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2915069 No.2915069 [Reply] [Original]

follow the heart or the brain?

what if the two are clashing? i'm in the middle of the crossroads and need guidance

a good book would also help

>> No.2915074
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>> No.2915081

shut up

>> No.2915088

to read is to live a thousand lives, so i wonder if maybe one of them has an answer

>> No.2915098

>what if the two are clashing?
see a doctor

>> No.2915101

Follow the heart, use the brain to fit things in a practical context.

>> No.2915102


>> No.2915105

Let the heart make the big decisions.
Then make sure the brain is making corrections as you go so you don't end up living under a bridge.

>> No.2915111

the heart has shown me what i want, but the brain doesn't accept it. it drives me nuts

>> No.2915116

False dichotomy.

>> No.2915118

let me make it less vague. i want a girl, but even though we like each other, we can't be together due to cultural differences.

this is some shakespear shit right here...god damn

>> No.2915120

but theres only two possibilities, to have and not to have

>> No.2915125
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It's not 'false', it's figurative. Everyone here realizes that it is all in the brain, but that does not mean the metaphor is not useful for discussing levels of thinking. I would have thought /lit/ of all places understood that there is truth to be found in fiction. Why don't you contribute something instead of stroking your ego in public?

>> No.2915127
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Cultural differences is still vague. Conservative father? Religious gap? Mermaid?

>> No.2915128

I was referring to the fact that you guys think it is meaningful to speak of the mind separated into "Heart" and "Brain".

>> No.2915131

Do what you fucking KNOW you want to do, accepting the possibility of failing. If the outcome in the failing situation is going to be greater than the outcome in the succeeding situation, then think about it twice; if not, you have nothing to lose. Do what you want regardless it comes from the heart, the head, or your mum's advice.

I think it is simple. Do what you would tell your friend to do, for good or bad. if you don't do it, you are scared, but you know what you want.

>> No.2915132

>... there is truth to be found in fiction.
Yes of course.

>... but that does not mean the metaphor is not useful for discussing levels of thinking.
My point was that it is not useful. It promotes the idea that some motivations are more rational, logical or objective than others.

> Why don't you contribute something instead of stroking your ego in public?
My intent was not to stroke my ego but rather to incite some thinking about the way you think about thoughts.

>> No.2915133

i see... but sometimes what you want is not something you should have, and that creates some illusional separation. and the brain just stops me from being happy, while i know that if i follow my desire, it will lead to different things that will also make me unhappy.....this is ridiculous

i come from a background of a tight community unlike the individualistic nature of the west, and the girl i like is not approved of by the ones close to me. not openly, but rather in my culture's choices and beliefs. i know they will all tell me that they don't care, but in their tone and in their eyes i will see the disappointment and sadness, which will make me sad in return.

>> No.2915139
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Meaning in all forms is every bit as constructed as "Heart"/"Brain"-dichotomy. So your argument essentially invalidates itself.

>> No.2915142

yes, i'm scared, because i want to keep the close ones to me happy, but its hard to do when that happiness comes at the cost of my own

>> No.2915145

That's fair enough. Perhaps I read too much into your post. It's true that it can be counterproductive and I apologize for speaking rashly.

>> No.2915153

My argument is certainly not subjectively invalid. What is a forum if not a place to share truths?

>> No.2915162

fuck, realizing that i'm scared really doesn't make these things any easier. it's almost 6 in the morning...

>> No.2915166


I would be inclined to agree, but isn't that a little close to saying "All truths are equal, but some truths are more equal than others"?

>> No.2915167

How about a neuroscience textbook?

>> No.2915169

Here's a tip Kierkegaard gave out and which I have found to work well. Walk. Take long, long walks when you have a problem that needs working out. Things have a way of seeming simpler and easier to work with when walking. And it gives a nice little boost of pleasant chemicals from your brain as well.

>> No.2915180

What are you, a woman? The heart is the brain, the only thing not being one with your brain is your testicles.

>> No.2915182


thank you so much. i just found a person i need to read, to think things over

>> No.2915186

You're welcome, OP. Hope it helps.