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2941920 No.2941920 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of racism? I consider myself to be slightly racist. Intellectually and as a liberal I'm not racist. But I went to public school and had to deal with black people on a daily basis and that just poisoned my whole view of black people and minorities in general, and I feel like that close proximity would do so to any rational being. Thoughts? Any good phil/lit on rationalizing racism?

>> No.2941923

Racism is retarded

>> No.2941925

Asking 4chan about racism, nigger plz.

>> No.2941928

Uh, no, close proximity to people who aren't white does not make a racist of a rational person. Pardon me.

How do you feel about bitches and fags?

>> No.2941929

I'm more of a classist. Poor people are scum, and so we need to get rid of them through education.

The thing is, rich people are also scum, so we need to tax them, thereby removing their scummyness.

>> No.2941931


>Racism is retarded

Retardation is Niggers

>> No.2941932

Although your honesty is appreciated, uh, no. Close proximity to people who aren't white does not make a racist of a rational person.

How do you feel about cunts and fags?

>> No.2941933


Yes, but have you ever had first hand experience dealing with minorities straight from low income areas? I'm not saying I enjoy feeling this way, but I don't think there is any way around it.

Being upfront about your racism earned through experience with minorities is better than sitting in your gated white community proclaiming your love of non whites when you've never dealt with minorities outside of those pathetic souls that only black or brown on the outside.

>> No.2941937


Again, have you spent significant amounts of time with black people who come straight out of the hood?

>> No.2941942

The whole "I experienced shitty black/white/hispanic/asian people, so I consider myself somewhat racist" line of thinking is moronic.

>> No.2941943

im not racist except for nigerians.

those niggers will turn anything into an argument i swear to fucking god.

also, mexicans that pronounce 'j' by saying 'yay'.

everyone else im cool with though.

>> No.2941945


hmm perhaps i could suggest a wealth redistribution programme here, to remove the structures of the class system

>> No.2941947


There is a significant difference between women and fags against minorities. I am okay with women and fags. On a biological level I think homosexuality is a fucking abomination, but I don't dislike faggots like I dislike black people. I think women are okay.

>> No.2941948

Have you spent a significant amount of time hanging out with white trash who come straight out of the trailer park?

you too asshole.

>implying poverty is irrelevant

>> No.2941949



>> No.2941952

I don't many people who browse /lit/ have. But, please, you've mentioned it twice now--describe your experiences of "close proximity" with hoods.

>> No.2941957

>What does /lit/ think of racism?

Shitty line of logic turned ironic web 2.0 fad. On 4chan, reddit, and tumblr I've spent too much time on all, faggy teens are racist because 'lol irony' or 'lol contrarianism'.

Am I a shitty hipster because I miss the time of the authentic Grand Wizard?

>> No.2941958


different person, but i have yes

well, in the uk anyway, i grew up with them there was only one other white male in my year in primary school (til age 11), i didnt see race really until a new friend made some comments when i was around 12

go to the route of the problem, the structure of society, class system, wealth, institutional racism etc etc and youll find most of your answers as to racial divisions and the like

most black people i knew were fine, i've had many black friends (and asian, meaning indian/pakistani here) of course some were pricks, but this can be said of white people also, especially those deemed 'chavs' here

its also best to not form opinions from anecdotal evidence, so many biases cloud everything you experience

>> No.2941961

Listen, I'm sure if they didn't like you, you have some sufficient reason to dislike those particular people at your high school. What about upper(-middle) class black people? Or black people born in Africa? If you have no prejudice against either, it seems that you don't like a certain subculture rather than a race. Which is a non-issue.

>> No.2941965

It's generalizing at its worst, and it's completely subjective. For all I know, you're some neckbeard who was verbally harangued by some stupid thugs on the street. Hell, maybe you were robbed. I still don't think it's worth being racist about. It's more about class, culture, and history than race.

>> No.2941966

All my (hipster) friends are lol irony. That's why I do coke.

>> No.2941976
File: 40 KB, 210x315, 210px-TheBellCurve.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2941977


Went to a public high school in a nice part of town where black people were bussed in so that the majority was poor black people

Worked as assistant to the ombudsman of a city with a substantial black poor community

Also did teach for america in a totally different other part of the country and taught a class of 30 poor>
black people and had predominantly black "coworkers"


Not it's a generation of people forced to interact with minorities because of bussing expressing their frustrations with the fact that they've been told racism is bad, but firsthand have seen that some races are inferior and only cause problems


Studied abroad in Liverpool for a year, blacks in england are totally different, good try but not applicable


Obviously that is what I meant. Sorry for the miscommunication. Blacks from africa are fine as long as they haven't spent too much time with african americans

>> No.2941981

Being a crack addict, I spend a good deal of time around impoverished, ignorant and sometimes violent black people -- people that even the most scrupulous, multicultural liberal would probably not hesitate to call "nigger." However, the very fact that I am, in fact, addicted to crack means that any ground on which I might stand to cast judgement has fallen away; that I partake in a common sin and a common ecstasy with these black Others. This, in combination with my own moral turpitude, has abolished whatever racist notions I might have harbored.

Perhaps I'll become racist again if I ever clean myself up.

>> No.2941993

Being a crack addict, I spend a good deal of time around impoverished, ignorant and sometimes violent black people -- people that even the most scrupulous, multicultural liberal would probably not hesitate to call "nigger." However, the very fact that I am, in fact, addicted to crack means that any ground on which I might stand to cast judgement has fallen away. If you want to see a truly egalitarian community, where race, creed, politics and culture have absolutely no meaning whatsoever, then hang out with junkies and crack heads. The only criterion by which they will judge you is the amount of hard cash you have in your pocket at the moment.

Perhaps I'll become racist again if I ever clean myself up.

>> No.2942005


were you meeting these blacks at university or what

because this will not be representative, i'm talking about growing up with black guys who had older brothers in gangs and thus became gang members themselves

and even if they were like a foreign moon relation, the mere idea that it's not applicable shows you shouldn't base opinions upon race, you showed your entire prejudice to be idiotic with one flippant line so good job!

>> No.2942014

>Being upfront about your racism earned through experience with minorities is better than sitting in your gated white community proclaiming your love of non whites when you've never dealt with minorities outside of those pathetic souls that only black or brown on the outside.
Why do you assume that the poor minorities are somehow more genuine than the rich ones?

>Yes, but have you ever had first hand experience dealing with minorities straight from low income areas? I'm not saying I enjoy feeling this way, but I don't think there is any way around it.
Obviously there is. 'Given that these people are from low income areas, it would make sense to attribute any shittiness I encounter to that rather than their skin colour.'

>> No.2942018

All of my friends are non-white but I'm against affirmative action of most all kinds.

What does that make me?

>> No.2942020

I judge an individual based on how well they communicate and dress; so in a sense i'm incredibly bigoted and prejudiced, but not racist. I tend to avoid the lower rung socioeconomic classes regardless of race, it just to happens that they tend to be (unfortunately) disproportionately black.

>> No.2942023

Reasonable about a clumsy and ineffective set of policies that treat minorities as if they need the help.
It has never worked anyhow, affirmative action is easy to circumvent or outright ignore at every applicable level.

>> No.2942028

>calling yourself a racist
>specifying that the specific 'race' you're talking about is 'poor African-Americans', and that other black people you've met are fine
>not considering that just maybe you're talking about culture, not race
Wow. At least the real racists have an element of consistency to them.

>> No.2942039

deaaad @ people hating black ppl who battle rap even though this generation's age of battle rappers have brought the most consistent clever entertainment in the 20th century to the literary forefront

and yes, battle rap is literary u fagets, fuck outta here if you thinkin' udderwise

>> No.2942048

Albert Camus. The previous sentence is "literary". What's the big hoo-dee-daa? I bet you think "art" is a significant term too.

>> No.2942049

like this?

>> No.2942050


I completely agree. But I, for the life of me, cannot stop hating "niggers" as I call them in my head. I went to a highschool that was pretty much segregation 2.0. There were mostly rednecks, which asside from the rebel flag tattoos, "spittin' tabaccer", and occasional controversially loud jackasses; were fine. The blacks, and I can only reduce it to their culture; were much, much worse.

To be honest their culture was atrocious. I had come in from an all white school with the ideology blacks weren't as bad as they were made out to be by racists, but they actually fucking are. Subsequently, and rather inevitably, I had become somewhat prejudiced from pure observation. I had never cared about them, nor justified some silly hate because of statistical I.Q. scores. But spend a day with Jerome McWilliams and LaQuan-A and you'!l start to hate it.

Their culture is basically centered around crime, drugs, and "makin da hunnids pimpin". Any room they walk into they actually think they're of some superior pedigree; gangs of them pretty much walk around bullying all not black and wait for some dimbass to stick up for themselves.

So really, I understand the faults or my beliefs. I've met some amazing black people, but every single one of them had escaped from that culture. It is in honesty a consequenc of poverty, but there's no excuse for how radical it's become.

>> No.2942055


And not to forget the natural division humans create, just because of physical differences. Sort of poors gasoline on the fire.

>> No.2942063

>treat black people like animals for years
>expect them to suddenly behave like white people

>> No.2942070

>I can only reduce it to their culture
>I've met some amazing black people, but every single one of them had escaped from that culture
> It is in honesty a consequence of poverty
So you are talking about CULTURE. You've admitted that your problem is with that.

> I had come in from an all white school with the ideology blacks weren't as bad as they were made out to be by racists, but they actually fucking are
No. The REAL racists will essentialise ALL black people because they attribute everything to race, not culture- or rather, they attribute/reduce culture to race. This is why we call them 'racists'. But you specifically say you haven't found that all black people are that bad. So you're not agreeing with the racists.

>cannot stop hating "niggers" as I call them in my head
That's a racist term for all black people. You COULD try using it to refer to a culture, because words are flexible, but pretty much everybody will assume you are referring to a race and therefore assume you are a racist piece of shit.

>> No.2942071


>>implying there are not legitimate they were treated like animals

>> No.2942079

What the actual fuck are you attempting to say.

