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File: 61 KB, 500x772, bravenewworldcover-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2894200 No.2894200 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this classified as a dystopia?
I would kill to live in this reality. Soma, the feelies, women conditioned from birth to be promiscuous, all diseases cured, no poverty, no unemployment.
The only better place to live that I can think of is The Culture in Iain Bank's novels.

>> No.2894207

>I would kill to live in this reality.

Then you've missed the point.

>> No.2894210

Cool story bro. Be a slave.

>> No.2894223

That reaction to Brave New World is especially common in "Holden Caulfield" type "more intelligent than my peers" would-be autists.

If you are disillusioned with the company (and even long-distance influence) of others to the point that you already view them as disgusting caricatures of humanity, then perhaps the BNW doesn't seem so tragic to you.

You probably pride yourself on lacking the "weaknesses" of sentimentality and unwarranted compassion. I wouldn't be surprised if you believed that you had more to teach the average person than you have to learn from him or her, which is why you wouldn't bother trying. Likewise I would suspect you of being a confident atheist.

>> No.2894229
File: 34 KB, 400x385, Thomas Jefferson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To what?

>> No.2894235


To cheap comfort at the cost of your humanity

>> No.2894244

Can I call you Fluttershy?

Do you follow an ideology that you believe to be complete and self-consistent? You may be a slave already.

>> No.2894249

I pretty much agree.

>> No.2894250

I think you just typified 75% of 4chan users

>> No.2894251 [SPOILER] 
File: 467 KB, 500x397, Elmo Perry torsohead.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm. I haven't read it, so I'm not coming from any side in particular,
but if you don't want to explain....

>> No.2894260
File: 15 KB, 297x101, Snakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In short, no.

To both lines.

>> No.2894261

The book is about the death of humanity; all those things OP mentioned are nice and all, but the point of the book is that the two things, humanity and perfection, cannot co-exist. In the future world, society has "progressed" to the point where babies aren't born naturally, women and men are pre programmed and everyone worships Ford as a god And,as a sort of Christ like figure, the last "man" comes into this world, is disgusted, and then spoilers.

Basically, you would be a slave to your inhumanity and "imperfection." It's a good book, I recommend it even though I like 1984 more.

>> No.2894264

Sounds like all OP is missing is self awareness.

>> No.2894333

i don't see why people equate suffering and angst with freedom and humanity

>> No.2894341


I don't know if the people in Brave New World aren't human, but they are definitely emotional infants. They live through life like children in a fantasy, never experiencing the angst or suffering which enable us to grow up.

>> No.2894342

Subtle troll thread.

>> No.2894353

Could be, but I doubt it. I know people in real life who've expressed these opinions.

>> No.2894375

growing up in that context means nothing more than becoming cynical and jaded, you're no less conditioned than the people in BNW only you are conditioned to be dissatisfied with your life and consume more in an effort to fill the hole, while they are conditioned to enjoy their lives and consume more because they like what they're consuming
also they stay young, healthy, and beautiful and have lots of guilt free sex while we are taught to hate and be ashamed of our decaying bodies

>> No.2894553

>while we are taught to be ashamed of our decaying bodies
You don't even realize what you're saying, do you?

>> No.2894559

But OP, you'd be a member of the lowest caste.
You'd only like it if you of the highest caste. Or perhaps THE ISLAND.

>> No.2894572

>I would suspect you of being a confident atheist
Wow, great job ruining a mostly fantastic post.

>> No.2895795

the epsilons are probably the happiest caste of all because their conditioning it virtually perfect, the alphas are the unhappiest because their intelligence allows them to question their conditioning even as they are forced to obey

>> No.2895811

Opposite is true probably

>> No.2896084

Working an easy 9-5. Smoking weed erryday

>> No.2896118

Huxley was the equivalent of Oldfags nowadays who complain about computers and cell phones.

>> No.2896277

I don't mind to live in bnw's universe rather than 1984's universe.
why? cause first one offers you happiness unlike second one which offers fear, suppression. I've been dealing depression for a long time so, from my experience, I've learnt important of happiness and I've also learnt what happens when you lack of happiness.

