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2916736 No.2916736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ survey. Please indulge me. I'm looking for some correlations here.

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
>Are you a heavy reader?
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
>How often do you socialize?
>What are your eating habits like?
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.

For me:
>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Single, living in an apartment.
>Are you a heavy reader?
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
I range widely across genre and type. I most enjoy reading realistic novels in the bildungsroman tradition, like In Search of Lost Time, Great Expectations, or Of Human Bondage
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
>How often do you socialize?
Very little. I'm in law school, and I have a small circle of friends, so I get all my socializing done with these two groups. I'm an introvert who prefers to spend time alone with books, movies, and exercise.
>What are your eating habits like?
Lots of veggies and fruits and water. I eat meat at least once a day, and don't bother to watch my portion sizes.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
Very happy. I'm really starting to appreciate being more mature and living a quieter lifestyle. My greatest pleasures are listening to music in small doses, watching movies in the evenings, reading books, and experimenting with my kitchen.

>> No.2916740

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Single in an apartment
>Are you a heavy reader?
I wouldn't say heavy, but I read pretty often
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
Fiction, especially short stories
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
I have an agricultural job, so I get tons of exercise
>How often do you socialize?
On most weekends I hang out with family/friends
>What are your eating habits like?
Healthy on weekdays, terrible on weekends
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
Yeah, I enjoy my life. I'd like to work my way up to reading and writing more though.

>> No.2916743

shut up

kill yourself

>> No.2916751
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>being this butt destroyed by non-NEETs

>> No.2916952

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Family in House
>Are you a heavy reader?
Not really , no.
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
Anything really.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
Yeah , sometimes running on the treadmill , riding my bike.
>How often do you socialize?
Quite often.
>What are your eating habits like?
Over the top.I am trying to change that.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
No , I share my room with my sister and my house is very small.

>> No.2916979

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Living w/ma and sis.
>Are you a heavy reader?
I read often, sure.
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
Fiction and poetry have always been at the top, but I've been reading more history and philosophy as I get older.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
I do. I lift weights at a minimum of three times a week and usually do cardio on my non-lifting days.
>How often do you socialize?
A little less than the average normalfag. I've recently cut a lot of people out of my life and am trying to establish a better social circle at school, so it's a little up in the air right now.
>What are your eating habits like?
Horrible. I'll go from periods of relatively healthy eating to straight not giving a fuck + grazing like an animal.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
No. I am happy that I'm doing well in school, but I do not feel fulfilled artistically/creatively, I feel more alone than usual (and I'm starting to actually care), and I dislike living with family, but I haven't been able to find full-time work while in school.

>> No.2916991

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Single in apartment
>Are you a heavy reader?
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
>How often do you socialize?
>What are your eating habits like?
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.

>> No.2916998

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Single in Apartment.
>Are you a heavy reader?
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
Fiction and Nonfiction.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
>How often do you socialize?
Once a week.
>What are your eating habits like?
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
I have no complaints.

>> No.2917004

Age: 35

LC: Serious relationship; we each have our own place... mine's principally an art studio, whereas hers is where we are most of the time

Heavy reader: Yes.

Preferred reading: Litfaggy po-mo fiction / SF / horror

Exercise: Daily; weights, isometrics, yoga; also, cycle everywhere as I believe cars are a plague.

Social life: Limited; I work in a bar, so try to keep my off-hours for my lady & my artwork.

Eating habits: Whatever I goddamn please.

Happy? Mostly. I've got some anxiety issues related to my ex giving me an eternal STD, as well as familial abuse baggage, but fuggit, I've voluntarily entered therapy... and thru some twist of fortune, the therapists are paying -me- to be a guinea pig for three months-- phys. & talk therapy, no drugs! Screw explanations, life is good and bound to get better.

>> No.2917014

You have AIDS?

>> No.2917015


Live in dormitory for the majority of the year

I don't know what this means


Yes. I lift.

I used to socialize a lot more. I've been working a lot recently both on my personal work and at my job.

I'm eating a lot right now; I'm bulking. I used to forget to eat often. I just didn't care to. Plus, I was on opiates a lot. I got very skinny as a result.

I don't know.

>> No.2917027



>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)

I own my apartment and I live with my gf.

>Are you a heavy reader?


>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)

I like the equally.
Usually I like modernist novels and philosophy.

>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?


>How often do you socialize?

I often go to clubs and parties. I was at one in brooklyn just this afternoon.

>What are your eating habits like?

I cook for myself at evenings. I order from restaurants at work.
Lot's of salads and sushi for lunch.

Pasta and rice for dinner.
Once a week a hamburger.

>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.

No I think living sucks in itself and that I can't achieve happiness.
I wish I would die.

>> No.2917029

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Live with parents, until uni soon
>Are you a heavy reader?
Light to moderate
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
Modern poetry and fiction
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
>How often do you socialize?
Ehh once or twice a week - just going out drinking or going around shops or something
>What are your eating habits like?
I eat two meals a day because I always wake up in the afternoon. I eat bacon and eggs daily.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
Nope, kill me now.