>> No.2942082


You are just rationalizing your racism and calling it "culturism" or some sort of bullshit like that. The existence of black people straight from africa who you enjoy doesn't negate the fact that you hate 25% of the american population because of their culture . That is racism. There is nothing wrong with it just admit it for what it is.

Many posters in this thread are doing the same thing

ITT: a bunch of liberal faggots who can't stomach the fact that black people are inferior in every aspect except "endowment

>> No.2942083


Lrn2 fill in the blanks faggot. legitimate reasons obviously

>> No.2942085

>The existence of black people straight from africa who you enjoy doesn't negate the fact that you hate 25% of the american population because of their culture .
>That is racism.

>ITT: a bunch of liberal faggots who can't stomach the fact that black people are inferior in every aspect except "endowment

oh god /pol/ feed me your tears and stupid, my sides have exploded

>> No.2942091


I understand I'm not as hardcore ignorant as Billy-Bob, but I still feel fairly hateful, maybe I'm trained to feel like a jackass from a culture-sensitive society. And really, everything you say now is racist.

In fact, just the other day, a white kid proclaimed he wasn' t votin for Obama - that is all - about 10 seconds later it was almost a crime scene. I was sort of confused by it

Niggas gon' nig if I were to put it in 4chan terms

>> No.2942093

>you hate 25% of the american population because of their culture. That is racism.
Hey, smart guy, if it's about culture then it's not about race. Jesus, you can't even do racism right.

Also, I've never been to America. The African Americans I've met have been cool dudes, but no doubt there are also less cool ones.

>> No.2942103


Not at all. And I'd never be retarded enough to dupe myself into the idea that 25% of Americans are "inferior to my masterrace German blood". I don't blanket all black people into one group of inferiority/culture either.


>> No.2942105

>not as hardcore ignorant as Billy-Bob, but I still feel fairly hateful
Yes, maybe, but my point is you can be hateful without being racist. And the way you think about this- putting culture first- is not racist.
>everything you say now is racist
>Niggas gon' nig
I think it's more the case that the really fuckin' racist stuff you say is racist. You can say plenty of things without sounding racist.

>> No.2942107

Sorry that you can't tell the difference bewtween various peoples and cultures.


>> No.2942112

>Culture = Culture
>Race = Race

I love arabs and arab culture to death but I hate ISLAMIC culture.

>> No.2942121


So you're saying that stating you're not voting fot Obama is racist? Society is over-sensitive to race issues, you can't even discuss them. You can't tell me otherwise.

>> No.2942130

Nobody said that and it's not true. Many people are overly sensitive, but then you have people who exaggerate that such as yourself.

>> No.2942142


That's not an exaggeration, at all, that actually happened. Unfortunately

>> No.2942146

So now you're basing that off of what a minority of psychos said? The world is a much more chill place than you think.

>> No.2942150

Oh, you meant that. So what happened? Dude says 'I'm not voting for Obama', then... everybody calls him racist?

Anyway, I agree in general about the over-sensitivity part. It was the way you followed up 'you can't say anything these days without being accused of racism' with 'niggas!' that I found... odd.

>> No.2942153

I try not to be racist, and consciously, I'm not. Though I might be racist on a subconscious level.

>> No.2942162


most people are

note innately btw, just with all the shit we've been brought up with, media images, associations, parents thoughts etc etc

>> No.2942164



see: studies where they get kids to associate race with certain words

it's pretty soul sapping to see black kids basically indentify themselves are stupid and evil

>> No.2942171


Eh, the nigga thing was sort of a play on my sick sense of humor. I can see how that came off moronic in a somewhat-serious discussion about racism.

>> No.2942172

You can sap your own soul with that online test of images and words. Can't remember what it was called now. I came out as pretty damn subconsciously racist.

>> No.2942177

Eh, I can see why some folks would be racist. Multiple or even just one bad experience with another race can make you racist. I've been victimized by just about every race you can think of but I'm not racist merely because number one, most members of each race are pretty damn good people, and number two, I just like people in general too much and I'm proud of that.

>> No.2942183

It's annoying that racism always seems to involve blacks.
But it's insufferable to see the way they act or discuss things sometimes.

In my opinion blacks that behave like niggas or niggers have been taught to deny any and all flaws in their behavior or appearance, in respect to others or their own. It's justified as an act of self-confidence. That you're being true to yourself no matter what you do, how you do it, and regardless of what anyone has to say or think about you and what you do.
On one hand I find this commendable, but in general it does more harm than good. It leads to terrible influences such as large women wearing clothing that's obviously too small, or black men that sag their pants, and etc.

It's a problem for them when someone asks them to change because it conflicts their mentality. It's a sign of weakness or lack of self-confidence to change your habits because someone else told you to.

>> No.2942184


>if *not innately

You sure? People naturally see differences and divide. That's something society has done, now?

>> No.2942186

I was brought up in a progressive environment with progressive parents. I never even interacted with nor knew anything about black people till I was nearly twelve.

It might be that I see them as too foreign, as not one of me.

>> No.2942196

I'm as racist as I feel at a particular time. I tend to be less racist after seeing a minority who is smart and law abiding and more racist after visiting www.undergroundhiphop.com or listing to someone whine about white people or cis privilege.

>> No.2942197

I really would have no problem with modern african american culture being stamped out in favor of mainstream african culture. Seriously, african culture is superior to african american culture in almost everyway. Work ethic, Community, Dedication to responsiblities and duty, Family bonds, Honor, all that shit that AA cuture lacks.

>> No.2942210

Many people, especially on /b/, are racist because a). They think they're fucking cool and b). they probably haven't done anything with their lives and feel that calling people "niggers" makes them feel superior. Of course there are exceptions, people that have had truly bad experiences with certain people. But that's what I don't understand. If, lets say, a black man mugs you does that mean all blacks are criminals ,or that one specific prick that robbed you is?

>> No.2942212

There's two meanings of racism going on here. There's the conscious, political viewpoint that differences between people come from biological race rather than culture, or that racial characteristics determine cultural ones. Then there's the unconscious sense of difference/prejudice. It's kind of annoying that we don't have separate words for these things, because while they're linked they're also pretty damn different.

>> No.2942214

I would say AA culture lacks humility and empathy more than anything.

>> No.2942215

>cis privilege
>having anything to do with race

>> No.2942219

I'm racist in the sense that I believe in racial differences, and hate liberals for ignoring reality and making excuses for the differences.

I'm not hateful though. I love hip hop, even the ghetto ignorant kind, and have had very few negative experiences with black people(my best friend is black).

The truth is though, that it's irrational to pretend like race is only skin deep.

>> No.2942221

What you're not taking into consideration is who is going to do the work that the poor do. If you educate everyone who is going to to clean the toilets at that restaurant you like going to. Who's going to drive the garbage trucks. Sure some people will still do it, but that number would pale in comparison to the number of people who do it now because they have no other option.

>> No.2942241

>non-racists who hate gangsta culture
>racists who like it
This thread has it all!

>> No.2942246

Too true. When I lived in Ghana it was like an entirely different planet. If someone in africa acted the way they do in america they'd ostracized and become a pariah.

>> No.2942251

It's because people in Africa aren't babied by the state and aren't taught to pin all their problems on another group of people. That and American culture in general is materialistic and hedonistic.

>> No.2942253

I used to be racist like you, OP. After awhile, I started realizing how narrow-minded I was becoming, so I decided to stop judging people by the character rather than their skin color. You know what I found out, though? There are shitty people in every race, because most people are really fucking shitty. I've met a lot of cool people by disregarding those niggling, dismissive thoughts in the back of my mind and giving them a chance.

>> No.2942254

start, not stop

>> No.2942257

>In my opinion blacks that behave like niggas or niggers have been taught to deny any and all flaws in their behavior or appearance, in respect to others or their own. It's justified as an act of self-confidence. That you're being true to yourself no matter what you do, how you do it, and regardless of what anyone has to say or think about you and what you do.

Sounds like they've just absorbed contemporary American culture. Last time I checked 'be yourself and don't let anyone tell you different' was a major message in about 90% of films and cartoons.

>> No.2942265

Good lord that needs to stop. Sometimes being yourself is the shittiest possible option. Society can't work when you're an "individual" who's "unique" and shouldn't be judged for being a dickhead.

>> No.2942278

>That and American culture in general is materialistic and hedonistic.
Would be fascinating to see a study of what's distinctive in African-American 'gangsta' culture compared to earlier, uh, gangsters. With the whole 'get rich, get famous, wave guns about' thing those guys can seem like a logical extension of the American Dream.

>> No.2942279

Sociopathic utilitarianist scum, I'd slit your throat and not even flinch.

>> No.2942284

Y'know when you think about it, I think the reason we like gangster movies is because they embody the logical conclusion of our "American Dream" and "Be yourself, fuck everyone else" bullshit.

>> No.2942288

They also subscribe to strange codes of honour that can only be broken in dire circumstances.

>> No.2942292

Hell yeah. The thing gangsters (black or white varieties) take out of the American Dream equation, I think, is religion. Which is interesting, as I'd assume African Americans are one of the more religious groups. Inner cities gonna inner city, I guess.

>> No.2942297

One of the more religious groups in the US, I mean. Don't actually know, though.

>> No.2942302

Actually, that's true. In a sense they're less 'be yourself', because you're constrained by having to do your best for your extended 'family'.

>> No.2942309

True. Mafia codes of honor, Street code(s). They're really just alternatives to everyone else's morality.

>> No.2942316

Racism is an ancient, natural tribal reaction. For classically homogeneous cultures, it's akin to xenophobia. Even uncivil animals display this form. Everyone who was born from one tribe/nation essentially inherits it, those of mixed race can still be predisposed to it.

Racism has two meanings usually
1) Racial superiority
2) Racial discrimination

Two entirely different concepts blurred today by mass media.

The linking feature between those two cases are over-generalizations, or avoiding the distinctions of class and/or geopolitics altogether.

