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/lit/ - Literature

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2941187 No.2941187 [Reply] [Original]

I've come to you /lit/ in need of some advice. I have recently started college for my first semester. I'm in week 2 and in my English 111 class my instructor is looking for us to give him a rough draft for our first paper. I can do alright with writing, it's just the topic of this specific paper I can't get my head around it. The requirements are as follows:

Topic: A poverty-related event in your life that greatly affected you

Overview: Think of a time when you experienced a SINGLE event connected to poverty that greatly affected you in some way. This could be a positive or negative experience from your past or in the present. Focus on an epiphany, that is, a moment of realization you had about poverty and its effects in our culture and on YOU.

Guidelines: Employ all six elements of the narrative (setting, plot, character, tone, point-of-view, theme) and a mix of literary techniques

Length: 3-5 pages typed, double-spaced in Times New Roman 12 pt.

Title: Required and creative

Tip: Focus and movement are the keys to success in this paper as well as careful selection of detail. Select a single, specific event rather than a series of events or an event that occurred over a long period of time. Keep the paper moving. Use DAD- Description-Action-Dialogue. Incorporate literary techniques to strengthen your story.

I've never had any kind of money related poverty issues at all in my life. I've had a steady part-time job since I was 16 and I am able to pay my bills with ease. Granted, I am living with my parents, but they don't struggle with money either. I was hoping to do the paper on a friend of mine, but it being a narrative must be about yourself.

So, where do I go from here?

>> No.2941194

poverty of ideas, obviously.

>> No.2941233
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Protip: You're instructor doesn't know your life, so you can write whatever the fuck you want and claim it's you.

>> No.2941240

Make shit up, knobhead.
The homework board is over there.

>> No.2941607

This one time I was in India/Detroit/South London and I met a woman who was cheerfully humming while waiting on a bus, in ragged, washed out looking clothes

It taught me a lot about resilience and cheerfulness and bladebladebla

>> No.2941717


Please actually use this one.

>> No.2941721
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>That feel when I actually checked it for homework

>> No.2941723

I check it for Dicks

>> No.2941761
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Oh god, I just started english 201 and holy fuck, I can't dream up more retarded things.

I like science courses because they are concrete, there are problems and there are solutions. In english... it's whatever makes the teacher wet.

I love to read, mostly sci-fi and literature and discuss it, but I hate it when uneducated people take stabs at it.
We read A Message from the Emperor by Kafka and some people thought it was about going on despite hardships. If you won't know this short story, I'll spoil it for you - it's about a messenger with a deathbed message from the Emperor to you, the subject. The messenger cannot reach you ever, however, you dream of the message.
Notice the element of futility? How can anyone come up with "continue on despite hardships"? It doesn't make any fucking sense at all. I could've said "it's about tomatoes and the Warsaw uprising" and it would've made just as much sense.

Like holy fuck, I hate college english classes.