>> No.2917032
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>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
I live with my grandmother.
>Are you a heavy reader?
It varies. I can go weeks without reading anything and then other times I'm going through 5 books a week.
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
Fiction. I tend to lean towards science fiction.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
>How often do you socialize?
Never, unless you include minor interactions in college to not come off as an ignorant cunt. This isn't down to any desire for solitude, quite the opposite, I'm just fairly awkward in social situations.
>What are your eating habits like?
I generally eat whatever's taken my fancy that week. Home cooked, rarely get takeaways.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
Not one bit. I'd love to get a nice little job and earn some cash, maybe get my own place while I attend college, but the thought of it just makes me want to die. I hate the way I am, it makes for a fairly lonely life.

>> No.2917044


Herp. Bugs me because it's taken forever to figure out dosage for antivirals b/c I don't dig condoms but don't wanna risk giving my new lady this shit. Esp. considering she picked me -knowing- my baggage.

Also bugs me b/c even though I have a decent physique and no real body consciousness issues, the disease itself is disgusting. It lives in, & attacks, the nerves surrounding the initial point of infection, so symptoms tend to manifest (in my case) as a pleasant sort of tingly 24/7 boneritis; only after a couple of days does that progress to being a foul reminder of the fact that my cock has been co-opted by the Cronenberg virus.

I'm fine now, physically, and haven't seen the rot in the better part of a year... but I despise my ex with the kind of bile I generally reserve for the piece of shit who regularly throttled & tried to drown me as a kid.

Whatever. Issues. I have a woman who loves me, and I'm gonna get better.

>> No.2917054

Did your ex cheat on you? Who tried to throttle you?

Sorry, I'm interested for some reason.

>> No.2917055

Living with parents for the summer
Fiction, novellas
Na, I walk to and from work
Yes. I am very content with my current path: enjoying the everyday experience of life. Read, work, music, read, sleep. Good stuff.

>> No.2917058

>Living Conditions?
Single in Apartment
>Are you a heavy reader?
More than some, less than others. I average 5 books a month or so.
>What is your preferred type of reading?
Fiction and Philosophy.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
I run for 45 minutes every morning.
>How often do you socialize?
2-3 hours or so a week. I'm terribly introverted.
>What are your eating habits like?
Minimalistic. Oats, vegetables and fish.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now?
Extremely. I have money and leisure to be able to both work and take courses that interest me at nearby universities. Living on my own also has the added benefit of being able to disconnect from society if I need to.

>> No.2917060

so she gave it to you without telling you she had it beforehand? You know that you can legally go after her for that shit?

OP here, thanks everyone for participating. So far, it seems to me that heavy readers tend to surprisingly live healthier than non-readers. I was expecting readers to exercise more regularly and to eat well, and that's been the case more often than not.

>> No.2917064

>>With Mother In Apartment
>>Yes, 104 books in the past twelve months.
>>Recently? Analytic Philosophy, Math Textbooks, Modernist American Literature, Latin American "Boom" Literature, Soviet Pamphlets, Political Science and Economics
>>I do not exercise often, but I am young, and am relatively in shape.
>>Socialize sporadically, because it is the summertime and I have my plate full preparing for college applications. Once this ordeal is finished, I will socialize more. I used to socialize every Saturday, roughly.
>>My eating habits are terrible, but I somehow am relatively healthy.
>>No. I hate dependence, though my mother is alright. I'm not really looking forward to college, either. Just more rigid structure, middle-class kids, internships, apprenticeships, extracurriculars ad nauseam.

>> No.2917087


She had it before we met. She hid it for the better part of a year, thinking she wouldn't give it to me, then told me shortly before I manifested my first symptoms. She made herself crazy by living with the lie for so long, knowing she'd probably wrecked things, but she didn't want to tell me b/c she was afraid to lose me. Catcha-22.

Dad abused me when I was way young. No idea why, aside from him being an irascible sonofabitch. Genius dude, renaissance intellect; mathematics, electronics, engineering, architecture... but no patience for talking down to children.

No apologies. I brought it up, right?


As I said above, she made herself nuts on account of the fuckup. I'm pretty sure she's still miserable, knowing what the deceit cost her. That should be enough for me. Hence me being fed up with residual anger. I don't want revenge, I merely want her out of my life, & mind, as close to permanently as possible.

>> No.2917103
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everyone reads no one posts

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Living with parents, about to leave for college
>Are you a heavy reader?
Not lately
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
Literary fiction
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
>How often do you socialize?
Not often
>What are your eating habits like?
I eat food
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
If I had to continue living this way I'd easily kill myself

>> No.2917110

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
single in apartment
>Are you a heavy reader?
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
i don't have a preference. it's about 50/50.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
my job entails it, but i don't exercise in my spare time.
>How often do you socialize?
>What are your eating habits like?
inconsistent, mostly unhealthy
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? i'm content. things could be better but i'm very grateful they aren't worse. my situation is fine but my mental state leaves something to be desired.