>> No.2942322

Shit, now I want to study gangster culture. Fascinating stuff, really. Seems like you have a group of people (more recently black people, in the past Irish, Italians, etc) who absorbed the American cultural messages about working hard, supporting yourself but doing right by your community, and making money, but then came up against systems/attitudes that often denied them the opportunities to do those things by the normal channels. Hence, gangsters.

>> No.2942324

I think religion plays a role in the sense of god being the one who will never judge them for what they do. The one who will forgive them after doing the most awful things. You can't be a monster 24/7. Most "evil" people don't see themselves as evil.

>> No.2942328

That's pretty much exactly the reason my grandpa gave for why he was a gangster. He's in for life now after offing a guy back in the 60's. Mafia 4 life yo.

>> No.2942331

That's actually a much better word for the instinctive/sub-conscious reaction to the 'strangeness' of a different skin colour. I don't like 'racism' for that because '-ism' normally suggests a body of conscious thought.

Mind you, I think the two are linked. You react to the sense of difference, but I think cultural factors that are historically connected to 'racism' as a body of thought will influence HOW you react.

>> No.2942335

...except now I think about it 'phobia' is always negative, and the reaction to that feeling of difference isn't always negative. E.g. having an Asian fetish.

>> No.2942341

Jesus, life means life, huh? That's got to be about 50 years now...

>> No.2942346

The same people in this thread dismissing racism as childish, immoral, or stupid are the same people who would have similarly dismissed atheism 200 years ago under the same pretenses. I know it might be abhorrent to blank slatist egalitarians everywhere, but people are animals too, not perfect equals descended from some ethereal plane, and just like animals who have lived in different environments for tens of thousands of years we have developed biological differences, including biological differences in average intelligence.

>> No.2942347

I feel you bro i used to be just like you man, some black kid bullied me when i was in preschool so for half of height school i hatted all niggers, but after a while i realized that even tho the ones that try to come of gangster are kinda fucking annoying if you get to know some of them they might actually be cool. Now i have a new way of life, hating is stupid, don't waste your time filling yourself with negative emotions. and anyways chances are sooner or later you're going to bump in to the most amazing person on earth... and they're going to be black, shit like that always happens,it will mined fuck the shit out of yo.

>> No.2942350

You didn't read the thread, not get the fuck out.

>> No.2942359

Not really. You're much like a christfag in the modern day with false religious beliefs that should have been let go 2,000 years ago. If you wish to debate further, please come to the straightdope. We'd be happy to take anyone who can prove their beliefs. We're like the Randi foundation of sorts.

>> No.2942361


You saying this are likely the kind of person who would have burned witches 400 years ago.

Talk about "differences in average intelligence" when you have equality of opportunity. Until then, your argument is invalid.

>> No.2942363

I prefer to debate on 4chan. No identies makes for much less pretense and drama.

>> No.2942364

>we have developed biological differences, including biological differences in average intelligence
Of course. But why do you want to confine those differences within categories as huge as 'race'? How many races do you believe exist?

>> No.2942366

>Talk about "differences in average intelligence" when you have equality of opportunity. Until then, your argument is invalid.
So are you claiming that Jews and Asians have more opportunity in the U.S. than white people?

>> No.2942369

>Of course. But why do you want to confine those differences within categories as huge as 'race'? How many races do you believe exist?
How many species exist?

>> No.2942372

Lots, but that's not an answer.

>> No.2942382

>Lots, but that's not an answer.
How's that? One arbitrary line drawn in the sand of biology is fine, but another doesn't exist?

>> No.2942385

Where did I say race doesn't exist?

I'll ask again: how many do YOU believe exist?

>> No.2942391

I like how interacting with black people doesn't qualify as experience unless it's a very specific type of black person. Are those the real black people then? Seems to me that this insistence that a certain subset of the population is the true representation of that population reveals something stronger than slight racism.

>> No.2942394

Alright. Native Americans, whites, blacks, Asians, Ashkenazi Jews, Middle Easterners, and I suppose Aboriginals. Possibly more, and perhaps I'm wrong about some I listed.

>> No.2942401 [DELETED] 

Are you claiming that (white) Jews are smarter than (other) white people? Are you claiming that Asians are smarter than white people? Why would you claim something like that?

Anyway there aren't a lot of Jews and Asians in the deep South where education fucking sucks.

>> No.2942407

>The same people in this thread dismissing racism as childish, immoral, or stupid are the same people who would have similarly dismissed atheism 200 years ago under the same pretenses

This analogy would work if:
(a) atheism had appeared around 1650 AD
(b) absolutely everybody at the time had agreed with it and thought it was self-evidently true
(c) around 1750 AD, people started working out that atheism actually sucked

But that isn't what happened.

>> No.2942409

Are you claiming that (white) Jews are smarter than (other) white people? Are you claiming that Asians are smarter than white people? Why would you claim something like that?

Anyway there aren't a lot of Jews and Asians in the deep South where education fucking sucks.

>> No.2942410
File: 74 KB, 307x407, average.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lit sees things in black and white (no pun intended). They themselves are awkward disconnected people, so they hide in the safety of literature escape. They read that "People shouldn't be racist." so they look for other authors who write unrealistically about the human condition, and ignore or undermind anything that even remotely opposes their fantasy outlook of how life "should be." Now that they've armed themselves with bias hypocritical and callous opinions written by people who themselves are disconnected...they for the first time in their sad lives have the courage to bomboard what they feel is flawless justified hate and intolerance against otherwise decent, albet flawed human beings.

Everyone in the world is Racist. If they tell you otherwise, they're dangerous liars...or have a specific agenda that'll probably be damaging to many and rewarding to them. People are more comfortable around those they can easily relate to, it's universal. If stereotypes created by a race weren't true, they would be a different stereotype. If those falling under said stereotype dislike it being applied, it is their responsiblity to model themselves against said stereotype and inspire other similar couragous people.

Everyone is racist, but just so long as physical assault isn't imposed, there's nothing wrong being so. Feelings are meant to be hurt. Stop allowing others to tell you who you must be.

Source: Wikipedia
Have a fucking field day faggots.

>> No.2942413

>Are you claiming that (white) Jews are smarter than (other) white people? Are you claiming that Asians are smarter than white people?

>Why would you claim something like that?
Because IQ tests suggest it's true.

>Anyway there aren't a lot of Jews and Asians in the deep South where education fucking sucks.
Anywhere where there are lots of black people generally sucks, because society doesn't work when the population has an average I.Q. of 85.

>> No.2942420

There's more than ample evidence that suggests racism is a fact of biology. I know you're convinced that getting over shit like Jim Crow laws and manifest destiny must go hand in hand with all races being completely equal in every respect, but that just isn't the way evolution works.

>> No.2942421

What's your reason for not subdividing further? Your argument is that living in different environments has produced measurable differences between human capacities, but each of the huge areas you've chosen (Africa, Europe, the whole of goddamn Asia...) covers a massive variety of environments.

>> No.2942425

So the races are different, huh? What about the people within each race? Are they different too?

>> No.2942441

>What's your reason for not subdividing further?
Because where you draw the divisions is somewhat arbitrary. Why divide the difference between boiling and freezing in Celsius between 100 degrees? Why not 10? Why not 1000? I use the same divisions as most people do for the sake of communication.

>> No.2942442

I understand that racism, just like sexism, can be rationalized as biological. However, attitudes like that FUCKING SUCK for the people who are oppressed on the basis of shit they can't control. This is a woman speaking. I never would have even thought to have an opinion on this if I lived 100 years ago in the same circumstances. So fuck you white males and your hate for everyone else who's not as "privileged" as you are to be you. I hope it makes you feel better. You're what's wrong with the world, and you're disgusting.

But love to everyone else. Because -- gasp -- we have more essential shit in common than we have differentiating us.

>> No.2942447

>So the races are different, huh? What about the people within each race? Are they different too?
There are differences between cats. So what? That doesn't mean that cats have the same biological potential as dogs.

>> No.2942449


That was only directed at the ignorant racists (who I assume are white males involved in this discussion), by the way.

Enlighten yourselves.

>> No.2942452

>somewhat arbitrary
You appear to be saying 'differences between the races are a biological reality, but what those races actually are is arbitrary'.

>> No.2942454

This comes down to capital more than anything else. Do you have statistics for that?

>> No.2942455

>I understand that racism, just like sexism, can be rationalized as biological. However, attitudes like that FUCKING SUCK for the people who are oppressed on the basis of shit they can't control. This is a woman speaking. I never would have even thought to have an opinion on this if I lived 100 years ago in the same circumstances. So fuck you white males and your hate for everyone else who's not as "privileged" as you are to be you. I hope it makes you feel better. You're what's wrong with the world, and you're disgusting.
My, a first world white woman lecturing me on my privilege? How's that intact genitalia treating you, honey?

>> No.2942457

>cats and dogs
>the same difference as between human populations
Ever tried to cross-breed cats and dogs, anon? How did it go?

>> No.2942459

>You appear to be saying 'differences between the races are a biological reality, but what those races actually are is arbitrary'.
More or less, yes. Much like other biological divisions like species.

>> No.2942462

Wait, so we have a genitally mutilated third world girl arguing FOR racism in this thread?

Wow, /lit/ just keeps getting better.

>> No.2942465

>Ever tried to cross-breed cats and dogs, anon? How did it go?
We're not different species, merely different sub-species. Perhaps a better analogy is the differences between dog breeds.

>> No.2942466

Thank you.

>> No.2942470

Oh. So are there any real-world applications for your fuzzily-held beliefs?

>> No.2942472

>Wait, so we have a genitally mutilated third world girl arguing FOR racism in this thread?
I guess you must have been unaware that it's perfectly to mutilate the genitals of men where you live, but that's probably just because of your privilege, so it's ok.

>> No.2942476

How about the fact that the arbitrary race called black is much more likely to have sickle-cell anemia?

>> No.2942479

But that's already known and acted on. What I mean is what you would change.

>> No.2942480

I'm aware that I'm privileged. I would be even more so if I had a penis and more money.

I just don't think that people who aren't white are any less intrinsically valuable as fucking human beings. I don't harbor any sort of hate toward people because of the circumstances they were born into.

