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2939686 No.2939686[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>using existentialism as an excuse to piss away your life.

You know any people like this? People that do nothing all day but listen to lectures and read shit on this stupid philosophy?

>> No.2939699


>> No.2939700

17 year olds

>> No.2939706

I do nothing but play video games. Does that make me the devil himself? I'm meek, I'm a coward. But I don't prescribe myself to any doctrines. This is how I live my life.

>> No.2939707

Yeah, I did that at 18. And a lot of blow.

>> No.2939711

Fuck off nihilist scum

>> No.2939723

Apparently I don't understand existentialism, can someone explain it to me as simply as possible?

>> No.2939725

I'm doing this right now and it's hitting me really hard, how can I overcome my meaningless existence?
Why do stuff if I'm going to die anyways?

>> No.2939726

Don't worry, op most likely doesn't know it means.

This is just another existential crises thread. Just check out op's picture.

>> No.2939727


it means doing whatever you want

>> No.2939728

>video games

you're still a child

>> No.2939743


That's it?

>> No.2939745

So says the faggot posting on this website.

Welcome to the playpen, sonny.

>> No.2939748

why'd you drop your trip, deep?

>> No.2939753


Acknowledging nihilism but ignoring it.

>> No.2939775

Do people here seriously think nihilism is correct?

then again, i'm on 4chan, filled with edgy atheists.

>> No.2939780

Well, then what's objectively meaningful?

I sure as hell can't think of anything, but I go on with life all the same.

>> No.2939783


what is the correct alternative to nihilism

>> No.2939785

Nihilism is the logical conclusion of all philosophy how many times must this be said

>> No.2939789


Fuck. You're obsessed with "edgy" because you used to be one of those kids, didn't you? Give it a rest.

>> No.2939791

>Using existentialism to piss away your life.

It should be used for the opposite; it should be empowering.

>> No.2939795

No it isn't.

>logical conclusion
hurr guise

What do you people know?

>> No.2939799

Does it matter whether we do or not?

>> No.2939800

Nihilism is the illogical conclusion of all philosophy how many times must this be said

>but muh authority

>> No.2939797

Hey fuckers, you will never convince me of nihilism.

how does that make you feel? where is your power now?

>> No.2939802

debating with nihilists is like debating with a dog.
all it can do is bark at you.

>> No.2939803

>Hurr I don't really understand any of this anyway

>> No.2939805

>implying you do
>implying meaning/meaningless isn't a false dichotomy
>implying words
>implying i haven't summoned spirits before and have precognitive dreams

>> No.2939809

nihilists are a bunch of sociopathic selfish crybabies.

>lets go tell everybody gusie this will be a good idea for sure we are soooooo right we got dawkins on our side

>> No.2939816

>nothing is right or wrong
>nihilism is right

Pick one.

>> No.2939818

boom, subjective scum just got destroyed

they are probably determinists too

what a bunch of dumbasses

>> No.2939820

nihilism isn't right or wrong. it just is.

>> No.2939824

>implying determinism isn't correct etc etc

>> No.2939827

this is retarded

>> No.2939828

Even if it is that doesn't mean accepting it as true is the correct way to look at it.

A nihilist telling someone they're wrong for not believing in nothing is stupid.

>> No.2939830

>hurrr i have no knowledge about this issue other than hurr pop-sci neuroscience and muh athiesm

>> No.2939836

>hurrp precog dreams and demons nihilism is false bro so edgy

>> No.2939839

Dammit, Jesus, if you didn't want to get high you shouldn't have possessed a drug taker's left arm. It's just basic common sense.

>> No.2939843


Can you justify that statement?

>> No.2939884


what's the matter? your world crashing down around you?

t-thats retarded r-right guys?...g-guys?

>> No.2939886

I have virulent manic depression, I do nothing all day but try to make it to the next.

>> No.2939892


wow, depression. life sure must be hard for you.

>> No.2939897



>> No.2939898

Me too.

>> No.2939900

I'll cut your fucking dick off and shove it down your throat, faggot. Step to me, bro.

>> No.2939902

I'm sure glad I got my existential crisis out of the way at, like 14. I'd hate to allow myself to be so crippled in college.

>> No.2939905


you're still a child. you've never faced an existential crisis.

>> No.2939910

College is for the crippled.

>> No.2939922
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>this thread

>> No.2939933

fucking jesus, pissing away my hard-earned heroin.

>> No.2939938

You could get another one. Trust me I had two. One in high school and one that lasted nearly the entirety of my first year of college.

>> No.2940483
File: 279 KB, 680x1024, tourette 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not overcoming nihilism by the habitual cultivation of virtue

>> No.2940495

>habitual cultivation of virtue

is that code for masturbation?

>> No.2940505


Hes starting a cumbox.

>> No.2940506

Does that, ultimately, matter?

>> No.2940539
File: 312 KB, 680x1024, tourette 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what you mean by ultimately. Will the gods smile upon me for eternity? Probably not. Will it elevate my life to a work of art that has meaning because it has meaning for me, like any creation? I certainly think so. Will it be meaningful for others as well? I hope so.

>> No.2940599

Do the things that you might inspire matter, or are you just trying to find a way to distract yourself until you die?