>> No.2917114

>Living Conditions
Living with parents, commuting to college.
>Are you a heavy reader?
Sorta. When school is in session I take a lot of books out of the college library and go to a used book store every few months to bulk buy a bunch of things there (when I find good stuff anyway). I reread books a lot. I also collect a lot of manga, have a couple hundred volumes
>What is your preferred type of reading?
Fiction, especially old french lit.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
Not really. I go for walks sometimes.
>How often do you socialize?
Besides my two jobs, not much. Lost contact with most of the people I used to hang out with and I'm kind of ready to move on from where I live. I'm really shy and keep to myself anyway, so talking to people who get close to me can be really awkward.
>What are your eating habits like?
Pretty good. I rarely ever eat out, drink lots of water and orange juice, and limit the amount of junk food I eat per day.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now?
Yes and no. I'm happy that with my jobs I can pay for my own needs and interests, and I've been able to do some pretty cool stuff. However, I've never gotten along with one of my parents and living with them is very demoralizing.

>> No.2917115

Hell, might as well throw my info in as well. Not likely to be read.

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Married in an apartment
>Are you a heavy reader?
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
Typical escapist. Memoirs if I'm reading non-fiction but I primarily read fiction of any matter.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
Yes, I run 6 days each week. 10-15 miles typically when I'm not training. Training months I run 20 daily and 25+ once per week. (I only train about 3 months each year)
>How often do you socialize?
Regularly but not excessively. My wife and I have Saturdays, Sundays are for my parents and siblings, Wednesday evenings with my drinking buddies, and Fridays with my running team. Of course there's work as well, but that hardly counts.
>What are your eating habits like?
Strict Raw Vegan
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.

Yes, most definitely. My life isn't perfect but it seems to be as close as I can get it. I certainly wish we didn't have as many bills but who doesn't? I've got a great job working IT and the wife is executive chef at an up-and-coming restaurant. We should be transferring to a house near downtown in a few months and I'm anxious for the move. I would certainly like to have a new car, but the money isn't there. I just plan to keep on keepin' on.

>> No.2917122

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Family in house, college dorm.
>Are you a heavy reader?
Technically yes. Not so much with books anymore, but the slack is picked up by the internet.
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
Fiction. Mysteries are okay once in awhile but they can get boring. True Crime is good. Supposed literary-tier stuff like Emily Brontë and Faulkner and whatnot. I guess southern gothic occasionally. Horror, sci-fi, whatever.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
I usually run two or three miles a day.
>How often do you socialize?
>What are your eating habits like?
Depends. I feel like I trade off between overeating and undereating pretty much daily.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
Sure. I've finally got myself back on the right track. Feels good and shit.

>> No.2917124

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Single in apartment
>Are you a heavy reader?
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
"Literary fiction" but not exclusively
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
>How often do you socialize?
>What are your eating habits like?
One healthy-ish meal per day plus snacks and the occasional takeaway
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
No, for reasons that are probably evident from my other answers. Aside from university and food shopping I'm a total recluse. I don't like being this way but my social phobias dominate my life

>> No.2917127

sounds like a satisfying life

>> No.2917131

Rest assured that I am reading each one of your responses. We have a very old crowd on /lit/ and a surprisingly successful one as well.

>> No.2917132

Serious Relationship in Apartment
Fiction, I try not to always go for fantasy, but I love strange characters, and fantasy usually has the most of them. I tend to like non-fiction about psychology and history.
Walk daily.
Talk to fiancé everyday, talk to others whenever I leave the house (2-3 times a week, will change once I get a job). I have maybe one friend, who I don't really like, but I'm likable enough that I can talk to people I don't know that well at university and it isn't awkward.
Pretty healthy, could do better.
As I haven't worked for so long I'm going through a depressive episode, so I'm not really happy, but there's nothing terrible about my life. It's mostly good things, so once the job thing is rectified I should be doing well.

>> No.2917133

>Living Conditions
Spending the time I once used for a second job with girlfriend of three years so I can only afford to live at home with the family atm
>Are you a heavy reader
I read when I am on the bus or Sunday night; about five books a month
>What is your preferred type of reading
Something that must be contextualized; something political, a classic, something steeped in history (currently reading The Smithsonian Comic Book of Comics due to its historical significance), etc.
>Do you exercise
Lift weights three times a week; run the other days if possible
>How often do you socialize
Not anymore due to work/school/girlfriend
>What are your eating habits like
For years, about 1,300 calories a day. Since exercising and quitting drugs/smoking, about 3,000 calories; consists of vegetables/fruits and forced proteins (I hate red meat and peanut butter, but high fats and proteins help with workouts)
>Are you happy with your life
No. I gave up all of my passions to spend thousands of dollars on a university system that is an utter disappointment. In order to do the "responsible" and "acceptable" thing (in the eyes of my family, whose opinion was momentarily more important than that of my strung out friends) with my life I entered college, worked non-stop (until I entered a serious relationship and began working fewer hours.) To avoid further drunken ramblings, I chose to fold to pressures of those around me instead of cutting everyone off and living life the way I would like.