There's no excuse for you, though.

>> No.2942482

Oh. Sorry, dude. Guess it was. I'll try to bear that in mind.

>> No.2942493

>I'm aware that I'm privileged. I would be even more so if I had a penis and more money.
Oh look, a woman who claims to know more than me about the experiences of being a man. You want to know what it's like? Like I said already, amputate some nerve endings from your genitals. In addition to that, you start filling out the ranks among the homeless and prisoners. In addition, you can start making up more workplace fatalities, working longer hours, getting higher prison sentences for committing the same crimes, be victims of violent crimes like murder and assault more often, and you can graduate from college less.

And who the fuck wouldn't be privileged with more money? I'd sooner be a black lesbian cripple with 10 million dollars than a straight white male living at the poverty line.

>I just don't think that people who aren't white are any less intrinsically valuable as fucking human beings. I don't harbor any sort of hate toward people because of the circumstances they were born into.
Intelligence is all I give a shit about. If a black man has an I.Q. of 200, I value him as much as I would value a white man with an I.Q. of 200. Hell, I'd even value him more because in general blacks live worse environments.

>> No.2942494

Sickle-cell anemia is specifically prevalent in sub-Saharan African populations as well as the Middle East and India. It's because it comes from a mutation that's advantageous in resisting malaria.

>> No.2942496

>Oh. Sorry, dude. Guess it was. I'll try to bear that in mind.
/lit/ wouldn't be /lit/ without snark, now would it?

>> No.2942499

>Intelligence is all I give a shit about. If a black man has an I.Q. of 200, I value him as much as I would value a white man with an I.Q. of 200. Hell, I'd even value him more because in general blacks live worse environments.
Why don't you like stupid people? I find they're pretty cool.

>> No.2942503

>Sickle-cell anemia is specifically prevalent in sub-Saharan African populations as well as the Middle East and India. It's because it comes from a mutation that's advantageous in resisting malaria.
Exactly. Like every other difference between races, it was selected for because it was most advantageous to a particular environment.

>> No.2942512

Point is, it crosses the boundaries between races and doesn't apply to all of a given race (it's only people from some parts of the Middle East, India, and Africa). So why limit yourself to something as crude as defining it by race when modern genetics allows you to be more sophisticated?

>> No.2942520

Because I'm not an expert, and I define races as most people would choose to identify themselves. Even with such crude divisions, many strong correlations are present.

>> No.2942529


That's capitalism.

What's with the foreskin thing? Is that a big deal to you? If so, you're the first man I know to say so. I sense some castration anxiety. Maybe that's common and I just don't hear about it. Moving on.

Your statistics seem pretty irrelevant. Yes, more men commit crimes so more men go to jail. Yes, men commit crimes against one another more often than against women. What is your point?

All I know for sure about being a man is that you're not the victims of misogyny.

You're pretty fucking ignorant for somewhat who values intelligence.

>> No.2942536


>> No.2942546

Sorry, I guess there aren't any non-white people to tell you what the fuck is up, so I had to say something about which I actually have first-hand experience.

Anyway this is tedious. I'm not going to change anyone's mind here.

>> No.2942551

>What's with the foreskin thing? Is that a big deal to you? If so, you're the first man I know to say so. I sense some castration anxiety. Maybe that's common and I just don't hear about it. Moving on.
You don't hear that many women in third world countries bitching about what happens to them either, simply because in both cultures genital mutilation is collectively tolerated and encouraged. My objection is the permanent removal of the most sensitive part of the penis, is what. Oh, and please take your Freudian voodoo to a pulpit where it belongs.

It's kind of funny how many women don't think men are qualified to talk about issues like abortion but feel fully qualified to tell men about how things like circumcision are irrelevant.

>Your statistics seem pretty irrelevant. Yes, more men commit crimes so more men go to jail. Yes, men commit crimes against one another more often than against women. What is your point?
So being a victim of a violent crime is alright when you're the same gender as the perpetrator? What?

>All I know for sure about being a man is that you're not the victims of misogyny.
So statistical evidence is irrelevant, but your abstract notion of "misogyny" is relevant? Quite the rigorous standards you have there.

>> No.2942558

You haven't said anything about "what's up" with gender discrimination. You threw around vague accusations of male privilege and hand waved away arguments based on statistical evidence that suggests that maybe having a vagina doesn't make you a victim of society 24/7.

>> No.2942566

No, it makes sense. Cut men say catty things about men who are uncut, it's dirty / gross / whatever. I never pretended to know, and was quite explicit about it. Sounds pretty textbook castration anxiety, though, no? It's not a stretch.

You may have an opinion on abortion.

No, I'm saying it just so happens that men commit violent crimes against other men rather than women who they see as defenseless and not a threat (at least consciously), etc. etc. Many if not most of those crimes are committed over capital, which I honestly think is the root of most of these problems but that's a tangent.

Misogyny is part of my daily experience, thanks, and it's very real, and on some level at least you know that. Many women obsess over their appearance because they are objectified far more than men by Western culture. You have websites where girls post pictures of themselves in various states of undress just for validation, affirmation that they are attractive, because ultimately if you don't get married and have kids as a woman you're looked upon as a social pariah. I could go on forever.

>> No.2942590

>No, it makes sense. Cut men say catty things about men who are uncut, it's dirty / gross / whatever. I never pretended to know, and was quite explicit about it. Sounds pretty textbook castration anxiety, though, no? It's not a stretch.
No, it's more like I'm bothered because I know that my orgasms have never felt as good as biology meant them to. But please, continue to inform me about what my experiences with my own genitalia are like, because you must clearly know.

>No, I'm saying it just so happens that men commit violent crimes against other men rather than women who they see as defenseless and not a threat (at least consciously), etc. etc. Many if not most of those crimes are committed over capital, which I honestly think is the root of most of these problems but that's a tangent.
In other words, discrimination against men isn't really discrimination against men because of capitalism, or what? The motives are irrelevant, I never brought them into the discussion.


>> No.2942592

>Misogyny is part of my daily experience, thanks, and it's very real, and on some level at least you know that. Many women obsess over their appearance because they are objectified far more than men by Western culture. You have websites where girls post pictures of themselves in various states of undress just for validation, affirmation that they are attractive, because ultimately if you don't get married and have kids as a woman you're looked upon as a social pariah. I could go on forever.
Yes, women are viewed as physical objects. But so what? Do you even have an inkling of what it's like to have to put yourself entirely on the line to initiate nearly every relationship you ever have (most women consider being "undesirable" to simply not be asked out as often as they like)? Do know what it's like to be viewed as a failure as a human being when you can't provide financially for your family, even when your wife divorces you and takes your children with her? Women have their own problems. Men have their own problems. Deal with it.

>> No.2942596


That's called being allowed to have agency by patriarchal society. Many assholes don't like to have a woman initiate because it makes them feel like less of a "man."

I never claimed firsthand experience, I'm telling you what men have told me w/r/t this.

If you want to use the word discrimination really loosely, fine, but that misses the point. I said it was a tangent that I didn't want to get into.

You have issues, dude. I'm done.

>> No.2942599

I think we can all agree people of all races are better than tumblr social slacktivists.

>> No.2942603

/pol/ is coming, prepare your butts for some nazi enrichment.

>> No.2942605

>That's called being allowed to have agency by patriarchal society. Many assholes don't like to have a woman initiate because it makes them feel like less of a "man."
Please define "patriarchal society". And what exactly am I supposed to care what you claim asshole men want? Many men don't like to initiate because, believe it or not, rejection can hurt like a kick to the gut.

>I never claimed firsthand experience, I'm telling you what men have told me w/r/t this.
I'm a man, telling you with regard to this.

>If you want to use the word discrimination really loosely, fine, but that misses the point. I said it was a tangent that I didn't want to get into.
No, you just want us to take your perpetual victimhood on faith. Jesus, at least I provided real world, tangible examples of how males suffer disproportionately to females. The closest you came to that was that was saying that people expect women to be beautiful.

>> No.2942628

Ok, OP, I don't normally post, but this is actually kind of an interesting discussion I had recently. If its retarded, its retarded. But this was the rationalization me and a few friends came up with.

Society is based on the idea of giving up the instinctual urges, or to control them. This is debatable, sure, but the general idea of a social contract still stands. People aren't fucking in the streets, shitting on yards and eating with their hands ravenously. These things are frowned upon by a good majority of society I would say (I have nothing to back this up, it's just observation).
So I draw the general conclusion that prohibiting or at least restricting base urges is a part of society.

Now on the other hand, racism/discrimination was
a very important part of survival. If someone sees a bear kill their family, they will remember that it was a fucking bear that killed their family and not a goddamn rabbit. The idea that cavemen would not apply some level of discrimination would imply that they felt equally threatened by all animals and humans. Again, this is just some logical thinking here, nothing I claim to be citing here, or that this idea hasn't already been made.

Combine those two ideologies: that racism/discrimination is a behavior of a "savage" human being in an uncivilized world. Society feels that there is no longer a need to have such a discrimination just for humans.

I don't feel bad about being a racist inside just as I don't feel bad about having to take a shit. I'm just not racist in public like I don't take a shit in public, because I'd get my ass kicked for both.

>> No.2942642

>nor justified some silly hate because of statistical I.Q. scores

who the fuck do you think actually does this?

>> No.2942655

>when you have equality of opportunity.

It's not impossible to control for socioeconomic differences, you fuck up. That's a protest you and your ideologically obstinate know-nothings invented to try to keep us all in the state of permanent ignorance that you think is necessary in order to thwart "racism." You can compare samples of poor, deprived whites and Asians to poor, deprived blacks, then to middle class blacks. The reality? Socioeconomic sameness doesn't make the IQ differences disappear.

>> No.2942657

>What I mean is what you would change

This isn't an appeal to consequence is it?

>> No.2942679

Reminder that our founding fathers were more intelligent than any of you will ever be, yet still recognized that blacks were inferior.

