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/lit/ - Literature

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2944670 No.2944670 [Reply] [Original]

what are you reading?

>> No.2944677

the tiger dies

>> No.2944689

from the AIDS virus your father is spreading around? rereading it though, nice try

>> No.2944696

Don Quixote

>> No.2944694
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The Confusions of Young Törless. The last time I tried to read and analyze depressing early twentieth-century literature I ended up existentially-bankrupt for several weeks so wish me luck.

>> No.2944697

Currently reading 'The Elegant Universe' by Brian Greene.

>> No.2944702
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Only read the introduction so far; I enjoyed it.

>> No.2944704

I loved Confusions. Which book left you existentially-bankrupt?

>> No.2944720
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Just started.

>> No.2944735

Mostly Doctor Faustus (The Life of the German Composer Adrian Leverkuhn as Told By blah blah blah, whatever the full title is). Worth it, but that thing was a complete beast.

If you liked Confusions, you sound like my kind of anon. Did you catch the film?

>> No.2944750
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Page 404 of Game of Thrones

I like it

>> No.2944751

Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer.

>> No.2944763

I didn't even know there was a film version, actually.

I'm curious now. I'll try to watch it, but I doubt I'll find it anywhere.

>> No.2944764
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First time reading. Blowing my mind so far.

>> No.2944766

Say Cheese and Die Again.

>> No.2944770

Against the Day

Loving it

>> No.2944775

Arabian Nights - One thousand nights

>> No.2944776
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Got an early print for $1 earlier today at this book/videogame/record/boardgame store.

I just started it, but it's surprisingly well-written.

>> No.2944784

>book/videogame/record/boardgame store.

Man I want to own one of those sorts of stores someday but I'm too much of a fuckup even to have the kind of store that's usually run by a fuckup.

>> No.2944785

You could just torrent it. It's quite a beautifully-shot film.

>> No.2944790
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Not bad. I've never been one for fantasy in literature (preferring such genres for anime, TV, etc), but this is easy to get into.

>> No.2944795

great book, morality looked at in just a wonderfully neutral way

>> No.2944797

Character development is good, time travel stuff is great.

>> No.2944801

I seriously doubt you couldn't run this store.


Anyway, the place is huge (despite the fact that the pictures don't do it justice) and has TONS of old game systems and a fantastic fantasy/sci-fi section!

>> No.2944809

I forgot the "of" in that title

>> No.2944807

Japanese Tales & Mysteries of Imagination by Edogawa Rampo

Reading "The Cliff" story now, enjoying it so far.

>> No.2944813

I listened to this audiobook earlier this summer (back when I was going to the gym...damn it), and I really liked James Marsters' voice

>> No.2944816
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Anybody read this? I'm about to. Yes i realize it's YA fiction

>> No.2944819

Used to stare at this cover when I stocked the books back in high school. Kept thinking, "female Link..."

Never read it though. I've heard from somewhere on the chan it wasn't so bad, though.

>> No.2946231

Just finished Earth Abides. Jesus what an amazing book. The ending left me pretty sad, the end of an era and a return to primitive life.

Can someone recommend me more like it?

>> No.2946368

It's on my shelf. Tried to start it a few times, but can never make it past page 5.

>> No.2946677

IT GETS GOOD. The whole trilogy is really solid and there is a fourth book being written.

>> No.2946697
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>> No.2946736
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Seems pretty good so far.

>> No.2946763

The Fault in our Stars

>> No.2946773
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Fuck. I hate his writing style but I know it's important to read his works. I don't hate it because of its style, I hate it because it's hard to follow what he's saying.

>> No.2946778

For school: Frankenstein, Gilgamesh, Oh My Gods

Leisure: The Third Policeman


>> No.2946779

Creation - Gore Vidal

>> No.2946785

The White Tiger. Easy reading.

>> No.2946829
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Just finished Mortality by Hitchens. - Really damn good 5/5

About to read Waiting for Godot soon, then moving on to Every Love Story is a Ghost Story (new DFW bio)

>> No.2946922

It's surprising that, given the density and fairly antiquated writing style of his later works, he's still as popular as he is today. I know the canon is kind of meaningless, but he really should have fallen out of it by now. Yet still, it seems like people are really entranced by his themes and psychological probing.

>> No.2946927

A Short History of Tractors In Ukrainian

>I don't really like it.

However, I just finished A Hologram For The King by Dave Eggers

>Liked it, kind of a surprise

>> No.2947362


His imagery is incredible when I'm able to make sense of everything that he says.

>> No.2947372
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>> No.2947405
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Not my favourite type of book to read. Although makes a nice change from serious literary novels all the time. Certainly not one of the best works Russia has produced.

>> No.2947407
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>> No.2947411

The animals aren't really animals but were other human survivors on the lifeboat who resorted to cannibalism, but Pi concocts an elaborate fantasy in order to cope with the trauma of such a horrific experience. The moral of the book is that fantasy is nicer than reality. There is no tiger and there never was.

>> No.2947418
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You have that edition? If so, what do the 32 plates look like? my copy doesn't have them.

Pic: Almost finished with this.
99.99% great read.

>> No.2947423 [DELETED] 

i dont have that edition, unfortunately

i plan on taking acid soon, should i read the doors of perception before, during, or after?