>> No.2917134
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Single in apartment

By some people's definitions I'm a heavy reader, but I've fallen a bit lately

Nonfiction, mostly linguistics right now

Push-ups or squats or running, mostly. I'm actually between apartments so all my habits are fucked up. Next apartment actually has its own gym so I'll be thinking about getting swole a lot probably

Haven't left home in days, but I'm fairly social at school

I'm a vagetarian and I don't eat anything. Last apartment I was at, I was with seven people—I got used to hiding in my room eating bread

Of course not happy, I'm a clinically depressed tripfag
Might get a cat if I could think of a name for it
Probably post a bunch of pictures of it on here and get banned forever

>> No.2917139

You sound wonderful

>> No.2917144

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Single in Apartment
>Are you a heavy reader?
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
Nonfiction. Philosophy, Ethnography, History of Science
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
I swim laps and use weight machines 2x per week
>How often do you socialize?
Class, bars, gym, dinner parties, shopping...
>What are your eating habits like?
I eat what I want when I want. ..too much indian and thai takeout
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
I am not particularly happy...relationship issues and I live in a different country than my family

>> No.2917147

Name it something with a single syllable. Single Syllable pet names are superior

>> No.2917148
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>Life was an orgy for these passion bums

>> No.2917151

I got a cat and named it Cat because I couldn't think of a name.

>> No.2917152

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Single, basement apt. in D.C.
>Are you a heavy reader?
Yes but I don't read as much as I'd like.
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
Once or twice a week, long walks or jogs, occasional pushups.
>How often do you socialize?
Very rarely.
>What are your eating habits like?
Try not to eat a lot of shit but I love food and binge often.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
Not really. Lonely and feel like life is passing me by. I have a good education and a promising career ahead of me in law, but I want to write.

>> No.2917154

You over-train your running. You are going to destroy your joints. Also, you have a very strict life. It must suck to be you.

>> No.2917155

Personally I like the idea of naming pets after Shakespeare characters. Kind of silly, but there are some pretty good names in his works.

>> No.2917158
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This monkey ain't so dumb.

>> No.2917180


>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Live with my parents. Saving for uni.

>Are you a heavy reader?
I wouldn't say heavy, but I do read more than most these days.
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?

>How often do you socialize?
A few times a week. Like most 4channers I'm an awkward introvert and only have a handful of good friends.

>What are your eating habits like?
Pretty varied. fast food, home made meals, and restaurants scattered about. Definitely not the healthiest of eaters.

>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
Nope. Living with my parents sucks. To make things worse I have no job or car. Living in Texas makes cars necessary to function in society. Kind of in a rut right now.

>> No.2917184


strict raw vegan...wife is a chef....you must mean she is head chopper. Chef is a strong word for raw vegan food.

>> No.2917186

oops, skipped some

>What is your preferred type of reading?
Still working my way through entry level classic lit at the moment.

>Do you exercise?

>> No.2917190


>> No.2917192
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>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Serious relationship in apartment.
>Are you a heavy reader?
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
General classics, travel literature, sci-fi, /lit/core minus Joyce/Wallace/Pynchon, exit level.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
I don't and I'm starting to slowly fall apart.
>How often do you socialize?
When my significant other brings some people to our flat.
>What are your eating habits like?
I eat normal, home-made stuff.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
No. I've lost two years of my life to a mood disorder and I'm behind with my education. I keep comparing myself to other people and the guilt and shame is killing me etc.

>> No.2917195

I'll be sure to respect the advice of an unidentified stranger on an internet message board. Thank you!

>> No.2917200

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Family in House, but soon to be living elsewhere with some friends
>Are you a heavy reader?
I read everyday, and I'm sure I at least read a lot more than the majority of my friends
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
I've been reading more and more non-fiction recently but I don't really think I have a serious preference.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
nope, but I don't think I'm really that unhealthy
>How often do you socialize?
I'm pretty introverted but I see friends 2-3 times a week, from time to time I stay indoors for like a whole week though
>What are your eating habits like?
I rarely eat breakfast, and I really don't eat that much at other meals, but I am an avid consumer of diet coke...
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
right now not so much, but I'm on track to be keeping myself busy over the next several months once I'm back in school so I think that's gonna shape things up a little

>> No.2917199

I'm sorry to have given you cause to make such an association but my wife isn't even a vegetarian. I would assume such a thing would be nearly impossible when working in her field.

>> No.2917201
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Jokes on you, my brother said he's afraid I'll kill for my beliefs after I tried to explain radical feminism to him. Qu'est-ce que c'est?

I'm pretty sure she has only four toes though.