>> No.2942684


>there are a whole host of myths in the united states that I would categorize as so obviously wrong and stupid that only very very intelligent people could persuade themselves that they're true

>> No.2942695

No, I was wondering if that anon had any views on how society could be run for the sake of discussion. Seemed the 'racism' was incredibly fuzzy- 'there are differences between races, but I'm not sure what the races actually are and I admit that they're kind of arbitrary and I'm actually defining them culturally'. Not much there to debate, really.

>> No.2942696

> IQ differences

Anybody who thinks that IQ tests actually measure anything tangible or relevant is a moron not fit to pass on his genes by procreation.

>> No.2942697

>our founding fathers
Check your American privilege, yo.

>> No.2942700


IQ correlates with income and education = shut the fuck up.

what frustrates the fuck out of me about these discussions is that people just knee-jerk hate racism so they throw up any defense they possibly can to shoot it down.

you're not being reasonable.

>> No.2942703

What do IQ tests from Africa reveal?

>> No.2942705
File: 222 KB, 440x922, readign scores by race usa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then it's just a coincidence that the races with the highest IQ(North Asians, Jews, Whites) have the most advanced countries and have contributed the most to civilization per capita?

Also, reminder that the reason American children appear to be falling behind the rest of the world isn't because our schools and teachers suck, it's because of minorities.

>> No.2942706

I dunno, lack of American money and American education, I guess.

>> No.2942707

>reminder that the reason American children appear to be falling behind the rest of the world isn't because our schools and teachers suck, it's because of minorities
Everything in the world has one cause and one cause only, huh?

>> No.2942710

cultures that value education tend to be innovative and successful?


>> No.2942711

>Shanghai, China
>taking results from the richest city in a country and comparing them with data from whole countries
Seems legit.

>> No.2942714

Did you look at the scores, you fucking retard? Asian-Americans score the second highest in the world and American whites score the second highest out of every white country in the world.

Now look at the hispanic and black scores, and maybe you can use that little brain of yours to realize why American averages are so low.

>> No.2942717
File: 44 KB, 446x400, 1290134687090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>B-But the only reason American blacks score lower than fucking SERBIA is because their culture is bad, it has nothing to do with intelligence

>> No.2942718

couldn't be because they're poor or anything

nosirree, it's impossible

>> No.2942721


I suggest you look up the Minnesota transracial adoption study.

>> No.2942722

try harder bro, are you mad enough to whip out image macros already? It's not my fault your argument has more holes than a German trooper in Stalingrad circa 1942.

>> No.2942723

USA total actually looks pretty good to me. I mean the East Asian countries are a lock because of their insane levels of educational pressure, and most of the western countries ahead of the US have much lower populations while being similarly rich.

>> No.2942725

I firmly believe that there are genetically distinct human populations and that genes play a very large role in each population's behavior.

>> No.2942726

I'd suggest you look it up.

It's not our job to make your arguments for you, dickhole.

>> No.2942727
File: 388 KB, 843x843, 1343702477508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even blacks adopted into white families are significantly less intelligent than adopted white children.

You liberals are just embarrassing yourselves.

>> No.2942729

Too many confounding factors to be a quality study. If you have shit parents until you're 5, of course you're going to score lower on IQ tests. That was the case with some of these black adopteds, not being adopted at birth but instead adopted after their parents had already half raised them.

>> No.2942730

Hey, dude, your little chart appears to be missing this:

"contrary to Levin's and Lynn's assertions, results from the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study provide little or no conclusive evidence for genetic influences underlying racial differences in intelligence and achievement."

"We think that it is exceedingly implausible that these differences are either entirely genetically based or entirely environmentally based. The true causes of racial-group differences in IQ, or in any other characteristic, are likely to be too complex to be captured by locating them on a single hereditarianism-environmentalism dimension"

It's what the guys who actually did that study had to say about it.

>> No.2942731
File: 154 KB, 500x500, sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>races look extremely different because of their respective environments but there's no way their environment could have affected their intelligence you fucking RACIST REDNECK IDIOT


>> No.2942732

>Too many confounding factors

alright, fling some more anti-racism shit because you're ideologically driven.

>> No.2942733

>are either entirely genetically based or entirely environmentally based

hey dude, no one said the differences were 100% down to genetics.

fling some more anti-racism shit because you're ideologically driven.

racism is evil!1!!1

>> No.2942734
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 1341821183663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the people who did the study were trying to prove the opposite of what they actually found to be true.

>> No.2942737

It's totally a coincidence that all majority black countries are shitholes, and that all majority white countries are first world.

>> No.2942739

Oooooh, is it ad hominem time already? How about how you say why it's not confounded. Please note >>2942730. The guys who did the study don't agree with the conclusion you draw from it.

>> No.2942740
File: 2.48 MB, 1504x1488, 1334891837004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do racists in reality have such high IQs despite dumbass leftard agenda? Honestly, at the nazi war trials they were all given IQ tests and they all scored above average.

Let's look at famous libfaggot heroes for examples.

FDR? He hated niggers.

That faggot commie Che Fagevra that they idolize so much? Hated niggers.

Gandhi, motherfucking Gandhi of all people HATED niggers.

Oh the brilliance that was H.P. Lovecraft? Well here's a little something he wrote
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

Face it, libtards are mentally ill and egalitarianism is nothing more than a faith based religion that doesn't reflect reality.

>> No.2942741

I'm not on either side, but the anti-racists haven't provided any evidence aside from "shut up fucking racist!!!!".

>> No.2942743

[citation needed]

>> No.2942744

>implying anyone is going to watch whatever schlock some nobody squeezes out of their assho-I mean mouth

We gave two different arguments, so go on and refute them. You're capable of acting like an adult, whether you want to or not.

Most people can't hear sarcasm over the internet, if that is indeed sarcasm at all. Are you by any chance autistic?

>> No.2942745
File: 216 KB, 840x983, 1343270915816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread in a nutshell

>> No.2942746

See >>2942730. All he has against that is ad hominems.

>> No.2942747

>+ 182 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
Fuck all of you

>> No.2942748

The first part of it is actually pretty OK.

>> No.2942750

those damn liberals must've done this


>> No.2942751

So the study concluded results that the scientists thought were inconclusive.. that's just partially refuting a claim made by the "racial realists", not an actual argument of your own proving that all races are equal in intelligence.

>> No.2942755

>We gave two different arguments
what arguments?

>You're capable of acting like an adult
says the one flinging shit because racism is evil11!!!1

>> No.2942756
File: 92 KB, 1024x768, 1304721062699[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I consider myself a racial realist rather than a racist.

I like Asian people because they're generally civilized.
I dislike black people because they're generally uncivilized.

Simple as that.

>> No.2942757
File: 104 KB, 500x500, 1343104848007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't really blame these /lit/ liberals for buying into the PC egalitarian stuff, most people are sheep and believe what's hip in order to fit in.

>> No.2942758

>proving that all races are equal in intelligence
I'm not setting out to do that. Nobody's actually equal. I'm saying we don't have sufficient evidence either way, and I don't think we will until we figure out how to somehow separate genetic 'capacity' for intelligence from education etc. Which is a tough cookie.

>> No.2942761

Kids weren't adopted immediately at birth, so important development happened while they were still with their original parents.

>> No.2942763

>"contrary to Levin's and Lynn's assertions, results from the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study provide little or no conclusive evidence for genetic influences underlying racial differences in intelligence and achievement."

Was that so hard? It's almost like you're trying to stay ignorant.

>> No.2942766
File: 374 KB, 1000x2169, 1340593494828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The races that score highest on the IQ tests have the most advanced counties.

That's a counter-argument, not an actual argument of your own proving your premise that all races possess equal intelligence. You guys have spent all this time in defense mode because we're the only ones presenting facts while you resort to name-calling "YOU STUPID RACIST REDNECK WHY ARE YOU SO UNEDUCATED!?!?".

>> No.2942767

Border collies just have a different culture, that's why they're so smart you racist piece of shit.

>> No.2942768
File: 47 KB, 345x383, lel'd hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time

>> No.2942769
File: 243 KB, 1037x946, 1340603773963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's amusing how MLK and Obama have siad Gandhi was one of their inspirations, when Gandhi hated niggers.

>> No.2942773

>The races that score highest on the IQ tests have the most advanced counties.
OR: the most advanced countries score highest in IQ tests. Funny how that could go either way, huh?

>your premise that all races possess equal intelligence
Personally I'm not making such a claim. I don't think there's enough evidence either way, and I don't think there's enough evidence to make 'races' a useful way of subdividing humanity either. Especially not your version of races, which appears to grade no finer than 'black skin, white skin'.

>> No.2942775

>your premise that all races possess equal intelligence

This was never the premise, you dense moron. The premise is that there are too many factors that go into "intelligence" to tell whether race effects it one way or the other. The repeated argument that "niggers are inherently dumb" doesn't hold water, because there are too many factors that go into their dumbness. Their culture is shit, their poor as shit, etc.

Quit trying to sidestep the issue by attacking your opponents.

>> No.2942776

already responded to your shit-fling:
their statement means nothing because no one is arguing that the differences are 100% genetic.
and let's not pretend we're trying to be "objective" and we're approaching this "rationally" in an attempt to discover truth. you're putting up an anti-racist wall.

because racism is evil1!!!!

you dishonest sack of shit.

just because that CAN be a factor doesn't mean it IS one. do you assume it is because it fits your anti-racist, egalitarian world view?

i don't even need to cite the study showing that malnourished, late-adopted koreans grow up to have higher IQ's than the white average.
let me find it.

>> No.2942780

>malnourished, late-adopted koreans grow up to have higher IQ's than the white average.

You mean an east-Asian culture that puts education above all else tends to produce intelligent people? WHAT A SHOCKER, YOU SURE GOT US BEAT.

>> No.2942783

>just because that CAN be a factor doesn't mean it IS one
Just because that might not be a factor doesn't mean it isn't one. And since, again, the actual professionals who conducted the damn survey pointed it out, yeah, it seems reasonable.

>> No.2942781

>OR: the most advanced countries score highest in IQ tests
It could, but what's more reasonable? Smart people built advanced civilizations, or that they built advanced civilization by coincidence and then it made them smarter?

