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2890653 No.2890653[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why oh why do they make our kids indent in essays in school still? Isn't skipping a line enough? Especially with typeface?

>> No.2890659

I don't know anyone who indents anymore in person writing, or places in academia. Not even Wikipedia's suggest writing style includes indentation.

I only see it in books, and I hate it. It looks so shitty.

>> No.2890663

Indentation is easier on the eyes than non-indentation, but skipping lines is a waste of paper and equivalent to tweaking margins to lengthen an essay.

Indentation is the be all, end all of paragraph spacing. Search your heart, you know it to be true.

>> No.2890668

There wouldn't be more that a few line breaks on a single page, it's not really that made or much of a waste. Especially when most indent AND skip lines.

>> No.2890673


What "most" are we talking about here? Scientific papers that get printed once and then get put online? Essays written for online, where space is unlimited?

The fact is that for any actual physical publishing, indents are superior. They're there for a reason, not just to make you mad.

>> No.2890679

Save a few pages at the cost of looking like shit?

I don't care what is more "efficient". If I did I would say fuck even indents. If you don't want to lose your place, use your finger. If you want superior legibility, then there is nothing better than a whole line.

>> No.2890706

If you are an OCD sufferer and can't even consider using some more paper, then indents are essential. If you are on a computer and use indents, kill yourself.

>> No.2890802

I use indents all the time because it looks less jarring and wastes less space than skipping lines.

>> No.2890960

Indents > wall of text > line skipping. Deal with it.

>> No.2890966

At my university they make us indent and separate paragraphs. Then again, they also want us to use 'humankind' because 'mankind' is sexist.

'Mankind' is followed by 'it' - it has never been a word denoting just men.

>> No.2890972

Just use humanity.

>> No.2890974


>> No.2890982



I guess moot doesn't like them either.

>> No.2890989
File: 59 KB, 450x306, fig09_03_flushleft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It takes a real asshole to prefer something like this.

>> No.2890991
File: 223 KB, 776x1323, Thinking_with_Type_Text_28.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one best way to do this. Can you guess which it is?

>> No.2890997

Indentation is the best way to do it. Everyone with any sense knows this.

>> No.2891004


And tangle myself in all kinds of ambiguities with that bumbling word? No thank you.

Oh the humanity.

>> No.2891009 [DELETED] 

It is not that m00t dislikes indentations, but instead has reserved them for patrons who have made themselves familiar with the site overtime. Those who are new to the site (the eponymous "newfags") often have trouble with such things due to lack of patronage and thus familiarity. It is simply a lack of education, which is easily remedied by "lurk(ing) moar".
I understand that this might feel intimidating, but do not let this dissuade you from increasing your capacity to format your posts. It is difficult to penetrate any subculture as an outsider, but over time you will become accustomed to all of 4chan's ways.

>> No.2891021

I feel like I've suddenly wandered into /g/ in the midst of a thread on python

>> No.2891043

>'Mankind' is followed by 'it' - it has never been a word denoting just men.

The fact that mankind's pronoun is 'it' doesn't preclude mankind from referring only to males.

>> No.2891053


The fact that mankind's has 'man' in it doesn't preclude mankind from referring to humans.

>> No.2891064

But that it only mentions man and not woman and refers to humanity priveleges man over woman, at least in words.

>> No.2891079


Well, why not just remove man from woman. After all, clearly it's some subversive dominance of man.

Get over it, it's just a word. Nigger, cunt, faggot, kike. If you're genuinely offended by these, you probably need to have more sex.

>> No.2891088

Your response to a lack of a female subject position is that people need to have more sex? Profound.

>> No.2891102


Your lack to realise the connection of sex with general life experience - a staple of this whole website, shows a lack of, well, experience.

If you knew what a trifle this was, you wouldn't be bitching like a pedant in her first week of '101 - Castration'.

Then again, I suppose we must leave intellectual matters to the intellectuals.

>> No.2891107


This Man/Woman/Transgener/Transexual/Third Gender walked up to me and told me about his/her/hisher/herhis problems today. I was not amused.

>> No.2891119

>hey, you're not putting sex on a pedestal like I'm telling you to you must not be able to have any
What understanding you have.

>> No.2891121

geez everybody here is making stupid arguments. get it together folks.

>> No.2891124



never heard of womyn?

>> No.2891130


Well, you're clearly doing something else in your spare time. Ejactulation is so passe.

>> No.2891148
File: 30 KB, 398x241, girls_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sex is ejaculation
Oh wow.

>> No.2891203

>our kids
OP, we all know you mean 'me'.

>> No.2891213

>Your lack to realise
>Sex = experience
>Terrible joke
>Arrogantly, and baselessly, implying you are an intellectual
Grow up.

>> No.2891262


>Analogy, my bad, but it's 2am.
>I only said sex is connected to experience, since it is a pretty important experience, not equal to it. You can be the fucking Pope, but you're missing out on something crucial if you don't have sex.
>Last time I checked it was an insult. Does everything have to be ha-ha with you?
>As if I would want to be called an intellectual, let alone brand myself as one. Read again, moron.

>> No.2891417

No one suggest a wall of text. Separate with lines.

>> No.2891420

You mean waste space?

>> No.2891423

If that is really of concern to you, then you are nothing more than a tree hugging faggot. For the rest of us, fuck indents.

>> No.2891432
File: 35 KB, 479x505, 1342843832165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really frightening to see I live in a world that discusses this.

Indentation is the most simple and subtle way to separate paragraphs. Separating them with lines is a pattern that got popular with computers screens.

Online, it's best for your blog to skip lines, but on paper there is no reason not to use indentations.

>> No.2891437

>Online, it's best for your blog to skip lines, but on paper there is no reason not to use indentations.

Can we just agree to this, then? Each has their place?

>> No.2891439

I've never skipped lines between paragraphs while handwriting. I like indentations.

>> No.2891444

how can you like such things

>> No.2891465

Not him, but how can you not?

That's just a custom. You find them to be weird because you are used to the computer more than books. It's like complaining on whether we should read from right to left. I'm sure we would get used to it if it was that way, but there is no reason to change.

Indentaiton is beautiful, dude. It doesn't break the flow like line skipping, which separates the text in big chunks of info. I feel I'm being spoonfed with a list of items, rather than just reading some prose.

>> No.2891472

During my UK secondary education I was taught only to indent for handwritten works. Then when I went to university it was not standard to indent under any circumstance. Now that I've graduated I write only in 6 foot high letters across brick walls with semen and blood. Indentation is not an issue because I can only do so many works before getting light-headed.