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/lit/ - Literature

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2944520 No.2944520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

mirin' /lit/ game? (got this from another board):

Happened yday
>trying to find a book i desperately want
>8/10 shopgirl in tight ass-pooping smart trousers asks if I need a help
>'How long have you got?'
>She laughes, I feel good. Alphority rising
>'I'm looking for A Roadside Picnic by-'
>'Those russain brothers, right? Stru-Strugasky'
>'Yeah, Strugatsky'
>'We don't have it. It's not popular enough to stock. I ended up getting it off Amazon'
>'Yeah, but I'm lazy and can't be arsed to wait.' lolz ensued
>Her stomach growls like a bear. 'Hungry much?'
>'Y-yeah..', she seems embarrased.
>'I have fuck all food in the flat so I may have to eat out. What time do you get off?'
>'U-Umm 6.'
>'How about you keep me company then?'
>'Sweet. I'll meet you here at 6 then', walking away.
>'Okay! Bye!', waves retardedly at me like chicks do.
Dinner was cool. Took her to a nice little Korean place that's fairly cheap but amazing.
Mainly talked about books. She did Lit at uni and I'm fairly well read.
Awesome times. Walked her to the tube after. Goodnight kiss on the cheek and her number. She free on Saturday...

does /lit/ have any /lit/ related stories? preferably ones involving picking up girls

pic unrelated. last book I read

>> No.2944543
File: 18 KB, 633x758, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt well-read gf

>> No.2944542
File: 19 KB, 319x400, reaction muscular Beckett (1327245983739).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the fact that she goes to Waterstones every day and repeats this with every neckbeard she can zero in on, later taking the food home to regurgitating mother-bird style to her nigger boyfriend, no I'm not really mirin [sic].

Welcome to /lit/.
Now get the fuck out.

>> No.2944546

>taking the food home to regurgitating mother-bird style

this thread just got a whole lot more interesting

>> No.2944560

the girl was working at the store. what was she repeating?

>> No.2944561
File: 54 KB, 163x204, 1344847499761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I for one, am happy for you, OP.
Best of luck to you and your lit girl.

>> No.2944564

not me, I got it from another board

>> No.2944580


Thanks man, that's the funniest mental image I've had in the last couple of days.


>Talking to my fiance
>'So I'm reading this Titus Groan book and-'
>'Sorry love, I don't really care about that sort of book'

Hold onto her and never let her go OP.

>> No.2944822

>A Roadside Picnic
That book was fucking boring.

>> No.2944834

>not buying a DFW book

The answer's no OP, I certainly am not mirin'

>> No.2945211

>8/10 shopgirl in tight ass-pooping smart trousers asks if I need a help

>> No.2945333

Obviously the reason why the guy posted a Joyce pic.

>> No.2945384
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I once talked a half hour train ride with some pretty 18 year old lit student girl about books and philosophy and then we walked across the platform and I went "well, bye" and took the escalator and when I looked back I saw her standing absolutely dumbfounded that I didn't ask her number or something.

Then I went to a bar and drunk with my friends in a misogynistic manner.

>> No.2945489
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>> No.2945736


>> No.2945798

You just made my entire day better.

>> No.2945818
File: 1.93 MB, 185x171, 1345236330899.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I reading

>> No.2945839

This is a good thread.

I don't know how many book store sluts I've fallen in love with in the space of five minutes and then fallen out of love with when I left the store with a solid erection in my pants.

In fact, I've been banned from a few stores for harassing the assistants, esp. after I found out how middlebrow their shit was.