I'm glad you guys agree that there is no proof that races are equal.

I'm not even white, I'm a jew.

>> No.2942784

>trying to argue with a bunch of manchildren

>> No.2942785






no it doesn't you fucktard.

>> No.2942786

>Well actually, sir, even malnourished korean kids score better than well fed blacks

Do you realize how dumb you sound?

>> No.2942788

>It could, but what's more reasonable? Smart people built advanced civilizations, or that they built advanced civilization by coincidence and then it made them smarter?
The latter. But since you think it's the former... Jews and East Asians are the smartest, right? Which is why they've always had the most advanced civilisations in the world, right?

Oh, wait.

>> No.2942789

>5 year old
>influenced by culture in any significant way

You've got to be kidding.

>> No.2942791
File: 369 KB, 1196x1216, 1339858448100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's poverty, they said.

>> No.2942792

>I'm glad you guys agree that there is no proof that races are equal.
No problem. The irony is it's the racists who always end up arguing that people are equal.

>> No.2942793

Do you know at what age they were adopted? Into families of precisely what economic background? Into which culture did they opt to meld into, "white" or "Asian"? We don't know, and those are all factors that will effect IQ scores.

You're getting really buttmad about this, but I appreciate the sage.

>> No.2942794

that's when you're most vulnerable to culture

>> No.2942795
File: 726 KB, 1065x762, 1339858531241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America's schools are the problem, they said.

>> No.2942796

Amen to that. It's been fun.

>> No.2942797

>I had no cultural influences at all until I was 6 years old!

So you were a retard, then?

>> No.2942799

>implying Asian parents don't start teaching their child to read when it's still in the womb

>> No.2942801

b-b-b-b-but the white man! :(

>> No.2942802
File: 33 KB, 413x437, 1344629264401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The latter.

Is the cognitive dissonance your experiencing painful? Nobody can actually believe that. What evidence do you have that supports the fact that white and asian nations just happened upon advanced civilization and it made them smart? None.

It is much more logical to conclude that smart people build advanced civilizations.

>Jews and East Asians are the smartest

Jews have contributed 6 times per capita as much to civilization as the other races.

>> No.2942806

1870-1950, huh? What are the figures for East Asians in that period? Must be pretty damn high, since IQ determines everything and all.

>> No.2942808

race is a social construct

*le troll face ;)*

>> No.2942809
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x1500, 1343707948094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah actually Israel is much more advanced and prosperous than all of the middle east even though it's only been there less than 100 years. East Asians civilizations have low crime rates, good economies and high IQ and they indeed do have advanced countries compared to the say Africa. You didn't mention whites, but all of Europe is first world while all of majority black countries in Africa are third world.

>> No.2942811

Jews have a very vigorous culture of education. The upper echelon also have a kind of dynastic success (clannishness and all that) that trickles down to poorer Jews easily.

Are we supposed to be surprised that Jews are generally intelligent, any more than people with college educations are?

>> No.2942814

Bullshit image with no source, cool.

>> No.2942815

>smart people build advanced civilizations
So what happened to China and Japan? Their IQ suddenly drop dramatically after the first thousand years or so?

>> No.2942817

"The fall of the Roman Empire has finally been fully explained. Historians have pinpointed the emergence of a giant wave of Stupid somewhere in the region of Rome."

>> No.2942818

Liberals have not provided one single argument in the entire thread to prove that races all equal, their delusions would be humorous if not so sad.

>> No.2942820

and this is all because of Jewish genes and not Jewish educational mores, right?

it's not because of slaughtering Muslims for free land either, only an uncivilized culture would do that

>> No.2942821

>prove that races all equal
Hey! It's that thing nobody is arguing again! Good to see you, Mr Strawman!

>> No.2942822

Are both are you mentally retarded or just trolling?

>> No.2942825

clarify, would you?

If there's one thing "racial realists" can do, it's obfuscate what they're trying to say.

>> No.2942826
File: 110 KB, 807x717, 1341186603780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are no better than feminists who blame "THE PATRIARCHY" for everything and any evidence to the contrary of your beliefs is inaccurate because of the patriarchy and its evil influence.

>> No.2942827

That's nice. Tell me more.

>> No.2942828

Jews, Armenians in Turkey and Chinese in Malaysia are so poor and have hampered intellectual development. Oh wait, they don't. But then again, adopted blacks in white middle-class families do just as well as adopted whites. Oh wait, the adopted blacks do exactly the same as average blacks. But that's because mixed-race adoptions are problematic. Oh wait, malnourished korean children adopted by belgians and americans end up performing at exactly the NE Asian average.

>> No.2942829

>"The fall of the Roman Empire has finally been fully explained. Historians have pinpointed the emergence of a giant wave of Stupid somewhere in the region of Rome."

You seem to be strawmanning and pretending that I'm claiming that IQ is why civilizations collapse. It takes intelligence to build civilization, but all it takes it a couple stupid wars for it to fall.

But since you guys have lost this debate, I can see why you are falling back on fallacies.

>> No.2942830


they take the cowardly, "neutral" approach to avoid anyone shitting on their ridiculous worldview.

>> No.2942832
File: 61 KB, 618x390, 1295268301929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't have any evidence that races are the same but you're all FUCKING STUPID UNEDUCATED REDNECK RACISTS!!!!

>> No.2942834

>I have sources for every one of these facts like any respectable person would give, since they're the core of my argument.

Urine is pink. Your yellowish urine is just a sign of venereal disease. I don't have any proof, but it's obvious to anyone who gives it a little thought. Our muscles are pinkish, and some of our organs are, and our digestive tract is, so our urine must definitely be.

>> No.2942835

>still believing anyone is arguing this

>> No.2942836

The "education opportunity" myth was debunked in the Milwaukee Voucher study and the results of the abecedarian early intervention project. What happens is that good students tend to go to the same schools, creating the illusion of the "good school". Kids who apply for vouchers and get them do just as well as kids who apply for vouchers and don't get them.

I could say that chimps are dumb because of their "historical socio-economic legagy", and there would be no way for you guys to disprove that.

>> No.2942840

It also takes natural resources and a hospitable climate. Funny how central Africa (or the Amazon, or Java) has neither of those readily available. Stay ignorant, bro, you're a lot more fun this way.

>> No.2942841

>okay whatever what does that have to do with anything

there's nothing important in this spoiler except for me calling you a little bitch

>> No.2942843


>I need sources to these studies because I've never done any research on the topic, but I'm gonna go ahead and pretend I know anything about it anyway.

>black/white adoption
Minnesota study was already posted.

>asian/white adoption
"Malnutrition and environmental enrichment by early adoption", 1975

>> No.2942844

Blacks are way over-represented in the running events in the Olympics, yet non-existent in the swimming events. If all races were the same, this would not be so. If you accept that there are indeed biological differences between races, then the claim that they may have different levels of intelligence is not so hard to believe.

But liberals instead choose to stick with their delusional egalitarian world view like true sheep, despite no evidence showing that they are correct.

>> No.2942847

> Funny how central Africa (or the Amazon, or Java) has neither of those readily available.

Neither does Japan. Congrats, your argument just fell apart. Please leave this thread before I embarrass you further.

>> No.2942848

the Minnesota study was already proved inconclusive.

>"Malnutrition and environmental enrichment by early adoption", 1975

It's not my job to hunt down whatever tripe you think is relevant. Post the text or get called a faggot.

>> No.2942851

>has all four seasons
>not a rainforest
>no annual monsoons
>not an average of 90 degrees fahrenheit year round

try harder.

>> No.2942852


Your bitchy "it's not entirely genetics" response didn't prove anything.

>It's not my job to hunt down whatever tripe you think is relevant.
I gave you the keywords needed to find the study. If you don't want to read it, that's your own fault. Just don't pretend you know what you're talking about.

>> No.2942853

So I'll just leave this here

>> No.2942855

how exactly would those levels of intelligence be fairly quantified?

For instance, say I have a little white kid who never went to school because he was... too fat, or something. By all measures he'd be considered very stupid. But through what logic does that make it fair or appropriate to judge all whites by his performance in perpetuity?

>> No.2942856


no no no that's completely wrong.

the reason why blacks do better in the running events and the NBA is because whites are raised to believe they can't be as good as blacks are at these physical activities.

yes, my claim is unfalsifiable.
yes, just because it's a possible factor doesn't mean it is a factor.

but i'm just being neutral here. yep.

>> No.2942858

>natural resources

Keep backpedaling. You claimed the natural resources was a big factor, yet Japan has virtually none either yet is very successful. Now you're claiming that climate is the reason why Africa is a shithole?

You're grasping at straws, are liberals this desperate?

>> No.2942859

>But through what logic does that make it fair or appropriate to judge all whites by his performance in perpetuity?

We're talking averages, champ.

>> No.2942860

>By all measures he'd be considered very stupid

not really.

>> No.2942862

"My" bitchy response? That was the response of the people who crafted the study. You're just being a sore loser.

>blah blah blah it's your job to educate yourself
You'll have to educate me about your argument if you want to convince me it's true. I have no interest in hunting down this or that half-baked shitshow of an study.

>> No.2942864

How so? Could the same be said of a dumb fat black/Asian/Arab boy?

>> No.2942866

>"My" bitchy response? That was the response of the people who crafted the study. You're just being a sore loser.
What the fuck are you talking about you goddamn fucktard? Do you still not understand that what they said doesn't matter? It doesn't matter if it's not entirely genetics.

>I have no interest in hunting down this
Right, you don't care. So don't pretend that you're interested in what's true. Admit that you're here to "defeat" "race realists".

>> No.2942867

>natural resources don't include human capital


>> No.2942868


you're assuming that schools are responsible for education, and that kids interested in the subjects wouldn't learn about them in some other way.

that, and you're conflating knowledge with intelligence.

>> No.2942869
File: 149 KB, 706x677, 1306176723484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberals, why are Olympic runners overwhelmingly black but Olympic swimmers mostly white?

Whites probably just have a swimming "culture" or something, right? That has to be it.