I was originally thinking of like Coriolanus or Odysseus (cos then I could shorten it to Corey or Odie) but maybe I can go full pleb and call it Grey

>> No.2917204


I like you.

>> No.2917208


I named my cat Calypso... Odyssey themed cats rock! I recommend Circe or Polyphemus.

>> No.2917212
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are you me?

>> No.2917210


lol are there really fellowbrooklynfags on here?

>inb4 you're from williamsburg

>> No.2917214

Grey would be fine.

You wouldn't achieve pleb status until you start in with the variations of Grey and baby-talk nick-names. Or the instant you use repetition, as in "Greygrey."

>> No.2917224

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Live-in Nanny, however, moving out to an apartment soon.
>Are you a heavy reader?
In between my three jobs, yes. I always squeezing in time to read.
>What is your preferred type of reading?
Right now, nonfiction. I go through phases. One month it is scifi, this month it is econ.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
5-6 times a week. I do starting strength and cardio.
>How often do you socialize?
Often, I suppose. I talk to friends everyday. I see my bf on the weekends. I try to go to things in the city when I am not working.
>What are your eating habits like?
1400 cals of veggies/lean meats. I still have trouble eating that much per day. I often find myself never hungry.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
No, I am completely underpaid as a nanny. I clock in about 75 hours in a week. The child I look after should be in a home, considering his needs. The mother is completely unrealistic and is planning to adopt two teens from abroad. I am excited to move out and start somewhere else.

>> No.2917234

There are a handful of NYCfags, some of which I think are from Williamsburg (or used to live in Williamsburg), yeah.

>> No.2917238
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>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Family in house
>Are you a heavy reader?
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
I like nonfiction (genres: Politics, History, Geopolitics)
And also historical novels (mainly from the XIX century)
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
I do gymnastics at school.
>How often do you socialize?
I used to go out a lot - go to gay night clubs, drinking with friends on the street, bohemian lifestyle. But now I haven't gone out that much.
>What are your eating habits like?
Vegetarian. I eat a lot - like really - but I'm think. I'm also crazy about chocolate.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
Well, I don't know how to answer that. I am living comfortably, in a stable financial situation although there is a lot of pressure form school. I have my own room and my relation with my family is average. I have been fighting with a lot of friends but that's alright for me. My focus is my carrer, not people.

>> No.2917242
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>going to gay night clubs
>focussing on a career


>> No.2917245
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>used to live a bohemian lifestyle

>> No.2917247
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>bohemian lifestyle.

>> No.2917253
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>> No.2917257

At sixteen I was living in a stripped down house on an old mattress and cooking on a camping stove. Is that bohemian?

This was like 10 years ago though.

>> No.2917256

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Housemates with 4 other guys
>Are you a heavy reader?
I used to be, things getting to me
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
Not often.
>How often do you socialize?
More than I excersize
>What are your eating habits like?
Piss poor
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
Yes. No.

>> No.2917259

Depends on what you consider. Here it is mostly about going out to bars at specific neighbourhoods and drink/smoke a lot.

Sometimes it has music, but that was 100 years ago tho.

>> No.2917261
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>> No.2917263

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
family in house
>Are you a heavy reader?
I lift books, not weights
>What is your preferred type of reading?
(Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
classics, post-modern, entertaining when I can find them
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
Jogging or ecliptical, push ups then and here when it can
>How often do you socialize?
when I work
>What are your eating habits like?
like sloppy and all over the place, kind of like your mom
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
Perfectly content. please sweet death release me.

>> No.2917266
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oh shit that's excellent
that cat would be a total dick though

but if I named him Polyphemus I'd be too tempted to force him to wear a tiny eyepatch everywhere

I was thinking of 50 Shades of Grey
what would my pleb status be if I engaged in an abusive BDSM relationship with my cat?

livin da dream

>> No.2917268


>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Serious relationship in an apartment.

>Are you a heavy reader?
I'm more of a moderate reader. I'll go through periods of both reading book after book and not reading anything.

>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
Fiction mostly. I read a lot of classics, but make sure to read contemporary things. Most of what I read is "literary," but I try change up what I'm reading on a book-to-book basis. Like a Victorian drama followed by some golden age sci-fi followed by something postmodern.

>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
Not really. I like to go for long walks when I can, but that mostly means that I walk laps for 45 minuted of my hour lunch break.

>How often do you socialize?
When I can. I try to hang out with groups of friends on the weekends. Everybody's too busy during the week.

>What are your eating habits like?
I eat regularly. I try to eat more vegetables and grains than anything else. Not that I have anything against meat, I just don't think it needs to be the primary focus of a meal. Usually a bowl of cereal in the morning, a sandwich and some fruit for lunch, and whatever for dinner.

>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
Mostly. I'm at a point in my life where I really have to consider what my next steps are (marriage? children? house?), but I don't know what to do next. That's my biggest concern. But outside of that (which those are, admittedly, some very big things), I've got it pretty good. I have a decent job, make alright money, have a long-term girlfriend, and I live within my means. For right now, I think that's pretty alright.

