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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 178 KB, 1200x1600, Shelf812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2896286 No.2896286[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf thread.

>> No.2896288
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>> No.2896293

Looking damn introductory, OP.

Been reading for long?

>> No.2896296

A couple years.

>> No.2896297
File: 2.27 MB, 1786x1596, dasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am slowly creeping my way through all of these.I have been trying to read all of the smaller works first then moving on to the larger ones.

>> No.2896299

Can't really see that well because of the shitty pic quality but you've got some great books there, OP. Those big leatherbounds are really nice.

However, it seems like 90% of your collection is composed of fiction. You should grab some poetry and non-fiction, too.

>> No.2896301
File: 442 KB, 871x2635, IMAG0150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah, the famous brand new never opened Infinite Jest. A /lit/ classic.


>> No.2896305

I was going to make a snarky remark, but that really is a pristine IJ.

>> No.2896307

Hahaha yeah, I read about 20 pages of it, but since I had to read a bunch of stuff for college I didn't want to commit to it. That goes for most of the books I have actually. Since that it summer (almost the end) I started some bigger works. I am actually about to start Pale King now.

>> No.2896310


That's ok, you have apparently read Underworld and mine is in the same state as your IF. I forgive you.

>> No.2896312

Is that Warren Ellis book by the comic book writer? If so, is it good? And how do you like Gentlemen Bastard?

>> No.2896322


The book is really bad, I loved him as a comics author and I was disappointed, but it's a fun read (his agent wanted him to write a novel, he wrote 50 pages with disgusting stuff, to shut her mouth, she sold the 50 pages and he had to continue). But it's not that disgusting, he searched stuff on the internet, there are Godzilla bukkake and religious butt plugs, stuff like that. Bad literature, nice read.

The first book of Gentleman Bastards is wonderful. I'm a big fan of Arsène Lupin and it feels like it, but in a renaissance Venice settings with magic and stuff. I don't like Fantasy usually (I have to burn those Gemmel books) but it was really good, with wonderful dialogues. The second is really, really awful. With pirates and love stories.

>> No.2896346
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>> No.2896352
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Well you have the obligatory Vonnegut, OP, so I can't fault you there.

>> No.2896359
File: 78 KB, 402x402, 1343783876701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You, on the other hand, despite your status as a citizen of modern society, have no Vonnegut at all. Explain yourself.

>> No.2896362

ITT: People pretend to be as good as the shit they bought.

>> No.2896364


Nope. Just a bookshelf thread, bro.

>> No.2896371

nice Dick ;)

>> No.2896387

Do we really need a new one of these threads every day? It's just the same four or five of you posting every time.

>> No.2896396
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Yes, we do. Pic related, it's mine.

>> No.2896403

I like your copy of the Iliad/Odyssey.

I want it.

>> No.2896405

What's wrong, babby thought he was a little special snowflake and now realized he's not?

>> No.2896407

You are illogical and your shirt doesn't fit.

>> No.2896414

some of these people share your same tastes and this makes you angry.

>> No.2896423

No, it doesn't. I don't even open click on the pictures. Try again, sport.

>> No.2896434

hey, wtf man
your bookshelf looks exactly like mine

>> No.2896452

Then you're just an unsufferable faggot.
There you go.

>> No.2896538

>not keeping your black Penguin Classics together

Why would you do that, op?

>> No.2896599


hell yeah alphabetical bookshelf. reminds me of mine.

>> No.2896610
File: 1.49 MB, 1804x2756, shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not being alphabetical by author and not caring about the order of titles

>> No.2896628
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>> No.2896625

you better zoom in on those books... As of now all I think you is another western mistake who indulges in anime to desire a life he'll never live.

>> No.2896651
File: 1.78 MB, 3072x2304, S7301721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My to-read bunch for the rest of summer.

>> No.2896844

I have Slaughterhouse 5 around my house some where, I let my dad borrow it, but I think you put it down somewhere and never picked it up again since that he hates science fiction so much haha.
I still need to finish that too :( I read about 65% of it a while ago, but never finished it.
I don't see why anyone wouldn't do it that way.

>> No.2896914

I can only compliment you on reading Boulgakov and Dante (among other), but it's too bad you have only the Inferno. Paradise and Purgatory are part of the same book after all.