>> No.2942870

>experts in the field have said the link between race and IQ is inconclusive, but their opinion definitely doesn't matter!
How did you come to this conclusion?

Last I checked, "true" and "inconclusive" weren't synonyms.

>> No.2942871

>I have no argument so I'll just strawman

Your post reeks of desperation.

>> No.2942873

> Whites probably just have a swimming "culture" or something, right? That has to be it.

Nigs can't afford swimming pools. Did you even put half a second of thought into your argument?

>> No.2942876

Is this a troll post or are you serious?

>> No.2942877


He's trolling. Calm down.

>> No.2942879

>Whites probably just have a swimming "culture" or something, right?

They actually do. Do you think some African or bumfuck Arab can afford a swimming pool? Of fucking course not.

>but they can swim in the ocean or the Strait of Hormuz!
You can't train for the Olympics in the ocean, shitdick.

>> No.2942880

Africa is a shithole because it is kept in a state of poverty by the greed of western capitalism.

>> No.2942882

inb4 they brought it upon themselves, they deserved what they got, etc

>> No.2942881

Your post reeks of disingenuous shit, but at least I have the courtesy not to tell you so to your face.

>> No.2942883


You're going to act like it isn't cultural? A whole generation of blacks were denied access to public pools just 50 years ago in the states. Why would they bother to teach their kids how to swim when they can't themselves.

>Seventy percent of African-American and sixty percent of Hispanic/Latino children cannot swim.

>> No.2942884

>- White athletes globally, medaled IN EVERY SINGLE SPORT (in all 29), dominated in terms of medals in 23 of them. Whites won a total 636 medals, which is nearly 67% of all medals.

>- Black athletes of African origin, medaled only in 10 sports from the 29 and only dominated in terms of medals in 1 sport/event, the track running events. Blacks won a total 111 medals, which is 11.5% of all medals.

So whites dominated every event, while blacks only succeeded at track. Do whites have a soccer culture? Maybe an arrow shooting culture? Handball culture?


>> No.2942885

proof racists don't know a damn thing about what they're trying to discuss

>> No.2942886
File: 35 KB, 500x309, 32874943_ceab2afa37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's just a coincidence that the races with civilizations advanced enough to "exploit" Africa are all the races with the highest IQ while blacks have the lowest IQ.

>American blacks have a low IQ
>African blacks have a low IQ

>> No.2942887


Why do they fail at every other event then?

>> No.2942888

>Do whites have a soccer culture? Maybe an arrow shooting culture? Handball culture?

Yes, yes, and yes. Last I checked, most African nations weren't big on recreational archery or handball. Soccer is more of tossup with Latin nations, but still dominated by Yurop.

>> No.2942890

>why are Olympic runners overwhelmingly black
It's guys from a specific part of Africa, anon. If you want a better than average runner, find someone descended from there. A random black dude isn't specific enough.

>mfw racists are convinced everyone's the same


>> No.2942892

So blacks just suck at every sport because they choose not to play them and all of them just like running? That's seriously your argument?

>> No.2942893


>> No.2942894

How much do you think a gym costs to build?

How many great handball teams do you think exist in all of, say, Kenya?

It's not very fucking many, I'll bet.

Handball and archery are rich people sports, same as curling and hockey and football. These games aren't played outside of developed nations because they're either needlessly expensive or too niche to attract talent.

>> No.2942896

So let me get this straight, liberals think that any variance between races in sports is because of their culture too?

Jesus fuck. There's a reason asians play fucking badminton and table tennis and not football, because they are physically different just as blacks are physically different from whites.

>> No.2942897

China has a very high IQ yet got utterly exploited for most of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries.

What's your explanation for that?

>> No.2942898

Not the racistanon you're arguing with, but you're way out on football. It's pretty cheap and huge in South America and Africa. And plenty of guys from there are good at it, naturally.

As for handball... is that an American thing? Seriously, I'm not even sure what it is.

>> No.2942899

So running is all that poor kids can do? No poor latino kids in South America kicking around soccer balls?

Your delusions are amusing.

>blacks have low IQ scores
>blacks suck at every sport except for running

>> No.2942901
File: 20 KB, 320x240, 887209_370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet Grib-grib, he won the Nobel prize in physics after building a particle accelerator in his straw hut, from bamboo canes and mud.

>> No.2942903

>badminton and table tennis

Those will become dominated by blacks soon enough. The problem is sports like that (expensive sports that require courts and equipment) don't have much a hold in African nations, so player talent hasn't yet developed.

>> No.2942906

The only things blacks dominate is running, so I doubt it. There are plenty of sports that don't require tons of money to play and they still suck at those.

>> No.2942907

>2012 Olympics
>football match to decide bronze medal
>South Korea vs. Japan
>hurrr Asians can't play football

>> No.2942908

Running is the easiest thing to do, because it's cheap.

What don't you understand about this? Soccer is cheap too, but Africans get outplayed by Latinos and Europeans who have more talent to draw from.

>> No.2942911
File: 32 KB, 406x600, 406px-J_Fibiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga please

I am the only Grib to win the Nobel

>> No.2942912

>>blacks suck at every sport
Do you even watch European football?

>> No.2942913

Learn how talent works. If hardly anybody in your country is interested in handball, you're going to field a pretty shitty handball team.

>> No.2942914

China isn't a third world country, but is still exploited by the west in terms of manufacturing. You have to keep in mind that they still have a communist party ruling, who is perfectly happy to allow the manufacture of laptops, fridges, phones, TVs etc.. for us to consume. They are kept in a perpetual state of second world, but the government encourages education, and as such there is access to education for most individuals.

>> No.2942915

>17th, 18th, 19th centuries
>Communist Party
What is this I don't even

>> No.2942917
File: 23 KB, 396x479, 2hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet Adolf Hitler. He caused the death of tens of millions of people, civilian and soldier alike.

Not surprisingly, he was white.

>> No.2942919

We're talking about handegg, you stupid fucking yuropoor.


>> No.2942920


The best blacks athletes in the US generally play football and basketball. They are the most publicised and lucrative sports to play in the states. I'm sure blacks everywhere are dying to participate in sailing, equestrian, and shooting disciplines.

China is dominant in table tennis because they treat it as a serious sport. Nigeria, a predominately black country, sucks at basketball because they don't have the resources or expertise.
Tell me why isn't there more sprinters from African countries when blacks from more developed parts of the world dominate in them?

>> No.2942922
File: 35 KB, 911x623, 1343785056417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, blacks at every income level aka devoid of any connection to poor "thug culture" still score lower than whites and Asians.

>> No.2942923
File: 5 KB, 251x251, 1332401701304s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Racism thread
>285 posts and 22 image replies omitted
>they think being a racist is a matter of autonomous and conscious choice

I have news for you kids: whether you consider yourself a racist or not, it is the very structure of our minds that is already racist. What we call race is just another episode of our misunderstanding of the pragmatic work of our minds: essentialism.

Close this window, turn of your pc and go read. FUCKING NOW.

Hold your jimmies, you know im right.

>> No.2942924

Blacks cant do things that require fine coordination, like darts, snooker or pool, they also cant play chess.

>> No.2942925
File: 19 KB, 229x241, 1298374295833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2942926

>Africa would be a Utopia if it wasn't ruthlessly exploited and colonized by evil white CAPITALIST PIGS


>> No.2942927

But a common stereotype is that blacks fucking rock at pool

>> No.2942928

>everybody still saying 'black people are good at running'
Goddammit, guys, >>2942890

>> No.2942930
File: 110 KB, 400x400, julian assange rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think most people are racist.

Do you have a preference, say, would you rather have a white wife/gf than one of a different color?
Would you rather have a wife/gf that's not crippled in a wheelchair?
You discriminate against crippled people!

And if you think that my definition is too superficial, prove it! Prove that _real racism_ is something else!

>> No.2942931

Wow, only a white guy could be so organized. When blacks try something like that they Rwanda

>> No.2942932

Fuck your logical argument

>> No.2942934

So, uh, is handball an actual thing people care about in Americaland? If you made me write out a list of sports, I don't think I'd put it in the first 100 I thought of. Seriously, I'd rank it lower than baseball.

>> No.2942935
File: 42 KB, 408x640, 1325572076201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God you stupid racist rednecks are so stupid, blacks are just as intelligent as whites are. We're all one race, the human race!

>> No.2942936

My girlfriend is a qt asian girl. I honestly don't like white English and American girls, both physically and mentally. Can I be racist towards my own kind?

>> No.2942937

Was that supposed to be "this dude's penis is a whole other dude, your argument is invalid"?

>> No.2942938


>> No.2942939

Brtifag spotted. Handball is actually played a fair amount in Europe. Basketball too.
But somehow Brits don't know these exist.

>> No.2942940

No, you're racist towards Asians, but in a nice way.

>> No.2942941

No it was just a depiction of the average African society and their noble culture.

>> No.2942942

But... Britain is the only country in the world.

>> No.2942943
File: 42 KB, 328x328, 1324502019305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asian men are shorter than black men


>> No.2942944

Seems pretty chill.

>> No.2942946

>thinking 'Asian' could possibly be a valid race
Seriously, even the other racists must call you dumb.

>> No.2942947

>Can I be racist towards my own kind?

Of course! You can even only be "racist" towards your own female kind, for example.

Racism is too vague. And if you try to pin it down it loses its original meaning and/or exposes the fact that we all discriminate in one way or another, therefore making the "problem of racism" less intense.
And people who scream "racism" are inherently racists themselves.

>> No.2942948
File: 81 KB, 438x274, imageMain_10_291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brit-fist, bro.

>> No.2942951

"White" isn't a race either you stupid fuck, rather it's an umbrella term. All men encompassed under the Asian label are indeed shorter than the average black man, but that's probably just culture.

Biological differences are racist.

>> No.2942952

>And people who scream "racism" are inherently racists themselves
Maybe, on an unconscious level. But see >>2942212. This is an argument with the conscious racists.

>> No.2942958

>Africans have bigger noses than Koreans
>Koreans have smaller eyes then Africans

It's just culture, race is a social construct.