>> No.2917274

That's what I want to name my future-cat. It's the cat chapter in Ulysses too.

>> No.2917280

25, but turn 26 in two months (scary!)
>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
I live in a boarding school dormitory as a residential teacher. Yeeeeeep!
>Are you a heavy reader?
Medium flow (heh). I have scaled back due to the amount of hours I work.
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
Mix of both. Nonfiction revolves around Film Studies, Scientific (Nature, mostly), and the Paranormal/Occult. Fiction is a healthy mix of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Short Stories/Anthologies, and Dystopian literature.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
At least 3 days a week. Mix of running, machines at the gym, and occasional lifting. Picking up other hobbies such as caving and kayaking soon.
>How often do you socialize?
Weekly. My nights off I'll have drinks with coworkers or watch movies. Weekends off/vacations I will spend catching up with friends.
>What are your eating habits like?
Variable. Trying to make the switch to vegetarian and struggling.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
Would prefer to have my own place and make a cool $5-10K more on my salary. Missing social time and spare time for my other hobbies as well.

>> No.2917288

no its not. the use of that word just makes you look like a tryhard hipster


>A descriptive term for a stereotypical way of life for artists and intellectuals. According to the stereotype, bohemians live in material poverty because they prefer their art or their learning to lesser goods; they are also unconventional in habits and dress, and sometimes in morals.

>> No.2917293

Turned 19 a month ago
>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
With Dad and step-mother in lovely suburban home. Might move out this year or next.
>Are you a heavy reader?
I read everyday, but I wouldn't consider myself a heavy reader at the moment. I've been working all summer and haven't been reading nearly as much as I'd like. This is my last week of work, though, and I'm planning on reading a lot more once I'm done, especially once I start Uni in Sept.
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
I mostly read Fiction, but I also like non-fiction and poetry. Haven't really read much philosophy, yet.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
I have a job doing landscaping/interlock, so I only workout lightly on Saturday. I'm going to start lifting 3 days a week once I'm through with work.
>How often do you socialize?
Not often (excluding work).
>What are your eating habits like?
Healthy. I love meat and try to eat as much as possible. I rarely eat junk-food and as soon as I'm done eating 3 sandwhiches a day for lunch, I'm going to cut down on carbs and start eating more veggies. I also eat a ton of fruit; my favourite is the pineapple.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
Content. I owe 0$ and have most of the money I'll need to pay this year's tuition fee. I don't read as much as I'd like, though, and I'd like to have some more free time to go to museums and go for bike rides. I'd also like to make some friends with similar interests as mine. Almost all of my friends are plebs.

>> No.2917303

Well, I lived frugally, did a fair amount of painting and music, and my bed saw some action (but not free love). My clothes were weird since I couldn't afford new ones. It sounds at least vaguely Boho so far.

>> No.2917304
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>Almost all of my friends are plebs.

looking down on friends for being plebs is ultimate pleb tier

>> No.2917312


Were you living in a squat in brooklyn or soho? Were you part of a social movement? You were not a bohemian you were a kid at home with your parents attending high school. Stop using that word you are embarrassing yourself.

>> No.2917318


>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Family in House

>Are you a heavy reader?
Sporadically. Read a lot last year, then stopped reading altogether. Have recently picked it up again.

>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
Fiction -- no genres

>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?

>How often do you socialize?
Within my group of friends, often. Outside of that, almost never. Not much for parties/bars/clubs, do not drink.

>What are your eating habits like?
Fairly bad.

>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
If we're talking Likert scale, 5 being very happy and 1 being not happy at all, I'm a 3. I'm content with my life as it stands, but my laziness is impeding my success in school.

>> No.2917323

>you were a kid at home with your parents attending high school
I was the first two, but not the last two. Don't try to deny my Bohemian past, Mr Nuclear-Family-Establishment-Guy.

>> No.2917334
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I don't do that at all. I am honest, however. Only a couple of them are in University at the moment, and both are frat-guys.

They just aren't people whom I can discuss books, politics, art, etc. with, and I wish I could do that. Music sometimes, but even their taste in music is pleb-ish (club music, dubstep, some alternative-rock). They know I read a lot during my spare time, and they find it weird. They would find it absolutely bizarre as fuck if they knew that I loved Jazz and Classical music.

That's a fantastic scene, by the way.

>> No.2917338

I refer you to
I'm not that person, I just happened to live in a squat and have no money when I was 16. I'm 24 now, so it was a while ago.

>> No.2917341

Not the guy you're responding to, but I find the word pleb weird in general. I just think in terms of people who share my taste or don't.

