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2929384 No.2929384[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw the people who tell you how easy college is are usually the ones who are failing their courses

>> No.2929394


Just do your fucking homework and you shouldn't get anything less than an A.

B and lower means you're just paying your tuition.

>> No.2929401


This. But don't just do your homework. Also be sure to study. Homework is important though, especially if your teacher makes it 50 percent of the grade.

>> No.2929407

I consider studying part of homework.

You're a student, be a fucking student.

>> No.2929438

>no homework
>no attendance
>no studying
>show up
>ace tests

Eat shit and die, casuals.

>> No.2929440

Not if you studied accounting, OP. Damn that was a cruise.

>> No.2929445

College was easy and I graduated summa cum laude.

>> No.2929466

>tfw 23, smart, but too socially crippled to start college

I haven't left the house in 5 years.

>> No.2929469

Can someone give me two good reasons why college even matters in this day and age?

>> No.2929470

Same but 36, and haven't left the house 12 years.

>> No.2929474

Because most jobs that aren't based around fast food require qualifications. Fuck, you need a diploma before they let you cut hair now.

>> No.2929478


Same but 75, and haven't left the house in 40 years.

>> No.2929487

i actually started college but dropped out after a few months due to being too anxious to interact with anyone. eventually it got to the point where i couldn't bring myself to attend classes any more (i would experience anxiety attacks so bad that i physically couldn't even leave my house in the morning). that was about half a year ago, since then i have also gone full hikky mode.

>> No.2929493

Same but 90, about to die, lived in the same room my entire life.

>> No.2929497


When you guys say you haven't left the house in X number of years, do you mean that literally? As in NEVER, not even to go grocery shopping or dentist or anything? Is that even possible?

>> No.2929502
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>tfw starting last semester of college on Monday

>> No.2929507

you can get shopping delivered to you. although sometimes due to bad planning i do have to venture outside for food and stuff. it's very stressful, though, i tend to experience panic attacks just from being around other people these days. something as trivial as eye contact or a passably attractive girl being in my general vicinity can lead to hyperventilation and nigh total breakdown.

>> No.2929508

I never leave the house. EVER. Mom tries to get me to go for a walk or something every month or so, but I seize up and have panic attacks if I try. I go into the garden occasionally.

>> No.2929514

Why don't you see a psychologist?

>> No.2929518


I'm quite serious, but you don't need to know who I am.

And with that i'm off.

>> No.2929520

How old are you? Don't you feel like you're wasting your life? How will you ever have a career?

>> No.2929521

too agoraphobic to get treated for agoraphobia. talking openly to a stranger about what a fuck-up i am is pretty much my idea of hell.

>> No.2929523

Bye Thomas.

>> No.2929528
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>you can get shopping delivered to you

>that nerve-racking 12 hours leading up to the delivery.
>tfw making eye contact with the delivery guy as he drops your shopping off.

>> No.2929543

>How old are you?
>Don't you feel like you're wasting your life?
Nope. I'm gona die one day, and total solitude doesn't actually make me that unhappy.
>How will you ever have a career?
I already have a pretty decent job that I do from home.

>> No.2929552

It's probably the easiest way to master a language if you don't have the discipline to study by yourself. That's why I'm doing it at least.

>> No.2929557

Just out of curiosity; I presume you have the same eye contact problem. Do you feel boundless confidence when staring at your own eyes in a mirror, but lose this as soon as you turn away?

>> No.2929581

um, i'm not sure about "boundless confidence" but sometimes i can look in the mirror and get a bit lost in my big bluegreen eyes for a minute and feel pretty good about my appearance. but then at other times a mere glimpse of my reflection will almost reduce me to tearful fit of self-abuse.

>> No.2929588

>study hard
>usually spend two weeks on a paper
>actually take out books from the library and read them thoroughly for prep work
>barely managing A-, lots of B+

>get pissed off
>do none of this
>spend minimal effort required
>still get an A-
God fucking damn it, what am I doing wrong.

