellectualism has a lot of it on every field, but that is not a reason good enough for one to stop reading it altogether and making claims like "philosophy is shit".

New to thread here.

>> No.2953766

philosophy may not allow us to reach a singular conclusion, but most people, left to their own devices, will formulate a philosophy packed with invalid assumptions. beyond that, i certainly feel my interest in the beliefs of others does not depend on my being convinced that their beliefs are valid.

>> No.2953770

And [Pyrrho's] life corresponded to his principles; for he never shunned anything, and never guarded against anything; encountering everything, even waggons for instance, and precipices, and dogs, and everything of that sort; committing nothing whatever to his senses. So that he used to be saved, as Antigonus the Carystian tells us, by his friends who accompanied him.

>> No.2953773

And once, when Anaxarchus had fallen into a pond, [Pyrrho] passed by without assisting him; and when some one blamed him for this, Anaxarchus himself praised his indifference and absence of all emotion.

>> No.2953782
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define validity

>> No.2953785

Pyrrho was a boss. The Pyrrhonic ideal of Ataraxia is admirable as well.

>> No.2953791

unfortunately his ideas were perverted by his followers, who held that skepticism ought to be practiced philosophically but that we should live our lives in accord with our senses.

>> No.2953795

I hear Roland Barthes didn't shun waggons either.

>> No.2953806

Pyrrho held that belief himself as well. How else could he wash those pigs?

>> No.2953837

>To estimate a genius you should not take the mistakes in his productions, or his weaker works, but only those works in which he excels. For even in the realm of the intellect, weakness and absurdity cleave so firmly to human nature that even the most brilliant mind is not always entirely free of them: whence the mighty errors which can be pointed to even in the works of the greatest men, and hence Horace’s 'Quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus'. What distinguishes genius, on the other hand, and provides a measure for estimating it, is the height to which it was able to rise when time and mood were propitious and which remains for ever unachievable to ordinary talents.

>> No.2953950

>I love that book like Renes Descartes likes cross-eyed girls man.

"A girl asked me for a ring, and I put one around her whole eye" - Søren Kierkegaard

>> No.2955082
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>Placebo on /lit/
my nigga

>> No.2955256

Either you are a irascible scamp, a delicious satirical troll, who is poking fun at all the puerile posing he observes here or...

You were being sincere: it's possible, you know, after all occasionally 4chan's anonymity possesses people with the urge, sudden and inexplicable, to post the truth; a truth that they would not utter outside of this internet reality.

In which case you are Prufrock

You are the Last Man

You are quintessential /lit/.


>> No.2955262

"A friend in need is a friend indeed,
A friend with weed is better."

-Albert Camus