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/lit/ - Literature

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2889447 No.2889447[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf thread?
I've only recently started getting back into reading again, please be gentle.
inb4 >penguin classics. Went out and bought them all at once because they were cheap and I am poor

>> No.2889451

not bad, for the most part

>> No.2889454

Penguin Books are a gift to mankind, display them proudly my son.

>> No.2889457

The books that aren't old look unopened...

>> No.2889458

Sorry, but you appear to be out of gin.

>> No.2889460

Did you take a drama course or something? We share a some drama (Ibsen and Miller).

>Gordon London Dry

Nice mate nice.

I think you and I would make good friends.

>> No.2889462

No, just a literature course in my last year of high school; that's where The Crucible, Hamlet and Death of Napoleon originated from, and I promptly fell in love with all of them (especially The Crucible)

>> No.2889465

>not tanqueray or bombay sapphire

Have fun reading your books.

>> No.2889475

Cheaper gin tastes better for some reason, everyone knows this.

>> No.2889479

I was really hoping that was vodka next to Leo Tolstoy. Ah well.

>> No.2889488

>Cheaper gin tastes better for some reason

It just doesn't and unless you're downing a bottle a day there's no reason to buy cheap gin.

>> No.2890091

suggestion for acquiring cheap books:
-join paperbackswap.
-buy credits from members in Book Bazaar forum
-enjoy cheap-ass books

(downside is not all books are immediately available, but classics are usually easy to acquire--though some good ones can be had: both 'We' and 'The Setting Sun' are both sitting there unclaimed, for example)

>> No.2890097

Cheaper gin often still has strong juniper flavor, whereas many more expensive gins (on the US market) are less strongly-flavored.

>> No.2890116

>not drinking scotch flavored by the peat of Irlun 24/7

>> No.2890121

an empty bottle as a bookend?
seriously, OP?

>> No.2890126
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>> No.2890144
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>> No.2890148

you fucking monster. that is no way to treat books.

>> No.2890150 [DELETED] 
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pt. 2

>> No.2890155
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Do you mean the creased spines or the efficient storage?

Here's the left side of the shelf.

>> No.2890162
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Yeah, blurry. The three big whites ones are Sophie's Choice, Ulysses and Underworld.

>> No.2890163


looks like someone only got half way through Don Quixote

>> No.2890165

Never finished Don Quixote, huh?

>> No.2890169

It's a bit obvious, isn't it? To be fair, the second half is basically the sequel.

>> No.2890170
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Fucking hivemind.

>> No.2890180
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>Bill Bryson

>> No.2890185
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Fucking hivemind.

>> No.2890212

WHAT'S IN THE BOX??!?!?!?!

>> No.2890219


Are Penguins really that crackable?

>> No.2890232



>> No.2890238

Yes. Though it means they're really comfortable to read if you don't mind creasing the fuck out of them.

>> No.2890797

Was honestly all I had. I used War and Peace for a while, but it eventually wasn't enough.

>> No.2890819

You have completely put me off of ever getting Penguin Classics now. I absolutely despise creases in the spine. You can't even tell that I've read my books because I take such good care of them. I treat them better than I would a newborn baby.

I swear it's not for show and that I actually read them!

>> No.2890827

>You can't even tell that I've read my books because I take such good care of them
Uncreased books are unloved books.

>> No.2890833

We are all going to die

>> No.2890834

Nope. I make sweet tender love to them. I don't violently shove my dick into every orifice.

>> No.2890838

You wouldn't like to see my copy of Ulysses. I bought the original print in paperback when I was 16 and have literally destroyed it.

>> No.2890851

Is there a specific name for the orange and white Penguin editions? I haven't seen a copy in any store i've been to, so I assume they're all out of print.

>> No.2890873
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I don't know about the orange editions, but white are the Penguin Modern Classics, and pic related is penguin popular classics, which have a shitty print and is kind of annoying, but they happen to be cheap as fuck(literally - as opposed to the pretty modern classics) but I guess kind of worth it.