>> No.2942960
File: 1.24 MB, 1382x2112, African_Pigmies_CNE-v1-p58-B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biological differences are racist.
Nope. Racism is about arguing that everyone in an enormous self-contained population group is fundamentally similar. It's the anti-racists who are arguing for difference here.

Pic related, Africans. That white guy must be some kinda giant, I guess.

>> No.2942961

all racists deserve to be lined up and shot

>> No.2942963

A person who believes biology affects us (our behavior etc.) is just a person with common sense and basic intelligence/education.

So the only logical way out for "anti-racists" is to claim that differences between blacks and whites and asians.. are only skin-deep, which of course it's not true at all.

There are specific "deep" biological characteristics of people with different skin color. Not in 100% of people, but in enough people to represent a meaningful correlation.

>> No.2942965

So far we've had 'Asian is a race' and 'Korean is a race'. So, yeah, you're kinda proving the whole social construction thing here.

>> No.2942966

If you accept that there are biological differences between races, then accepting that there are intellectual differences isn't far off.

It's amusing how liberals can accept that environment can make races extremely physically different, yet reject that environment could affect intelligence at all.

>> No.2942968

Actually as >>2942951 said, Asian isn't a race but an umbrella term just like white.

But difference nose sizes are just because of culture, not because of biological differences.

>> No.2942969

>So the only logical way out for "anti-racists" is to claim that differences between blacks and whites and asians.. are only skin-deep, which of course it's not true at all.
No, it's to say that the differences between people cannot be limited within a small number of groups called 'races'. Nobody here is arguing that the 'races' you're talking about exist but are the same.

>> No.2942975

I'm denying that 'races' are meaningful categories, dude. You're arguing that people within in a given race are in some sense the same. I'm saying, nope, humans vary.

>> No.2942978

Do we hear governments, the mass media, and academia calling for Japan to bring in millions of non-Japanese people and assimilate with them because they're "not diverse enough"?
Why are they doing this in ALL and ONLY White countries?
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
No one says a neighborhood that is 100% black needs more diversity.
No one says a neighborhood that is 100% asian needs more diversity.
No one says a neighborhood that is 100% Latino needs more diversity.
They are already 100% diverse.
All white neighborhoods and only white neighborhoods always need to be more diverse. White neighborhoods only stop needing to be more diverse when there are no white people left in them.

Funny how the "Melting Pot" agenda is being pushed in EVERY white nation on the face of planet earth.

No one says "Japan" needs to become a "Melting Pot".

No one says China, Africa, Mexico, Haiti, or Israel should be deluged with massive random, foreign populations to demonstrate how "moral" they are, or to "enrich" their sorely lacking culture.

>> No.2942979

>environment can make races extremely physically different
Why say 'races' here? Do all black people grow up in the same environment? Or all white people?

>> No.2942982
File: 17 KB, 482x259, PISA scores by race usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm denying that 'races' are meaningful categories, dude.


>> No.2942985

Are you being serious? There's a reason races look different, it's because of the environment they evolved in.

>> No.2942986

>I'm denying that 'races' are meaningful categories, dude.

Doctors are not, for example.

They'll tell you that 'black race' people are more likely to get some disease (like sickle cell) than 'non-black race' people.

>> No.2942987

Mexico is being diversified with whites and Jews though.

>> No.2942988

Ooooooh, a survey which assumes the existence of races proving that races are meaningful! Way to make your point!

Seriously, it even seems to think there's such a thing as an 'Asian race'. Yeah, it is kinda hard to tell Japanese and Indian people apart, right? They must be homogeneous...

>> No.2942989

Mexico is full of half-breeds. Latinos are whites mixed with aborigines.

>> No.2942991

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.2942993

>They'll tell you that 'black race' people are more likely to get some disease (like sickle cell) than 'non-black race' people.
Nope. People descended from sub-Saharan Africa, some of the Middle East, and some of India. Areas with historical malaria prevalence.

>> No.2942994

What, and you can't subdivide those races further? You can't tell the difference between Southern and Northern Europeans? Mongolians and Iranians?

>> No.2942995

So why are they counted as a race?

>> No.2942998

Cause they're brown silly

>> No.2942999

> Mongolians and Iranians?

Iranians are genetically white, FYI. (As are Pakistanis.)

>> No.2943003

Huh. So they belong to both the 'Asian' race and the 'White' race? Confusing.

>> No.2943000
File: 702 KB, 2048x1625, races.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.2943004

They aren't fuckstick, they're an ethnic group.

>> No.2943005

Full credit to those Germans, they clearly put a lot more effort in to it than the racistanons on here talking about 'the White race'.

>> No.2943010

See >>2942982. Note filename. Do you guys maybe want to sort out among yourselves exactly what you mean when you say 'race' before coming here? It might be helpful.

>> No.2943011

White race is commonly understood by people who aren't retarded(ie not you apparently) to mean people of European descent aka "Arier(Aryan)".

>> No.2943014

> yet reject that environment could affect intelligence at all.

If by environment you mean culture and the like, then of course. White, Asian, Black, and Hispanic culture all value things differently.

This is what pisses me off. People view this as a justification to say some race is more intelligent than another. It's like people think an entire group of people who were discouraged from learning to read, etc. less than 200 years ago should have already recovered and because they value sports more than education. There are too many factors.

>> No.2943015

See >>2943000. Again, note filename.

Seriously, you guys need to decide this stuff if you're going to try and present races as a biological reality. It's important.

>> No.2943017

Jesus you're retarded. "White" isn't a race either, neither is "Asian". But they are distinct groups of people, it doesn't matter what you refer to them as.

People says "white race", and it's understood what they mean by that, of European descent. You're desperate and using this semantic bullshit to hide that you're grasping at straws. It doesn't fucking matter what someone had in their filename.

>> No.2943018

>"White" isn't a race either, neither is "Asian"
Cool. But... aren't you arguing that races are a biological reality here? How many are there?

>> No.2943019

>If by environment you mean culture

No, as in the places they evolved in, if you aren't aware different areas on the globes have different climes and other factors so inhabitants evolved differently. Your complete ignorance of anthropology is showing.

>> No.2943023


I'm aware that people evolved differently due to climate which is why I ignored the first part of the original statement. I assumed you were implying two different things.

How did climate make a group of people more/less intelligent?

>> No.2943026

[intermission while racistanon scrambles off to find an article on stormfront that ISN'T dumb enough to think human difference can only be divided into a handful of enormous racial groups, but IS dumb enough not to realise that you can keep right on subdividing so that 'races' really aren't that useful a concept at all]

>> No.2943032
File: 30 KB, 549x625, 1343784846772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are large distinct categories. Caucasian, Mongoloid, and Negroid.

There are subdivisions in all of these categories, for example, Semitic/Aryan/Hamitic are subdivisions of the Caucasians. Aryans are people descended from Europe and generally they are what is commonly referred to as the "white race". Within the "white race" there are subdivisions also.. German, Finn, English, Italian just as there are divisions within the Semitic branch(Arabs, Jews etc).

Scientists and regular people use the world race is different ways so it's sometimes confuses people, but to claim that there aren't distinct races is ridiculous.

>> No.2943033

>How did climate make a group of people more/less intelligent?

Well, for example, in a tropical environment you don't have to plan ahead for winter, food is available all year.
Meaning you don't need as much abstract thinking and planning skills for "the future".

>> No.2943034

The same way it made some peoples physically larger than others?

In case you don't know, Africans and Japanese people aren't the same size.

>> No.2943039
File: 24 KB, 413x395, 1297720785860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti-whites getting told hard

comedy gold

>> No.2943040

>Africans and Japanese people aren't the same size.

Does >>2942960 blow your mind?

>> No.2943043

Heeeey, this is interesting... raises so many questions.

What are Russians, Uzbeks and all the Central Asian types?
Why is there an 'English' race?
Why no 'French' race?
Wonder how the average San IQ compares to the Bantu IQ?

>> No.2943044

Look up what "average" means, kiddo.

Average Japanese male height: 5'5"
Average African male height: 5'10"

inb4 it's their culture

>> No.2943045

Which races live entirely in a tropical environment, then?

>> No.2943046

You were arguing that climate was responsible for those height differences. For some weird reason.

>> No.2943047

Go take an anthropology class if you're this retarded, it's not my job to explain all the differences of humanity to you. You'd think liberals would actually know what they are talking about before they open their mouths to protest.

>> No.2943048


Jesus you kids are mentally deficient.

>> No.2943054


So that affects their capacity to learn because they didn't have to plan for long winters? There are many things you must plan for in a tropical environment such as drought and more predatory creatures. Below freezing temperatures kill off more threats to humans than 90-110 degree weather.

So a black child born today in the US whos family has live in the US for 300 years is inherently less intelligent than a white child born today in the same hospital?

>> No.2943059

If you understood how evolution works, you would know that people have to adapt to their environments. Just as types of finches developed different beaks in order to adapt to where the lived, people evolved as well, and ended up differently depending on where they were located.

>> No.2943062

This is /lit/, this is the wrong place for this. Please do this on /r9k/.

>> No.2943068

>So that affects their capacity to learn because they didn't have to plan for long winters?
Exactly. Planning for long winters requires abstract thought.
A man with poor abstract thinking skills and planning abilities could still pass on his genes in a tropical environment.
But in some other places, he'd die.

>There are many things you must plan for in a tropical environment such as drought and more predatory creatures.
Drought doesn't happen in all Africa. It's possible that some people stayed in central-west part where it's not an issue. And predatory creatures are not really that big of a problem. Even if they happen to eat a few of your group, the vast majority will still pass on their genes. OTOH a harsh winter would kill everyone.

>So a black child born today in the US whos family has live in the US for 300 years is inherently less intelligent than a white child born today in the same hospital?
It's possible, yes. 300 years is pretty much _nothing_ for evolution.

>> No.2943093

No, anon, I'm expecting YOU to know what you're arguing about. So tell me, how does the average IQ of the Bantu race compare to a San one? Care to link to the research?

>> No.2943142

how can you slap? HOW CAN SHE SLAP!?