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/lit/ - Literature

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2923765 No.2923765[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2923769

I never realized just how goofy looking Sartre really is.

>> No.2923768

Have you read Wittgenstein/Where would you put him?

>> No.2923770

Most retarded one yet

>> No.2923772

It's upside down, mate,

>> No.2923779

Good tier

>> No.2923790

I would put him higher, but OK.

>> No.2923791


>> No.2923808
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>dem arguments

>> No.2923812
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Not that I agree with OP's list but I fail to see how this one is better.

>> No.2923817

>No Heraclitus or any of the pre-socratics
>No Socrates

Entire list is surrounded by the stench of pleb.

>> No.2923824
File: 23 KB, 600x600, AwKvl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking Locke

>> No.2923827

Nietzsche, Aquinas, and Kierkegaard are all top-tier

OP is a faggot

>> No.2923828

edgy as fuck man

>> No.2923830

>Socrates contributing anything

>ever being right about anything

pick nothing

>> No.2923834

That looks like a very sophisticated and dignified young boy. I appreciate your comparing us to him.

>> No.2923838
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it's like i'm really on /lit/
thanks for proving that this list is right

>> No.2923845

I rearranged this to fit my personal inclinations regarding these philosophers. What do you think, /lit/?

>> No.2923846

You have Kant and Locke in patrician tier and can't even be bothered to mention Hume. What plebeian shit is this?

>> No.2923847
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Captcha ate my image. Here it is.

>> No.2923848

I'm convinced he will grow up to be Lord Byron. Just look at him.

>> No.2923850

Pretentious tier: all of them

>> No.2923855

Husserl is one of the most important and influential philosophers of the 20th century, duder..

>> No.2923857

Husserl is Obi Wan Kinobe and Heidegger is Darth Vader.

>> No.2923856

>all of the philosophers OP listed
Are there, by any chance, any philosophers that you don't consider pretentious? If so, could you list a few?

>> No.2923861

d&e already did the ultimate /lit/ philosophy graph like ages ago. This is like a child's game in comparison.

>> No.2923863

Socrates Tier:

That's my entire list.

>> No.2923864

it's obvious that a pleb like that cannot into philosophy

>> No.2923867


Step up.

>> No.2923868

Kant shat on Hume all the time. Therefore he is relegated to mere 'Good' Tier

>> No.2923872

the whole idea of classifying philosophers qualitatively is wrong. You can compare their arguments in a certain topic or concept but judging as a whole is wrong.

>> No.2923873

As long as you recognize that Russell is Saruman and Wittgenstein is Gandalf, OK..

>> No.2923875

That is literally the best analogy of philosophy I've ever read. Thank you.

>> No.2923876

How about that also aren't shit?

>> No.2923874

No, Kant said that Hume put him back on the right track, away from being so dogmatic. Nietzsche famously shat on Kant and lauded Hume, remarking that not enough attention had been paid to the Scotsman..

>> No.2923878

Now do Lao Tzu and Camus.

>> No.2923881

Only if the One Ring is logical positivism.

>> No.2923882
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>> No.2923886

>implying hesse and rand are shit
You may not agree with Rand, but you must always admit that she does make a great point, and Hesse is one of the most brilliant spiritualists of our time.

>> No.2923889

You're welcome, especially since I know virtually nothing about analytic philosophy NOR Lord of the Rings

>> No.2923904

Lol, this coming from someone who calls all philosophy pretentious. Hesse's work is good, but ygsiu son

>> No.2923909


Did they change the rules about her? Where have I been and why isn't /lit/ swamped with threads...

>> No.2923932

They did. It was swamped for a few hours. If you start one, unless you're really subtle about it, you get 5-10 posts tops.