>> No.2890992

why do you have a cricket ball?

>> No.2891011
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Penguin Popular Classics have pretty covers though.

But yeah the print is kind of irritating.

>> No.2891331
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>> No.2891400
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>> No.2891418

I actually literally just finished Metamorphosis. Have you read that one? It's very interesting. Have you read Dostoyevski's Crime and Punishment or The Idiot? I finished Notes From the Underground 2 days ago and am enthralled by his roller coaster tracks of logic...

>> No.2891469

Sorry mate, those are in my backlog still. Which would you recommend starting with?

>> No.2891481
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my little bookshelf

>> No.2891484

Start with Metamorphosis. It goes by very quickly and is a very odd read. <spoiler>Dude wakes up as a giant cockroach and it focuses mainly on his relationships with others up to that point.</spoiler>

Notes From the Underground is short, but can take some time to churn through if your reading comprehension and philosophical skills are a bit rusty. But I would start with it then go directly into Crime and Punishment, which is more or less based around a similar character. That should keep you busy for a couple days at least. Oh, and don't forget to really keep in mind time appropriateness as you read or you'll miss some of the references.

>> No.2891489


Also, I beg your pardon for the spoiler failure.

>> No.2891501
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names of these three books?

>> No.2891504

thanks mate

>> No.2891515


*Internet Brofist*

>> No.2891533
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Would /lit/ fuck me?

>> No.2891539

Interesting... You direct?

>> No.2891540
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>> No.2891542

Looks a little too generic top 100 for me to give you a free fuck, but I really enjoy that you have a substantial amount of theatre on your shelves. Don't see that often in these threads, besides the most basic works.

>> No.2891545


also, i hate paperbacks.ill often re-buy books in hardcover..idk why i hate them so, i just do

>> No.2891568


Back in my day, these were the vampire books we read and by George they were worth a damn!

For real, great series.

>> No.2891570


I'd love to work in film someday. I made a few shorts in high school in college, but nothing very noteworthy.


Fair enough. I love reading plays - there's something in the fabric of great plays that just isn't there in novels or poetry.

>> No.2891573

i asked a girls at a friends party who would would when a in a fight between lestat or one of those sparkly vampires. mfw she didn't know who lestat was but said the sparklies would win

>> No.2891575
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>> No.2891581


Funniest shit I've heard all week. Thank you, anon. I fucking love you right now.

>> No.2892041

>Blood Meridian

Mah nigga

>> No.2892067
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>> No.2892075
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>> No.2892083
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Did you gather all your /lit/core into one place?

>> No.2892090

No Dan Brown detected so far, good job, /lit/!

>> No.2892096


Haha, I see Juliette on your shelf. I once owned the complete works by de Sade in one book. Accidently left it at work during a break, never got it back. :(

>> No.2892106

Clearly has never opened a book before coming to /lit/

>> No.2892109

Nope, just started reading again a few months ago. /lit/ got me back into literature so it's appropriate that most of the books in my modest collection are /lit/core

>> No.2892113 [DELETED] 

I should add, before lit I read tons of Stephen King and a few other books

>> No.2892114 [DELETED] 


Well, at least you're making progress

>> No.2892119

You need Dan Brown to hide your power level. Next you'll be saying you don't stick Oprah stickers on Finnegans Wake.

>> No.2892148
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>> No.2892152

Jesus, it's true, /lit/ doesn't read.

>> No.2892155


Why do you say that?

>> No.2892156

He's probably one of those idiots who breaks the spine

>> No.2892158

These collections are meager, if we really want to even call them collections at all. I know friends that haven't read a thing since college who own more books.

>> No.2892161


Some of us are college students with no money

>> No.2892163

And some of us rarely even buy books, if ever....

>> No.2892165

How many volumes would a collection have to have to break the meager barrier?

>> No.2892166

LOL at the idea of someone old enough to be a college graduate posting on 4chan..