>> No.2929592

Eyes. Oh, God the eyes. They're talking to me. What are they saying? Just stare at the eyes. Look normal. Shut up brain, we're trying to be normal. Eyes. Keep looking at their eyes. Oh Sweet Jesus, they've stopped talking. What did they say? Something about cancer research I think. He's wearing a badge that says cancer research.Quick, look back at his eyes.

"umm..Y-yes" Focus on his eyes. You are having a conversation, stop sweating. Shit, he knows I'm starting to panic. My hand are shaking. Its ok, eyes, eyes eyes, shut the fuck up brain. Oh, sweet mother of God he's trying to hand me his clipboard.

>> No.2929606

>Don't Study at all = 93
>Study 8 hours a day = 95
diminishing return on crack

>> No.2929745

Study 16 = 95.02

>> No.2930604
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>> No.2930613

damn, must be hard

>> No.2930631

>Major in Criminology
>everyone tells me it's get drunk every day tier major.
>always studying and doing essays for 4 years. Come out with a 2:1.
Fuck you guys.

>> No.2930655

Hey, Sunhawk.

>> No.2930667

College is a waste of time, employers want experience and if you just wasted 4 years at a school, you aren't going to cut it. Sucks, but true.

And speaking as someone with a Criminology BA, its easy as fuck, but a waste of time unless you want to go to a police academy or join the military to be a military police officer.

>> No.2930670

>tfw I grew up in an neighbourhood and family who have a high distrust of police.
>tfw I can't get a job with my criminology major because I don't want to be a fucking cop.

>> No.2930687

Probation Officer
Insurance Fraud Investigator

>> No.2930688

I doubt the would let you be a cop with a degree, they would deem you overqualified.

>> No.2930697

>College is a waste of time, employers want experience and if you just wasted 4 years at a school, you aren't going to cut it. Sucks, but true.

Not necessarily. I recently hired an advertising manager for my company and went for a graduate rather than someone with experience. When it came to the interview, the graduate was enthusiastic, had some fantastic ideas and knew far more about how to utilise social networks and viral campaigns. His knowledge was up to date, where as the three people who had industry experience had all been coasting along in jobs without updating their skills. When it came to negotiating a wage, he got a lot less for accepting a graduate position too (with commission for hitting target sales, naturally). And so far his performance has been impeccable.

I will be looking for a shop floor manager soon, as I want to focus more on product design and outsourcing basic assembly to a factory in the middle east, which will involve a few months of travel. And honestly, I will give graduates and equal chance to someone with experience.

>> No.2930702

ITT: Liberal arts students.

Try finding anyone that'll tell you physics, maths or engineering is easy.

>> No.2930743


Science and math are part of the liberal arts.

>> No.2930759

Engineering is easy if you're actually good at math and not just getting the degree to impress people.

>> No.2930766


>> No.2930768

The maths students I know put less work in than anyone else and still get decent grades

>> No.2930805

all you have to do is memorize a bunch of formulas and plug the numbers in to them, you don't even have to think.

>> No.2930816

From my experience, they also say crap like "How did you not know this maths thing that vaguely relates to your course" to the physics and biology majors.

>> No.2930821

You have bad maths/physics/engineering courses if this will get you good marks.

>> No.2930822

>I'm in high school and think this will work when I get to college

>> No.2930826

>implying the teachings aren't mostly formulaic

Bitch please. Besides doing projects which involved some creative thinking shit was pretty much 'follow this and get that'.

>> No.2930827

Again, bad teaching imo. They should be teaching you why the formulae work and how derive them, so when you don't have a convenient formula to read out of a book, you aren't completely lost. The degree to which tests measure this skill may vary, but you still shouldn't be excelling on them from memorized formulae alone.

