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[ERROR] No.28695[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If any of you guys ever wondered what you'd look like if you only ever did the big 4 lifts (squats, bench, deadlifts, OHP) and nothing else, this might give you some idea.

I do cardio about twice a week but no other assistance

>> No.28834


so what are you looking to change going forward? what are you going to add to your routine, dumb bell exercises? barbell rows? i like that your core looks pretty tough but would you want bigger pectorals and biceps to be more aesthetic? how do you feel about it?

>> No.28978

Ah, no lats
I think the big 4 could work if you add pull ups.

>> No.28986

you would have:

ok triceps, chest (bench)
ok front delts (ohp)
ok quads, hamstrings, glutes low back (sq, deadlift)

you would have piss poor upper back development, no calves, no biceps, no side delts, no rear delts

just a real heap of shit overall

>> No.29030

what's an alternative to pull ups if you're a fatty

>> No.29051



>> No.29065


lose weight first

>> No.29088
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das me

>> No.29108

dem god awful fridgemode genetics

>> No.29119

start doing loads of accessories lad

it's not too late

>> No.29142

lat pulldowns and rows