>> No.2947424 [DELETED] 

on an unrelated note*

>> No.2947436

Have fun with the marine biology chapter

>> No.2947442
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Here's hoping it's a good starting point because this is my first exposure to Hemingway. (I know. Hold your invective.)

>> No.2947447
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>you will never get to travel the world as part of a dragon-based Napoleon-era air force crew
>you would probably fit in perfectly since the Air Corps is filled with beta family rejects with no real prospects or expectations

>> No.2947457

wtf fuck that fantasy shit

>> No.2947459

>the moral of the story is that Jews are annoying hangers-on

>> No.2947494
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Just finished Roadside Picnic and will start The Big Sleep shortly.

Chill Sunday afternoon read.

>> No.2947498

The Old Man and the Sea didn't do it for me when I read it, but The Sun Also Rises really made me love Hemingway.

>> No.2947500

I read that series several times back when I was a young un. Solid fantasy.

>> No.2947517


I was going to respond by saying I'd read his short story 'The Gift of the Magi' and enjoyed it, but after a quick google I discovered that it was written by O. Henry, rather than Henry James.

How embarrassing.

OT: After finishing yesterday a wonderful biography of François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire), I've started on Paradise Lost.

>> No.2948520

What's wrong with fantasy?

>> No.2948524

George Gissing, The Odd Women and Lucan, Pharsalia

>> No.2948525
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John Irving's latest - In One Person

>> No.2948529

Slaughterhouse 5 & Of Mice and Men

>> No.2948533
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Metro 2033

>> No.2948535
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Its been slow going, I've been busy and havent set aside much time for reading. Roughly halfway through now and enjoying it. First work of Dickens' that I'm reading.

>> No.2948537

How is it so far? I'm a big fan of Irving and haven't gotten to it yet.

>> No.2948546

Neal Stephenson's Anathem.

It's even harder to slog through the beginning of this book than it was for Cryptonomicon. I'm only hoping that it turns out as good as Crypto turned out to be.

>> No.2948547

Wow, hell of an introduction. I teach Dickens regularly and I find that Hard Times is a nice, gentle introduction. I recommend it if you find yourself losing steam in the labyrinthine Parisian intrigue of TOTC.

>> No.2948576


Haven't reached that part, but yea, I sometimes read a paragraph or even a whole chapter 2-3 times to fully get whats going on.

>> No.2948581

I be on that Mason and Dixon hype. Much easier than GR and laugh-out-loud funny very frequently. Pynchon's my nigga when his head's not so far in the clouds that I can't follow

>> No.2948721
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Let The Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist.

First time I'm reading a swedish book that isn't a thriller. Liked the first 100 pages so much that I went out and bought all of his other books too today.

>> No.2948737

A book of stories by Ray Bradbury. It's pretty magical.

>> No.2948742
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I just finished Metropole by Ferenc Karinthy. Can anyone here recommend something similar?

>> No.2948763

Whatever you do, don't read the sequel

>> No.2948886

Song of Solomon.
About halfway through and loving it more than I should love any book that was mentioned on Oprah

>> No.2948901

Nothing right now. Just finished The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell last night.
Going to start reading Shakespeare's King Henry IV part 2 tonight.

>> No.2948925

Down and Out in Paris and London - George Orwell

>> No.2949026

Cannery Row by john steinbeck
It's not so meanigful as "grapes of wrath" or "of mice and men" but still i like a lot steinbeck's writing style.

>> No.2949041


Read that in high school, fun book

>> No.2949190
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Finished The Big Sleep and was actually quite taken back by what a read it is.

Intense, sexually driven. Literally a real page-turner.

Anyways, now moving onto The House on the Borderlands by Hodgson.

>> No.2949192

pls stop

>> No.2949219

But the pages actually turned on their own

>> No.2949235
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Been reading this fucking thing for like 2 months I think. I've just been really tired and only reading like a chapter a week, I've started to get decent sleep lately though, so I plan in finishing it in the next couple of days.

>> No.2949239 [DELETED] 

The Irving books is excellent. I read 'The World According to Garp' years ago and loved it. Had high hopes for this book and found that Irving's writing has improved if anything.

>> No.2949246
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>> No.2949253

>How is it so far? I'm a big fan of Irving and haven't gotten to it yet.

The Irving books is excellent so far (1/3 of the way in). I read 'The World According to Garp' years ago and loved it. Had high hopes for this book and found that Irving's writing has improved if anything.

>> No.2949254

Has this been translated into English?

>> No.2949260

I forgot to mention though, I am really enjoying it despite taking so long to get through it, I think that the problem is that there are really no cliffhangers at any point, it's as if a short story begins and concludes within the confines of each chapter, so when I'm tired there isn't much motivation to continue reading into the next chapter.

>> No.2949261

Sadly, no. Mumford's book is comparable although not as pleasing in terms of rigor.

>> No.2949299
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I'm having a lot of fun reading this so far. It feels like The Big Lebowski, P.I.

>> No.2949301
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Nothing at the moment, but I think I'm going to start Anna Karenina tomorrow.

>> No.2949302

That Ruggles really ties the room together.

>> No.2949332
File: 60 KB, 500x764, portada-vereda-destino_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished this half an hour ago. "La vereda del destino", auto biography written by Horacio "Tato" López, Uruguay´s GOAT basketball player.

Now I´ll start with "A clash of kings" and a book of interviews with Raymond Aron.

>> No.2949364
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You will read this book at some point if not already.