>> No.2930830

bullshit dude i went to a tech school that's like 50% engineering majors, the calc tests were just pluging in formulas, of course they design the test so you you have to use formulas inside formulas inside forumulas etc. but it was still just formulas because ... that's what math is. and no we couldn't use calculators on the exams, i cant believe these pussy kids who wanna brag about studying math and they're half assed school lets them use calculators on a fucking exam! haha

>> No.2930832

I don't even want to asscociate with you people on the internet. Go back to /r9k/

>> No.2930833

I can't tell if we're even talking about the same things, so:

What do you consider a formula? Would you call using a fourier transform, solving the problem, then reverse transforming for a solution to be formula based?

Also. I agree, math that needs calculators is usually just formula based crap.

>> No.2930835

what the fuck kind of assclown does a "criminology BA" and doesn't go to law school afterwards? That's basically a "pre-law" major like "biomedical engineering" is a pre-med major. just doing that degree for four years and expecting to get a job is ... missing the point of the degree. employers who see that are just gonna think you couldn't hack law school and dropped out, lol.

>> No.2930836
File: 3 KB, 484x89, fftdef.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a formula. you memorize it and then use it on the exam.

>> No.2930840

> but it was still just formulas because ... that's what math is.
No, fucktard, that is _not_ what math is.

If you didn't have to prove a theorem on a test for a class then you never actually studied math.

>> No.2930843

but that's ... a formula!

>> No.2930844

He's trollin bro

>> No.2930846

>If you didn't have to prove a theorem on a test for a class then you never actually studied math.

And how do you go about proving theorems? You're not doing ground breaking mathematical thinking, you're just following rules to arrive at a conclusion.

>> No.2930847

sorry dude math isn't that mysterious and it's not impressive.

>> No.2930849

yeah, if they ask you to "prove a theorem" on a test all you're doing is going through the steps you memorized while cramming...

>> No.2930851

Ah, we do seem to be talking about the same stuff. That's a relief.

I think what you just said is bad teaching.

It trains you to do something that doesn't really have any practical use. Memorization is only really useful when you will be using the formula in question OVER and OVER and OVER, and in that case, its use should be inherent in the material they test you with, rather than testing it explicitly. (for example, while we have never been specifically tested on the impedance of a capacitor, I know it off by heart since I have to use it all the time)

>> No.2930853

so your school expects you to do groundbreaking math research during an exam? holy shit that must be one hell of a school! oh, or maybe you mean you memorize some shit someone else figured out 200 years ago and regurgitate during the exam....

>> No.2930856
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>> No.2930858

mmm, if you have to figure out something that's been widely known for centuries on the exam because they didn't teach you it in class and tell you it's important i would say THAT'S bad teaching...

>> No.2930862

Of for fucks sake people.

>> No.2930867

is that supposed to be impressive? that's pretty much all just algebra bro a high school kid could work that problem

>> No.2930869

Is that homework for aspie class?

>> No.2930870

this is why visual art is so much more valuable than math, any chinese kid can memorize all the formulas and get an A but you can't teach talent.

>> No.2930874

Why wouldn't you want to do the readings? You chose the course because you enjoy it right? Not just because it'll make a decent living...
Sure the latter is a plus, but who wants to spend 3/4 years doing something they hate just because they might get a good career out of it.

>> No.2930880

Let me clarify.

I think expecting students to work out how to do a fourier transform themselves would be insane. The people who develop them are pretty smart. However, if you could reliably teach those skills, I would indeed consider that great teaching.

What I was referring to is applying a technique, and rearranging the equation you get into a form which is usable. Sure, you can do it by guess and check, but only if you have time, which you do not in an exam. Is it the pinnacle of scientific and mathematic learning? Hardly, but it is a step above what is taught in high school, which is what university is for, no?

>> No.2931082

>tfw I applied to a fucking grocery store for work between terms and needed a resume AND cover letter.

It's friggin' insane, it's like you need a bachelors degree to make coffee now.

>> No.2931093
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>tfw architecture school

turns out I like admiring cool buildings a hell of a lot more than trying to design them.

>> No.2931103
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i finished my degree in commerce and found it easy, starting my masters next week.

if it was something like physics i feel i would be saying something vastly different, funny thing is i'll probably do a degree in astrophysics in the future (5-10 years) but commerce is great for international travelling which is my main concern for now

>> No.2931114

>need experience to get job
>need job to get experience
how do i got job again?