>> No.2917342

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Serious relationship in house.
>Are you a heavy reader?
I think so. Usually two or three books per week.
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
Fiction (including novels, novellas, short stories), poetry, prose poetry, non-fiction of any type that looks interesting to me. I like surreal, strange and unique works, contemporary authors and I like to read books from across the world. I really couldn't name just one type that's preferred, since I love to read a variety.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
I rock climb at the gym sometimes, but otherwise it's just piddling stuff. Mild gardening, cleaning the house, going to the shooting range. I play DDR whenever that mood strikes.
>How often do you socialize?
At least every week with friends, pretty much daily with neighbors and SO.
>What are your eating habits like?
Improving! Generally just have some tea around breakfast, lunch is often fast food during weekdays, dinner and all food on weekends is something prepared well.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
Fairly happy. There's a temporary roommate/bum here and I'm not pleased, but it is only temporary. I'm currently working on cooking skills to make the eating habits better and more satisfying. I'd like to take up some martial art for another fitness hobby sometime soon. There's still tons to improve, but I feel like I'm in a good spot that will gradually get better.

>> No.2917386
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>For me:
>Age: 24
Ahh, 24, the age when surveys meant so much.

>Living Conditions
Atheist/Secular-humanist/Freethinker, take your pick
>Are you a heavy reader?
Not a bleeder, no.
>What is your preferred type of reading?
Nearsighted astigmatism. Sometimes I wear contacts.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
Full time spelunking, hang gliding, windsurfing, power lifting, skydiving, bungee jumping, cliff diving, Gondola racing.
>How often do you socialize?
We had a high of 95 and tonight it should get to 64, current temperature, just is a balmy 91F, just before sunset, that's 33C
>What are your eating habits like?
American Sphinx - Joseph J. Ellis
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
Currently trying to finish that final season of DS9 that I never got to watch

>> No.2917388

lol so randumb xD

>> No.2917404

The butterfly kid strikes again!

OMG, You're so cool and original. You're like the Miles Davis of /lit/.


>> No.2917439

>Not addressing your cat as simply "Cat."

>> No.2917453

>Living Conditions
Live with spouse and babby
>Are you a heavy reader?
LAtely I am a very heavy reader, but I tend to go through phases, there will be 3 months or so where I don't read anything but magazines, and then I have 6month to year long periods where I am constantly in the middle of 3 or more books. Right now I am drowning in reading material.
>What is your preferred type of reading?
I like historical fiction or non-fiction mostly. I also have a Stephen King streak in me.
>Do you exercise?
Intermittently. I try to do pilates and run, but it's been over 100 degrees for the past 3 weeks, and I just can't bring myself to do anything lately!
>How often do you socialize?
constantly. We have many friends
>What are your eating habits like?
home cooked meals on average 6 nights a week. I provide all the sustinance for everyone who lives in my home, and it gets kind of annoying sometimes. I always have to feed someone or something. I have one on the tit at the moment also.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now?
I can't imagine how I could be happier. It would be nice if husband didn't work nights, but other than that this is a great domestic life.

I'll go through and read everyone else's now!

>> No.2917454

You have no idea how hard it was to stifle my laughing.

>> No.2917459
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>What's wrong with you? Why can't you just act normal!? fill out the damn survey!!
What's the matter with you?

>> No.2917466

Lol, why would I be mad.

You're a joke and you make me laugh.

>> No.2917547



>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)

Family in House

>Are you a heavy reader?


>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)


>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?

I've been doing Stronglifts 5x5 for 3 months now. 3 times a week.

>How often do you socialize?


>What are your eating habits like?

Probably gluttonous until 2 more months.

>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.

Yes. Started lifting seriously 3 months ago and reading seriously 1 month ago . Lifting makes my body feel a good tingly feeling a day after the workout. Reading makes me feel more accomplished. (Just read 6 classic novels though and more counting)

>> No.2917574

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Living with mom, siblings, and grandmother in her house.
>Are you a heavy reader?
You can always find me with a book.
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
I read almost anything. I don't really read a lot of books being published in the recent years but some are good. I love history though. Or when you're reading first person with hardly any dialogue.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
I walk almost everywhere if it's local. Classes, store, friends' houses.
>How often do you socialize?
I don't make friends often but I'm friendly.
>What are your eating habits like?
I suddenly became lactose intolerant. I loved milk as a child. I first eat around lunch and then around 5pm.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
Happy with the way I am living, no. I love my family but it's too much at times.

>> No.2917592


Yeah I live in williamsburg.

>> No.2917599

>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
serious relationship in apartment
>Are you a heavy reader?
yes, 2-3 books a week
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
fiction (and critical studies of that fiction) for the past few years, moreso history in the past
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
meh, a run every now and then
>How often do you socialize?
relatively little. i moved away from good friends a while back and like but don't have much in common with girlfriend's friends.
>What are your eating habits like?
surprisingly healthy actually - a lot of fruit w/ smoothies, much greek yogurt, meat occasionally. i eat progressively less each day of the week after sunday as my groceries dwindle and i'm too lazy to go buy something.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
getting there. i recently re-entered school for a second graduate degree, my first one in humanities being worthless unless i wanted to pursue a PhD, which I don't.