>> No.2892168

this many: http://fuuka.warosu.org/lit/thread/S1717068

>> No.2892170

Is that an abridged version of confederacy of dunces? The copy I read was around 400 pages, by the company your copyis around250-300.

>> No.2892172

Seriously? You have to have over 3000 to even break the "meager" barrier?

please give me your friends who haven't read a thing since college

>> No.2892175

And these are perfectly fine reasons for not owning many books. Hell, "I don't read often, if ever" is reason enough. I don't see the need to judge how often or little someone reads. But nor do I feel the need to claim myself well read or claim the bookcases in my office constitute a collection. This thread just displays how misguided the egos on /lit/ really are.

I don't know, but surely one ought to constitute more books than a single bookcase. And certainly more than a single shelf.

>> No.2892177

I have never been so unbelievably envious of one person in my entire life.

>> No.2892178

Not the same anon.

>> No.2892187

Seeing all these and the closing of demonoid makes me feel like I should start buying books. Maybe let my e-reader collect some dust.

>> No.2892188
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lerl 1/2

>> No.2892189
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I don't think of myself as well-read, but I do think of my books as a collection. Mostly because of my buying habits (and because I've only read a third of what I own), which end up averaging about a book a day purchased since I started on it. Stuff added since the picture:

> Hrafnkel's Saga and Other Icelandic Stories
>The Abortion by Richard Brautigan
>Dictionary of the Khazars by Milorad Pavic
>The Wine of Astonishment by Earl Lovelace
>In Our Time by Ernest Hemingway
>The Guide by R. K. Narayan
>The Journey of Ibn Fattouma by Naguib Mahfouz
>Soulstorm by Clarice Lispector
>Partings at Dawn: An Anthology of Japanese Gay Literature
>The Assault by Harry Mulisch
>Six Yuan Plays
>Tevye the Dairyman and Motl the Cantor's Son by Sholem Aleichem

>> No.2892190
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>> No.2892191
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none omitted 2/2

>> No.2892192

I like that copy of I Am Legend you own.

>> No.2892193

Read the Kundera yet?

>> No.2892194

Yeah, that's my read pile.

>> No.2892197

tell me your thoughts on it

>> No.2892199
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I just came back from college and I had to put the books this way...

>> No.2892201

Well I don't really know anything about existentialism or communist Czechoslovakia but it was entertaining enough as a character study and the narrative style was interesting. Not too opinioted on it, really.

>> No.2892206

>Cómo leer y por qué

>> No.2892211

What drives you to read English original books in Spanish translation when you're capable of reading in English? Just the convenience?

>> No.2892226

Where are you from?

>> No.2892234

I'm catalan

I read translations because I find reading literature in english hard. There are some good translations out there, so I really don't care.

>> No.2892238

La Morsa...

>> No.2892251

Can you please recommend some good Catalan literature? I've only read Maria Barbal so far.

>> No.2892262

Well, let's see...
If you're a begginer start with:
-Quim Monzó
-Manuel de Pedrolo - Joc Brut
-Sergi Pàmies
-Joan Oliver (aka Pere Quart)

If you want to read somethin big and insightful read:
-Josep Pla
-Josep Maria de Sagarra
-Joan Sales (Incerta Glòria is regarded by some critics as the best novel ever written in catalan. I read it and I would say it is...)

What exactly are you looking for?


>> No.2892268

>being a liquor snob

Confirmed for drinking like a little girl.

>> No.2892274

Thank you very much! I was just looking for some more representative works to check out.

>> No.2892278

Real men drink turpentine and like it.

>> No.2892280
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This is the best thing Sagarra wrote. It's about the life of a bunch of decadent aristocrats in the last months of the monarchy in 1930, before the 2nd Republic started... It's cool to read about the dirty little secrets about the catalan nobility and bourgeoisie. Lots of fucking, abusing, and family horrors...

>> No.2892288


Real men aren't concerned with what 'real men' do.

>> No.2892321

Real men can tell when somebody is making a joke.

>> No.2892324

OP is Australian, most likely Melbourne. He did high school English instead of Lit.