>> No.2896287


>> No.2896345

I think that BNW's universe is 100% more horrifying than 1984's.
Your entire humanity is simply engineered; there are no defects or imperfections to make you yourself. Life is a continuous torpor of lavish and formless pleasure without substance. You laugh and fuck and play and eat and drink and sleep utterly without any shred of true living. Even your own exultation is false and ultimately meaningless; it isn't true pleasure because there is nothing else in your life that partitions it. There is no art, no literature, no philosophy, no passion or love.
And even John the Savage's appearance and ultimate death is simply a minor attraction in a life dominated by the next big thing. His entire existence and endeavors were but a trend and, like many things, ultimately meaningless. It is worse than a society dominated by fear because, even under such a yoke, hope can survive. In BNW, there is no need for hope or fear, because everything that you will ever need is granted to you without obligation. There is no need for coup d'états or revolutions or resistance, because the world itself is mired in velvet and perfectly content.

>> No.2896355 [DELETED] 

that's great, no more suffering

fuck life

>> No.2896399

But are you alive?

>> No.2896415

yes. however you're also a huge tool so fuck that

>> No.2896444

OP you should read the book "Island" also by Huxley,
he wrote it after learning he only had about a year to live

brave new world was his idea of humanity gone wrong, and
Island is about what he thinks society could aspire to become

>> No.2896726
File: 19 KB, 195x300, TheAbolitionOfMan-195x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brave New World isn't a hell because it lacks imperfections. It is loaded with imperfections.
1. The people are shallow hedonists.
2. The people are slaves to their own passions.
3. The people are dumb, not because they lack the ability to become smart, but because knowledge DOES NOT INTEREST THEM.

Brave New World is a dystopia (just like the Culture is a dystopia) because the beings there are irrational, self-enslaved to pleasure, and lust after everything novel and interesting.

>> No.2896739 [DELETED] 

but guy that is the end result of nihilism its so beautiful guy gotta deal with it destroy your ego them pleasures man nihilism guy

>> No.2896765
File: 16 KB, 645x773, 134443878634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you acess my mind through interwebs?
Not OP, but I thought the same. But now I take Prozac and >have gf.

>> No.2897170

I'll admit that BNW has dystopic elements but The Culture is in no way a dystopia. The Culture is probably the best possible outcome humanity can hope for when having to share a world with beings much more intelligent and powerful than ourselves.

>> No.2897357

i just want to be happy. intelligence and self awareness doesnt matter to me as much. eliminate suffering.

hedonism is preferable to depression

>> No.2897365

>That reaction to Brave New World is especially common in "Holden Caulfield" type "more intelligent than my peers" would-be autists.

>If you are disillusioned with the company (and even long-distance influence) of others to the point that you already view them as disgusting caricatures of humanity, then perhaps the BNW doesn't seem so tragic to you.

>You probably pride yourself on lacking the "weaknesses" of sentimentality and unwarranted compassion. I wouldn't be surprised if you believed that you had more to teach the average person than you have to learn from him or her, which is why you wouldn't bother trying. Likewise I would suspect you of being a confident atheist.

its the exact opposite. those who enjoy life and enjoy other people don't see the fuss about bnw. empathize with those 'unintelligent' hedonists. they are actually human. the people that warn of it now point to celebrity culture, paris hilton, kim kardashian. but theyre actual people. are you better then them? no. theyre intelligent hedonists. its possible

>> No.2897369

OP is a sociopath

>> No.2897378

i just feel like Brave New World is a hyperbole of anti-pop culture thought

>> No.2897385

Is this the new cool word all your friends at mcdonalds use?

>> No.2897396

that doesnt even make sense, as an insult

>> No.2897493


Maybe he's just unambitious. Like a guinea pig.

>> No.2898592

One man's dystopia is another man's utopia
In reality we all live in a plain old -topia, though, and sometimes call it u and sometimes dys.

>> No.2898603


>> No.2898604

> Wat.

Learn some Greek, you tard. (Or at least look it up on Wikipedia if that's too intellectually taxing for you.)

>> No.2898620

Surely you don't need to understand greek to get that joke.

>> No.2898625

Is that what passes for a joke these days?

>> No.2898629

it wasn't meant to be a joke