>> No.2917606

54 - Are all the readers of /lit/ so young?
>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Rent house. Married. Two children ages 17 and 5
>Are you a heavy reader?
Not necessarily out of joy but because it is my job.
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
My book list is controlled by a limited syllabus. I have to teach mostly a required list of books. The list is quite extensive, though. All pretty serious works.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
I don't own a car. I walk everywhere. Public transportation plus walking if too far to walk from home.
>How often do you socialize?
I don't. I don't think I ever have. It's a miracle I'm married.
>What are your eating habits like?
I have a tendency to over-eat though I am not grossly over weight. I really understand the concept of comfort food.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now?
I live in Southeast Asia.I teach at an international school. There are so many wonderful parts about living the expat life but I miss living in a place where I can read the signs and speak the local language.

>> No.2917608

>all these early 20's-mid 20's fags.

We gettin' old, /lit/.

>> No.2917614
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>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)


>Are you a heavy reader?


>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)


>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?



>How often do you socialize?


>What are your eating habits like?



>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.



>> No.2917632
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OP here,

It's very interesting how many of us hold down jobs, are in school, are living independently in apartments or houses, or are in serious relationships. /ck/ and /lit/ surprise me by how old we are relative to 4chan's average, as well as how much more economically dominant we are as a whole. Not everyone here is a richfag, but I'd wager more than half of us earn a higher-than-average salary per household.

I was most interested in fitness and eating habits of those who read, and we appear to be all over the map. A lot of people *do* exercise here, which surprises me. We're not average in our eating habits or fitness levels, possibly because we're also more educated and have learned the repercussions of bad health.

Thank you, all, from ages of 16 (lel) to 54.

>> No.2917673




>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)

Apartment and a House. Married.
>Are you a heavy reader?

About 70Kg - average for my height. Yeah, I'm hilarious. I read fuckloads. I read 6 books last week because it was sunny and I was hanging on my balcony.
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)

No preferred type. Voracious and omnivorous.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?

Cycle (daily), scuba dive (monthly), swim (weekly). Formerly Judo and mountain biking, but my doctor has banned me from anymore head wounds. I never knew that concussions were cumulative, did you?
>How often do you socialize?

>What are your eating habits like?

Voracious and omnivorous.

>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.

Reasonably. I'm a bit bored lately, but meh, there are worse problems.

>> No.2917680

18. Statutory rapists of the world rejoice.
>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Family in house, but I plan on enlisting in the US Air Force or Navy.
>Are you a heavy reader?
Is reading an hour or so a day considered heavy?
>What is your preferred type of reading?(Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
I like realistic fiction when it comes to reading for pleasure.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
I work out 5-6 days a week.
>How often do you socialize?
Often until recently. I graduated high school and finished all of the extra curricular that came with it.
>What are your eating habits like?
I'd say between what a white trash person and a health nut eat - a bit of both worlds. I'm the Hannah Montana of diets.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
I'm content, but anxious to see if the military pans out.

>> No.2917682

See >>2917606

>> No.2917684
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>missing the 54 year old married man who posted up above


>> No.2917687

Military will pan out as long as you can adapt well to the environment, son. Go in expecting nothing, and you'll have a great time. The people I know who are most disappointed build army up to be something it ain't. Good luck.

>> No.2917692
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Oh lawdy, you young 'uns have such better eyes than I do. Thank 'ee kind, and here's a farthing for your trouble.

>> No.2917694

>Living Conditions
single, in apartment with 2 others
>Are you a heavy reader?
not really
>What is your preferred type of reading (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
mostly nonfiction related to what i'm studying. poetry is good, too.
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
not really
>How often do you socialize?
every day more or less. if you're talking about parties and exciting stuff, maybe a couple times a week. usually less once classes start.
>What are your eating habits like?
i tend not to eat much
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
generally, yes, but i think i'd like to be in a relationship

>> No.2917706

I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.2917723
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>Living Conditions (Single in Apartment/Family in House/Serious Relationship in Apartment)
Live in four-bedroom house with family.
>Are you a heavy reader?
I'd say more of a moderate reader. Lesser so during school semesters.
>What is your preferred type of reading? (Nonfiction/Fiction/Genres if applicable)
>Do you exercise? If so, what do you do, and how often do you do it?
I run every now and then, not as often as I should.
>How often do you socialize?
Hang out with friend(s) maybe once a week, family about the same.
>What are your eating habits like?
Pretty healthy, mostly vegetarian with fish thrown in a lot. I also like tea a little too much.
>Are you happy with the way you are living right now? Explain.
I'm a little depressed and anxious sometimes, but my living situation is pretty good so I can't complain.

>> No.2917791

Single, living with parents
I bike everyday, usually a minimum of 8 miles
I socialize four or so times a week
I eat some, not much
Not happy, don't expect to be, am working toward money then adventure