>> No.2931196

get your dad to hook you up with a job at his firm or maybe at that company your uncle runs

>> No.2931218

>tfw you're from a working class family with no connections to anything

>> No.2931633

My last year of university and I'm only now taking it seriously. During all of the reading before the year begins, etc.

Feels good man.

>> No.2931656

I think mirrors are like that for everyone though.

>> No.2931663

if you think college is easy then you're obviously missing the point

>> No.2931673

haha i'm in the same position. my girlfriend is disappointed that i don't have a job even though she comes from a well-off family, lives at home for free, can get work from her father and knows very well that i get anxious. not to mention a lack of actual jobs around hence why all my friends are leaving

>> No.2932854

Same here. Failed out of university after Fall 2010, I never left my dorm or went to class. My life since then has been horrible. My parents make me want to kill myself.

>> No.2932862

Criminology is a covert bro-tier major. It's not as obligatory as business.

By all accounts from some of my friends, even if you were a whiz at math in high school engineering was still a fairly daunting major if only for the sheer workload.

I know someone doing architecture and they just don't sleep, like, ever.

>> No.2932860

This. Physics/Computer Science/Math majors change to philosophy/english/psychology as they aren't capable of getting through those majors and try to feel as if they're still intellectuals.

It's adorable

>> No.2932873
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That usually happens when people realize a B.S. alone in computer science equals shitty cubicle job, and math is fucking nothing.

Physics, well, I think most would concede that not everyone's cut out for that.

I'm doing journalism at uni, so I write constantly but with regards to readings for class, I usually skim over or just outright ignore most to allow for more leisure reading (which I consider my formal reading, you know what Twain said and all). I still suffer the occasional crisis of conscience when job prospects come up, but I'm content with focusing on writing as it seems that quite literally nobody can write well anymore, your STEM majors in particular.

I don't have it out for STEM majors (I was considering doing CS), but STEMs seem to have it out for everyone else.

>> No.2932876


>but who wants to spend 3/4 years doing something they hate just because they might get a good career out of it.

Uh, most people? It's 3 or 4 years of something awful for about 50 years of a decent life. That's a pretty easy sacrifice.

>> No.2932879

What do you do with a physics or math b.s.?

Those always seemed like research type majors to me, and a bachelors won't get you far in that area.

>> No.2932880

don't know much about what physicists do, but plenty of math majors find jobs in the financial sector.

>> No.2932882


Really? Huh. I would have thought Finance majors would pretty much have a lock on those sorts of jobs. I see.

>> No.2932885

>implying those 50 years aren't going to get progressively worse due to your picking a shit job you hate for money
>implying you'll have 50 years

>> No.2932889

>implying your job has to be your source of meaning in life
>implying people with shitty lives can't be happy

I know not everyone is built for office jobs, but people need to stop acting like everyone who isn't a writer/painter/filmmaker is wasting their lives.

>> No.2932893

sorry, that should say jobs, not lives

although frankly, my arguments torpedoed anyway, no going back

>> No.2932896


Not exactly bad reasoning. The issue at the moment is that you seem to represent no more than the course title suggests on paper. I gather than in previous times, having a degree suggested that a person has a modicum of intelligence and whilst their efforts may have been concentrated on something completely irrelevant to the position, they had potential to apply themselves to an employment position that required a sharp mind and good judgement. The saturation of degrees doesn't seem to have changed anything about the qualities that graduates come out with. The issue is that now employees are much more unfair by assuming that the only qualities you have relate to their understanding of what your degree might constitute.

Spoken like a true Liberal Arts student.

>> No.2933796

jesus some of you fuckers got real problems. you're gonna make the rest of the world think us /lit/ fags are all a bunch of socially inept, panic disorder-stricken agoraphobic shut-ins.

btw, i'm all 3

>> No.2933799

m-me too, buddy.