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/lit/ - Literature

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2891291 No.2891291[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Longtime reader, first times on /lit/ over the past couple of days. Does anybody even actually enjoy this forum with all of the one upping and general douchebaggery? I know I'm just going to be responded to with condescension and claims that I'm not intelligent and shit, but really how do you stand it, or do I just not get it

>> No.2891295

wow, you've figured it all out, haven't you?

>> No.2891297

the 4chan experience + books. i wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.2891299


I can't tell if you're just playing a joke by doing exactly what I was saying or just doing exactly what I was just saying because lit just does that.

I'm not even trying to "figure it all out" I'm just wondering if other people actually like this or if they find it as frustrating as I do, and maybe I'm just the one that can't keep up. I just want a serious thread with serious responses, no posturing, no sarcasm etc.

>> No.2891301


Yea I guess that's basically it, for some reason, to me at least, it just grinds my gears a lot more than the normal 4chan experience.

>> No.2891304

no jokes, I was just pointing out how you sound.
>b-but I already said that y-you can't behave like that

>> No.2891305

Well it's still 4chan OP. Even So;

>Unwarranted Self-Importance
>Sophomoric Behavior
>Autism and underageism

>> No.2891309


I feel that, maybe it's just hard to not sound like a faggot when you're talking about literature on the internet

>> No.2891311

It's not a good forum, but it's not without merit and the quality of literary forums on the internet is really, really poor. I am amused sometimes and learn something less often. I also am almost always drunk while posting, so I'm more in the mood to take the piss. What do you get out of lurking?

>> No.2891314

No, it's a really bad board. 99% arrogant undergrads. You can tell by the fixation on pleb dilettante 2deep4u shit that lacks all substance, like dfw, murakami, joyce, pynchon, and pomo philosophy in general, the obsessive interest in kitschy hipster philosophers like stirner, wittgenstein and zizek, and the masturbatory condescending saging of genre fiction threads

/lit/ is one of the few boards that hasn't been able to come to terms with its pretense. Too much insecurity in the lower rung of the humanities (eg. lit)

>> No.2891315

It's hard to talk about literature on the internet, because if you're going to make a really good point that appeals to people who know anything about literature, it's almost never a brief enough point to be written into a forum post, especially in a dump like this.

>> No.2891341

>pleb dilettante 2deep4u shit that lacks all substance, like dfw, murakami, joyce, pynchon

I bet you don't even read.

>> No.2891346
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>Says that Murakami, Pynchon, DFW, Joyce have no substance
>Defends genre fiction

>> No.2891355

I like to believe that 99% of people on 4chan just lurk. It's the 1% of posters that are complete and utter cunts. People "enjoy" 4chan by being a cunt. This is not a place for education or learning.

>> No.2891354

I don't really mind all the douchebaggery - this is 4chan, it goes with the territory. Once in a while I will come across an anon with whom I feel like I can share some meaningful discussion.

It's a bit dismaying how threads that I find interesting get snowed under piles of ASoIAF threads (don't even have anything against it but do we need 4 new discussion threads on it every day?) or some tired old trolling.

>> No.2891356



>lacking substance

you dun' goofed.

>> No.2891357



murakami is forgettable pomo lite. dfw is okay but absurdly overhyped. joyce is unquestionably good but the circlejerk about him here is over the top. pynchon started out with a few really excellent books but does not deserve the crown that many here would put on his head.

>> No.2891358


Gravity's Rainbow and Mason & Dixon are among the very finest contemporary American novels.

>> No.2891362
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>favourite authors are 50%+ 20th century americans
>tells others they aren't well-read

>> No.2891363

okay, you're right, mason & dixon really hits the spot. but his other post-gravity's-rainbow novels are undistinguished. not saying he's not a really great author in some sense, he just doesn't sit at the pantheon, you know?

>> No.2891378


you ever read inherent vice or are you just trollin nigger?

>> No.2891383


I'm >>2891358
This guy.

And I think Inherent Vice is one of his weaker books - it was nowhere near GR, V. or M & D in quality. The only worse book of his is Vineland

>> No.2891409
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The only way to get over being dissed is to diss back harder. I remember some faggot replying to a serious thing I said with a picture of a retard typing on a computer, edged me out for ages. Now I just don't say anything serious. The thing that pisses me off the most is that gook author who is so far into shameless, its pathological. I'm considering writing to his publisher about how much of a fuckwit he is.

The easiet option is to leave. Probably the best, most productive thing to do, but there are a lot of laughs here and sometimes you learn stuff

>> No.2891425

>that 16yo logic

>> No.2891516

Trust me on this one. It's a lot worse on other websites like Reddit. The fact that we have anonymity means the "one-upping" is just your voice versus theirs. Whereas in other forums where a well known poster or someone with a high "karma" rating posts, they opinion is taken as gospel and your's is nuked from space via down votes. The only thing we have close to that is the anons with trips but the global rule that all tripfags are fags keeps them in check.

>> No.2891777

I briefly wandered over here from my usual /trv/ where everyone is generally helpful and friendly. I stated my opinion on an author who I've studied extensively and got a reply with the critical depth of "lol u faget".

People on this board seem to be more interested in shitposting and insulting each other than actually contributing to a lively and profound debate.