>> No.2940619
File: 87 KB, 1014x761, tourette 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with things mattering and meaning and all that is that people blow it out of proportion. A lot of the nihilist sentiments are probably the phantom pains of a Christian cosmology. There was the almighty God in who's eyes you did matter and your actions would be reflected in eternity. When people don't believe that anymore, they still tend to compare what meaning they have to that grand meaning of old. "My life doesn't matter because everything will end" and such sentiments. Or "it has meaning to me but that's it so it doesn't have objective meaning so it's bullshit". People need to stop comparing human meaning to omnipresent eternal divinity and start comparing it to, let's say, rocks.

Meaning exists as a human concept as opposed to things less self aware that are unable to form such a concept. So what "little" meaning we have is actually quite extraordinary. And I think I have a better chance of a worthwhile life just running with it than dismissing it altogether. Meaning is not some given thing of course, it requires a bit of brashness and effort. Often people fail to acquire it. You have to be a rakish motherfucker like Prometheus and snatch it when you can. Not from the Gods this time, but from an indifferent universe. That doesn't mean that we have to follow suit and be indifferent ourselves though. Nihilism can be overcome by an act of will. By stating values instead of claiming them.

>> No.2940621

Is a worthwhile life greater than one that is not?

>> No.2940629

Nihilism is the only conclusion for those whom have run out of ideas. Their intellectual limit has been reached.

That doesn't mean it stops there, as there are many other ways to form ideas and concepts.

Just because you admit to your stupidity doesn't mean it is the end-all for everyone else.

>> No.2940633

Well it's evidently more worthwhile so if that's part of your definition of a great life then yes.

>> No.2940673


Putting things on greater etc. scales just denies huge chunks of reality. They're not inclusive towards truth so they're worthless.

>> No.2940707

That's the funny thing about illusions; in a world of multiverse theory, reality_positivism allows for what has been called OTHER or ILLUSION to become REALITY_X. point of view; science.

>> No.2940765

>implying value judgements can be in any way truthful
>implying they aren't still a valid part of human experience in spite of this
>implying truth in itself isn't worthless without being incorporated in a value system that values truth
>implying subscribing value to truth isn't in itself irrational because it is a value judgement and value judgements aren't factual

>> No.2940773

I used to be like this. I spent my days thinking about Foucault, Nietzsche, Chomsky and eating up a lot of social critiques like it was going out of style.

I nearly dropped out of high school. I was going to pull some Chris McCandles shit, and I ended up going off to New Zealand for 6 months living the hobo life. It was cool: had it's ups and downs.

In any case, I read Ayne Rand, Milton Friedman and Kierkegaard as I was hitchhiking around. Suddenly capitalism didn't seem so bad, especially when I began to realize my trip was essentially feeding of the crumbs from the capitalists' table.

Also, it's a lot harder to suggest people undergo simple living and give up the comforts of modern life when you haven't showered in 8 days and have been stealing granola bars and canned tuna for sustenance. It's much easier to preach asceticism at a well-sat table.

In any case, after two years of psychedelic drug use, thinking, thinking, occasional reading and more thinking, I decided on the following:

>The object of the game is not to revolt against the social institutions which cause you unhappiness-- it is to figure out how to be happy in spite of them.

>> No.2940777

>right we got dawkins on our side

Dawkins doesn't define himself as a nihilist, quite the opposite in fact.

He says that Christianity essentially makes someone a nihilist because they reject and take for granted the beauty and wonder of our world, of physical reality, on the premise that there is a much better place that we are living in the shadow of.

>> No.2940782

>nothing is right or wrong
>nihilism is right

Confusing morality with the validity of a claim.

>> No.2940785

What type of nihilism are you fuckers even talking about?

>> No.2940810

Last sentence seems legit. Although I would rather try and do both.

Asceticism is freeing though, but I think hoboing around isn't the best way to live a simple life today. The world is a lot filthier and less hospitable in a lot of ways than before. I think the best way of simple living would just be acquiring a tiny shack or apartment that allow you the amount of shelter and hygiene modern knowledge deems minimal to retain ones health and take it from there. If you got a room, a shitter, something to cook on and some (cold) running water you are set. Which allows you to live for about half of what your average poorfag requires which gives you plenty of space to live the simple and good life. Just because we can't all be Diogenes doesn't mean it's not worthwhile to stick to the right side of life of course.

>> No.2940811

/lit/ is mostly existential nihilism and a moral nihilism but the latter is often implied

>> No.2940869

Honestly, I've met more people and made more memories by being an amoral fuck that smokes weed all day than i ever could have done by following the straight path.

This is the last post on 4chan I'll ever make. I've come to the conclusion that this place is an incredible time waster that sucks your life away and turns any man into a shell of his former self. I'm leaving and I suggest you all do the same. Have a good life my friends

>> No.2940872

You'll be back.

>> No.2940902

Are you the same guy that said this a few days ago?

>> No.2940928
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>> No.2940944 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 244x360, lam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking nothing happens when you die
well, i don't blame you
necromancy isn't in your face unlike new-atheism

stare at lam and open the portal

>> No.2940949 [DELETED] 

>being an amoral fuck that smokes weed all day

You do that.

It will only make your self easier for me to crush.