>> No.2892328

Damn close; did both.
Melbournian too?

>> No.2892329


Real men can tell when someone uses a joke as an opportunity to communicate a truism

>> No.2892340

Yep, finished school last year.

>> No.2892344

how did he know you were from melb school: your books from school curriculum?

>> No.2892346

>cont. (ed.)
and if so which ones?

>> No.2892347

This is pretty much me as well.

>> No.2892348

Beowulf, The Death of Napoleon, The Crucible, Hamlet and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead are from final year English/Literature

>> No.2892352

was war and peace good?

>> No.2892355

Also, if OP is currently reading War and Peace then I met him at a party like 2 weeks ago. His name escapes me...

>> No.2892356

haven't started it yet, it's still somewhat daunting. Sorry to disappoint.

>> No.2892357

it's all about appearances eh :)

>> No.2892362

Not at all, bought it because it was cheap, and it was the first time I'd seen it for such a decent price. Definitely plan to read it, but have got some other things going at the moment.

>> No.2892399

>Not buying your classics from Amazon for £0.01 + £2.80 shipping

>The price of a pint

>> No.2892404

Get out of here commie

>> No.2892406

>not downloading classics for free, legally even, and then reading them while drinking a pint which you can now afford

>> No.2892408
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>downloading books

>> No.2892412

You wouldnt

>> No.2892429

I can never respect people like you.
Pleibeian scum.

>> No.2892440

>reading large blocks of text from a screen for long periods of time

>> No.2892460

>reading under the influence

You reckless cunt

>> No.2892467

Sure is nice to have a real job. I can afford books AND beer. I suggest everyone follow suit.

>> No.2892476

>buying things you can get for free

>> No.2892483
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>implying I don't enjoy that very fact
>implying no e-reader
>implying a single pint gets me drunk
>implying it's better to labour and spend money in a superfluous way than spend your money in an intelligent manner and not working

>> No.2892491

Yeah seriously, who pays for beer nowadays?

>> No.2892531

It's not abridged. This copy is 338 pages but has kinda small type so that's probably it.

>> No.2892535

>tfw you have the complete Everyman's Library
>tfw dat shit cray

>> No.2892541

I wish everyman's library had the brit version of english. Their books are superb--the binding, the pages, the text. Damn it!

>> No.2892545

>Brit version of English
Sorry, what?

>> No.2892548

are you making a joke as in: 'is there an anglish apart from the british dialect, ahaha!'

or were you wondering if brit=british.....or something else of a nefarious nmature

>> No.2892554

Oh right, sorry. No, I'm pretty tired and the phrase 'Brit version of English' briefly confused me. I get what you mean now.

The Americanised English is kind of annoying in some of the translated works, but in general it's not really that noticeable.

The bindings and illustrations are fucking great though, and the paper is some fucking top notch quality.

>> No.2892560



Ye the quality is phenomenal.
I find americanised english annoying in the sense that I'm always trying to remediate it into brit for university as its the more widely used version in lit. and there are a few idiomatic differences. especially if, for instance, a 19 c. work has been 'modernised'--you completely lose the feel of its era. Otherwise i have no qualms in terms of ontological superiority, that ill admit, of course


>> No.2892593

>because I've only read a third of what I own

typical poser /lit/ child

>> No.2892596

>Gentlemen Bastards
Fucking love them. what's your opinion?

>> No.2892611
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Need more bookshelves!

Sorry in advance. It's overflowing and not alphabetized. Also, shitty webcam.

Let the judging commence!

>> No.2892633

Judge no.1: Get a better camera you goose

>> No.2892826

Sorry guy. I've read the equivalent of the rest of what I own in books I've checked out from the library and ebooks though, which obviously aren't pictured. So I have read about the amount I own, but not the exact ones I own.

>> No.2892841
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>tfw you only read "terrible" genre fiction
I gave up buying books though, why buy when you can pirate to your e-reader.

>> No.2892852
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>> No.2892899