>> No.2891788

There's a mixture of both, but debate is thin on the ground nowadays, so come back after summer for a better shot. Would you care to link to your post? Extensive study is no guarantee of knowledge.

Come for discussion; stay for shitposting. That's how it went in my case.

>> No.2891795

Man, it's so weird thinking about that. This must be one of the only websites where self-indulgence and "a good name" (and by extension, a circlejerk definition of "success") is actively discouraged.

Imagine if there was a similar policy in the US or EU, for example, where the government told people to be aware that, say, those making over $1,000,000 a year are the societal equivalent of tripfags.

>> No.2891804

I personally love it. It means that everyone who posts here has an equal footing and the only thing that distinguishes your voice is the quality of the post itself. Whether shitposting, trolling, or just be genuine it's the best form of forum chat in my honest opinion. And, to put things in perspective, other forums have shit posters, but because they may be well known, people might actually rally behind them over you just because you are new to the community are haven't done something LOLSOEPICXD, it really detracts from anything meaningful that may occasionally arise from these kinds of places.

>> No.2891807

We're still better than r/books, OP.

The main problem with most of the boards on 4chan is the fixation on being considered intelligent. A lot of young people have a sort of convoluted idea of what it means to be "smart" in today's world and that creeps its way onto the board in spades. The metric of intelligence around here is as low as accepting name-drops and snark in place of argument.

It's a cultural problem, but 4chan happens to have some of the deepest and edgiest of undergrads and high school students.

>> No.2891811

I hope though that this means one day we'll have some of the profound PhDs and grad students. I want to believe...

>> No.2891813

I refuse to believe that anyone here is actually being serious. It's all one big, funny joke, it has to be.

>> No.2891815

> Longtime reader, first times on /lit/ over the past couple of days. Does anybody even actually enjoy this forum with all of the one upping and general douchebaggery? I know I'm just going to be responded to with condescension and claims that I'm not intelligent and shit, but really how do you stand it, or do I just not get it

Eh. People on /lit/ are assholes. I think it helps to understand /lit/ as one long-running drunken argument in a bar. You can still have intelligent conversations, you just have to accept a certain amount of assholishness and ignore the real idiots (like the dude who made the post about "you can tell /lit/ is 99% banal undergrads because people here talk about [list of popular authors]") (fuck that guy). It's just, you know, it is what it is.

sorry dude, come back after summer. i mean, it's not always like this. it's hit or miss. it's a very different atmosphere from /trv/ tho.

>> No.2891823

>I hope though that this means one day we'll have some of the profound PhDs and grad students.

I doubt it. I was just browsing the university/college thread and a guy got the shit kicked out of him for mentioning he was doing a PhD.
I am too but I was too chicken to say so

>> No.2891824

I enjoy it. It's not very often that you see a lot of what you described, and, even if you do, it's easy to ignore, or sometimes even pretty funny.

>> No.2891825

I don't know what the fuck was up with that thread, that was really weird. Never seen that happen before. Reminded me of that Mr Show sketch where the dude announces he's getting married and his friends beat the shit out of him.

What are you doing a PhD in? jw.

>> No.2891826

>people replying
i expected more from you /lit/

>> No.2891827

There's also recently been a bunch of fake alpha douchebags around here, but that might just be summer.

>____ is bullshit!
>what a stupid major! have fun waiting tables!
>i can't believe you would waste your time with this shit!
>continental theory buttmad


It's like, hey, I don't know. Maybe people pursue different things for different reasons than you. Nobody is asking for your shitty 48 Laws of Cocksucking opinion. Really.

>> No.2891831
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>tfw you will be a shitposter forever

>> No.2891835

Well I'm new to this board so it sort of alarmed me a bit.

I'm looking at translations of Shakespeare into Spanish and translations of Golden Age Spanish plays into English. I'm also doing my own translations alongside the theory. I know it won't get me a million pounds a year but I love it and I'm fully funded, so why not?

>> No.2891840

I'm jelly. I wish I got to do something I was passionate about and get paid for it.

>> No.2891847

You could look online to see if you can apply for grants. I got my MA funded too and it wasn't too difficult to do; I did my MA application in a day while doing my BA and my PhD application in a weekend. Universities are usually really helpful about what you need to do for each application and professors will give you feedback if you ask nicely.

>> No.2891850

yeah but you're British, not American

>> No.2891887

Then apply to British universities. I'm sure there's funding in America too though.

>> No.2891891

I like posturing and shitting on everyone as much as possible. This way I can weed out the plebs. It's hard to do that now that there are no real philosophy threads anymore, and even less threads that incur legitimate discussion. Even less literature threads. No shortage of shitty meta threads though. So I post a lot less.

>> No.2891892

thank god

>> No.2891921

I don't really frequent this board, since I've found many of the same problems. An occasional visit isn't bad, sometimes there are decent threads, and it's usually better to read the posts than take part. People like >>2891315 exist everywhere, and will be drawn to an anonymous literature board because they can never really embarrass themselves.

>> No.2891943
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>kitschy hipster philosophers like ... wittgenstein
oh nigga you done rustled my jimmies for real

>> No.2892030
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>writing to his publisher how shameless he is
cool story

>> No.2892037

isn't it kind of accurate though?